[DC/Marvel] TV Shows/Movies Discussion Thread

Just saw Age of Ultron because I'm not from America. ;)
Overall I'll put it 4th on the list of MCU films behind the first Avengers, Winter Solider and Guardians of the Galaxy. Elizabeth Olsen and Claudia Kim looked great in the movie. Their roles were more than eye candy but can't complain if they look hot as hell. The fight sequences were great, especially all the team-up moves. But it felt like they were trying to plant too many seeds for future films in some cases and some scenes in the film felt out of place due to time constraint to allow the seeds to be planted. Apparently there were deleted scenes that would flesh certain plots out. Still a great popcorn show.
Agent Carter: I finally got around to watching an episode & it's not bad. Unfortunately it's just not really my cup of tea. I've never cared for period pieces & always found it hard to connect to characters from such different eras. The show is shot very well & the acting is solid but overall just a little too slow for me. I'll probably put on the other episodes in the background while I'm working on something else but unless your a super huge MCU fan & want to watch every single thing associated with it, you could skip this one & not really miss a thing.

Marvel's Daredevil: Absolutely amazing! If you don't have Netflix, get a free trial or something & just go watch this series as soon as you humanly can! It's easily the best comic book show I've ever seen & Vincent D'Onofrio's Kingpin is not only the perfect rendition of the character that I've always wanted to see on screen but he's now my favorite comic book villain of all time behind Heath Ledger's Joker & David Morrissey's Governor.

Depending on how he is portrayed in the film of course, I actually like Leto's look as The Joker so far. Some of the tattoos are a bit much but I like all the "HA HA's" & I love the teeth, it looks like he's been smoking tons of meth & getting punched in the face by Batman. I don't think anyone is ever going to be better than Ledger but it's cool to see they're apparently going for something very different & more modern while it still feeling like some kind of incarnation of The Joker.

I've also been pleasantly surprised by the new Fantastic Four trailer. The effects look great, I like most of the designs & several of the actors seem to have solid chemistry. My main concern here though is very similar to the main problem I had with Man of Steel, & that is that this just seems like some grim & dark reboot that has little to no connection with the original source material at all. FF at least looks entertaining but the trailer just doesn't feel like the Fantastic Four, it just feels like a gritty, Sci-Fi movie. Also just as a side thought, there was very little Ben Grimm in the trailer. There was several shots of The Thing but like only one shot of Ben Grimm as a human. It just seemed kind of uneven to me, like he might hardly be in the movie up until the point they all get their powers. But who knows, that might be intentional since the 1st movie seemed to focus a lot of Grimm & his transformation.

I'm also still on the fence when it comes to Batman V Superman. The trailer looked pretty cool, had some cool lines of dialogue & it helped me to understand why MoS might have been so dark & dreary but ultimately I still hated MoS, I can't stand Ben Affleck's "acting" (if you can even call it that) & a lot of the characters we've only seen pictures of but that were not in the trailer like Aquaman, Wonder Woman & Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor still make me skeptical about how good this film will actually be.
So this is the first full cast photo of the Suicide Squad. Gotta say, the costumes look pretty cool. Killer Croc looks amazing and the women in this look great as well, especially Margot Robbie. I hope they give Will Smith some eye gear or something and he'll look pretty good. Only one that isn't as good as I thought is Jai Courtney as Captain Boomerang. Everyone else looks good and this makes me even more excited for the movie. Liking the dark tone as well. If there is any movie in the DC Universe that needs a dark tone, it's this movie.
I really want to see what Waller will look like in this movie.
So here's Will Smith's Deadshot costume. Liking that he has the headgear but the eyepiece looks a little off. It could be better but this is probably the best comic book adaptation of Deadshot's costume.
Joss Whedon quit twitter because of feminists whining about Black Widow not being perfect in AoU. Must they ruin everything?
Gotham this week was quite literally the dumbest episode of a show based on comics, maybe just tv in general. Things were done for the sake of it, were unexplained, near impossible and complete fucking up canon
(Maroni's death is not that big of a deal but what they are doing with Barbara would/should surely mean that Oracle/Batgirl is not even going to be born
Joss Whedon quit twitter because of feminists whining about Black Widow not being perfect in AoU. Must they ruin everything?

Jeremy Renner apparently tweeted some slightly misogynistic stuff but apparently people aren't harassing him.

You know I'd love for Batman vs Superman to make a joke about Batman's voice modulator and relating it to the Christian Bale voice but DC and Warner Bros. seem adamant that there will be no jokes.
Harley Quinn




Got to say she's hot (really hot) but I think she looks more like cosplay
From the set photos, Croc looks amazing and I love Katana's look.

Got to say she's hot (really hot) but I think she looks more like cosplay

You can't be Harley Quinn and not look like cosplay. Quinn is one of the most popular cosplay icons.
While I feel its a bit absurd, at the same time, im not sure what people expected. A red and black jester suit from head to toe?

At the same time, I don't think her being almost unrecognizable out of context was a good idea. If this chick is in any other movie or even if she was at a cosplay, you wouldn't look at her and say "oh, she is portraying Harley Quinn"
Kind of how I feel about the whole movie.

Also, Gotham is awesome. Watched the last few episodes. Though I don't understand why they're making Barbara Gordon so psycho and now apparently a murderer. I absolutely loved Nygma/Riddler's descent into madness at the end of the finale. Glad to see Fish gone, I have never in my entire life seen anyone overact more than Jada Pinkett Smith on this show, it was fucking cringe inducing every time she spoke. Can't wait for the next season, hopefully we start to see more infamous viillains show up, mainly the Joker of course.
I could never get into Gotham. It's like mid carders being used in the main event while the main event guy is used in the Divas match spot.
You can't be Harley Quinn and not look like cosplay. Quinn is one of the most popular cosplay icons.

But you can tell right off the bat that they're Harley Quinn. They either go full on authentic


Or they just use the colour motifs but you still instantly know

While I feel its a bit absurd, at the same time, im not sure what people expected. A red and black jester suit from head to toe?

I think I was expecting something like a red and black motif. Not necessarily an entire suit but maybe a t-shirt and jeans/skirt. Maybe throw in a jester style hat

At the same time, I don't think her being almost unrecognizable out of context was a good idea. If this chick is in any other movie or even if she was at a cosplay, you wouldn't look at her and say "oh, she is portraying Harley Quinn"

I think that was what got me. The pick I posted earlier in the post shows a hot Harley Quinn costume that you can tell is her. It's more the colours that they've messed up on more than anything
While I feel its a bit absurd, at the same time, im not sure what people expected. A red and black jester suit from head to toe?

At the same time, I don't think her being almost unrecognizable out of context was a good idea. If this chick is in any other movie or even if she was at a cosplay, you wouldn't look at her and say "oh, she is portraying Harley Quinn"

The Arkham Asylum games did a wonderful job of modernizing costumes in a dark gritty world. I think we spoiled ourselves into thinking the outfits would be closer to the games, as opposed to the tatted up punk girl look.
Барбоса;5199465 said:
That group picture of the Suicide Squad is ridiculously uninteresting.

Well.... it is just a picture. It was the trailer that made people excited about Guardians of the Galaxy.
If you guys aren't watching Flash or Arrow right now, you guys are totally missing out. More so on Flash though. Saw some flaws in this week's episode but I'll let that slip by because the episode as a whole was very good. The entire season has been phenomenal and it'll be interesting to see what happens next in their season finale and for season 2 as well!

The DC TV universe has been better than the DC Movie universe so far and I'm okay with that. The DC Movie universe should improve but now, I'm not too fussed that Grant Gustin isn't Barry Allen in the movie universe.

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