[DC/Marvel] TV Shows/Movies Discussion Thread

Барбоса;5240889 said:
I did watch it and even Batman stealing the "Hulk-Buster" suit from Tony Stark did nothing for me.

How dare he wear a suit he wore in the comics 8 years before the Hulk Buster made its debut. How dare he.
How dare he wear a suit he wore in the comics 8 years before the Hulk Buster made its debut. How dare he steal that suit.

Which means absolutely nothing to the vast majority.

They saw the Hulk Buster first in Age of Ultron so Batman will just be "copying" him.

I would also echo the above post on Batman's motivation - sure he might be jaded by Gotham and potentially the loss of allies/friends but it seems very reactionary even foolish for him to target Superman in such a seemingly overt and violent fashion.

Plus Superman does a lot of "smell the fart" acting.
Барбоса;5241051 said:
Which means absolutely nothing to the vast majority.

They saw the Hulk Buster first in Age of Ultron so Batman will just be "copying" him.

The vast majority aren't bitching about the copying of the costumes. It's obvious they're different. If DC copying something from a movie based on comics copied from DC bothers you then don't ever watch a superhero movie again.

Just enjoy it, it's fun.
Reusing is fine but Age of Ultron was just two months ago and it's trailer featured the Hulk buster prominently.

I would argue that having "Supes-buster" armour prominent might not be the smartest move, especially when the movie seems to have an atmosphere far less geared towards children. The uninitiated casual could easily see the new trailer and think they have see it all before in the very recent past.

I will admit again though that I have no love for Superman full stop. Boring character who is too powerful and to put him against Batman (I didn't think much of of the look of Affleck in the trailer either) so soon after a very series and grounded trilogy holds no interest for me. Not even mentioning the complete saturation of comic book movies.
There are far too much Comic Book movies hence why no one gives a shit about Ant-Man.
The lack of expectations will help a lot too. No one is expecting anything from this but, as Lee said with Guardians, it should be fun.
I didn't realize initially, but I love how they seem to be bringing an aspect of superman feeling bats Is a menace who needs to be stopped just as much as bats feels the same way about supes......just from diff perspectives / reasons
The line "Nobody cares about Clark Kent v the Batman" made me laugh a bit.

Ma Kents "You owe the world nothing" speech is great.
Old Man Logan will be interesting to say the least.

With BvS, I thought the trailer was the strongest they've done to pitch it, but I'm still not sold. I feel that the trailer has shown that too much is going to happen in the film that 2 1/2 hours isn't going to cut it. I feel some moments were good, but others not so much. Also, did anyone else get Iron Man 2 vibes from the courtroom scene with Supes?
The BvS trailer was pretty stellar but I'm still suspicious. Nobody in Hollywood makes better trailers than Zack Snyder and that's a problem. Let's get down to it anyhow
  • The Batman fighting the soldiers scene as well as the previous teaser scene of Superman with his soldiers is painfully obviously a nightmare sequence. If the government doesn't trust Superman then why on Earth would he have his own fully manned deathforce?
  • Jeremy Irons spoke at my college 2 years ago shortly before he was announced as Alfred. Someone asked him about how he felt about the growing amount of comic book movies. He said it was interesting and compared it to books. Understandably now since he's sung the praises of the screenplay and looks like one of the movies best parts.
  • Using the eye beams part from Man of Steel and maybe some of the other bits from MoS may retroactively make the movie better somewhat. don't get me wrong, MoS still heavily suffered due to generally stupid scenes and horrible pacing issues due to the idiocy of David Goyer's screenplay. Thankfully they got rid of him as screenwriter.
  • Very happy to see Michael Shannon back even if its just a cameo. Read a supposed leak a while that may be confirmed from his presence
  • So far the greatest scene in the trailer is just Wayne running straight into the rubble. Looked amazing.
  • Eisenberg fucking kills it in just about every scene like Irons.
  • The Batcave looks amazing. As does the general homages to comics in the trailer. Affleck could be the best comic book Batman if that makes sense (It probably doesn;t).

Alleged part of the plot I've heard also is that
Zod's body is weaponized by the government to be a biotechnological weapon that has its AI constantly updated to affix itself against its enemies. The governments "Doomsday" plan in case Superman goes rogue. Also allegedly Lex Corp subsidiary CADMAS is in charge of the remnants of the Kryptonian tech from the world machine from MoS.

Also in regards to the Suicide Squad trailer:
  • Harley looks great
  • Croc looks great
  • Deadshot looks great
  • Joker sounds amazing. Nicholson was a gangster, Ledger was an anarchist and Leto is a pure fucking psychopath.
  • Everyone looks great
  • For a trailer that had no action, it was rather exciting to watch
  • Everything was great I'm hyped.

Not sure if it shows but I may be a huge fanboy for the Suicide Squad.
Also in regards to the Suicide Squad trailer:
  • Harley looks great
  • Croc looks great
  • Deadshot looks great
  • Joker sounds amazing. Nicholson was a gangster, Ledger was an anarchist and Leto is a pure fucking psychopath.
  • Everyone looks great
  • For a trailer that had no action, it was rather exciting to watch
  • Everything was great I'm hyped.

Not sure if it shows but I may be a huge fanboy for the Suicide Squad.

I couldn't make heads or tails of what the flying fuck was going on because of it being a "shakey cam trailer" but.....

That laugh though.
I couldn't make heads or tails of what the flying fuck was going on because of it being a "shakey cam trailer" but.....

That laugh though.

From what I could see, there was some great points on their own. Harley looks messed up, Deadshot looks tortured, Flagg looks conflicted and Croc looks badass strapped to the gurney like Lecteur or some shit.
What are the odds of Suicide Squad and Batman vs Superman having loads f intertwining plot points. I mean there was dead Robin outfit with Joker graffiti in Batman vs Superman and Batman on Joker's car in Suicide Squad what other ones could there be??
What are the odds of Suicide Squad and Batman vs Superman having loads f intertwining plot points. I mean there was dead Robin outfit with Joker graffiti in Batman vs Superman and Batman on Joker's car in Suicide Squad what other ones could there be??

As I understanded both points you made are pretty easy explainable by two DC animated movies

Dead Robin should be Jason Todd who Joker beaten to dead in Batman: Under the Red Hood


Other is Suicide Squad animated movie Batman: Assault on Arkham


but for the other my guess is that they are gona insert less Batman and more Joker. So should be couple of connected dots but not that much. Batman vs Superman is just the beggining for more Justice League movies after and Suicide Squad is more about team of villains and their mission then Batman's involment in it.
The suicide squad is basically banking on the Margot Robbie show. Nothing else from the trailer suggest otherwise. Arrow has already done a live-action concept, I don't know how they can adapt the gimmick better on the big screen compared to the small screen.

Batman Vs Superman's trailer look awesome. But as mentioned, it is a Zack Snyder film. The trailer always looked better than the final product. MoS was a decent superman movie with a great trailer as well. BvS will be fine if it happens again, but there is a risk of too many characters cluttering the film.
Suicide Squad Joker looks like fucking shit, my statements about that original leaked image stand.

Which were.

Something that worries me about Suicide Squad (and to a lesser degree BvS) is how they'll do character development. There are people who know the backs stories of people but how will they incorporate that for the uninitiated. I mean know about Joker, Harley Quinn, Killer Croc and a little about Deadshot but not the rest.

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