Daniel Wyatt

I really hope this is concluded at the Rumble with Bryan swerving them, it makes no sense to turn the most popular straight up face in the company into a heel, in fact he's not even that, he's a guy dressed as a mechanic taking orders off a guy who's had 4 matches and is marginally over.

So far there is no logic at play here, faces don't give up, his entire character is the never say die underdog, yet not only did he give up but it's not even being played as Bray and him going after the machine and wreaking havoc. The follow up should have seen them tearing through Raw last night, not having a tag match, and next week they are facing The Uso's? Way to stick to the man! :confused:

I get the feeling Bryan and Bray are going to take the titles off The Rhodes and Bryan is being used to do the wrestling for Bray so they can get his character on TV each week with a belt.
A self-made professional wrestler that WWE didn't create and NEVER wanted to get over...is being paired with a WWE-made and HHH-backed professional wrestler that they have wanted to get over before he even debuted...so that the self-made guy loses momentum, but the WWE-made guy continues to gain it.

Hunter Hearst Helmsley strikes again.
I really only have one comment concerning the overall negativity and pessimism of this latest twist in the story; If this guy was just going to be buried for being so popular... then why'd they even elevate him to the Main Event picture to begin with? That's an awful big risk to take, just for a tease and a proverbial bodyslam back into reality.

...not that the depression isn't surprising. I imagine the common consensus is that Daniel Bryan should've been in the Title Bouts for every last PPV no matter how cleanly he might lose, if not have been the rightful champion since NoC.
I really only have one comment concerning the overall negativity and pessimism of this latest twist in the story; If this guy was just going to be buried for being so popular... then why'd they even elevate him to the Main Event picture to begin with? That's an awful big risk to take, just for a tease and a proverbial bodyslam back into reality.

...not that the depression isn't surprising. I imagine the common consensus is that Daniel Bryan should've been in the Title Bouts for every last PPV no matter how cleanly he might lose, if not have been the rightful champion since NoC.

I realize there are a few DBryan fans who think anything less than him being the WWE WH Champion is a demotion, and that he should headline every PPV for that title. But I'm not reading those type of extreme comments all that much. The issue isn't that he has to be carrying the championship belt. And most comments that are skeptical of this booking aren't saying he's being literally out and out buried. It's more about Vince/HHH wanting to kill his buzz with live crowds. They don't want the guy to fall off the earth and be unusable because he certainly is valuable to them. But they also don't like him being more over than they want him to be. I think that's obvious by the way they've booked him into this Wyatt stable.

I've outlined all the things we aren't seeing now that will kill his buzz (no entrance music, no "Yes" chants from Bryan himself, no underdog role, no playing to the crowd, etc). I've yet to see one person here address that and give me a good reason why that doesn't point to Vince/HHH trying to kill his buzz and bring him down a notch. If they really wanted to continue "add layers" to his character they could do it in a way that wouldn't kill his buzz. But they haven't. They've specifically chosen this angle so that they could take away the things that made the crowds pop and chant so loudly for him. How that isn't obvious to everyone is amazing to me.
I realize there are a few DBryan fans who think anything less than him being the WWE WH Champion is a demotion, and that he should headline every PPV for that title. But I'm not reading those type of extreme comments all that much. The issue isn't that he has to be carrying the championship belt. And most comments that are skeptical of this booking aren't saying he's being literally out and out buried. It's more about Vince/HHH wanting to kill his buzz with live crowds. They don't want the guy to fall off the earth and be unusable because he certainly is valuable to them. But they also don't like him being more over than they want him to be. I think that's obvious by the way they've booked him into this Wyatt stable.

I've outlined all the things we aren't seeing now that will kill his buzz (no entrance music, no "Yes" chants from Bryan himself, no underdog role, no playing to the crowd, etc). I've yet to see one person here address that and give me a good reason why that doesn't point to Vince/HHH trying to kill his buzz and bring him down a notch. If they really wanted to continue "add layers" to his character they could do it in a way that wouldn't kill his buzz. But they haven't. They've specifically chosen this angle so that they could take away the things that made the crowds pop and chant so loudly for him. How that isn't obvious to everyone is amazing to me.

Kinda says a lot about Bryan's staying power if taking away those little gimmicks is enough to derail him.

And frankly, I'm not sure what you would qualify as a good reason; I mean, I could try an angle that this terrible development adds a little flavor to an otherwise predictable Royal Rumble formula (if you don't think Bryan is winning THAT, then I dunno what to tell you). Or I could say that this is more likely to elevate the Wyatts more than it will bring down Bryan.

Or I could just employ common sense and say that for all the 'dubious' actions in the past, what MORON would try to muffle the pop this guy has just to be vindicative?

You need to understand something; this is for all intents and purposes a Disney Plot the WWE is putting out there. About the only thing that probably hasn't been planned out for the most part is the Unification Matches, because quite frankly John Cena was scheduled to come back at around Royal Rumble time. But everything else? Quite deliberate.

Here's what Act 1 was; Daniel Bryan gets crapped on for countless Raws and gets screwed through three separate PPVs, finally attacked by the Wyatts after HIAC.

Act 2 picked up at that point, which is roughly on par with the hero of the story being 'banished' from his kingdom and has to find his way back. In this case, it's being banished to the Mid-Card and having to fight his way out from under the Wyatts. And in the process gains multiple friends (CM Punk, the Rhodes Brothers, the Usos, Rey Mysterio, a bunch of praise from John Cena, etc.) and eventually finds a backdoor of sorts back to his 'kingdom', ie the Title picture (Storyline-wise, Bryan probably shouldn't sniff the Royal Rumble without being indoctrinated into this family) whereupon he should win and be right back into it. That's where Act 2 ends.

And Act 3 leads to only one place- Wrestlemania.

Sure, call me Vince Russo's bastard son if you want. But remember Stone Cold's path to regain the WWF Title in Wrestlemania XV.
Kinda says a lot about Bryan's staying power if taking away those little gimmicks is enough to derail him.

I disagree. Imagine CM Punk coming out to the Wyatt's music; no longer being able to do his "It's clobbering time" shout; no longer being able to cut in ring promos or use his high knee lift, etc. because he's in a stable as nothing more than a drone or follower of another wrestler. You can't tell me that wouldn't hurt his live crowd pops and heat. It would for anyone. And I can guarantee you Vince/HHH wouldn't do that to other over stars UNLESS they wanted to kill that wrestler's buzz (for whatever reason).

Or I could just employ common sense and say that for all the 'dubious' actions in the past, what MORON would try to muffle the pop this guy has just to be vindicative?

Easy two word answer: Vince McMahon.

Seriously, we've already gotten word that he was furious during the WA Raw a few weeks ago because of the pro-Daniel Bryan crowd. He couldn't stand them doing that during the unification segment and if you know anything about the man you've got to know he's more than capable of pulling a stunt like this and killing a wrestler's buzz. That's not a stretch at all.
More evidence tonight from Smackdown that you can't just emasculate Daniel Bryan's character and expect the same amount of crowd heat (whether face or heel). His run in with Bray on the Uso's elicited the quietest crowd reaction yet. Vince and HHH are getting what they want - smaller and smaller reactions for Bryan. You can't take away everything that pumps up the audience and somehow expect that an over wrestler will somehow get other guys over. It's not logical and it's not happening. The Wyatts were not very over to begin with, and I don't think this storyline is going to help. All it's doing is killing Daniel Bryan's buzz. Sad, but predictable.
Easy two word answer: Vince McMahon.

Seriously, we've already gotten word that he was furious during the WA Raw a few weeks ago because of the pro-Daniel Bryan crowd. He couldn't stand them doing that during the unification segment and if you know anything about the man you've got to know he's more than capable of pulling a stunt like this and killing a wrestler's buzz. That's not a stretch at all.

I found the thread dealing with that incident, and from what I gathered, you bought into it immediately just because it was Vince McMahon. No verification needed or sought.

The biggest complaints about Vince are that both his sense of competition will blind him to the maximum profit- see the Invasion angle of '01- and that if he didn't make the wrestler, he doesn't market him, period.

Here's the problem with that second part; it's not one-hundred percent true. Take CM Punk. You can make a perfect case for Punk being a classic example of being ignored from his start in ECW right up past December to Dismember when he was shoved aside for Bobby Lashley, and then did what most regard as a ton of jobbing once he left that brand and became a regular on the main shows. Then it changed around '09-ish when he was in the WHC picture with the likes of Jeff Hardy and the Undertaker, stayed for the most part relevent during '10, took over the Nexus by the beginning of '11, then got a surge up the proverbial ladder by the time his contract was set to expire, which you also know was the 'Pipebomb' and the Summer of Punk. The point is, Vince warmed up to the guy eventually.

Same with Daniel Bryan, who got in through NXT, was fired then brought back, then got into a Tag Team with Kane which if nothing else was surprisingly funny, then for a brief period of time feuded with Punk for the WWE title in the middle of '12. He's been in the title picture for one belt or the other pretty much for the past two or so years. He's warmed up to Vince to. Why else would HE be the guy selected to take Cena's place as the top babyface after Summerslam?

I'll go even further by digging back to the aftermath of the Invasion. Sure, you can look at the wrestlers from WCW and see where they were in WWE as opposed to WCW and think, 'they got pushed down some'. Here's the problem; Guys like Scott Steiner and Booker T and even Goldberg came in and became Main Event contenders (against Triple H, granted, but I'm not as sold on him being the burier that he's perceived to be as I used to) and while Goldberg and Steiner were gone, Booker eventually recovered and got notoriety once he turned English and became a Title contender, but he was really never more than Main Event Contender status, even when he was in the nearly worthless title picture back in WCW. Again, if you stick around long enough, Vince warms up to you.

I do think the Seattle incident was akward, but not for the reasons you think. Have you noticed that the Authority is doing things almost deliberately dull and uninspiring? It's the smark's perception of the people in charge when they endorse the wrong person or the wrong angle. It's done in total defiance of what the 'Fans' want, and done in that slow, methodical way that you associate in monster heels that can't draw heat from their personalities. And it's being done in the midst of this long-stetching storyline with Bryan, which they can't rush if they're aiming for the biggest possible payoff.

As for the lack of a pop, what does that tell you? Do you think it means that if Bryan ever takes the shackles off and shoots back up to the top that the crowd response will be muted, because of this one incident killing his 'pop'? I say no, because the crowd might SOUND dead, but I can imagine enough of them are seething.

That's the thing about Dead Air. Most treat it as the absolute worst thing you can get from the crowd, because it usually means they are not buying into what they are getting. But that's condensing the crowd into a singular action. It's an easy gauge. But Dead Air, that might mean boredom, or it might mean the most dangerous heat brewing underneath the surface.

Besides, there's still plenty of time until the Rumble, enough time for cracks to show in the compliance DB's showing to this new family. Enough time for drama to turn up from another direction. Meven time enough to slowly win you over to the plot.

After all, where's the drama in DB fighting the Wyatts to a stalemate on show after show after show?
More evidence tonight from Smackdown that you can't just emasculate Daniel Bryan's character and expect the same amount of crowd heat (whether face or heel). His run in with Bray on the Uso's elicited the quietest crowd reaction yet. Vince and HHH are getting what they want - smaller and smaller reactions for Bryan. You can't take away everything that pumps up the audience and somehow expect that an over wrestler will somehow get other guys over. It's not logical and it's not happening. The Wyatts were not very over to begin with, and I don't think this storyline is going to help. All it's doing is killing Daniel Bryan's buzz. Sad, but predictable.

The crowd in Philly sucked for Smackdown, no one seemed to get a pop from them, and the quick NO! chant from the crowd when The Wyatts were in the ring after their run in was one of the largest pops of the night. Also DB is not getting buried...at all. There was the run in tonight, there was the promo he and Bray cut, and the opening of Smackdown is a goddamn Wyatt family promo for cripes sake. Bryan and the Wyatts got more attention than Big E and Orton in their match, and they both have gold.

Turning away from that, DB's voicework in the Promo for Monday's match was cringeworthy. He just shouted at the camera, like he would normally when he does high intensity work in the ring for the crowd, but in this context it just did not work. They either need to get him to watch a lot of southern preachers, which is where Bray draws his style, or he needs to try a more sinister, quiet persona.
First things first;
Daniel Bryan has been put into this story because he is the most over superstar in the company at this time, and due to this status, he has been chosen as the one to put over the Wyatts as a credible and strong stable.
Now, why does the Wyatts need to be put over quickly, because in another programme, the Shield, the best stable for the past year is seemingly on its last legs. CM Punk's role was to be initiator of the break-up and the first step towards the Roman Reigns push.

Also in the Wyatt-DB story, there is;
- A Machine mentioned which many deem as the Authority. Bray has said he will help Daniel Bryan bring down the machine. Daniel Bryan being the underdog who was constantly screwed over and beat-up by the Authority, and Randy Orton in the Main Event picture has had enough and taken up the offer in order to bring down the machine(whenever that happens).

- A devil mentioned who instructed the attacks on Daniel Bryan and CM Punk. I was curious initially, and this devil will either be a swerve somewhere down the line, or it is something just said by Bray to keep us guessing and the WWE Creative probably forgot it was said(Hope it was the former and another twist occurs). Kane's mask has been on RAW and SmackDown the past couple of weeks, there is also something significant in that as well.

I am confident that Daniel Bryan is just being used to get the Wyatts over enough to carry on Post-Shield. He will eventually turn face and topple the Authority around the same time. This will result in huge Pay-Off for him and for all who watch as this rather interesting feud takes place on the Road to Wrestlemania.

Cheers. :)
If this angle ends at the Rumble with Daniel swerving Bray and family and winning with hands uplifted leading the crowd in "Yes" chants then I'll say I was wrong in thinking this was all about killing his buzz. But if the angle progresses past that then I'll be 100% convinced I (and many, many others) were correct. Already on Smackdown we noticed a lessening of the crowd pops for Bryan (and you can't blame them with this silly and confusing angle). If this program goes on past RR then you can bet DBryan's connection with the fans will be all but dead in terms of where he's at, popularity wise, right now. The angle will have effectively killed his buzz.
If this angle ends at the Rumble with Daniel swerving Bray and family and winning with hands uplifted leading the crowd in "Yes" chants then I'll say I was wrong in thinking this was all about killing his buzz. But if the angle progresses past that then I'll be 100% convinced I (and many, many others) were correct. Already on Smackdown we noticed a lessening of the crowd pops for Bryan (and you can't blame them with this silly and confusing angle). If this program goes on past RR then you can bet DBryan's connection with the fans will be all but dead in terms of where he's at, popularity wise, right now. The angle will have effectively killed his buzz.

I agree. I'd feel the same. I definitely look forward to the Rumble to see if I will be proven wrong
If this angle ends at the Rumble with Daniel swerving Bray and family and winning with hands uplifted leading the crowd in "Yes" chants then I'll say I was wrong in thinking this was all about killing his buzz. But if the angle progresses past that then I'll be 100% convinced I (and many, many others) were correct. Already on Smackdown we noticed a lessening of the crowd pops for Bryan (and you can't blame them with this silly and confusing angle). If this program goes on past RR then you can bet DBryan's connection with the fans will be all but dead in terms of where he's at, popularity wise, right now. The angle will have effectively killed his buzz.

I'll actually have to agree with you on that one. All the stuff I've been saying really is focused on a payoff at the Rumble.

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