1-11-14: A Clue Where WWE Is Going With "Daniel Wyatt?"

I was surprised they ended his so called alliance with the Wyatt Family this quickly. I will say I am rather pleased it is over as Bryan was boring as hell in the ring last few weeks. I knew he was tuning it down to play out the program but it not make for very interesting matches. Doing it in the cage was a nice touch. Get Bray alone away from his goons. I wonder if this almost cements him not winning the Rumble thou as the Wyatt Family will hell bent on retribution.

I am not the biggest Bryan mark but damn the crowd response was damn impressive.

Nice RAW overall with plenty of twist, even the obvious ones. New Age Outlaws….cough….cough.
The Angle was quickly ended tonight for whatever reason.
I just think Creative got a brain freeze and didn't know what else to do.

This will hurt the Wyatt family more than anything.
I don't agree that fans would have stopped cheering for Daniel Bryan in the least bit. I always expected that he would be a babyface again, and I also expected the kind of payoff there was tonight.
However, this angle was all about getting the Wyatts over, but I think WWE dropped the ball on that, and have hurt the Wyatt family's standing. They have some serious repairing to do in the coming weeks or Aquaman's prediction might well turn out to be true.

Kudos to Jack-Hammer for pointing out what happened at the House Show. Clearly was a rehearsal of sorts for what happened tonight. Cheers mate.
Where your wrong is that this was always about DB and never about the Wyatts. Bryan is only getting bigger and bigger.

I am not entirely sure about that. Daniel Bryan's name has been chanted loudly in every arena every night. This angle's payoff was always going to end with Daniel Bryan coming out on top eventually with the payoff he had.
However, the Wyatts are an up and coming group and needed someone to get them to a higher level seemingly as heels. Daniel Bryan was the perfect Superstar for such a job,lMO. Seems a rushed ending to me in any case.
The Wyatts were never going to come out looking good when the pay off is for Bryan to have THAT reaction.

They were folders for this angle and nothing more. Interesting folder nonetheless.
The whole turn was a bit too quick but DB joining the Wyatt's shouldn't have happened anyways and they had to turn him face sooner than later. I sure hope this feud ends at The Rumble though (or at EC the longest), I really want DB to win the Rumble this year and go into WM. It seems now the time is right and if they want to have another established main event level talent DB winning the rumble will do that for them.
I'm not surprised...i was 100% sure that it wouldn't happen at the rumble. I thought it would either be before rumble or at Mania. There is just no way they could have done it at rumble because one ppv is not enough to finish this story without severly hurting the wyatts. I think db will lose to Wyatt at the rumble because of interference than get his payback and win at EC. I still think we will see Wyatt vs DB at mania though, maybe a hiac or some other big stipulation. DB is NOT winning the rumble, I doubt he is even in it.
If WWE really played off this correctly it would be for Bryan to win the rumble and beat Brock for the championship at mania in the ultimate David vs Goliath match up. Hello new face of the company
Whelp, I gave it some thought and I can't really claim to be right about the results. Not just that I thought the payoff would be at the Royal Rumble, but that I thought Creative would've gutted it out until then.

On the one hand, it displays a willingness to throw aside the story at the cost of coherent narative. But on the other, it also brings to the forefront a much valued skillset you want in Creative to begin with; adaptability. Sure, it can be considered a knee-jerk reaction to bring out the swerve this early (not that I'm complaining, mind you), but sometimes you just have to make those decisions in the heat of the moment.

Besides, that was a Raw that finally approached PPVs in level of storyline importance. Course, now you'll likely have the Wyatts totally gunning for DB's keister during RR, which I can get behind, as their destruction will be the slingshot effect for DB.
Or it could just be Vince & Company knew what they were doing all along and were only riling up those gullible enough to believe they would intentionally bury one of their hottest superstars.

Or Vince concocted another crappy angle that everyone could see was dying a miserable death and they aborted it. But no, Vince is way too smart to ever do anything like that, right? :lmao:

Honestly, I still think they had no idea what they were doing with this and realized that not having DBryan firing up the crowd was a bad choice and quickly changed their minds. But we'll probably never know the truth so it comes down to how much you trust Vince/HHH. I personally don't trust them all that much so we'll agree to disagree on this one.

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