Daniel Wyatt

From the way he joined the Wyatts. I highly doubt that Daniel Bryan will be portrayed as a willing member of the Wyatts entirely.
He is going to be the unwilling confused member of the Family who is using his allegiance with them to get over the Machine(the Authority) and then he with the help of his Huge fanbase will break away again and feud with a finality against the Wyatts at some point.

Again, people miss the point. This story is also about the Wyatt family and their role in the WWE. HHH is apparently a big fan of theirs and this is a way to elevate the status of the Wyatts as well. Everything in the WWE doesn't revolve around Daniel Bryan although some seem to think so.

I do understand the fears of the Daniel Bryan fans. It is possible he is being buried or more aptly, his momentum is being stopped somewhat. However, the angle/story is AWESOME atm and has renewed my interest in watching the programme. Hopefully, both the Wyatts and Daniel Bryan will come out as winners at the end of this.
I don't really care much about this but I'm confused why his last name has to be Wyatt? The other two clowns have their own last names right? So??? How come they aren't all called Wyatt? Just bothers me I guess lol
There are few instances in Pro Wrestling where something never happens to someone. Cena tapping or Undertaker losing at WrestleMania are streaks that are very limited.

A Superstar going their whole career as a face is pretty rare too. A Superstar staying in the EXACT same gimmick for their whole career is extremely rare.

If you are a Daniel Bryan fan, the reason this was done is to TEST Daniel Bryan fans. Fans are now actually supposed to boo him, for now, while he is a Wyatt because they are supposed to be upset that he went with them but when Daniel Bryan eventually comes out of this STRONGER than ever before he will need his TRUE FANS to be there waiting for him. However, some Bryan fans may STILL cheer him even as a Wyatt or at least still enjoy his matches like they did for guys in the NWO like Hall, Nash or Hogan. Like they did for Bret Hart when he was a 'bad guy' or same for Shawn Michaels as a 'bad guy'.

Where do you think Daniel Bryan SHOULD be right now anyway? WWE is approaching WrestleMania 30. That means they will be throwing as many part-time proven money makers than they can in the way of many, MANY full-time WWE Superstars on the Road to WrestleMania because they want to have a card that will give them the highest grossing WrestleMania of all time. That means guys like Batista, Brock Lesnar, Triple H and probably even RVD, Chris Jericho and Hulk Hogan will be on the card and billed above Daniel Bryan.

However, Daniel Bryan will still be ON the WrestleMania card and through this Wyatt storyline he will get there but coming up to Royal Rumble there is really nothing better he could be doing.

I'm not saying this as an anti-Bryan guy I am saying this because WWE is a business and Daniel Bryan in the Main Event of 3 PPVs last year didn't make significant enough money to PROVE he is a money-guy so he is not going to be billed as the top guy going into WrestleMania.

But this story with the Wyatts might make him a money-guy in 2014 and then he could be a top-bill for WM 31.

"It is very rare for a superstar to be face their whole career".

Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat says "Hi!"

Also, I don't ever recall Tito Santana's heel turn.
I see alot of people saying that they want something new and fresh, yet when you get it you complain :O

We have to wait and see where this goes. I hope it makes Daniel into an animal like character.
Bye-bye Daniel Bryan. It was nice knowing you. Mark my words. This will NOT help Bryan get over and it isn't intended to "develop his character." Anyone that thinks that has to be smoking something. Seriously. This is nothing more than a way to kill Bryan's babyface momentum because HHH and Vince are sick and tired of having the "Yes" and "Daniel Bryan" chants hijack their moments onscreen. So this is a way to quell all that popularity so that they don't have to listen to it any more. It's that simple. Guaranteed that's what is up here.

I believe that but I'll be so glad to see this all over with after Royal Rumble. I can't see him winning the Rumble when you got part timers like Batista around and full-timers like Sheamus who can easily get higher on the totem pole than him
I can see a positive of this. Earlier, Daniel Bryan was no match for the alliance of Randy Orton and the Authority. He was a sitting duck to the injustices brought about on him. But now with the mysterious Wyatt Family having his back, and The Shield busy elsewhere, he can finally have a fair competition with Randy Orton and give the Authority a taste of their own medicine, should they choose to interfere.
I don't really care much about this but I'm confused why his last name has to be Wyatt? The other two clowns have their own last names right? So??? How come they aren't all called Wyatt? Just bothers me I guess lol

Because Harper and Rowan are cousins of Bray on his married aunts' side. Bryan is clearly being brought in as a brother. Or maybe DB has become Bray's father's, brother's, wife's, next door neighbor's, plumber's best friend who coincidentally has the last name Wyatt?

Well written and well executed story told by Bryan and WWE last week. I'm really excited to see where this goes. What happened as his introduction at that live show may just be an experiment. The real story will be told on Raw.
I'm excited to see what happens. I hope the payoff is good and if it's not I'll get over it.

A lot of people were on here bitching that Bryan can't be the underdog face forever and now that they're trying something different people are bitching. Not everyone of course. Some people are willing to see how things go.

I'm one of the people who feels like Bryan is going to take the Wyatts out from the inside and that he hasn't really given up or whatever you may want to call it.

I don't know if it will be the Royal Rumble thing some people have been on about or what but I think he'll try to get inside their heads and end up taking them out one by one until he gets to Bray.

Or if that doesn't happen someone will come along to rescue him from their grip. Someone will try to talk sense into him and try to get him to leave the "family" and he'll have Stockholm Syndrome that will eventually be broken by his rescuer. Whoever that may be. It will probably last until Wrestlemania and whoever face Bray at Mania will be Bryan's rescuer.
I think this has something to do with the Undertaker. There was a report that Undertaker requested DB to be his opponent at WM 30 this year. Undertaker returns at some point within the next few weeks, the Wyatt family intervenes and that sets off events for DB and Undertaker at Wrestlemania.
While I'm loving this and can't wait to see where this is going, my only concern is they have edited out all clips where he mentions that he could not beat the machine, I don't know if this is a "work" and The Authority cut it out or he was never supposed to say that and they needed to edit it from the recaps
For Daniel Bryan Storylines doesn't seem to have payoffs. He being a Wyatt is boring so yes chants will be slowly go down. Then wwe would also like to stop "DANIEL BRYAN" chants so name changed.

My scenario for him in wrestlemania will be like this.

1. Royal Rumble - Bryan has no identity so he comes to Wyatt music at no.5 but then the family stops him and sends harper instead. Then at no.15 Wyatt music again hits Bryan comes out but again stopped and Rowan enters. At no.25 again Wyatt's music hits this time Bryan himself allows bray to participate in rumble. Bryan doesn't get into rumble match at all in the end.

2. Elimination Chamber - Here he would be with Wyatt's helping them win the tag championship. But after they win Luke harper and Eric Rowan takes the title with them.

3. Wrestlemania - Bray Wyatt either won rumble or in elimination chamber and is main event. Luke Harper and Eric Rowan fight for tag titles. HHH gets Punk. Undertaker facing Del Rio perhaps. Cena main event. Orton or Brock or Batista secondary main event, big show and mysterious vs real Americans vs los metadors vs khali and Hornswoggle. So what about bryan you ask, creative has no match for him so they'll have him fight Shemus. Shemus will try once again to win in record time this time with new finisher in about 10 secs or less.

This is how wwe should bury him properly.

Well I'm being too much sarcastic, hope bryan gets some pay off or else they better bury him completely don't float around with him and hurt with his fan sentiments.
I see two camps here

A) People who think this is being done to cool off DB's popularity.

B) People who think this is will only to good for DB either by adding more character to him or he is using The Wyatts to get back in the title hunt and turn face.

Now I am one of those people who is leaning towards group A until the WWE proves me wrong. Of course this means I am still going to give a slight benefit of the doubt and that's only open until WM since a lot can happen in 4.

Like I said, I'd like to believe the WWE and people who in group B, but knowing WWE's track record I am skeptical. But fine I won't accuse WWE of sabotage completely yet.
I admit to being a sucker for this kind of s/l. It's twisted and unexpected and I know I cannot wait to see what how this story progresses tonight on RAW. Maybe I am naïve but I have to believe TPTB know what they are doing in this s/l. I think it will be good for DB in the longrun. I am intrigued
I admit to being a sucker for this kind of s/l. It's twisted and unexpected and I know I cannot wait to see what how this story progresses tonight on RAW. Maybe I am naïve but I have to believe TPTB know what they are doing in this s/l. I think it will be good for DB in the longrun. I am intrigued

Nope. Exactly as I expected. That was the least amount of crowd reaction to a Daniel Bryan match in a long, long time. And on top of that, they lose?!! All this does is serve to diminish Daniel all the more. What bullcrap. This is all about killing his buzz, and as was easily predicted - it's working to perfection. Now, in a month's time people will be saying, "Wow, I wonder why DBryan isn't pulling the live audience in like he used to?" Because Vince/HHH purposely put him into a crappy storyline. Think about what didn't happen tonight? No ability, because of the storyline, for Bryan to say "Yes, Yes, Yes". No DBryan tee to throw into the crowd. No "Flight of the Valkyries". No underdog fighting spirit. No high flying maneuvers. No match win! So they've taken everything that helped get him over - all at once! Of course the crowd is going to cool on him.
There were both good signs and bad signs in tonight's furthering of the Daniel Bryan storyline. Let's start with the bad. That crowd was dead. They're confused. A fun part of the live WWE experience has been taken away from them. And they didn't get the ending to the Daniel Bryan story that they wanted. His "turn" hurt both the kids who legitimately championed the underdog and dug the fun bearded guy that jumps around yelling "Yes!" and the adults who wanted to believe the company would give this guy his due after the way he organically got over in 2013.

Perhaps it was just Baltimore's crowd, who were weak all night. It didn't play well at all. The company can't afford to have no reaction to Daniel Bryan right now.

But there was still good to tonight. First, there was nothing to all the worry about WWE.com removing the "the machine wouldn't let me win" narrative from the storyline with their edit last week. It remained in the TV highlights, video packages, and it was referenced in commentary. CM Punk's plead on WWE.com for the crowd to not stop chanting "Yes!" and to not give up on Daniel Bryan was also referenced. It also seemed like Cole and JBL were being fed to mention the crowd's confusion and how many aren't giving up on Daniel. And obviously this will be short lived since they've already teased dissension and Bryan trying to lead when Bray wasn't around.

However, where they went wrong tonight is this is the night where this angle should've been a main focal point of the show. They needed John Cena and the Bellas or the Legends to push a "Save Daniel Bryan" narrative. Jake Roberts, Roddy Piper, or Mick Foley would've done a hell of a job with that tonight on the Legends front. They need someone to effectively sell the crowd on the fact the Authority beat down and put down Daniel Bryan with the hopes of everyone giving up on him, how we can't let the Authority win, and everyone night after night has to remind Daniel Bryan they haven't give up on him and to not give up on himself.

Meanwhile, they have to have Daniel start doing subtle things like telling Luke and Eric what to do, playing to the crowd against Bray's wishes, or walking ahead of Bray. At the same time, NOW is the time to do a Wyatt Family vs. Shield program. Bray believes the Wyatts to be at their most powerful, right? Everything is going to change?

They DESPERATELY needed a promo tonight. Light turned down. Bray center ring in the rocking chair. Daniel sitting Indian style in front of him. Both of them calling out the Shield - saying the anti-establishment has become just another part of the machine - programmable robots falling in line for the roles the machine wants to set for them.

There would be more buzz tonight if the Wyatts interjected in the Punk-Reigns match tonight. Beating down all four. The Shield could seek revenge and prove their united. Punk could continue to remind the crowd to not give up on Daniel Bryan - even when Punk is kicking his ass if he involves himself in his matches again.
What kindof upset me was the fact that bryan was like I came to you guys so I can learn and you guys can learn from me. If there is any way that the theory of bryan turning on bray at rumble then bryan will have to pander to crowd a little more, stop talking, act more like a follow and less like he is enjoying himself. Last night crowd also showed that most of them have given up on bryan, so they got to start acting like bryan isn't as comfortable as he seemed last night.
Royal Rumble is too early to switch Bryan. It would be a waste. If they want to set up Bray vs Bryan at Wrestlemania then they can wait a few weeks and let the tension build. I'm personally excited about this and I am looking forward to see how they book the upcoming months.

If they are to keep Bryan as part of the family in the long-term: then I'm not sure what they do. Perhaps it's as simple as a heel Bryan going for the belt against Cena or Punk. Maybe the four team up at Mania or indeed Bryan faces someone with the other three in his corner. Right now I can't imagine them leaving off Bray Wyatt of the card. Obviously Bryan will be there and Harper has impressed. Unless they completely split the ties then it is a difficult decision.

What I will say is: what if Kane makes the save? The Wyatt Family obviously injured Kane at Summerslam and he hasn't been the same since. I think he will change back to the monster soon enough (they can't leave him off the WM card) and they could easily re-ignite the feud with the Wyatt Family.

Team Hell No reuniting could be something interesting for WM. Team Hell No plus one other - RVD, Jericho, Ziggler, Miz, Show - vs The Wyatt Family at Wrestlemania would be a decent idea. Is it a waste of Bryan? Perhaps. I'd by fine with Bryan vs Bray one-on-one but I don't think the idea of having Kane involved is terrible.

Bryan vs Bray; Team Hell No (plus one) vs The Wyatt Family and Daniel Wyatt vs Batista/Cena/Punk are the main options I see heading into Wrestlemania. I think this angle has to run that long because, if not, they are in danger of rushing it.
Because Harper and Rowan are cousins of Bray on his married aunts' side. Bryan is clearly being brought in as a brother. Or maybe DB has become Bray's father's, brother's, wife's, next door neighbor's, plumber's best friend who coincidentally has the last name Wyatt?

Well written and well executed story told by Bryan and WWE last week. I'm really excited to see where this goes. What happened as his introduction at that live show may just be an experiment. The real story will be told on Raw.

But they are not a family, but a "family", as the Wyatts are modelled on the Manson Family. Manson's followers were called his "family", though they weren't blood relatives.

So Harper and Rowan keep their names, because they are "cult" brothers, not actual brothers. That being said, Bryan should keep his surname too.

It may be an attempt to stop people cheering Bryan. Hopefully it won't work.
It may be an attempt to stop people cheering Bryan. Hopefully it won't work.

I don't think there's any doubt about it being an attempt to quell the Bryan popularity. If people here remember, Vince was enraged at the end of the Seattle Raw when the crowd was interrupting the "unification" buildup. Today we hear that Bryan joining the Wyatt's is 100% a brainchild of Vince McMahon, and he has no clear cut design on the storyline. If that doesn't scream "no more cheers" for DBryan than I don't know what does.

Think about what we saw, or better yet, didn't see last night.

1) No Daniel Bryan coming down the ramp with arms lifted yelling "Yes" and getting the crowd into it. Can't do that now that he's a member of the Wyatts.

2) No "Flight of the Valkyries" music that gets the fans revved up for DBryan match. Imagine John Cena or CM Punk being put into an angle where their signature intro music isn't played. Never gonna happen for any length of time because creative knows how important and powerful intro music is. But yet they've taken that from DBryan - knowing full well it's going to cool the crowd.

3) A weird outfit, with no signature teeshirt to throw into the crowd (because you are now a heel and don't do that any more). Another downer in terms of crowd participation. And again, Vince and Co. are smart enough to know this when they formulate the angle. So it's clearly being done on purpose.

4) No underdog fighting spirit from Bryan, which is another huge factor in having the crowd invested in him. Not there so the crowd doesn't cheer like they used to.

5) No big time signature moves, especially as you "Hulk up" to make the comeback, because now you are in a tag match. BTW, teamed with guys that have never evoked a lot of emotion from the crowd (other than their entrance).

Nope, this is clearly a ploy/punishment for Daniel Bryan being more over with the live crowds than Vince and HHH want. And for those that say Vince loves the money more and would never do that, answer me this: Why take away the merchandizing shirts and such by moving a guy into an angle where the kiddies will no longer want it. Yet that's exactly what this storyline is doing. So the "Vince is a business man" argument holds no water.

Bottom line. They've never take this route with a guy like Cena or Punk if they were as over as Bryan has been. And by that I'm not talking about turning them heel. I'm talking about taking away all the points I mentioned above, which in effect kills their buzz. No way would Vince do that to those guys, but he's willing to do it with Bryan.
I don't think the plan is for Bryan to turn heel but rather through Bryan, turn the Wyatts into face characters.. ;)
Regarding the name:

On Raw they called him Daniel Bryan. I'm guessing they called him Daniel Wyatt on the house shows in case people hadn't seen Raw or were confused about the ending (did he join?). That way people who are casual WWE watchers (like most at house shows) know about the change without you needing to explain it.
The chants are already dying down, as was evidenced at Raw last night. Expect a continued decrease of audience participation as long as this angle lasts. If it doesn't end at the Rumble with Bryan turning on Wyatt and winning then I guarantee his popularity will never rise to match what its been recently. Just what Vince wanted. Nice going. Kill the best thing you had.
There are talks of a DB, Cena, and Hogan vs. Wyatt Family tag team match at WM. Now if this were the case then perhaps this angle could payoff. Perhaps this is also why McMahon is so secretive in why he wanted Bryan as part of the Wyatt Family.

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