Reintroduce Kane into the Wyatt Family/Daniel Bryan storyline


Dark Match Winner
After Summerslam. Kane got taken away by the Wyatt's and we all speculated what happened to him...

In the end he turns up as corporate Kane.

Now, Daniel Bryan, as a former partner of Kane, has been introduced into the family and is seemingly aligned with them now.

For me, I just have a feeling that Kane/Bryan/Wyatt Family will cross paths before Wrestlemania.

Technically, what Wyatt has done is kill the hero in Kane and the hero in Bryan. Turning them from machines into puppets (Kane has lost the monster and Bryan has lost the momentum and the popularity)

In the coming months.....Kane will announce a tag title match at the Elimination chamber.....Bray will utilize Bryan for his own gains in the lead up and the two will go for the tag titles (because harper and rowan have constantly failed) Bray will get pinned by Rhodes after mis-communication between him and Bryan. Suddenly, then the Wyatt's will turn on Bryan and kick him out of the Wyatt's prompting a save by Kane (he will come back as a monster when his film comes out)

So in the build up to mania we will have Kane/Bryan vs The Wyatt's
I see Kane having a match at Wrestlemania,that much is possible,lMO.

This Wyatt storyline could be a good way, especially after Daniel Bryan mentioned his tag team with Kane this past Monday Night on RAW. Kane being the possible saviour is a good way to get him back into the spotlight. For what it is worth, I don't see Bray and Bryan having a match at Wrestlemania, because the one that loses will have a huge loss of momentum. John Cena has also been mentioned as a possible Wyatt family opponent, and a match between him and the Wyatt family could be a way to turn John Cena heel at/after Wrestlemania.

On the other hand, as I mentioned in another thread, Kane might well have a programme with Brad Maddox. Ending with Brad Maddox leaving or Kane becoming the Monster again.
I could see Kane and Daniel Bryan teaming up against the Wyatt's at WrestleMania. It would give all of those guys something to do. WrestleMania 30 will be top heavy with main event stars, including John Cena, Brock Lesnar, The Undertaker, Batista, Triple H, CM Punk, and Randy Orton. There may also be a match or a segment featuring Hulk Hogan. I'm sure WWE would also like to feature Sheamus, The Big Show, Big E. Langston, and Roman Reigns in major matches.

WWE seems to have big plans for Bray Wyatt. WWE knows they have a fan favorite in Daniel Bryan. They could have them square off one on one. But I think fans would erupt to see Kane and Daniel Bryan knock the Wyatt's down a peg. If Daniel Bryan is as great as his supporters suggest, he can turn any WrestleMania match into a spectacle.
I mentioned this in he "Daniel Wyatt" thread. The WWE are in an interesting position with the Bryan situation and they can go several ways. Some want Daniel to turn on the Wyatt Family. Others want Bryan to stay as a heel and feud with a big name - Cena, Punk, Batista - giving him a different dynamic and, perhaps, making him more interesting.

I don't have a preference what they do but I like the idea of Kane getting involved. I want Kane to wrestle at Mania and I think if they are to do so then he will have to become the monster once more. On Raw they introduced the idea of Maddox pissing off Kane and that would be a great way to change Kane back. Kane gets fired; turns back into a monster and re-ignites his feud with the Wyatt Family, thus saving Daniel Bryan.

Team Hell No were a great tag-team that were extremely popular: while it certainly isn't something for the long-term, it would be something I could get behind heading into WM. Team Hell No (plus 1) vs The Wyatt Family interests me.
I'm for it if they give Kane's position to Wade Barrett. His bad news gimmick seems tailor made for an authority position, and would give him the chance to rub elbows with top tier players again.
Team Hell No were great for what they were, and they were vital in the revamping and upswing we're seeing in the tag team division today. Since Team Hell No was put together, we've seen the emergence of the Shield, the Usos, the Real Americans, the Rhodes brothers, and the Wyatt's. Not to mention, talent on the lower end of the card, such as the Prime Time Players and Los Matadores, who can step up and have decent matches when needed to. Bryan and Kane's run with the belts was really the stabilizing factor that allowed other teams to be built, and once those teams were ready to roll, the Shield were given the belts and Team Hell No disbanded, peacefully, so each could move on to bigger and better things.

So while they were an asset to the tag team division before, utilizing them there again would be a step back. The scenario you proposed makes sense from a storyline perspective, but for a Wrestlemania match? Bryan was and still is very over as a top guy, and while Bray Wyatt and the family are guys the company is very high on, using Bryan or Bray in a tag match at Wrestlemania would be a mistake, in my opinion.

Bryan was close to getting his hands on Bray at the New Years version of Raw, now, he's teaming with him. I'm interested in seeing where things go with Bryan as a member of the family, and my guess is that it will lead to Bryan and Bray perhaps winning the tag titles, only to lose them and have the Wyatt's turn their back on Bryan. Bryan faces Bray at Wrestlemania, the match he wanted months prior, and now is getting on a bigger stage. I don't really buy the Bray/Cena or Undertaker/Bryan matches that have been "rumored" to being pretty close to very set in stone. From a logical standpoint, having Bryan face his tormentor at Wrestlemania in a singles match is far more appealing then any match that's been proposed otherwise.

Unless the plan calls for Bryan to win the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, that is. But if they didn't buy into Bryan at SUmmerslam as able to carry the load as champion, much less leave SS with the title, they sure as heck won't trust him to do so at Wrestlemania.

A single's match with the guy in the company HHH is supposedly the highest on, in Bray Wyatt? More likely then a WWE Championship match, and more appropriate then a tag match involving Kane, who would be making his 375th career heel-to-face turn. Not that I don't have a belief that Kane will have a match at Wrestlemania, I do think he will.
He also seems at a place where he's embraced being a corporate heel, and a part-time wrestler. Unlike some of the part-timers, like Hogan, Kane can still go. As such, he should have a 1 on 1 match as well.
I'm for it if they give Kane's position to Wade Barrett. His bad news gimmick seems tailor made for an authority position, and would give him the chance to rub elbows with top tier players again.

I like this idea, I think it would be easier to go with Kane and Maddox - where Kane basically turned round and said if I get screwed out of this corporate position then I'm gonna go back to causing chaos.

I think a good idea would be to have Kane turn on The Authority in sort of a lone wolf style assault. If Maddox or others push him out of his position then he could easily put the mask back on and go on a one-man-mission to cause trouble interfering with matches or intimidating Maddox back stage. In the mean time, Barrett can step in and start calling some shots and generating more realistic heat.

I don't think he's well placed to go back into the Wyatt storyline, especially as The Authority storyline has made no attempts to try and get involved with The Wyatts either.
Initially, it looked as though Kane was going to wind up being the next member of The Wyatt Family. Given Kane's status as a "monster", it's conceivable he could fit in with The Family. Pairing him with Bryan COULD be interesting as long as the comedic aspects of Team Hell No were left behind. I thought they were great as Team Hell No, I think they turned out to be far better than anyone was expecting. One thing that made them work, to me at least, is that they didn't let the comedy stuff come to define them as a team. It worked great in getting people into them in the first place, but they weren't really what you'd term as a comedy tag team. That might have been the initial idea, but the anger management segments and the unique chemistry they generated were too good and fans got behind them far too much for them to be wasted as a comedy team.

However, as members of The Family, comedy shouldn't be part of the dynamic. As has been pointed out, there are several ways that WWE could go with Bryan that are intriguing. Like a lot of people, my overall preference would be for Bryan to be in top singles feuds. However, I can potentially get behind him being part of a team again if it results in him being used well and generally elevated.

While introducing Kane as a member of The Family at some point sounds interesting, maybe he's in his current role as something of a "thank you" from management. Kane's 46 years old and while he looks great and obviously still has the stuff in the ring, maybe the wear & tear has started to catch up to him with us simply not knowing about it? If I'm not mistaken, he wrestles at house shows on occasion now, but he hasn't wrestled on a ppv or on television for a few months now. Kane's always been loyal and has always done his best with what he's been given without bitching & moaning about it. Maybe WWE has him in this sort of token authority figure role to let him finish out his time in a safer way?
Personally... I disagree. I think Kane is great where he is right now. He needs to be more active though. Anything involving Kane and Daniel Bryan (or Wyatt) has run its course.

Kane has somehow reinvented himself as a suit wearing yes man to the Authority and personally... I love it. Of the entire Authority "stable," Kane is the best part of it IMO. As someone stated before in another thread, he needs to either go by his real name, or Mr. Jacobs or something like that. I personally LOVE the Mr. Jacobs idea. He could gain so much heat as a constant monster heel similar to the way Taker did in the Corporate Ministry back in the day. I'd be calling myself a liar if I said I knew Kane could take off the "Kane garb" and be successful. Personally, I don't even have an idea of what Mr. Jacobs could do as a new character in terms of storyline. But it gives him an entire new dimension I never thought possible. I want to see more of him as Triple H's "yes man." I think his segment the other night on Raw with Brad Maddox talking about the rules and detailed sections and whatnot in the WWE HR handbook or whatever to be absolute genius. I loved it. That's what needs to be explored.

Kane needs to stay away from the Wyatts. The whole idea of him being captured by them just sort of went away. His time with Bryan was more successful than anybody would have ever dreamed it could be. But trying to re-hash old success isn't a step forward whatsoever.
What if Kane is actually a member of the Wyatt family. When he returned he was given the instructions from Bray to infiltrate the "machine".....
Somewhere down the line, Kane will then turn on them and return to the Wyatts?
i have been saying that Kane is a double agent since he came back, and now with the Daniel Bryan angle, with references to "the machine", I'm almost sure of it. And if you're a real conspiracy theorist, like myself, you'll remember that Kane made the 3v1 ppv match. Reports long ago said that when HHH took over NXT he decreed that no talent would be brought up without long term plans. This is the third act for the Wyatts, storyline wise, and I think they have all been connected. And furthermore, i think the Team Hell No could have been a known precursor, or this story could have flowed through that one.

Regardless, they started with Kane, defeating him and (maybe) turning him. Then he "destroys all the heroes", working his way up the ranks of faces until he begins a proper feud with Daniel Bryan. Now they are in the third act, Bryan is a part of the family, Kane is entrenched in the Authority, and they are ready to take down the machine.

If all rumors be believed, Daniel Bryan will face Taker, and Bray Wyatt will face Cena. If that is the case, Kane fits nicely into all that mess. If i were to book it, I'd have Cena loss to Orton and then be paired with Hogan, maybe on a Raw segment or at Elimination chamber, Bray comes down and says he is going to further destroy the illusion of a hero. The Family destroys Cena and Hogan, setting up Cena v Bray, and I can hear it now, "There's no one left, There's no one left!" GONG...

Taker appears at the top of the ramp and stares down Bray Wyatt, and then Daniel Bryan steps in front and stares the deadman back in the face, they look toward the WrestleMania sign. I could see a freedom stipulation, and then maybe have Daniel Bryan help Cena win. The moment with Hogan, Cena and Bryan at WrestleMania gives me goosebumps just thinking about it
I think it would be a good move to have Kane return to save Daniel Bryan from the Wyatts. Its logical because Kane is former tag partners with Daniel Bryan and has unfinished buisiness with the Wyatts. It also seems like the Corporate Kane storyline has fallen flat and he hasnt been on TV the last couple weeks. Team Hell No vs The Wyatt family would be a good mid card filler for Wrestlemania.
I think it would be a good move to have Kane return to save Daniel Bryan from the Wyatts. Its logical because Kane is former tag partners with Daniel Bryan and has unfinished buisiness with the Wyatts. It also seems like the Corporate Kane storyline has fallen flat and he hasnt been on TV the last couple weeks. Team Hell No vs The Wyatt family would be a good mid card filler for Wrestlemania.

That would be cool to see them reunite. It's definitely interesting for the past few weeks, they've shown Kane's mask just sitting there in the background. I just find it weird he really didn't have any effects after returning from Summerslam like Bryan did after last week's RAW where he gave him. The time frame doesn't make sense to me.
On the other hand, as I mentioned in another thread, Kane might well have a programme with Brad Maddox. Ending with Brad Maddox leaving or Kane becoming the Monster again.

I was thinking the same thing, and I don't even care who wins. IMO, Brad Maddox either needs to get his @$$ in the ring or hit the road. A long-term authority role is fine for someone who's middle-aged, past their prime, or untrained in the ring, but Maddox was a fairly successful developmental talent, and since his main roster debut, has been a complete waste of space.
dont think too much. Wwe kills the popularity of daniel bryan by joining the wyatt family and turning him as a heel. It already happened to batista and cm punk.
if this story happened at wrestlemania. It will be awesome. but i dont think to happened.
Whenever a wrestler is better than cena Wwe creative team always do to demolish that wrestler with stupid storyline and turn them as a heel and destroy their character and turn the universe against them. it will happened to batista,cm punk,daniel bryan.
Again, I have to say to this conspiracy theory about Daniel Bryan being buried...

He is very popular, currently even more popular than John Cena in terms of how he is received at Live Events.
At this time, the WWE is genuinely trying to push some new talent to make it big, namely; Roman Reigns, Big E Langston and the Wyatt family(especially Bray Wyatt).

To genuinely push a wrestler, the most sure way of getting them over is putting them into a programme with your Most popular superstars. Hence, CM Punk and Daniel Bryan(the 2 Most Popular superstars currently) are doing just that. Helping to put over new talent is exactly what they are doing, thus setting up more for Post-Wrestlemania when the part-timers go into hibernation again.

Expect the next year, to see the likes of Daniel Bryan and CM Punk back in and around the title scene. And by the way, if Daniel Bryan was really being buried, he would actually be losing matches one after the other by being pinned regularly. Funny enough, he has not been beaten cleanly by the "poster-boys" John Cena and Randy Orton. I think alot of superstars would absolutely love to be buried like Daniel Bryan has been recently.

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