Bray Wyatt needs to start winning

LOL at "only being able to compare popularity".

Well, you know Great Khali and Shawn Michaels were dynamically different in the ring so the only way we know Michaels was better is he was more popular.....HUH?

I'm sorry that you're unable to judge in-ring ability or mic skills by what you see and hear. Many people can though.

Speaking of popularity, Jericho was one of the most popular guys in the most popular era of wrestling, so I'd say he would even win out there. Being the #2 face in 2000>>>> Being the #2 face in 2005.

This is so full of illogical statements.

Khali and Michaels aren't being compared here, and we aren't discussing Khali and Michaels' popularity during both of their return runs in 2014, are we?

Jericho was never the number 2 face in 2000, sorry, but he was a midcarder. If you want to talk 2002, that's different. Batista was always a super over guy, but that's not the point.

They have different styles, so comparing them doesn't do any good, especially if you prefer one style over the next. Jericho was a great, and possibly one of the better wrestlers in the world at one point in his career. That point is long gone, and at this point, he's a smart in ring guy with pretty decent mic skills.

But acting like the internet marks and stupid fans that let the internet marks at live shows control the mood of the crowd didn't shit on Batista for a made-up RL friendship to HHH, all the while singing Jericho's praises when neither of them are that great in the ring anymore is dishonest at best.

Jericho winning is fine, but it basically stilts the feud, since Bray attacked him, but Cena won the first bout of their feud, too, and everyone on the internet shit all over that. It's an inconsistency that just proves how stupid the anti-Cena marks are, and basically shows a general lack of wrestling understanding.
I think his character greatly overshadows his wins/losses. Look at Dean Ambrose. He's like 1-7 since he's been a singles guy and the crowd still loves him. I really don't care if Ambrose wins because I'm invested in his lunatic fringeness
This is so full of illogical statements.

Khali and Michaels aren't being compared here, and we aren't discussing Khali and Michaels' popularity during both of their return runs in 2014, are we?

Jericho was never the number 2 face in 2000, sorry, but he was a midcarder. If you want to talk 2002, that's different. Batista was always a super over guy, but that's not the point.

They have different styles, so comparing them doesn't do any good, especially if you prefer one style over the next. Jericho was a great, and possibly one of the better wrestlers in the world at one point in his career. That point is long gone, and at this point, he's a smart in ring guy with pretty decent mic skills.

But acting like the internet marks and stupid fans that let the internet marks at live shows control the mood of the crowd didn't shit on Batista for a made-up RL friendship to HHH, all the while singing Jericho's praises when neither of them are that great in the ring anymore is dishonest at best.

Jericho winning is fine, but it basically stilts the feud, since Bray attacked him, but Cena won the first bout of their feud, too, and everyone on the internet shit all over that. It's an inconsistency that just proves how stupid the anti-Cena marks are, and basically shows a general lack of wrestling understanding.

Jericho WAS the #2 face in 2000 and into 2001. Don't really even see how that's debatable.

2002? What are you even talking about? Jericho was a heel in 2002.

Jericho is STILL a top notch wrestler, Batista never was. "Pretty decent mic skills"....nah. Again, he's one of the best in the company on the mic. Acting like the two are on the same level in these areas is dishonest at best.

Just because you say it and try to make it fit your agenda, doesn't make it so.

As for comparing Cena-Wyatt to about you let the feud play out? Scary that you can't see(or don't want to see it due to your agenda) the difference so far. Cena with his jokes and unconcerned act, basically completely no sold Bray every week. Jericho has gotten has ass whipped almost every week. Cena won 2 out of 3 matches, with the one that Bray won taking an insane amount of interference. Think the Jericho feud will go that way?

Jericho HAD to get a big win because he's always losing and has been taking L's on Raw every week. Cena dominated the feud and won 2 of the 3 matches. Scary that you seem to see these as the same.

Poor agenda. Really.
Heels are supposed to don't want to see heels win, we don't turn on TV and buy PPV so that we can see the villains win, that happens too often in real life, we tune in to see the hero win, it makes us feel good.

Now you do have to have credible bad guys, and to be credible they have to win. The fact Wyatt actually has a winning record on PPV and has had several memorable promos and skits besting his opponents shows he is not "buried"....he is actually being booked as a real threat and thus I don't know as a fan if the hero can beat him making me more invested in the match. When HHH was the top heel during Evolution he rarely won clean, lost clean several times, and the rest of the time he escaped by the skin of his teeth, usually with a lot of help. He was allowed to have entertaining matches, he usually wasn't embarrassed with little offense, but he didn't win in dominating fashion every match, or really ever at all. At that point the heel is a major draw, I really don't know if my hero fave can beat him, but he's shown enough vulnerability that I believe he can, making me want to watch.

Heck, Wyatt beat Cena in a cage on PPV. That's pretty impressive, and yes he did it by cheating but that only makes him a better heel, the guy took a heck of beating from Cena and didn't go down, then screw jobbed him out of the title. THAT is a classic, top tier, drawing card, main event caliber heel ala vintage Randy Savage, Ted DiBiase, Tully Blanchard, Shawn Michaels, etc.
He's over. It doesn't matter.

I think sometime between 2005 and now, there has been a switch. The marks are now on the internet and the smart fans are now elsewhere. People get pissed about who won, about w/l records, and book like it's 1975 on the internet. W/L doesn't really matter as long as you're entertaining.

The loss gave Bray's character motivation to evolve. He's going to become more interesting. If he wins, then what? Then Jericho leaves (or worse, Jericho wins their blowoff) and Wyatt is the same.
I know the WWE is trying to make Bray a heel, but in the end it's the fans who decide. In my opinion he is by far the coolest act in the WWE right now. Even my 7 year old nephew thinks that. Their's just something about those 3 that's got me hooked....When Luke and Erick lost to the Usos at battleground i was pissed off, I'm sorry but the USOS are kinda boring. Luke and Erick are so much more entertaining than them.
I know the WWE is trying to make Bray a heel, but in the end it's the fans who decide. In my opinion he is by far the coolest act in the WWE right now. Even my 7 year old nephew thinks that. Their's just something about those 3 that's got me hooked....When Luke and Erick lost to the Usos at battleground i was pissed off, I'm sorry but the USOS are kinda boring. Luke and Erick are so much more entertaining than them.

I couldn't disagree more. All three of them are mediocre on their best night. Bray Wyatt has subpar in-ring skills, and his mic work is repetitive and bland. He has no sense of timing or ring psychology. Luke Harper can move pretty well for a big guy, but other than that there isn't anything special about him. He has a generic "big guy" moveset and doesn't know how to work a match. Erick Rowan is the weakest link in an already brittle chain, he doesn't know how to do anything but stand there and try to look intimidating. Wyatt will have a decent midcard career, but WWE would be incredibly foolish to try to shoehorn him into the main event scene. Harper and Rowan will be released once the "family" gimmick ends and Wyatt goes solo. They have no value.
Im actually one of the few people who thought it was best for Jericho to defeat Wyatt at Battleground, primarily because a Wyatt victory would be hollow. Wyatt has kicked Jericho's ass in EVERY confrontation they have had, albeit often because of Rowan and Luke, so a victory over Jericho wouldn't have made Wyatt look would've made Jericho look weak.

However, I do think Wyatt will come out on top in this feud. With that said, I hope Jericho starts making a counter-attack because him constantly being attacked has gotten old.

A huge problem I have with Bray Wyatt is that his feuds since Daniel Bryan have been very sloppily written. His assault on Jericho makes no sense and Jericho doesn't appear to be as smart as Cena or Sheamus in that he isn't recruiting any backup. Wyatt's feud with Sheamus was...was that even a feud? It seemed like they were building one, but then dropped it.

The Cena storyline was a mess, filled with absurd moments that ultimately amounted to nothing because Cena won. But the creepy moments- whether it was the kid, the chorus or that mirror bit that reminded everyone of that atrocious Ultimate Warrior angle in WcW- ended up being unintentionally silly. Admittedly it seemed like the crowd couldn't decide who they wanted to cheer for, so some of the more compelling ideas (using them against Cena) could never be fully explored. The natural progression of this story should've been Wyatt breaking Cena, turning him heel. Even if Wyatt lost the final match, him defeating Cena on a psychological level would have protected them both while putting him over. But they didn't and no one benefited from the feud, including the audience.

The Shield feud was awesome, but it was too short and Wyatt's purpose was simply to sow discord into the group, which made the family a stepping stone for the Shield's feud with the Authority.

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