Daniel Wyatt

The 1-2-3 Killam

Mid-Card Championship Winner

This is a photo taken at tonight's WWE Live event. Daniel Bryan came out introduced as "Daniel Wyatt" for an advertised cage match against Bray Wyatt. He stood there and let the family beat the hell out of him until Bray made him lay down. Look like, for the time being, WWE is going the distance with the Bryan turn.
The wwe has done a lot of things in the past I don't really agree with but this is the first that's legitimately pissed me off. I know everyone is saying it's something new and different or rather it's gonna lead to a turn at the rumble but either way in my opinion it's a poor decision, I might be wrong and it may pay off huge but the wwe has lost my trust as far as booking over the last year. In my opinion The gauntlet match should have ended with bryan beating bray clean and then transitioning to a rumble build for bryan. I know not everyone likes Bryan and that's fine but he is incredibly over and this is a huge risk for his character and for the fans, and also financially as his merchandise could tank. I know a lot of people are saying this is charcter development and that would be great but aside from debuts and turns the wwe doesn't do character development so there's no point to that, even the best on the mic are the same person on the mic week to week. His character is a skilled underdog who doesn't give up and this week we saw him give up, which is the character equivalent of Cena tapping. This is my first year of having a real job and i've taken advantage of it by going to as many wwe events as possible I flew to summerslam and saw bryan in the main event and was thrilled i knew he'd be cashed in on and lose but i was fired up thinking it was the the underdog overcomes and by the time i went to survivor series he'd have the belt back. now i'm going to raw on the 13th and the rumble and unless i can get the whole crowd to chant "this is bullshit" the whole time I'm not forward to seeing my favorite wrestler embarrassed.
Lol I think this is a good move for Bryan if he wasn't going to be competing for the title until EC or WM then have him do something interesting! I was never really into the Wyatts but Bryan's joining renewed my.interest in both. The only bad thing is instead of Bryan turning heel, the Wyatts should have turned face or tweener at least. They could have had it where they arent hokey kiddy faces but keep their same character just have them attacking the authority and helping Bryan win the belt. Even there if they wanted to they could book a triple threat and have The Wyatts pretend to secure the win for Bryan but screw him and get Bray the title, a heel run, and a main event feud with the guy who can pull a great match out of anyone. This was a great and interesting move by WWE

I was kind of hoping they would at least give Bryan an attire something that was more like what Bray Wyatt wears but alas I am still very interested to see how this storyline goes!

Nice to see Bryan wrestling in pants for a change, too!
Lol I think this is a good move for Bryan if he wasn't going to be competing for the title until EC or WM then have him do something interesting! I was never really into the Wyatts but Bryan's joining renewed my.interest in both. The only bad thing is instead of Bryan turning heel, the Wyatts should have turned face or tweener at least. They could have had it where they arent hokey kiddy faces but keep their same character just have them attacking the authority and helping Bryan win the belt. Even there if they wanted to they could book a triple threat and have The Wyatts pretend to secure the win for Bryan but screw him and get Bray the title, a heel run, and a main event feud with the guy who can pull a great match out of anyone. This was a great and interesting move by WWE

The problem with this is two weeks ago he took orton to the limit to the point where orton had to get himself disqualified to not suffer a more embarrassing pinfall or submission loss. This should have led to a program where triple h was really nervous about bryan winning the rumble I.E. making him go through that whole gauntlet match to even get in the rumble. Then have triple H announce "fine you got in but you're entering 1st." then have him win it face triple h at EC or have him put his title shot on the line against someone and win and then finally beat orton and let him have the biggest wrestlemania moment of the modern era, as an entire dome chants yes. Bryan joining the wyatts is either him acting heelish by using them to win the rumble or just plain being a heel, and that's an austin level heel turn mistake.
The wwe has done a lot of things in the past I don't really agree with but this is the first that's legitimately pissed me off. I know everyone is saying it's something new and different or rather it's gonna lead to a turn at the rumble but either way in my opinion it's a poor decision, I might be wrong and it may pay off huge but the wwe has lost my trust as far as booking over the last year. In my opinion The gauntlet match should have ended with bryan beating bray clean and then transitioning to a rumble build for bryan. I know not everyone likes Bryan and that's fine but he is incredibly over and this is a huge risk for his character and for the fans, and also financially as his merchandise could tank. I know a lot of people are saying this is charcter development and that would be great but aside from debuts and turns the wwe doesn't do character development so there's no point to that, even the best on the mic are the same person on the mic week to week. His character is a skilled underdog who doesn't give up and this week we saw him give up, which is the character equivalent of Cena tapping. This is my first year of having a real job and i've taken advantage of it by going to as many wwe events as possible I flew to summerslam and saw bryan in the main event and was thrilled i knew he'd be cashed in on and lose but i was fired up thinking it was the the underdog overcomes and by the time i went to survivor series he'd have the belt back. now i'm going to raw on the 13th and the rumble and unless i can get the whole crowd to chant "this is bullshit" the whole time I'm not forward to seeing my favorite wrestler embarrassed.

There are few instances in Pro Wrestling where something never happens to someone. Cena tapping or Undertaker losing at WrestleMania are streaks that are very limited.

A Superstar going their whole career as a face is pretty rare too. A Superstar staying in the EXACT same gimmick for their whole career is extremely rare.

If you are a Daniel Bryan fan, the reason this was done is to TEST Daniel Bryan fans. Fans are now actually supposed to boo him, for now, while he is a Wyatt because they are supposed to be upset that he went with them but when Daniel Bryan eventually comes out of this STRONGER than ever before he will need his TRUE FANS to be there waiting for him. However, some Bryan fans may STILL cheer him even as a Wyatt or at least still enjoy his matches like they did for guys in the NWO like Hall, Nash or Hogan. Like they did for Bret Hart when he was a 'bad guy' or same for Shawn Michaels as a 'bad guy'.

Where do you think Daniel Bryan SHOULD be right now anyway? WWE is approaching WrestleMania 30. That means they will be throwing as many part-time proven money makers than they can in the way of many, MANY full-time WWE Superstars on the Road to WrestleMania because they want to have a card that will give them the highest grossing WrestleMania of all time. That means guys like Batista, Brock Lesnar, Triple H and probably even RVD, Chris Jericho and Hulk Hogan will be on the card and billed above Daniel Bryan.

However, Daniel Bryan will still be ON the WrestleMania card and through this Wyatt storyline he will get there but coming up to Royal Rumble there is really nothing better he could be doing.

I'm not saying this as an anti-Bryan guy I am saying this because WWE is a business and Daniel Bryan in the Main Event of 3 PPVs last year didn't make significant enough money to PROVE he is a money-guy so he is not going to be billed as the top guy going into WrestleMania.

But this story with the Wyatts might make him a money-guy in 2014 and then he could be a top-bill for WM 31.
Not a fan of this development. How is making one of the most over face someone's lackey fun to watch for anyone? It feels so much like Cena and Nexus all over again and how forced that was. Except this time the lackey is willing and subdued. The pay off better be worth it for hiding Bryan with a heel faction.

Is this storyline a metaphor for Bryan being a reluctant cog in the main event picture of the WWE?
Cena has tapped... but onto the subject at hand. Daniel Bryan with this new gimmick is either going to make or break him. He is now in with The Wyatts and this to me is a true test. Is Daniel Bryan going to turn back and face Bray or will the Wyatts become a Face Team?

Really it doesn't matter about Bryan as much a Bray. Why you ask? ... Well look at what is being played here. We have a Group of guys that WWE is obviously very high on and need them to generate more heat. WWE uses the top face and makes him a member and will cause more heat for the group. Sooner or later the Daniel Bryan/Bray Wyatt Confrontation will come ahead, hopefully it is executed well and The Wyatt Family get that Heel rub from this.
There are few instances in Pro Wrestling where something never happens to someone. Cena tapping or Undertaker losing at WrestleMania are streaks that are very limited.

A Superstar going their whole career as a face is pretty rare too. A Superstar staying in the EXACT same gimmick for their whole career is extremely rare.

If you are a Daniel Bryan fan, the reason this was done is to TEST Daniel Bryan fans. Fans are now actually supposed to boo him, for now, while he is a Wyatt because they are supposed to be upset that he went with them but when Daniel Bryan eventually comes out of this STRONGER than ever before he will need his TRUE FANS to be there waiting for him. However, some Bryan fans may STILL cheer him even as a Wyatt or at least still enjoy his matches like they did for guys in the NWO like Hall, Nash or Hogan. Like they did for Bret Hart when he was a 'bad guy' or same for Shawn Michaels as a 'bad guy'.

Where do you think Daniel Bryan SHOULD be right now anyway? WWE is approaching WrestleMania 30. That means they will be throwing as many part-time proven money makers than they can in the way of many, MANY full-time WWE Superstars on the Road to WrestleMania because they want to have a card that will give them the highest grossing WrestleMania of all time. That means guys like Batista, Brock Lesnar, Triple H and probably even RVD, Chris Jericho and Hulk Hogan will be on the card and billed above Daniel Bryan.

However, Daniel Bryan will still be ON the WrestleMania card and through this Wyatt storyline he will get there but coming up to Royal Rumble there is really nothing better he could be doing.

I'm not saying this as an anti-Bryan guy I am saying this because WWE is a business and Daniel Bryan in the Main Event of 3 PPVs last year didn't make significant enough money to PROVE he is a money-guy so he is not going to be billed as the top guy going into WrestleMania.

But this story with the Wyatts might make him a money-guy in 2014 and then he could be a top-bill for WM 31.

There's no need for this test, he had his 18 second test, and his constantly screwed test and his heel turn test before. I don't doubt the fans will still cheer but there's a chance they won't and if that's the case then what's the point of this? to bury a top star? he gets over on his in ring work and his chants both of which don't fit in the wyatts. They should have sacrificed Cena to the wyatts or Kane people who are already completely solidified in their positions and legacies.

To say Bryan isn't a money guy isn't fair, to say he isn't a Cena level money guy is fair and I'm assuming is what you meant. The problem is Summerslam had two main events and apparently neither drew and had a highly predicable turn and cash in finish for us internet fans and for even the non internet fans who are just casual viewers probably thought cena was a lock so why bother. Then Bryan was thrown the ball and expected to do Cena numbers in his first try as "the guy" and he fell short but to have the expectation of him being able to do that was unreasonable and it was booked poorly anyway with him constantly belittled and so many ppvs so close it was doomed from the gate, but in time he could do Cena numbers. The problem was with cena gone the main event was Bryan, orton and punk. If you take it back to 2005/6 when cena got his first run as "the guy" he still had hbk, hhh, the undertaker, batista, flair, Jericho, Benoit, Orton, Angle, Kane, mysterio, rvd, Guerrero, and so many others to boost the card and buyrates. Hell in a cell was a boost but everyone credited Cena's comeback for the money and perhaps they're right but I took Bryan having hbk as ref was the assurance fans needed that this was it Bryan was getting the title.

As far as where he should be I'll quote my previous response

The problem with this is two weeks ago he took orton to the limit to the point where orton had to get himself disqualified to not suffer a more embarrassing pinfall or submission loss. This should have led to a program where triple h was really nervous about bryan winning the rumble I.E. making him go through that whole gauntlet match to even get in the rumble. Then have triple H announce "fine you got in but you're entering 1st." then have him win it face triple h at EC or have him put his title shot on the line against someone and win and then finally beat orton and let him have the biggest wrestlemania moment of the modern era, as an entire dome chants yes. Bryan joining the wyatts is either him acting heelish by using them to win the rumble or just plain being a heel, and that's an austin level heel turn mistake.
Meh, I like it...it's a win-win scenario.

I can't see Bryan being a full heel in this scenario, more like a brainwashed face. Expect Cena to come to his aid, get the crowd chanting "Yes" or "Daniel Bryan" and eventually pull him out of it, for Bryan to eventually destroy Bray Wyatt. I expect for his face turn to happen either at the Royal Rumble, or Elimination Chamber & a match between them at Wrestlemania.

Allows for a nice storyline to play out for the Wyatts while they gain experience, before eventually splitting and starting singles competition. Allows Bryan to overcome his demons and come out with a huge pop and gain even more stardom.
Cena has tapped...

Not that I don't believe you, but when?

There's no need for this test, he had his 18 second test, and his constantly screwed test and his heel turn test before. I don't doubt the fans will still cheer but there's a chance they won't and if that's the case then what's the point of this? to bury a top star? he gets over on his in ring work and his chants both of which don't fit in the wyatts. They should have sacrificed Cena to the wyatts or Kane people who are already completely solidified in their positions and legacies.

To say Bryan isn't a money guy isn't fair, to say he isn't a Cena level money guy is fair and I'm assuming is what you meant. The problem is Summerslam had two main events and apparently neither drew and had a highly predicable turn and cash in finish for us internet fans and for even the non internet fans who are just casual viewers probably thought cena was a lock so why bother. Then Bryan was thrown the ball and expected to do Cena numbers in his first try as "the guy" and he fell short but to have the expectation of him being able to do that was unreasonable and it was booked poorly anyway with him constantly belittled and so many ppvs so close it was doomed from the gate, but in time he could do Cena numbers. The problem was with cena gone the main event was Bryan, orton and punk. If you take it back to 2005/6 when cena got his first run as "the guy" he still had hbk, hhh, the undertaker, batista, flair, Jericho, Benoit, Orton, Angle, Kane, mysterio, rvd, Guerrero, and so many others to boost the card and buyrates. Hell in a cell was a boost but everyone credited Cena's comeback for the money and perhaps they're right but I took Bryan having hbk as ref was the assurance fans needed that this was it Bryan was getting the title.

As far as where he should be I'll quote my previous response

It is just the time of the year that kind of sucks for Daniel Bryan. Yes, Daniel Bryan isn't a huge money guy, YET. Yes, he probably WILL get to that point but the WWE doesn't think he is worth the risk at their biggest WrestleMania ever.

I went back and I re-read your post and your thoughts on what they should have done with Bryan and I admit, I like it. I think it makes sense and I think it would be a good story. Honestly, I am a little sad that WWE doesn't want to give Bryan that huge WrestleMania moment at their biggest WrestleMania ever because they could have Orton vs Bryan for the WWE Title, even throw Cena or Punk in there and still have the 'big money' matches that include Undertaker, Lesnar, Batista, Punk, Triple H, Mysterio and possibly RVD, Chris Jericho or HBK which should more than cover for any 'risk' of putting Daniel Bryan in one of the Main Events...

But unfortunately WWE seems to have other plans. I have been disappointment by WWE's 'other plans' more times than I can count. Best you can do really now is either grab a copy of WWE 2k14 and in your Universe give Bryan that great story and match in WrestleMania 30 or just wait and see how it plays out in real life... and maybe Bryan will still get that big WrestleMania moment or something good enough.

One thing I know is WWE is not doing this to TRY and bury Daniel Bryan. They have a lot invested in Bray Wyatt AND Daniel Bryan and they are using this storyline to push them both higher than they have ever been before.

I think it is POSSIBLE that Bryan breaks out of the Wyatt's 'spell' before WrestleMania and maybe IS put in the WWE World Title match somehow but even if not, he will break out of it before too long and I am sure he will get his WrestleMania moment sometime.
Not that I don't believe you, but when?

It is just the time of the year that kind of sucks for Daniel Bryan. Yes, Daniel Bryan isn't a huge money guy, YET. Yes, he probably WILL get to that point but the WWE doesn't think he is worth the risk at their biggest WrestleMania ever.

I went back and I re-read your post and your thoughts on what they should have done with Bryan and I admit, I like it. I think it makes sense and I think it would be a good story. Honestly, I am a little sad that WWE doesn't want to give Bryan that huge WrestleMania moment at their biggest WrestleMania ever because they could have Orton vs Bryan for the WWE Title, even throw Cena or Punk in there and still have the 'big money' matches that include Undertaker, Lesnar, Batista, Punk, Triple H, Mysterio and possibly RVD, Chris Jericho or HBK which should more than cover for any 'risk' of putting Daniel Bryan in one of the Main Events...

But unfortunately WWE seems to have other plans. I have been disappointment by WWE's 'other plans' more times than I can count. Best you can do really now is either grab a copy of WWE 2k14 and in your Universe give Bryan that great story and match in WrestleMania 30 or just wait and see how it plays out in real life... and maybe Bryan will still get that big WrestleMania moment or something good enough.

One thing I know is WWE is not doing this to TRY and bury Daniel Bryan. They have a lot invested in Bray Wyatt AND Daniel Bryan and they are using this storyline to push them both higher than they have ever been before.

I think it is POSSIBLE that Bryan breaks out of the Wyatt's 'spell' before WrestleMania and maybe IS put in the WWE World Title match somehow but even if not, he will break out of it before too long and I am sure he will get his WrestleMania moment sometime.

I agree with everything you're saying, I know it's not a purposeful burial, but neither was ryback's heel turn. Now ryback isn't good in the ring or on the mic but he was incredibly popular as a face. Triple H is very high on Bray and that's fine he is head of creative and will have his projects he likes but he might accidentally be feeding bryan to bray. I by no means believe triple H or vince is doing this on purpose but they are also both very confident in their ideas even if they're terrible.
Now i know many will argue that the belt is just a prop and that a guy doesn't need to be in a belt feud or holding it to be in the main event scene but wwe made it about the belt with his previous feuds so I think he does need it. My oppinion is put the belt on someone when they're at their hottest and it will help solidify them.
Byan deserves his moment and more importantly his fans deserve it too and it should be on the grandest stage of them all.
this type of storyline already done with john cena and nexus. Same thing happened in bryan character. At wrestlemania he split from wyatt family and move on to next story. As for as wwe title picture he is not involved for half of the year. Bcoz now we have one title with so many main eventers. Cena,randy,punk,brock,batista,sheamus.
This is brilliant. Wyatt wants to take down the Machine - which we assume to be the The Authority. The fans are upset at Triple H and Stephanie's (The Authority) booking of Bryan aligning with the Wyatts. Bray Wyatt's plan is working perfectly.
Idk why but this situation kindof reminds me of when stone cold turned heel... Vince said he did it because he thought the character would get stale, but even austin said that it was a horrible idea. Either they think he is stale or they are feeding him to bray. It just doesn't make since what turning bryan heel would acomplish.

Bryan is-
1. Highest face reaction
2. Doesn't talk bad about company or take drugs
3. Hard worker

He doesn't deserve to be treated like this, they should have made gauntlet for spot in rumble and make bryan go over the Wyatt's and start his build for rumble. They should have never done this which states in a article in dailywrestlingnews that they have no plans and making him heel was a rushed decision. So it looks like again wwe had trapped themselfs in a corner with no way out
Bryan enduring a beating at the WWE house show is an indicator that he's still undergoing some sort of "initiation" into The Wyatt Family. This could ultimately result in Bryan becoming sort of savage and merciless, like a dog that's been abused to the point of being a savage beast. It could also result in Bryan possibly turning against them at some point, with the story being that he joined them because he expected things to be different. He expected to be welcomed into the fold rather than being The Family's whipping boy.
Ladies and gentleman you are witnessing the pinnacle of WWE politics none of this makes sense or should be happening whatsoever, this guy should be the number 1 babyface of the company now and instead...

Cena Vince HHH have all had hands in this plan to destroy his momentum and popularity I just hope the fans see right through it, keep cheering the fuck out of him and continue chanting his name during Cena HHH Orton segments until the WWE cannot take it anymore and has to relent.

You have the power to let the WWE know you see right through this BS which will all come round to putting Cena over in the end - when he tries to save Bryan.

Brian Danielson Deserves so much better than this go back to Japan or something where you will be truly appreciated and given the top titles.
Ladies and gentleman you are witnessing the pinnacle of WWE politics none of this makes sense or should be happening whatsoever, this guy should be the number 1 babyface of the company now and instead...

Cena Vince HHH have all had hands in this plan to destroy his momentum and popularity I just hope the fans see right through it, keep cheering the fuck out of him and continue chanting his name during Cena HHH Orton segments until the WWE cannot take it anymore and has to relent.

You have the power to let the WWE know you see right through this BS which will all come round to putting Cena over in the end - when he tries to save Bryan.

Brian Danielson Deserves so much better than this go back to Japan or something where you will be truly appreciated and given the top titles.

I never got this approach, that of "Vince, Cena, and HHH are purposefully burying Bryan", I think it's ******ed. Daniel Bryan is over as shit I don't think they would ruin a money maker. What I believe is that while Bryan draws good crowd reaction and maybe moves some Merch, we've seen that that doesn't translate into PPV Buys..yet. What Bryan needed was an interesting development in his character to make him must see. I think if he could possibly come out of this and win the title as late as SummerSlam he'll be a huge draw and if not huge definitely bigger than now. In the meantime though they have to go with their proven draws during this time they could possibly build up someone else. (My person pick who if not for Reigns could have been the future face of the WWE Cody Rhodes)

I say wait and see how this turns out. If it fails they've possibly ruined two future stars but if it works both would come out looking terrific and I'm excited for this go play out which I haven't said since this story started.
The Wyatts may yet turn face/tweeners if the Authority keeps coming after Bryan, and the other members step in to protect their little brother. Instant face turn! Instant feud with The Shield, Big Red ******, Snorton, etc... HHH and company might even put the belt on DB and have him "insulated" by the big bodies in the WF.
Eh, I still believe that the Wyatts are in cahoots with the Authority and Daniel Bryan is purposely being "brainwashed" by Bray to find out who the "devil" is. The story is intriguing and I can't wait until the conclusion, but apparently people can't wait for the payoff and demand instant satisfaction. One pump chumps, the lot of you.

Vince said he did it because he thought the character would get stale, but even austin said that it was a horrible idea.

Austin recently said that it was his idea to turn heel, not Vince's. Vince gets blames for shit he's not even responsible for.
Bye-bye Daniel Bryan. It was nice knowing you. Mark my words. This will NOT help Bryan get over and it isn't intended to "develop his character." Anyone that thinks that has to be smoking something. Seriously. This is nothing more than a way to kill Bryan's babyface momentum because HHH and Vince are sick and tired of having the "Yes" and "Daniel Bryan" chants hijack their moments onscreen. So this is a way to quell all that popularity so that they don't have to listen to it any more. It's that simple. Guaranteed that's what is up here.
Can you imagine if they did this with Austin? If he joined the Hart Foundation, and had to wear pink and black trunks?

I can't imagine ANYBODY defending that just like I dont understand why anybody would defend this. The wait and see approach has a horrible track record in WWE. Cena has been the top guy for going on 9 years with the same stale act and some of you wanna say wait and see? We been waiting for 9 years and nobody has yet to be positioned as the guy that can rival Cena's top guy status. NO ONE.

What more has to be said or done for anyone to understand that WWE is doing this because they can and they will and that it's not to elevate Daniel Bryan?
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I am looking to this feud even more now. Anyone who has no interest in this feud can't call themselves fans of the product.
As long as people cheer Daniel Bryan, the story will go in a way to have a big payoff at some point, along the way the WWE needs to get over the Wyatt family gimmick as well. What better way than have a programme with the most over superstar in the Company?

Had they done a similar programme with someone else, maybe Ziggler for example, would it have garnered anywhere near the interest Daniel Bryan has brought to them? I doubt it.
This is easily the best storyline going on in the company right now & I'm really starting to enjoy it. I'm a little skeptical of how great of a payoff & exactly what the payoff will be but I'm going to give it a solid chance since Bryan seems to make everything work really well. But while I'm really glad WWE is commiting to this storyline, I don't care for some of the character changes to Daniel Bryan & I hope they don't make it to TV.

1.) Why make Bryan look like Erick Rowan's mini me? Like I said I'm glad WWE is commiting to changes to Bryan's character & that they gave him a change of attire but why the exact same jump suit as Rowan but just in blue? Why not that awesome attire he wore in his match with Punk at MitB 2012 that was all worn out & looked burned? Bray & Harper have their own seperate attire. Unless the idea was for the entire group to wear the exact same outfits, wouldn't WWE want each member to stand out & look as unique as possible? It just seems lazy to me.
2.) Why not call em' Luke Wyatt & Erick Wyatt? Why change Bryan's last name to Wyatt when Bray was the only member of The Wyatt Family with the last name Wyatt to begin with? Harper & Rowan each have their own last names so why change Bryan's name at all? Just seems goofy to me. But luckily it sounds alright for the time being & it'll almost definitely be temporary.

I think good things will come of this storyline in the end but I just hope WWE fleshes out some of the ideas at their Live Events first.
It's really simple when you get down to the bottom line. What is Daniel's biggest asset right now in the company (no, not Brie)? It's his organic connection with the fans. It's the fact that they have chanted his name and "Yes! Yes! Yes!" over and over, even in segments where he's not in the focal point. Heck, sometimes they've chanted for him when he hasn't even been in the segment at all.

If that's his biggest asset (and it is), then the worst thing creative can do for him right now is try something that will throw the proverbial cold water on that connection with the fans. Make him do something that will cause them to stop chanting for him. If making him a mindless lackey for Bray Wyatt isn't that very thing then I don't know what is. It's the worst possible situation for Bryan because I'll guarantee you the fans are N-O-T going to keep chanting his name for long in this storyline. It's a no-win for him and will hurt his popularity among the fans (especially the kids, who aren't going to cheer for a Bray Wyatt lackey). The Wyatts aren't the Shield (guys who have always been able to garner some cheers, even though they are bad guys). So aligning Bryan with them will do nothing but have a detrimental affect on his most important attribute - connecting with the fans organically.

This is why I don't buy that Vince/HHH are doing this as a positive for Bryan. It's obviously not going to help him get more over. He's been as over as a guy is going to get and doing this will only move him in the opposite direction. They know it and they don't give a rip.

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