Daniel Bryan And Zack Ryder Need To Be De-Pushed

LOL, you have no idea where they're going with any of this, I'm guessing D-Bry will likely either challenge Show or Henry at the RR, possibly both in a triple threat, so I doubt they'll have him go up against Rhodes yet, also as much as it makes me cringe, it looks like they're pushing Barrett toward a title feud, wouldn't be shocked if he gets a shot at the WHC at RR either.

As for Dolph he'll be fine, you ever stop and think maybe they took the mid-card title off him cause they want to push him, & are going to have him and Punk feud over the WWE title for the next few months?
I think i am self destructing right now. You guys might have to catch me in the bar room to talk about this. I saw this coming.

You guys just think i am a troll but i am very serious. I wanted them de-pushed for slower builds. Ryder is not was is bothering me. That is chump change considering what they just did with Bryan.

please please Pretty please DONT do this to Cody. I will really have a meltdown if they enter him in to the main event. He HAS GOT TO BE PROTECTED!!!!!

And god... they really protected Dolph tonight, That was crap. But atleast dolph can recover easy from that.

The whole bryan thing has me just lost for words while shaking my head, I KNEW THIS WAS COMING!.

please dont throw dolph and cody away to a knee jerk main-even status. SLOW IT DOWN.
LOL, you have no idea where they're going with any of this, I'm guessing D-Bry will likely either challenge Show or Henry at the RR, possibly both in a triple threat, so I doubt they'll have him go up against Rhodes yet, also as much as it makes me cringe, it looks like they're pushing Barrett toward a title feud, wouldn't be shocked if he gets a shot at the WHC at RR either.

As for Dolph he'll be fine, you ever stop and think maybe they took the mid-card title off him cause they want to push him, & are going to have him and Punk feud over the WWE title for the next few months?

Look, we have to get this dolph thing straight. I wanted him to drop the title, but to someone the WWE had real plans with. Trust me, they have no real plans for Ryder. They will ride the merchandise sells for another couple months then its all over. Unless they repackage him, best as a heel, he will be finished.

I knew Ryder was getting the title. That was never in question. Dolph needs to move on
Trust me, they have no real plans for Ryder. They will ride the merchandise sells for another couple months then its all over
I. Could. Not. Agree. More! I think the WWE sees a technical star that has potential to connect with hardcore fans in D-Bry. I think the WWE sees a temporary cash cow in Ryder, and will exploit him until the Universe no longer cares. And trust me, that day WILL come...

Eventually they'll shove him down your throats, and the same people that hate Cena will jump on the "Ryder sucks" bandwagon. Only this time the guy in question doesn't have billions of dollars in sales and several World titles to back up his legitimacy... Ryder will fall, it's just simply a matter of time. I'd be surprised if people don't start turning on him as soon as WrestleMania. Don't get me wrong, I don't expect loud, deafening "Ryder sucks" back-and-forth chants. I more or less expect everyone to just stop caring... Apathy is 10x worse than hatred in sports entertainment.
You are right TBH. Rhodes and Ziggler are the future where as Ryder will be an after-thought, which is exactly why he needs to win the title now and Ziggler to move onto Main event. Ryder is as over as someone can be and they need to cash in because he won't stay over in 2/3 years time. As for Bryan, its absurd how you think he will be an after-thought, he is also the future, i though agree that Ryder doesn't really have what it takes.
As participants on RAW and SD, they are not complete jokes. But the idea of pushing them the way that they are, is by far a joke.

The fans like them and wanted to see them get pushed. It's not a joke when you think about it. Who pays to come to the shows, orders the PPV's, and buys the merchandise? The fans. So if the fans want Punk and Bryan as their WWE and World Heavyweight Champions, then pushing the two into those positions is hardly a joke my friend.

Having them on the same stage as Dolph and Cody is laughable enough. Presenting them as equal opponents... thats booking malpractice.

Not exactly. Punk and Bryan are over, and so is Ryder. Someone could have the in-ring ability at a higher level than that of Bret Hart in his prime, but if this same guy cannot get over, then he won't get pushed. Dolph and Cody are good in their heel roles right now but they would not be able to get over as faces the way that Punk, Bryan, or Ryder have. It's not booking malpractice if they give the fans what they want.

Ryder is completely unserious and doesnt bring any value to a potential U.S. title run. Dolph is a huge part of the future and could be solidifying the U.S. title as once again relevant. Why not have him turn it over to somone who can carry that mantle?

Who else could they have put the belt on? Morrison quit. Mason Ryan is awful. Alex Riley vanished off the face of the earth. Ryder is someone the fans are behind and wanted to see win. His popularity will only grow from this point on. I guarantee you that people may have thought the same thing about John Cena when he won his first US Championship. Look how he turned out. Ryder's going to be a star. Dolph could not have lost the title to a more deserving individual.

Bryan tries to play off this "blue collar", hard working underdog. Thats fine if they keep him relegated to the TLC type matches, but presenting him as a future heavyweight champ is beyond any ability to suspend dis-belief. Puting him in matches with Cody really had me thinking "WTF!" Cody will be a huge key to any sucess of a new era and he has to be protected. Bryan and Ryder are experimental stars who will be afterthoughts in 9 months

I will hold you to that theory. WWE obviously thought highly of them because they are now champions in the middle of HUGE pushes. What we saw on Raw last night was a glimpse of the future. Punk, Bryan, and Ryder are WWE's future. Remember that WWE is a business, and when you are in a business to make a profit you have to give your target market what they want. That's exactly what WWE did. I'll see you in 9 months from this post on September 20th 2012 and all three guys will likely still be key players in the WWE. Let's see what happens.
Please people, read and learn. Then controll yourselves, OK?

As participants on RAW and SD, they are not complete jokes. But the idea of pushing them the way that they are, is by far a joke.

Having them on the same stage as Dolph and Cody is laughable enough. Presenting them as equal opponents... thats booking malpractice.

Ryder is completely unserious and doesnt bring any value to a potential U.S. title run. Dolph is a huge part of the future and could be solidifying the U.S. title as once again relevant. Why not have him turn it over to somone who can carry that mantle?

Bryan tries to play off this "blue collar", hard working underdog. Thats fine if they keep him relegated to the TLC type matches, but presenting him as a future heavyweight champ is beyond any ability to suspend dis-belief. Puting him in matches with Cody really had me thinking "WTF!" Cody will be a huge key to any sucess of a new era and he has to be protected. Bryan and Ryder are experimental stars who will be afterthoughts in 9 months

Well this is just silly. You clearly need to take your television off of mute when you watch wrestling, because if you did you'd hear how ridiculously over Zack Ryder and Daniel Bryan are right now. Whether or not you find them to be talented wrestlers or entertaining is irrelevant, as they are loved by the masses, and that is why they are being pushed.

I'm not going to argue whether or not DBD or Ryder are talented or interesting. You've clearly made up your mind, and I can't change that. However, you also can't change the minds of the hundreds of thousands of fans that have been supporting these guys over the past few months and have helped get Ryder and Bryan to where they are. The WWE is going to push whomever is popular with the fans, and that's why Bryan and Ryder are now champions.

And to say Zack Ryder is going to devalue the US Championship that Dolph Ziggler could have put more prestige into... Dolph gave just about everything he could to the US Title, but why keep that midcard anchor around his boot when he could be rising to the main event? Now that he is free from the bonds of midcardship I think we can expect to see him wrestling for CM Punk's title in the near future. Furthermore, Zack Ryder is a guy that is John Cena's best (on-screen) broskie, and has gotten rubs from Cena, CM Punk, and Orton. He's a main eventer by association, and putting the US Title on him is a huge step up for the belt, as it hasn't been on someone this over in a long time.

Daniel Bryan is more of a special case, as he wasn't getting the pops he is now until very recently. However, it seems WWE did a good job with their push as he sounded super over at TLC, and he was popular with the fans last night. Now I know people are psyched up about the cash in and their new World Heavyweight Champion, but I'm optimistic that he'll manage to stay hot with the fans and they'll continue to love him.

I love Cody Rhodes too, and Dolph Ziggler is definitely a big part of the WWE's future, but there's no reason to try to stop Zack Ryder or Daniel Bryan right now.
The company needs people at the top. They've lost guys like HBK, Batista and Edge......and are looking to replace them with folks like Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler, Cody Rhodes and, heaven help us......Zack Ryder. In my opinion, none of these men feature as main eventers, although I enjoy seeing all of them in the ring. One of the problems in our wrestling community is we feel we have to either love a performer, or hate him. In fact, it's not that cut and dried.

Cody Rhodes, for example, has been pushed to the sky. The Creative department has written more juicy programs for him than anyone.....and I don't know why, unless it's because of his Dad. Many of you think Cody is great, but without all the terrific stuff being written for him, I don't see him getting anywhere. You can claim he's a fine wrestler......and he is...... but guys like Trent Barretta and Drew McIntyre are also fine wrestlers and I'll bet they're sitting backstage wondering why such efforts are being made repeatedly for Cody and never for them.

However, as stated above, WWE needs people to send to the top of the card, and Cody, Dolph, Daniel and Zack are who they've chosen, for better or worse.

So, it isn't a question so much of "de-pushing" these guys; it's a matter of keeping them where they belong: the mid-card. If management doesn't have anyone more dynamic to elevate, I guess these guys are headed for the top.

It isn't a good thing.
Dagger Dias:

You see, there is an old rule in politics that is referred to as the "political laws of gravity"; what quickly goes up, whill fall even quicker.

The rise of Zack Ryder exploded in a matter of weeks. It was based on the guy exploiting a story of wanting to realize his American dream. The fans got behind it quickly, with a happy-go-luckly and likeable guy. But their is an end-game here. And it just happened at TLC. How long do you think the fans will get behind that same story, now that he has accomplished his dream? Dagger Dias, your smart. You know as well as I, that this thing has a fast approaching expiation date. A slow and methodical rise is what you want when molding true cornerstones of the future. Cody and Dolph are getting that.

Bryan has a half-life of about 4 months. The reasons are obvious. The powers-that-be are not making descisions based on the IWC. They are looking at a combination of the base, the casuals, and bringing in new fans. Bryan is good with the base, thats it.
Current stars in WWE such as Ryder Bryan are like fast food burger chains. Yes they are good and majority people love them. Who doesn't like a good cheeseburger from a burger joint right? And fast food chains bring in a lot of money. Each one has different gimmicks and merchandise. Some are better than others. The only problem is burgers get old, repetitive and boring. This is especially true if you are used to dining on steak, lobster and a large variety of finer things(attitude era). Cheeseburgers are good and all but simply not fine dining like what some of us are used too. Some of you only know fast food because that's all you've ever eaten(metaphorically still). Now why would we have fast food burger chains now rather than high class restaurants? Well, it's far easier and cheaper to produce the product, you can sell promotional merchandise such as happy meal toys(which is also cheap and generic), and it's easy to attract the youth.
So then you say well Vince knows what he's doing because he wouldn't do something to lose money. Why not? Vince has more money than he has time left to spend(even if he lives to be 100) and so do his children. Why spend his older years trying to run a high class restaurant when he can just turn it into a fast food chain? Easier and cheaper to manage, less stressful, and still generates more than enough money for savings. He simply just doesn't care that much anymore. Close down the restaurants and just coast on fast food chains until mania. Come mania reopens a restaurant or two(Undertaker, Rock) with his savings, hypes up the reopenning, and gives the fine diners something familiar and delicious while giving the fast food eaters something new and exciting. Where before he was the restaurant manager, host and head chef all at once now he just needs to play the upper management check in now and then type. All the famous experienced chefs(creative team) have been replaced with college dropout fast food managers who get their advice from twitter trend following teenagers(this part is both metaphorical and literal lol). He himself won't even call it wrestling anymore. Nor will he ever have to again. And please remember this is all a metaphor. I don't need some idiot who can't analyze information telling me this is spam for talking fast food in a wrestling forum.

That is 100% correct. The idiots on here will NOT be able to understand what your saying. Its going to go way above their head and trust me, I know how it feels to write something and the majority of the forum not have any clue how to put it in a larger context. They go purely on what is or isnt trending. They can never see the bigger picture, only what is right infront of them. They really remind me of the "Tea Party". CAN THEY NOT SEE THAT THE AVERAGE PERSON LOOKS AT RYDER AND BRYAN, THEN SAYS "GOD THE WRESTLING IS STUPID".

Do you people even care about growing the business. Or do you want the WWE to become ROH? Thats what it is looking like...
JohnJohnson is totaly right ofcourse.... however his metaphor relates to and is comparable to the entire WWE product and not just Bryan and Ryder.

Yes I was referring to the entire product as a whole. If you want me to keep it Ryder and Bryan specific for this thread then Ryder would be the new Wendy's that openned up near a residential community due to a petition and Daniel Bryan would be the small McDonalds that doesn't pull in much money getting a huge playground installed with the insurance money from damages done to an older restaurant(Henry). It's cool to see the new playground for the kids but it sucks that the other restaurant is going to be closed or at least partially closed for a while.
I'm totally onboard with JohnJohnson here. He hit the nail right on the head. So did Ryan.

I don't see how Ryder and DB are going to have long term sustained success and therefore I don't see them as main eventers. I'm not saying Bryan can't wrestle. He can. But that doesn't automatically make him a "main eventer" that "deserves" a push. He's got the belt, let's see what he can do with it.

Yes, he does get a pop but now that his underdog gimmick is dead because he won the belt, will he keep up his good pops or will the Lil Jimmies latch onto the "next big thing." My guess is the latter.

Main Eventers can evolve or tweak their gimmicks, that's how they stay over for so long. They get over and they stay over, heel or face, even while other flashes in the pan are getting the fans' short term attention.

As much as I like CM Punk, I fear that he won't even be able to sustain his pop, let alone a guy like Daniel Bryan.

As for Ryder, that's great he won the belt but again, can he sustain it or will everyone move onto the next guy?

WWE is about entertainment, making money (both short and long term). Main Eventers make Long and Short term money, midcarders and upper mid carders make short term money. It's that simple.
WTH ryan? Dont u understand that on the 7th day God didnt rest but in fact created Daniel Bryan and then Daniel Bryan created pro wrestling? Then he and Nikki Bella had a lovechild, named Zack Ryder, gifted with the charisma of his father?

Just being sarcastic there bud. Its no secret that I'm no fan of DB. Hes not that great in the ring and I'm still waiting for his magical mic skills I've heard so much about to kick in. I dont think DB being WHC is an impossibility. Someday, maybe next year during the summer, he'll be a credible champion. But right now putting the belt on him is pointless. I know Henry is hurt but honestly there are so many other people more suitable as champions on SD. Give it to Big Show, or Barrett even. DB hasnt even been groomed propperly. He loses matches like crazy so its weird and almost pointless when he wins something like the MITB. Its almost like when the Miz won last year. We al knew he was too weak to carry the belt. Them BD goes back on his word of cashing in at WM which doesnt coincide with his face persona.

As far asd Ryder goes, I agree Ziggler is 10x better as champ. Every time Ziggler wins a title it gains some more prestige (not including the WHC). But Ryders a money cow and WWE going to milk that all they can, regardless. At least this gives Ziggler a chance to move on and start his way towards a WWE title win.
You know, what does all of this really matter. Bryan is getting pushed right now and if the fan get behind him the way they did for CM Punk then good for him, the company will stay behind him and we get a new main event star. Zack Ryder like it or want from being on the future endeavor list to one of the top upper mid card guys in WWE. You want them de pushed, why? They are bringing in money for the company right now and the fans are really happy with the WWE so to me this is a move in the right direction. Cody is getting push to the main event level anyway, just look at how he got push druing his feud with Orton and his mini feud with Booker just help him goe to the main level. Dolph is way on his way to become one of the 2 heel on Raw and dropping the title to one of the most popular guy in the company made sense and will just help him move to the next level.

The point i'm trying to make is simple, The WWE is the land of giants, it will always be the land of giants no matter who they push. Right now, all the champion are what you would considers cruiserweight but by wrestlemania, Bryan will have drop the belt to either Big Show or MArk Henry. Ryder will probably have lost the belt to a bigger mid card guys. Cody and Dolph will either be on the upper card match or getting stuck were they are right now. So instead of bitching about what going on right now, just enjoy it will it last because the WWE is pretty much booking day by day and will never push guys unless they are able to make them money and right now Ryder and Bryan are making them money.
I don't see the whole point you're trying to make here Ryan. How do Superstars like Zack Ryder and Daniel Bryan can't be long-term Superstars as opposed to Dolph Ziggler and Cody Rhodes? Does Ryder's and Daniel Bryan's current success mean that they can't be long-term fixtures in the WWE? That is just plain ******ed. As long as Ryder and Daniel Bryan can get a reaction from the crowd and get the fans absorbed into the show than they will stay in the WWE, hell, not even Vince McMahon can get rid of someone that is over with the crowd, and Zack Ryder is the best example of how crowd reaction can keep you in the WWE picture.

Out of all the four in question, Ryder is the most over with the fans and rightfully so. Like it or not, Ryder has worked harder, and has more charisma to get the fans affection than Rhodes, Ziggler, and even Daniel Bryan wish to have. With that said, Rhodes, and Ziggler are some of the best young future heels in the business. But to say that guys who worked just as hard, or harder in Ryder's case, not to belong in the same light is just absurd. Get your facts straight, All four of these men can be the future of the WWE.
Why would they need to be de-pushed? I haven't been this excited about the World Heavyweight Championship since Orton beat Benoit in 2004. Bryan's terrific. He's intense as hell and he has more moves than a chess game. He's even carrying his in-ring intensity into his promos,which has resulted in a huge improvement in his mic skills.I can totally buy into him as a world champion now,and I didn't even think he could make it in the WWE when he first came in.

As for Ryder,he's perfect where he is now. He cracks jokes and acts goofy most of the time,but he sure as hell wasn't joking around when he was feuding with Ziggles. He was totally serious,bro. Nothing wrong with him being the US Champion. Ziggler is the better wrestler,but he doesn't put butts in seats like Zack Ryder. Besides,dropping the title to Ryder means that Ziggles has the opportunity to make the step up to the main event,which would be awesome. Ziggles vs. Punk at the Royal Rumble? Count me in! So Ryder winning the US title 1) Keeps marks happy 2) Allows Ziggler to move on up to the main event and 3) Keeps marks happy. Also,nobody thinks that Zack Ryder can become the WWE Champion,so this is as far as his push is going to get.

I like Cody but he's nowhere as good as Bryan in the ring and as popular as Ryder. He's a great Intercontinental Champion,why can't we just appreciate that instead of moaning about other wrestlers getting a push?

Booking malpractice is when Santino was the 2nd last man in the Royal Rumble this year. I get that he's supposed to be a goofball ALL the time and he gets through life through sheer dumb luck,but it really annoyed the hell out of me when he was one of the final 2 in the Rumble.
I agree with ryan... kind of. I agree that its ridiculous for daniel bryan to be in the spot he is right now. Look at it logically and you'll see that since he won MITB he's jobbed to just about everyone on the smackdown roster, and alberto del rio. Now all of a sudden he's the WHC? Ridiculous, and unbelievable. What I disagree with is that I think he should be right where dolph and cody are. He should be a good up and coming upper mid card wrestler whom could one day be a champion. Nothing more, nothing less. Will he have a hell of a match with big show at royal rumble? Maybe, but he's for damn sure not walking out champion (if that's what they do). As for his staying power, I think he'll have a lot of mid card success. And maybe a world title or two, then in a few years he'll just be the guy that puts young talent over. He'll be the guy they look to and say "hey, go out there and give travis mccart a good 15 minutes tonight will ya?" And he'll thrive there as the solid reliable performer. He'll be like a chris benoit, dean malenko, rey mysterio type guy. And really with his size, what more could you ask for? Honestly I don't think anyone expects anything more from him.

As for ryder though, I'm not trying to be all up on the bandwagon or anything like that, but the WWE might have something big with this guy. I think he just has the IT factor, the charisma. He may not be a top notch in ring performer, but neither was the rock, or cena. A little bit of charisma goes a long way. And they way he pushed himself is awesome. And contrary to popular belief, vince loves it when guy take it upon themselves to get over. Look at stone cold, DX, and the rock, vince didn't give them those ideas, they did it themselves and he reaped the benifits. Same goes for ryder. With a little bit of character development in the future to stay fresh, he could be a huge star for a while.

... or we'll be saying "what ever happened to zack ryder?" A year from now. Ball is in his court.
Have you heard the phrase "Make hay while the sun shines". That is exactly what the WWE is doing with Ryder. Currently, he is one of the most popular guys on the roster and gets one of the best pops almost each night. The reasons for his considerable fan-base may be inexplicable, but it can't be denied. As for de-pushing him, he is currently the US champion, not the WWE champion. He is in the mid-card where he belongs.

As for Bryan, he is completely different from Ryder. He has his fans from years of hard work and wrestling. He has a loyal fan-base that appreciates him a lot, though it is not a very significant part of the WWE fan. As for his title win, it is somewhat surprising. He could be a Eddie-like champion who despite being the champion is not the face of the brand.
I understand that these guys work hard and have improved but does that mean they deserve to be Champions? Champions are supposed to be the best. Let's say you have a race between a fat person and an athletic track runner. When they race the fat person will work harder but the track runner is faster and in better shape so they will win. Let's now say that the fat person loses 30lbs but is still overweight. They worked hard to improve and their speed and endurance have increased but the track runner will win because he is still better. I'm sure many people will applaud and support the fat guy and he will be admired for his efforts. That should be good enough for him for now. You don't have to be first placed to be recognized as good. Would you be helping the fat guy by making the track runner lose on purpose? Does that first place ribbon mean anything now? No. Some people will be happy for him but to others will see it as a sham. The better approach, if the fat guy wants to be first, is to keep working on it until he is good enough to win it legitimately. Then the fat guy is no longer fat, we have two track runners now, the ribbon will mean something, and people won't see him as a joke. These guys have plenty of time in their careers to do just that. And if they don't because they will become irrelevant in a few years at least the WWE's championships will remain credible for the other superstars to compete for.
Daniel Bryan has to grow on me as a champ, kinda like CM Punk during his first reign. He is one of those underdog champs. A little man in a league of heavyweights. Would like to see him involved in a feud against Jack Swagger as they're both good amateur wrestlers. Good quality technical wrestling at its finest between the two. Unfortunately in this day and age many people dont enjoy that anymore.

Rhyder is marketable at the moment so why not pin the title on him, he's over and you must capitalize on it. Crowd enjoys him. Why do people think Santino gets face time? Crowd enjoys him, he's marketable. Years ago The Godfather had the Intercontinental title put on him, his gimmick was over at the time - why not? Do I think he is main event material? Only time will tell, I certainly didnt think Cena was until his reign as US champ.

I like the prestige Cody has brought to Intercontinental title and its unfortunate he doesnt have a real feud going for him, since him and Booker T feud received about as much exposure as HHH/Nash. I'm curious why he isn't feuding someone like Sheamus.
Again? Really?

Okay, moving beyond you constant I am holier than thou BS.

You say that these two stars should be De-pushed. Why exactly? Because Ryder isn't great, and Bryan isn't worthy of the World Title. Then you say neither of them should be placed on the same level or in a match with Ziggler or Rhodes. Claiming their experiments.

Ryder as busted his ass for the past year winning people over. He went outside off WWE to do it and it caught on and gained him massive support. You ignore this and say...

And you damn sure dont need to be listening to fan reactions that will change with the wind.

That was possibly the most illogical thing I've ever seen anyone state about wrestling. If it wasn't for crowd reaction WWE wouldn't be where it is today. If you look back it was crowd reaction that caused the WWE to push certain stars. Look at Austin, Austin wasn't anyone as the Ringmaster. He was given a little room to grow his character and the fans jumped behind him. He then became the biggest star for the next 4 years. Was that a fad? No, it was smart booking. you push the stars the fans are behind because then they will pay money to see them, and spend money on their merchandise. Yet, you have failed to notice how Ryder is having his name chanted in every arena he walks into. Just as fans ten years ago chanted Austin, and Rocky. Those two stars completely disprove your theory. (And no, I'm not saying that Ryder is on the level of Rock, or Austin. Simply using an example of how crowd reaction helped push certain stars.)

As for Bryan, I can somewhat see your point, but that is not his fault. WWE has done an awful job of booking him this year. He loses matches and then turns around wins money in the bank, loses more matches. Right as you think he could be trending upwards he loses a series of matches. Bryan though has something that not many people have. That is to go in the ring with anyone on the roster and look legit. He is by far the best in ring worker there is. Rhodes and Ziggler are no were near Bryan when it comes to in ring ability. I know that is not all there is to being a Main Eventer, but they have to run with it and see where he goes, and if the fans are behind him he will be a main stay. If not, then he will move back to the midcard.

The major problem that you are facing is that you have a clear bias for Rhodes and Ziggler. You are making blind predictions that both Ryder and Bryan will not be top stars in the future. Yet, turning around and making blind predictions that Rhodes and Ziggler will be. That is your opinion, not everyone is going to agree with it. But when they don't agree with it don't come across as a know it all assclown and talk down to everyone.
How is it whenever I see a thread like this I know its Ryan 86? I have come to the conclusion that Ryan86 is a clever guy who just acts thick to wind everyone up, so I have to congratulate him on that because he had me fooled for a while.

But maybe it is time for Ryan86 to stop being an arse, no-one can pretend to be clever and mispell develop and really like he has in other threads. And has for the sig it always makes me laugh, I just hope it is on purpose.

As for this thread Ryder is getting a push because of the fans, if WWE ignore that support then they will drive fans away. It would be impossible to claim fans choose who to push by getting behind them and then ignore Ryder, besides all the merch sales they would miss out. Cena, Punk even Rock have all backed Ryder to go far so he must have something, his gimmick is jokey and eventully he will have change in order to become an established star.

As for Bryan he is entertaining to watch in the ring even for someone who doesn't know the moves and such, on the mic he lacks the cutting edge but WWE rate him and wanted him in earlier. Ziggler, Rhodes, Ryder and Bryan are all in the same league along with Barrett and Sheamus in terms of the immediate WWE future.
Ok, these things take a life of their own... Ryder becoming the next Cena or Bryan being the best wrestler WWE has to offer. Hyperbaly at it's best. If your not saying Ryder will be the next Cena than STOP COMPARING HIS CAREER TO CENA. I know wrestling in and out and consider myself a historian on these things. First thing you need to get over is what the WWE is telling you on TV. And you damn sure dont need to be listening to fan reactions that will change with the wind. Ryder will not be selling merchandise at any levels in 6 months and he will be a jobber. If you cant see that coming I dont know why i am even wasting my time arguing with you. Bryan is an underdog IWC Fad that will fade quicker than a swagger title run. Cody and Dolph wont be fading. Bryan and ryder are being milked for short term merch sales. SEPERATE THE TWO PRINCIPLES.

For a "historian" and knowing wrestling "in and out" and having some degree for business, your business acumen seems a little off. Do not listen to the fans? That is the dumbest thing to do! We, as wrestling fans, are the consumers of WWE's product. Who we react to is what tells WWE who is over and who is not over. To not listen to us would be a HUGE mistake on WWE's part, or any business for that matter. How do you know what sells if you ignore the people you're selling your product to? If WWE didn't listen to us in 2005, John Cena wouldn't be a 10 time WWE Champion. If WWE didn't listen to us in the 90s, we wouldn't have had the Rock or Austin.

While I'm a fan of Ryder for the work he has put in to get himself noticed, I don't see him getting beyond mid-card status as he is now, so giving him the US title is perfectly fine until they tweek his character a bit like they've done with John Cena, the Rock, Austin and so on given that they would want to put him higher on the card. And no, I am not saying to that Ryder is the next John Cena, Austin or The Rock. What I am saying is that when those three first came on the scene as a rapper, a Ringmaster and a smiley Rocky Maivia, no one could see them becoming as huge as they are. When they turned into the Marine John Cena, Stone Cold Steve Austin, and The Rock their popularity exploded. But that wasn't without going through changes and evolution in their character. Right now, Ryder is nothing more then a fist-pumping, Jersey Shore-esque guy from Long Island. But with more exposure and more time to grow, and mature we can't be sure where he is going. WWE just knows that he works now as is. And as a further note, look at where Dolph Ziggler started with his gimmick. He walked around shaking hands and saying "Hi, I'm Dolph Ziggler." and now he is heading towards the main event. Notice a trend? CHARACTERS EVOLVE OVER TIME! They need exposure and time to work out kinks.

With Daniel Bryan, I am a huge fan of his since ROH and if WWE didn't see something in him they wouldn't have let him skip over a long FCW stay. While he is no master of charisma, neither was Chris Benoit and look where Benoit got to, a main event at WrestleMania where he would win his World Title.

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