Daniel Bryan And Zack Ryder Need To Be De-Pushed

Sorry but you are your constant threads need to be de-pushed.
Ryder isn't a main eventer, that's a no brainer, but if he takes the title that frees Dolph to finally go onto the big time.

Daniel Bryan is where he should be, who sais he's gonna win?
Aw right partner, keep on trollin' baby.....

Zack Ryder: Is kinda effin over. Big time. Of all the non-attitude era stars, he easily gets the largest pops. kids love him (possibly due to association with Cena), adults like him...he's drawing money plain and simple.

There's something that you don't realize: by drawing money and connecting with the audience now, he can...*shock* EVOLVE when Jersey Shore is no longer funny.

Minor character tweaks, in fact will kill Zack Ryder: just like going to Stone Cold from the Ring Master killed Steve Austin, just like going from a stuck up blue blood to a degenerate killed HHH, just like going from a rapper to a marine to a purple pinwheel killed John Cena, just like going from a zombie to a biker and back to a zombie again killed the Undertaker (wait, actually it did..damn paradox), like going from a male cheerleader to a golf caddie to a...something killed Nick Nemeth aka Dolph Ziggler.

By the way, those examples are sarcasm.

I personally like Ryder. I like seeing him for a 30-40 second segment, I think he's funny. His segment is a reason I watch Raw every week. I also want to see how he changes himself if/when he becomes the United States Champion.

Daniel Bryan: I'm torn over him, creative obviously doesn't know what to do with him so he can't shine, but unlike Ryder, he's done nothing (as compared to Ryder) to get himself over in spite of creative.
(Note: I am very unfamiliar with D-Bry's ROH/Indy work, I really don't know how good he was, I just take the majority opinion's word that he could work a match well)

As for protecting Cody: yes and no, heels shouldn't be protected, except when prepping them to be fed to the top face.

depending on how Cody evolves, his borderline/schizophrenic personality heel could end up becoming one of the best ever...or could fizzle out and leave us asking "what if?" in a couple years, no one knows

The fact is: right now, Ryder sells merch and makes money while connecting with the audience. Also, because he's not being over pushed (he's not world champ, he's not going Hogan through the whole roster, etc...) he's actually staying fresh.

Cody and Ziggler WISH they could have the crowd reaction the way Ryder does
I'm usually okay with most of what you say, but this is getting a little much man. We get that your Cody Rhodes biggest fan. Its kind of all you ever write about. In fact, no matter what the subject matter, you find a way to work in a push for Cody.

His time is coming. Within the next year the guy is gonna have the belt or at least a title shot. Let the current storylines play out, let some more people jump on the Rhodes bandwagon and he'll be better off.

Seriously, with all due respect.... you gotta stop.
You guys keep singing this crap B/C in 3 months when Ryder's Merchandise selling power is gone, and when Bryan proves to fade from the title picture quicker than Swagger, I will be glad to accept apollogies. Merchandise selling does not corrolate with how far up you go, your charcter and long term marketability does. Milking them is fine, but it's getting out of hand. PUT EVERYTHING IN CONTEXT PEOPLE. Are you that brain washed?

How do you say your a fan of watching wrestling and say Merchandise selling does not corrolate with how far up you go?. John Cena showed you can, people say he has 5 moves which may be true but his sells did alot. Stop saying Cody Cody Cody...Cody is good, but he doesn't sell anything, and his matches are decent but nowhere near talent of Daniel Bryan or Ryder..Cody cant even get much heat putting a bag over a face's head, he probably couldn't get a boo or a cheer putting a bag over cena's face..your just a pissed mark.
Oh god I am posting....posting....here I come. And I must commend you, you made me post here.

Seriously Ryan, I don't even want to discuss what Cody, Ziggler, Ryder and Bryan can be or cannot be. You talk about their future like everything's going to your plan. What if (god forbid) Cody gets injured before Wrestlemania or Ziggler fails Wellness test. All speculations, nothing to back up.

Do you remember Rocky Maivia? He was pushed to the moon and came crashing down when SCSA rose. Do you remember the Ringmaster? These are examples of failed gimmicks. But who are they now. That Rocky Maivia is the same person who you think can bring in more ratings than anyone else on the current roster (you said it, I didn't).

I haven't followed Bryan's indie career neither have I ever watched Zack Ryder's youtube show. But when an arena goes "we want Ryder", you know he has something to get people on his side. On the other hand, I have yet to see a boring Bryan match. He may not be as over, but rarely do I see a completely dead crowd for a Bryan match. And his mic skills are underrated to say the least. Every once in a while, he'll deliver above average promo. It's all about character development and good story and people will buy into them as serious contender.

You talk about wrestling business? By your logic, Dr. Yankem DDS should have been future endeavored, Mark "Callous" Callaway (excuse me for the spelling), should have never been pushed. You realize how ridiculous you sound?

So glad that you don't book for the E.
I'm hopeful for Bryan, I think he is talented enough to be getting this push. Ryder is good at what he does but i'm waiting for TLC to see if he can perform in a serious singles match.
Unserious gimmicks in wrestling? By all means, that means they should be pushed.

World champions should only be super cereal down to earth wrasstlers that are All-American grapplers and technical masters.

No, Wrestling is purely about drawing power and ratings, Zack Ryder draws for TNA and he doesn't even work for them. WWE knows he's money, do you hear his pops and hear the chants? he's huge and money, they should keep pushing him, although I don't think he should be champion.

Daniel Bryan is the complete opposite, where he had little to no gimmick besides being an internet darling with quirky personality traits. Saying neither one of these stars should be main event material is pure and utter hypocrisy because they are absolute opposites in that respect.
I'm going to regret this.

Zack Ryder has worked his ass off to get to where he is, plain and simple. I don't think he's being overexposed yet, overexposure is what the WWE did to John Cena for the past 5 years having him in the title picture constantly. Right now, Zack Ryder is still the underdog. He's not being given his chance by the authority figure, has to utilize the fans in order to get his title shot which he does. Fantastic story and a way to make the guy breaking through the glass ceiling still look like the underdog. The true test of Zack Ryder's staying ability is once he has that title. When he's no longer the underdog, how will he go? Can he still translate to the fans that way? At this time he still has a long way to go.

As for D-Bry, I also rarely see the crowd dead during one of his matches. While his merch isn't quite selling like hotcakes, he's capable of making the show itself look good and is indeed an asset to the WWE. A previous poster said that he has an intensity like Benoit did, which I really disagree with and I think this is what is hurting him. He's trying to be something he isn't by going with the intensity. He should be more methodical, be more like Bryan Danielson really is rather than being Benoit. It's tough for D-Bry in the WWE because right now he's in the land of the giants and he's a shrimp. But I think, against guys like Ziggles and Rhodes, he can work more methodical, putting a real hurting on them.

Ziggles right now is prime for the Main Event as far as I'm concerned. And I mean a real push, not being fed to a face superstar but the guy has the tools to be a real star, I think. His test will be when he's no longer with Vickie Guerrero. He has to be able to stand on his own two feet without her.

As for Rhodes, I've always found him pretty annoying. I think the Dashing gimmick was gold, but I've never been a big fan of the psychotic gimmick and I don't think it fits him. His ring work is good, but I find his mic work and charisma severely lacking. D-Bry has better charisma and mic work than he does.
I agree with SDS1582 on Daniel Bryan. I love Brian Danielson matches and the legendary matches with guys like Samoa Joe will forever be the best WRESTLING matches in their time. I too see D Bry cashing in at Wrestlemania 28 But loosing. He will put on a good match and if recieved well by WWE universe will recieve another title shot and win. Right now I see Daniel Bryan as the Jeff Hardy that hasn't gotten over. He does amazing things in the ring but is horrible on the stick. He should have never won MITB because he is Smackdown's Evan Bourne. Nothing for him to do right now but they still want to keep him current. Revealing that he will cash in at Wrestlemania was the worst move ever. Now like Cena, they must keep Bryan relevant too. Loosing to Barrett and Cody is not the way to try to get people to see you as a WHC conternder. My biggest issue is if he is your Main Event for WM28, why is he facing guys like Primo and Epico on WWE Superstars? and loosing.Keep him on SD if you don't use him on the Raw Super Show. He is better off not being used or just cutting a promo.

Zack Ryder is alot different. He is selling more merch than Cena. I do see Zack headlining a PPV but a smaller one like being involved in Elimination Chamber or like Capitol Punishment. Don't get me wrong, he will never be on the same level as a Rhodes, Ziggler, or Barrett but I think his current push will throw him into a few main events at smaller PPVs or even a few different US, IC, or even a Tag Title run. I do believe when Cena and Orton are done that Sheamus, Ziggler, Miz, and Rhodes will be where they are now. Zack Ryder will essentially take the Mr. Kennedy spot. If they need a Royal Rumble title match then he is your guy. Zack is at the point where if he gets decimated by Henry, Clay, or Kane it won't hurt him unlike if this scenario were to happen to Bryan, its a huge step back in the wrong direction. D Bry needs to keep that Main Event style match up and its not easy with the bigger guys, Ryder doesn't because he is so over. Ryder is the most over mid carder that WWE has seen in a while. I hope they don't drop the ball with him.

In closing I dont 100% disagree qith ryan86 but I can say he is 100% correct either. Ryder is alot different from Dolph and Cody seeing as how he can't put on the matches that they can but knowone ever chats " We Want Ziggler " or "We Want Cody ". Bryan if given the opportunity can put on matches with guys like Punk and Orton that can be looked at as just as good as Ziggler and Rhodes or even better but the WWE universe doesn't react to Bryan like they do Cody or Dolph. Even those who don't like the heels say " Man that Cody and Dolph, they are amazing performers ". Bryan has everything but a working gimmick where Ryder has probably the best gimmick in WWE, just can't put on a great match like Bryan.
Zach Ryder will fizzle out, it's just a matter of time. He looks really weird without his glasses on and people will get tired of his gimmick, which is really shallow and annoying to me, but I guess I understand how people who spend all their time on Twitter and Facebook would take to him. He is really a dime a dozen wrestler, though.

Daniel Bryan, I know he has a little spark in there, I've been impressed with his mic skills when he's actually allowed to get passionate and not just read 1 scripted line in a backstage skit. I don't he should go over Cody Rhodes or Ziggler anytime soon, but I have no problem with him ruling the midcard until maybe it's his turn down the line. De-pushed, though? No need, whose spot is he taking up right now? Just because he's being pushed once possibly to the top doesn't mean he needs to be buried. They made a huge mistake doing that with ADR, Wade Barrett and Sheamus and it took them seemingly forever (maybe not ADR - but such a joke he lost a Wrestlemania) to build them back up again.
OMG. When are traditional heels supposed to sell merchandise? Now HHH sold tons of merchandise, along with the NWO but that is not tradition. Cody or Dolph will never be HHH or the NWO, they are rising stars as traditional heels. And WWE makes so litle of their money from clothing merchandise compared to Advertising revenue, Buy rates, and attendance. In that order. Clothing merchandise makes up 5% of the total money.

No-body is going to buy a PPV B/C of Bryan or Ryder. The masses wont buy tickets based on whether they are on the card. And advertisers wont be offering more money B/C of the two.

Any normal person wouldn't look at those guys and say "WOW". And what guy over the age age 15 would be caught dead in wearing any Ryder "cartoon charcter" crap.

And if your ugly, short, and look like a complete lepracon with your beard longer than your leggs... I'm sorry, normal people dont take to that crap. And dont pull that Cactus Jack crap B/C he had personality and charisma. He was no lepracon.
OMG. When are traditional heels supposed to sell merchandise? Now HHH sold tons of merchandise, along with the NWO but that is not tradition. Cody or Dolph will never be HHH or the NWO, they are rising stars as traditional heels. And WWE makes so litle of their money from clothing merchandise compared to Advertising revenue, Buy rates, and attendance. In that order. Clothing merchandise makes up 5% of the total money.

No-body is going to buy a PPV B/C of Bryan or Ryder. The masses wont buy tickets based on whether they are on the card. And advertisers wont be offering more money B/C of the two.

Any normal person wouldn't look at those guys and say "WOW". And what guy over the age age 15 would be caught dead in wearing any Ryder "cartoon charcter" crap.

And if your ugly, short, and look like a complete lepracon with your beard longer than your leggs... I'm sorry, normal people dont take to that crap. And dont pull that Cactus Jack crap B/C he had personality and charisma. He was no lepracon.

It's not like they are going to be the next face of the WWE. I don't understand why pushing young guys, or guys like Daniel Bryan, is a big deal. Ziggles and Cody are on their way to the higher level. These things take time. On the way, what exactly is the harm in giving Ryder or Bryan a rub? People may not buy every ticket for either guy, but they aren't exactly turning away and not buying a ticket because they are on the card either.

As far as the Ryder gear, that's like saying guys over the age of 15 won't be caught dead in Cena gear. We all know this isn't the case. Ryder is getting big reactions when he comes out, crowds are behind him. Who cares if his character is what it is? What if years down the line he becomes something different? I mean he could become huge under a different character. John Cena was a rapper now turned "superhero". DO NOT mistake me. I AM NOT saying that Ryder will be the next face of the company. Merely showing that a gimmick change is possible down the line in his career.

This thread just shows that you don't like Ryder or Bryan. They aren't hurting the shows, and in fact people are buying Ryder's stuff to show support, regardless of the totem pole rank that merch has. Bryan has a solid following as well. They aren't earth-shatteringly popular, but they get reactions from the crowd.
Size doesn't rally mean anything. I wish people would get that. Oh, and Daniel Bryan does have charisma - he's shown it on a few occasion in WWE, and on plenty of occasion outside.
Seriously if you think that is Ryder showing charisma your not watching the same show everyone else is, the only time he shows anything is when he reacts to Cole, and Cole is so heel over anything you say towards him will be eaten up by the fans ( e.g J.R winning the rap off when he clearly screwed up his lines)

Jersey Shore debuted on the third of December 2009, and became a hit shortly after. Zack Ryder was a jobber until August 2011.

I'll allow you to see where you went wrong with that one.

My point exactly If Jersey Shore was not already a hit the Ryder gimmick he is using right now would be nothing but a joke.
so YOU see where you went wrong with your answer if Ryder came first he would be an original but he didnt he is an imitation of the Jersey Shore cast

There's no reason to that these guys won't be something in the long run. Ryder has been rather over since around April/May of this year. Bryan has proven himself when given opportunities.

The only reason you think Ziggler and Rhodes will be something in the long-run is because they've been given sustained pushes for the last year or so.

The reason they get the push is because they are the next best things in WWE PERIOD, there is no doubt in that. Ryder is a comedy act like Santino and a US title for Ryder will turn the title back into a joke, He is over for some stupid internet show he put on and nothing really in the ring. His matches with Ziggler is carried by Ziggler. Ryders popularity is no different than Snookie or any other celebrity coming in and getting the big pop. its a joke.

Vince McMahon is the most intelligent man in professional wrestling. He knows what's best for WWE. So isn't it weird that he's giving both Ryder and Bryan massive pushes?

My point exactly He sees how over the flash in the pan is so why not make some money off of it while you can even though it makes him sick to his stomach. ( Kind of like Elway and this Tebow stuff) But as a smart business man you take the exposure and rake in the money

I love how you're talking about the IWC as if you're separate fro then when you just used the best IWC cliché - "he has less moves than Cena". If you know anything about wrestling, you'd know that the number offensive moves a wrestler uses doesn't mean anything.

If your a joke like Ryder you need to have good matches to be taken seriously because we also know his promos suck. How long will the sympathy card last. Cena gets away with having a short moveset cause he has great promos . Ryder has neither
The guy is an idiot and if they give him the belt the crowd will be over with him shortly thereafter

Bryan as the heavyweight champion is a joke but I can believe him as a intercontinental/US champion ( as long as the people chasing the title can carry the feud )
I find it so amusing that Ryan gets the most replies to his thread out of any Non-spam section posters, I guess he followed his pursuit for notoriety well.

Back on topic, Zack Ryder does indeed sell a lot of merchandise, but that really is not a good indication of his star quality. For all we know Santino could sell a shit load of Corbra shirts and he would still be a jobber. What makes Ryder good is his ability to draw a reaction from the audience. He gets a HUGE pop wherever he goes, he gets "We want Ryder' chants, he may have on of the biggest followings in the company. Notice how I didn't say cult following, it's a mainstream following. His in ring skills are decent at best, but ring skills that are decent and above are only a quarter of your star power. The rest comes from intangibles like Charisma, Personality, and Mic skills, as well as presence. Ryder has all of these and will continue to get pushed because of his following.

Daniel Bryan on the other hand has the same as Ryder, though to a lesser extent. He has a cult following and can get a big reaction when he is in a "superhero underdog" situation. His push will happen a lot slower that Ryder's because of his gradual progression in the charisma area. however that does not mean that WWE should halt it. Progress is progress no matter how fast it is, guys like Master, Smith, and Amazing Red in TNA (regardless of my praise for him) had little to no progress so they got dumped. It will take some time but for now DB is on a roll, not a fast one but still on a roll. Come WM28 time he will have been molded into a star by then. So no he should not be de-pushed either.
My point is I dont want them off the show, but be realistic with them with Ryder once he gets the title its over for him. The crowd is with him for the chase and once thats done the people will really see what he is and that reaction will stop. People on here are only thinking about right now and right now yes BOOKING has booked his underdog role perfectly ( see how I gave booking credit as they never do they only get the blame). And then when his flame fizzles out and the chants and signs die down the marks will be out there blaming booking for having nothing for him.
So for Ryder its not really a de-push by WWE but a reality check to the Ryder marks out there that this will not last his gimmick and fan love affair has an expiration date
Ryder would be a jobber still if Jersey Shore was not a big hit and he will die when it does.

First of all, Ryder's current character debuted 7 months BEFORE Jersey Shore debuted on TV. Sure, Ryder's character may have similarities to some of those personalities on Jersey Shore, but again, he debuted 7 months BEFORE Jersey Shore was broadcasted on national television. Secondly, there are MANY, MANY wwe fans out there that dislike jersey shore who are big fans of Ryder. Jersey Shore's run on TV does not affect Ryder's career at all. That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard.
I can't believe this thread got to seven pages. All we're doing is justifying Ryan's Cody Rhodes crush. Poor guy just wanted to find another way to put over his sweetheart and we took the thread seriously.

Ryders gimmick is the douchebag club kid, this is a fad much like ravers were in the ninties and metrosexuals in the 2000s. Bring out a raver character now and see how it goes. Or a goth character post 98.

Bryan can go back to being champion of ROH, he can be king of the indy circuit again, or he can go to TNA and run the X division. This is going to play out as it will. Either the fans are going to recognize good wrestling and get behind Bryan based on his skills, or not. This could be a game changer in wrestling, maybe make the WWE less character driven. Than again it is world wrestling entertainment. Call this what it is, an experiment.
Seriously if you think that is Ryder showing charisma your not watching the same show everyone else is, the only time he shows anything is when he reacts to Cole, and Cole is so heel over anything you say towards him will be eaten up by the fans ( e.g J.R winning the rap off when he clearly screwed up his lines)


Watch this video. Watch the passion, aggression and charisma ooze out of Daniel Bryan when he "wins". Bryan's mic skills needs a lot of work, sure, but his charisma is undoubtedly there.

My point exactly If Jersey Shore was not already a hit the Ryder gimmick he is using right now would be nothing but a joke.
so YOU see where you went wrong with your answer if Ryder came first he would be an original but he didnt he is an imitation of the Jersey Shore cast

But Jersey Shore was a hit for about a year and a half before Ryder became popular. During that time, Ryder was a jobber and Jersey Shore was becoming a cultural phenomenon. Do you not see where you're going wrong with this?

Besides, if you're comparing Ryder and Jersey Shore, Ryder's current gimmick came first anyway. This is a direct quote from Wikipedia:

Ryder made his return to ECW on May 5, 2009 in a backstage segment with General Manager Tiffany. He now sported short hair, tanned skin, sunglasses, a headband, half-trunks/half-tights, displaying something of an arrogant Long Island guido character and more frequent uses of catchphrases "woo woo woo" and "you know it", that he had used sparingly in the tag team.

As I've already mentioned, Jersey Shore started in December 2009.

The reason they get the push is because they are the next best things in WWE PERIOD, there is no doubt in that.

Yes there is doubt. Ziggler still needs a lot more work, especially when it comes to in-ring ability. Rhodes is much sturdier between the ropes, though, I'll give him that.

The thing that they both need, however, is heat. Ryder has crazy heat. These two, not so much.

Ryder is a comedy act like Santino and a US title for Ryder will turn the title back into a joke, He is over for some stupid internet show he put on and nothing really in the ring.

End of discussion.

His matches with Ziggler is carried by Ziggler.

Just no. Ryder and Ziggler's matches haven't been special in the slightest. I would attribute that to both of them being young guys who aren't quite there yet.

Ryders popularity is no different than Snookie or any other celebrity coming in and getting the big pop. its a joke.

Where is your evidence to make such a stupid statement?

My point exactly He sees how over the flash in the pan is so why not make some money off of it while you can even though it makes him sick to his stomach. ( Kind of like Elway and this Tebow stuff) But as a smart business man you take the exposure and rake in the money

How do you know that Ryder and Bryan are only popular in the short-term. Daniel Bryan has been given the Money In The Bank briefcase - with his shot at the title probably coming in a WrestleMania main event. How can you possibly be so simple as to claim that he's a "flash in the pan"?

If your a joke like Ryder you need to have good matches to be taken seriously because we also know his promos suck. How long will the sympathy card last.

Ryder's promo's suck? So that's why he almost always gets reactions when he speaks? How often does Ziggler get a good reaction (when Vickie Guerrero isn't doing the talking for him)?

Cena gets away with having a short moveset cause he has great promos . Ryder has neither

Stupid thing to say. How many moves someone does doesn't mean shit in wrestling.

The guy is an idiot and if they give him the belt the crowd will be over with him shortly thereafter

Evidence? Yep, didn't think you'd have any.

Bryan as the heavyweight champion is a joke but I can believe him as a intercontinental/US champion ( as long as the people chasing the title can carry the feud )

This basically sums up your argument. Please explain why you feel that Bryan and Ryder are jokes. So far, you've given no good reasoning.

And If you think your going to shape this argument by stateing such outragous calims as "Bryan is the best in-ring preformer in the WWE" that is just as stupid. IT'S TOTAL LIES!!!!

Cody crushes him in every match. And he stomped him out and make Bryan look like a JOKE on SD. It was almost like Vince read this thread and Said, "Hey Cody, go out their and squash this crap".

I mean it completly solidfied what I'm saying. WWE has serious long term plans for Cody and it showed in the match. They made a point to say "this will settle it". And Cody stomped him out like a jobber...CLEANLY. Thats how the WWE views this. They completly satisfied my arguments. Cody is the most over heel on SD behind Henry and is getting the "special attraction" match for TLC. I'ts clearly the number 3 match (#2 for SD) on the PPV, Right behind both HW Title matches.
Ryder and Bryan should be depushed? I kinda agree that Bryan should be depushed. He shouldn't be holding the MiTB briefcase right now. He should be in upper midcard status however fueding against Rhodes for the IC title. WWE needs to give Dainel Bryan more mic time so he can develop a better character and personality. Bryan is a great wrestler and not only in RoH where he's had good matches but in WWE also. Check out Ziggler vs Bryan and Bryan vs Barrett at Summerslam. Two very good matches that proves that Bryan has the ring skills. What I'm afraid of right now is that Dainel Bryan might end up like Jack Swagger when he's world champ. As for Zack Ryder, WWE is doing exactly whatsoever they should be doing with Ryder.

And the post above me, typical uneducated mark comment. I'm a Rhodes mark as well but I can give credit when it's due and Daniel Bryan deserves some credit. WWE obviously has longtime plans for Bryan if he's the MiTB winner.
I think Ryan86 may have misunderstood some of the posts. We are in no way and by no means do we think Cody Rhodes is below Bryn or Ryder in talent. Bryan has ring skills, Ryder is great on the mic, Cody is great at both. I am a Cody Rhodes mark all day. I will be the first one to tell you he will be WHC in the very near future and I could even see him winning the Royal Rumble. We mean no disrespect to Rhodes. Rhodes has earned his spot in the WWE and he belongs where he is. Bryan and Ryder I feel have worked alot more though than you give them credit for. Bryan was hitting the indy circuit for like 13 years before the WWE even checked him out. Ryder turned a jobber like gimmick into fame. I don't want to compare him to Cena but Cena has been the top dog in WWE for the last like 5 years. Ryder has become a larger merch seller than Super Cena. Like it or ot sir that is an amazing accomplishment seeing as how Cena has Main Evented WM since #22. Thats the comparison like it or not. How long was Cody working the indy circuit? Was he given a crappy gimmick for years to come? He broke in right away and created major heat with Orton. I'm not saying Rhodes hasn't had to bust his butt since day one but I think papa Dusty saved him from becoming the next possible Zack Ryder or Brian Danielson. Look at what happened with Dustin, his brother. Came in and became IC champion and defeated Razor Ramoan, the at that time measuring stick of the WWE. Then he went on to main event with HBK and had main event matches on Raw with HBK, Vader, and Razor. Goldust became a dominant heel for the better part of '96-mid'97. The only thing is I've heard the Rhodes boys aren't backstage politic-friendly. Rhodes did have a mild falling out with Vince but has apparently recovered. It was a wrestlezone.com article.

I do feel like Cody Rhodes deserves to be where he is and will be a champion in the near future, same as Ziggler and Barrett, I feel the accomplishments of Ryder and Bryan are just a little greater than those of Mr. Rhodes. I will say after Edge dropped Ryder he seemed to have gone knowhere but after Legacy, Rhodes became the HBK and left DiBiase to be the Jennetty just like Miz and look where he is at.
I forgot Mr Ryan86, TLC you said Rhodes is match #3, more like 4 or 5. Both title matches puts him at #3 to begin with. Dont forget HHH and Nash which pushes Rhodes/Booker to 4. Because of Ryder's popularity and the show off talent of Ziggler (who is better than Rhodes, sorry but is the truth) that puts that match #5 in my view.
Kidmetal24, your reply was the most awesome reply i have ever seen (other than mine). I enjoyed reading every word and it was pretty informative. Great props to you sir! And CONGRATS! you are only the 2nd person to ever recieve a PUBLIC complement from me.

Now on to business. The 3rd most important match on the card is Rhodes/Booker T.

HHH/Nash will have some excitment, especialy for me, Since I am a huge Keven Nash fan. He got me liking wrestling in the sping of '96. And he also got me into consistantly buying WCW PPV's through-out '98. Before the Wolf-Pack was formed, I never begged my parents with tentrum tantrums to buy me PPVs (god... at 12 i could throw some big ones) and now at 25, the only PPV's I buy is WM. Cody has changed that for me. As long as I feel he has a legit match on the card, I buy.

Anyway, got side tracked.

Nobody will be considering to shell out $50 for a Ryder match, but maybe 50,000 or so will buy TLC this year for a Booker T "legend" return match against an over (heel) Cody.
Well let's see...Bryan de-pushed? Is he really being pushed now?? Cause the last match he won was a 4 way, after that? None. It's a very slow push that WWE is giving him, the topic seems to assume that he's having a hard push. Bryan is fine and he deserved the MITB and deserves to win cashing it.

Another thing is that Bryan is being pushed on SD, a show were WWE tests waters with a future ME...that's why I believe Bryan will cash in on WM, cause the match for the WWE title will be better (according to WWE). Like last WM, they used the WHC to test waters with Del Rio, even though the WWE title match had a bigger impact. Same goes for the previous WM, etc.

Regarding Ryder...his push is normal, he's only going to win the US title, so why panic? WWE will keep developing him with the title run, as Dolph will be free to keep being pushed. With a secondary title, you can't really have a decent push defending it frecuently (Cody hasn't defended his title in a long time...thank God he'll do it tomorrow). Ryder deserves the push, he got over in the internet alone.
Having them on the same stage as Dolph and Cody is laughable enough. Presenting them as equal opponents... thats booking malpractice.

I agree with this. Cody has done WAY more to present himself as a contender. He feud with Orton showed that he is ready for the big times. Also everything he has done with his character is great and has put him over. Dolph has shown that he is a hard worker and can be relied on to put on a good match on a nightly basis. Both him and Rhodes are way above where Bryan and Ryder are. Ryder is closer to Rhodes/Dolph then Bryan is.

Ryder is completely unserious and doesnt bring any value to a potential U.S. title run. Dolph is a huge part of the future and could be solidifying the U.S. title as once again relevant. Why not have him turn it over to somone who can carry that mantle?

Dolph doesn't need the US belt anymore. He has been a great champ but it's time for Dolph to move on to bigger and better things. Ryder is ready to step into the roll of US champ so the WWE can see how he does and what he can do being champ. Ryder is ready and Dolph is ready for the next level

Bryan tries to play off this "blue collar", hard working underdog. Thats fine if they keep him relegated to the TLC type matches, but presenting him as a future heavyweight champ is beyond any ability to suspend dis-belief. Puting him in matches with Cody really had me thinking "WTF!" Cody will be a huge key to any sucess of a new era and he has to be protected. Bryan and Ryder are experimental stars who will be afterthoughts in 9 months

With the way things are going now, Cody will be a champion before Bryan. Bryan can't even win a damn match. Bryan will lose at Wrestlemania and Cody will become the next money in the bank and win the World Championship.

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