Daniel Bryan And Zack Ryder Need To Be De-Pushed

Comparing Bryn to Benoit, come on now the man is rolling in his grave, what Benoit lacked in charisma he made up for with aggression, and a size believable to carry a show.

Size doesn't rally mean anything. I wish people would get that. Oh, and Daniel Bryan does have charisma - he's shown it on a few occasion in WWE, and on plenty of occasion outside.

You prove my point when talking Hogan and Cena their charisma will and has last the test of time. Ryder would be a jobber still if Jersey Shore was not a big hit and he will die when it does.

Jersey Shore debuted on the third of December 2009, and became a hit shortly after. Zack Ryder was a jobber until August 2011.

I'll allow you to see where you went wrong with that one.

If you guys are talking push him now while the money is there then I am all for it, but if you really think these guys will be something in the long run then you just started watching wrestling in the PG era and have no clue.

There's no reason to that these guys won't be something in the long run. Ryder has been rather over since around April/May of this year. Bryan has proven himself when given opportunities.

The only reason you think Ziggler and Rhodes will be something in the long-run is because they've been given sustained pushes for the last year or so.

The IWC knows nothing and Vince knows it, I mean come on last yr they were crying for JoMo to main event, we all know how that turned out a yr later reality hits and he is gone. the same will happen for these 2. More Ryder cause he straight sucks ( I do give him credit for being noticed but the guy sucks ) he has less moves than Cena and a gimmick that will fade.

Vince McMahon is the most intelligent man in professional wrestling. He knows what's best for WWE. So isn't it weird that he's giving both Ryder and Bryan massive pushes?

I love how you're talking about the IWC as if you're separate fro then when you just used the best IWC cliché - "he has less moves than Cena". If you know anything about wrestling, you'd know that the number offensive moves a wrestler uses doesn't mean anything.

Bryan should get the Dean Malenko type push, they are the same character but Malenko had way more charisma and thats hard because he had little to none. These 2 and main event should never be in the same sentence unless the sentence is "Bryan and Ryder should never be in the main event"

I've done the whole Daniel Bryan/charisma thing, so I'll move on to my closing statement. You are wrong. There, done.
Comparing Bryn to Benoit, come on now the man is rolling in his grave, what Benoit lacked in charisma he made up for with aggression, and a size believable to carry a show.

How many of you guys have watched Bryan's work in the indies and how many of you have only seen his 3 minute matches on Smackdown? Comparing Benoit to Bryan isn't that far off. The issue with Bryan is that the WWE made him into a joke with poor character development with stupid music and stupid backstage segments. He should have been developed into a submission badass which would have worked well as a heel or face (His work as a heel in ROH was great). Benoit and Malenko were guys that didn't talk much but they entertained you from bell to bell and that's how they got over. Bryan should be marketed more towards the IWC and MMA fans because of his background and his love for grappling and his ability to WRESTLE. After all the WWE is a WRESTLING promotion no matter how many people forget it. I am going to close with saying that I am generally not entertained by Mark Henry matches. Nothing against him I just don't get into the big guys that brawl and I get bored easily but I was entertained through the entire steel cage match on the live tuesday Smackdown. Bryan has the ability to tell a story in the ring which is more important than cutting a promo (remember Bret Hart?). In that match Bryan made me believe that he could beat Mark Henry and win the title which is what wrestling matches are supposed to make you do...suspend disbelief.
I respect people's opinion, but yours comes off as very biased.

First of all, how exactly do you know Ryder and Bryan will become an afterthought after nine months? TRUTH. You don't. Nobody knows. And honestly, I love Cody Rhodes. I can't wait for him to receive a push. I want him and Dolph Ziggler to get pushed because both Miz and Alberto Del Rio has failed to awe me.

And what I think is the problem with Daniel Bryan is WWE is not using him right. He should be winning a LARGE AMOUNT of fucking matches, but instead he loses them. And just in case you don't know, ITS NOT DANIEL BRYAN's fault. And to make fun of his microphone skills is just typical. He's had impressive promos before, but WWE doesn't want him to go unscripted, so they give him their own cheesy shit. And as for his MITB, I thought they could have waited until next year, but now that he has it he conspicuously puts up an effort to impress. But WWE fans can't see much because WWE doesn't give him much to do (such as CM Punk in 2008). Daniel Bryan was great in ROH, in WWE he comes off as someone who tries so hard but can't since it's the WWE we're talking about.

As for Zack Ryder, I don't think they should 'de-push' him at all. He's only going for a United States champion for god's sake, why should they make him a loser like he once was? Truth, I don't think his hype lives up to potential, but he's one hell of wrestler (Try watching his matches with Christian). And this will not de-push Dolph Ziggler the least bit (after all, did DB depush Miz after causing him to tap out?).
De-Pushing one of the highest merch sellers, and one of the most over wrestler is one of the stupidest things ive ever heard..... Ryder is more over than Rhodes, and if things continue to go the way they are, Ryder has a bigger future than Rhodes, that is if things continue the way they are.

As for Bryan, the guy is not as bad on the mic as you people make him out to be, Did you watch his promos on Henry n Cole?.... Hes not bad on the mic, not great, but not bad. Id say hes about as good on the mic as AJ Styles, RVD, Benoit or Jeff Hardy. They have little charisma during promos, but make up for it in the ring or spots, Bryan does just that, he makes up for his lack of promo skills in the ring.
How about the fact that Ryder is more over than Rhodes and Ziggler.

Ok, these things take a life of their own... Ryder becoming the next Cena or Bryan being the best wrestler WWE has to offer. Hyperbaly at it's best. If your not saying Ryder will be the next Cena than STOP COMPARING HIS CAREER TO CENA. I know wrestling in and out and consider myself a historian on these things. First thing you need to get over is what the WWE is telling you on TV. And you damn sure dont need to be listening to fan reactions that will change with the wind. Ryder will not be selling merchandise at any levels in 6 months and he will be a jobber. If you cant see that coming I dont know why i am even wasting my time arguing with you. Bryan is an underdog IWC Fad that will fade quicker than a swagger title run. Cody and Dolph wont be fading. Bryan and ryder are being milked for short term merch sales. SEPERATE THE TWO PRINCIPLES.
Comparing Bryn to Benoit, come on now the man is rolling in his grave, what Benoit lacked in charisma he made up for with aggression, and a size believable to carry a show.

You prove my point when talking Hogan and Cena their charisma will and has last the test of time. Ryder would be a jobber still if Jersey Shore was not a big hit and he will die when it does.

If you guys are talking push him now while the money is there then I am all for it, but if you really think these guys will be something in the long run then you just started watching wrestling in the PG era and have no clue.

The IWC knows nothing and Vince knows it, I mean come on last yr they were crying for JoMo to main event, we all know how that turned out a yr later reality hits and he is gone. the same will happen for these 2. More Ryder cause he straight sucks ( I do give him credit for being noticed but the guy sucks ) he has less moves than Cena and a gimmick that will fade.

Bryan should get the Dean Malenko type push, they are the same character but Malenko had way more charisma and thats hard because he had little to none. These 2 and main event should never be in the same sentence unless the sentence is "Bryan and Ryder should never be in the main event"

I never said Bryan was as good as of a wrestler or as believable as Benoit was as a champion. Just similar that he was popular purely for his wrestling ability despite his lack of charisma.

I never said Ryder would last in the long run, like I said in my last post he may just be a fad. However he is very over now and WWE is smart to take advantage of it while it last. I don't think his current gimmick will last long. Then again I don't really think it's his gimmick his fans like. It's more the underdog factor and the fact that he didn't just lay down and accept that he wasn't getting used. He made the best out of a goofy gimmick he was given and went out on his own to get over which takes balls. I'm sure that has a lot more to do with his popularity than being a Jersey Shore knock off.
Ok, these things take a life of their own... Ryder becoming the next Cena or Bryan being the best wrestler WWE has to offer. Hyperbaly at it's best. If your not saying Ryder will be the next Cena than STOP COMPARING HIS CAREER TO CENA. I know wrestling in and out and consider myself a historian on these things. First thing you need to get over is what the WWE is telling you on TV. And you damn sure dont need to be listening to fan reactions that will change with the wind. Ryder will not be selling merchandise at any levels in 6 months and he will be a jobber. If you cant see that coming I dont know why i am even wasting my time arguing with you. Bryan is an underdog IWC Fad that will fade quicker than a swagger title run. Cody and Dolph wont be fading. Bryan and ryder are being milked for short term merch sales. SEPERATE THE TWO PRINCIPLES.

Jesus you're such a fucking moron. You say Cody and Dolph won't be fading, but I must ask, when exactly will they be shining? You can talk for days about their ring work and their charisma, but neither of them are over enough for you to assume that they're suddenly going to skyrocket to stardom. Your assertion that Dolph and Cody will not fade is just the same as your assertion that Ryder will be a jobber, zero evidence to back it up and shit you're just spouting out of the blue.

DB being equated with Ryder is kind of a joke at this point. Ryder is immensely more popular than DB. DB is definitely more in Rhodes and Ziggler's league; as you so eloquently put it, "IWC Fads." Live crowds don't give much of a shit about them, casual fans have no idea who they are. This notion that it's laughable to put DB in the same league as Ziggles and Rhodes is ridiculous, they all have a long way to go before any of them can be as successful as Ryder is right now. You can say that he'll fade, but you have absolutely nothing to back it up.

Discussion over.
For Daniel Bryan, I say give him time. I agree that he might be getting pushed before he's ready, but I stand firm in my belief that he's going to be ready, and he could be by WrestleMania, if they give him stuff to do like maybe beat the hell out of Michael Cole or whatever. He just needs some development, but that's why he's on Smackdown. I hate that excuse just as much as the next person, but it's the truth.

As far as Zack goes, you hate on Ryder for not being serious? Since when is that a huge issue? The biggest thing Ryder has going for him is that he's mildly entertaining in a crowd of guys who aren't entertaining at all. Therefore, I say use him. The US Championship isn't a guaranteed stepping stone to the WWE Championship, so why not put it on him? If they're going to treat belts simply as props, then at least put the prop on a guy who people want to see.

These two aren't the most entertaining men in the company and I say that knowing I'll probably take some flack from the Ryder faithful, but it's just how I personally feel about him. Still, they're two of the few babyfaces in the WWE that have some genuine sympathy to them, so why push them back?

Who would you rather have them push? Who else is there on the current company roster that should be pushed ahead of them? The WWE is just exploiting Ryder to satisfy a part of the audience that they feel is annoying and lack respect for, and they're only exploiting him to take the belt off of Ziggler. DBD is barely getting pushed. How many matches does this guy lose in a month? How many times did their, "submission expert," tap out to Del Rio in the last month? No matter if it was even only once, zero should be the correct answer to that question.

If you, "de-push," Ryder and DBD, they wouldn't even be on television, at this point. I get it if you don't like these guys. I think Ryder is just okay and I've softened my stance on pushing DBD to the moon, but but even then, let's not pretend for a second that these guys are John Cena in terms of a push.
Ok, these things take a life of their own... Ryder becoming the next Cena or Bryan being the best wrestler WWE has to offer. Hyperbaly at it's best. If your not saying Ryder will be the next Cena than STOP COMPARING HIS CAREER TO CENA.

I know there's been a lot of buzz about you, but are you actually a troll? I didn't even mention Cena in my post.

I know wrestling in and out and consider myself a historian on these things.

You clearly don't, and clearly aren't.

First thing you need to get over is what the WWE is telling you on TV.

Doesn't make sense.

And you damn sure dont need to be listening to fan reactions that will change with the wind.

You seem to be under the impression that I'm talking about his reactions on one night. Ryder has been getting consistently good reactions for months and months - rarely having an off-night.

Ryder will not be selling merchandise at any levels in 6 months and he will be a jobber.

You've given no evidence to support that claim. On the other hand, I've pointed out that he's been selling huge amounts of merchandise for over six months now.

If you cant see that coming I dont know why i am even wasting my time arguing with you.

You really need some substance to pull off the arrogance shtick.

Bryan is an underdog IWC Fad that will fade quicker than a swagger title run.

Give me some evidence.

Cody and Dolph wont be fading.

Give me some evidence.

Bryan and ryder are being milked for short term merch sales. SEPERATE THE TWO PRINCIPLES.

For the love of god, give me some fucking evidence.
so what are you trying to say? bryan and ryder are the next scsa and cena? just making that comparison is stupid. point taken

WOW. Calm it down Little Red Riding Troll, nobody is comparing them. I was disproving your 'marketing' post. Hell, Vince turned out alot of merch over the years & if it got a good response- people got a push. No one ever said it turned everyone who sold a shirt or 2 into a legend.

But now that you mention it, what if Ryder does improve his wrestling ability? What if, and stay with me on this, he actually gets better in the ring? Would that be so terrible? Would that mean he dosent deserve a spot because he used to have a shitty gimmick and busted his ass to get better?

Now if you want to break it down....

Kevin Nash was once known as Vinnie Vegas, he overcame that terrible moniker and has since become one of the most recognizable guys in wrestling. (despite his terrible in ring ability- but yes he did improve)

Or how about SCSA since you bring that up. Not the best in the ring. But he got better & his style worked for him. He was stuck as 'Stunning Steve' & 'the Ringmaster'. The man got a catchphrase & sold some shirts- BOOM! He is bad ass.

Hell Hogan sucks in the ring from a technical standpoint, but his merch sales and mic work have made him a huge star. By your logic, he dosent deserve his spot in history as a main event guy? Thats just fucking ******ed.

Just goes to show you that this business is just as much about merch sales as it is being a good wrestler. If you gain some fans, bust your ass training & show signs of improvement- you will earn a spot. Both of them could improve and if they do, they would deserve their respective spots despite your ******ed opinion.

Learn how shit works before you open your mouth, it helps to to be educated.
OP you are missing one crucial fact as is everyone else when it comes to Daniel Bryan... the "hook" for his title run hasn't happened yet... if WWE is smart they are going to unload on it very soon, cos its the key to everything....

Who trained Daniel Bryan?

Yup... HBK...

HBK is going to Mania in D. Bryan's corner and "pass the torch" or superkick him when he wins... Remember how Shawn's "boyhood dream" seemed pretty lame except for having Lothario in his corner, that in itself made you believe in it... Bryan got his start with and it gives Shawn the angle of "paying it forward" and Bryan has someone to talk for him in the run up to the big match... and IF he feels so inclined to do that "one last match" it's teacher v student at WM30... and during that period Shawn will have time to work with Bryan to improve his mic skills...

As for Ryder, to my mind he is exactly the same as Rhodes and Ziggler right now, they are all in the zone... but the difference is Ryder outsells the others on merch 2-1... Cody's mistake was taking the mask off, but it now makes sense with Kane's return... All 3 will be the future to D.Bryan's present...
Oh no not this guy again….. Ryan you are so far up the ass of Cody Rhodes that you don’t seem to see the rest of the world around you.

Are you trying to say that the top brass of a top company like WWE do not understand the basic rules of business as well as you do? Because I do not buy the constant BS that you seem to spit on an almost daily basis. All your threads seem to be about your own bias opinion… I saw your last thread that said CM Punk was the reason for WWE’s ratings being low.
If you are Trolling… you are PRO and I commend you!
Here is 100 Internetz…don’t spend them all in one place.

Now, I do think that Zack Ryder may have been a little bit more interesting and maybe even more profitable in the long run if they had made his push a little slower than they have been doing….but by the looks of things WWE want Zack Ryder in Wrestlemania. Because his current merchandise sales mean that the fans want to see Ryder in Mania and Merch will rocket again! If Ryder gets the title from Ziggler at TLC then that is what you have been waiting for is it not? Ryder is not going to be in the WWE or HW title picture in his future I don’t believe, but there can only be one reason why WWE would let Ziggler Drop the strap? To lift him up the card and become a title condender in a few months time…

Daniel Bryan has spent the last few months since his money in the bank win jobbing to the entire WWE roster….. but he has the Briefcase….they have to push him and give him an opportunity to cash it in otherwise what the hell was the point? Ok I think they started his push a little bit late and he has had to jump in at the deep end, but at the same time has this push made him seem strong? Not really, he has had to have the help of Big Show who has made him look like a little kid who needs help from being bullied at school…. Then he has had a series of matches with Mark Henry when he has been dominated even when Henry has had an injured ankle. Even when Bryan has had the upper hand against the HeavyWeight Champion he has never once looked like he could actually win the title. Even his win in the fatal fourway came at the expense of other wrestlers who had weakened the opponent so again this never made Bryan look like had any form of dominance over your beloved Cody Rhodes, infact I recall Rhodes stomped him out last week on Smackdown did he not?
Again Zack Ryder only has the upper hand over Dolph Ziggler because he was assisted…. Tag Team matches, outside interference…. Surprise attacks…. Nothing really CLEAN nothing really showing dominance or superiority. If anything Bryan and Ryder seem to be being proven to be weaker than their adversaries… mainly because Cody and Ziggler are going bigger and better places.

Zack Ryder may not have the ring ability that the other three do but he is a tryer “and god loves a tryer”. Daniel Bryan is an excellent in ring performer, his Mic work leaves much to be desired but he is clearly improving and has worked very hard to be where he is at…. And come on… there is not many in the wwe currently that deserve to be in their spots right now that haven’t already been up there once and blown it….and all those who do deserve it, are already about to get their own push sooner or later anyway.

Merchandise is the WHOLE shebang! WWE want
Mysterio v Sin Cara (injured BOO HOO) MASKS MERCH
CM Punk Nice T-Shirt MERCH
Randy Orton Snake MERCH

And the sooner you realise that Sunshine, the sooner you will hopefully stop posting these damn stupid threads.

#HEEL See ya later Marks.
Skip to about 1:30 of this video and see my reaction the instant I read the OP.


I guess pushing Ryder to a mid-card title is going too far? Well then geez I wonder what isn't far enough for Cody and Dolph. :rolleyes: Seriously, it isn't a big deal that Ryder is being given this push. It's a mid-card title, what the hell else is a mid-card talent supposed to shoot for? There are no low-card belts anymore, and Ryder doesn't have a partner for a long term tag title reign. But OH NO we need to keep the title on Ziggler, because we need to keep his push towards the main event on hold. Did ya think about that, smart guy? If you keep the title on Ziggler, how is he gonna win the WWE Championship? I doubt we would have a double champion situation here. But no, you're right. Dolph needs to keep the title NOW, and screw later.

As far as Daniel Bryan goes, what makes him different to Rey, regarding size, in going for the World Heavyweight Championship? Is he not believable? Is he too small? Rey won it. I see Daniel Bryan being fine with it. Is it his popularity? He doesn't get the best cheers, but he has a solid backing and will put on an entertaining match with whoever he goes against. But Cody Rhodes is just soooooo popular that his push needs to go higher and we need to clear his path. The amount of semen in your body from him must be immense.

Let me break it down. (DX Theme on youtube right now just for this)

Why are Cody and Dolph in the positions that they currently are? For those smart enough to answer with "They've been given attention, time, and direction" congratulations. You can't make people care about you by just going out there over a short period of time and be good or bad unless your name is Brock Lesnar. Fans need a reason to care. Ziggler has Vickie, and Cody had his dashing antics. Bryan has had what? An indy career, been fired, and then working matches for the year leading up to MiTB? Ryder has only recently (past few months) been given a chance to show the crowds and television patrons around the world to show what he can do.

But no, let's just stop paying attention to them.
I want to know from Ryan86 where do you come up with your logic before you start a new thread? honestly you threads are just off the wall so please answer my question where in the world do you come up with this shit about de-pushing Bryan and Ryder.
I'll stick to Zack Ryder on this one because the thought that Daniel Bryan isn't Main Event material makes me laugh too hard...and I just drank a lot of water.

So Zack Ryder will have no relevence in 9 months (from the OP, then lowered to 3) and in about 2-5 years by another poster. All based on his gimmick and him not being able to be taken "seriously".

Because we all know...in the WWE the gimmick you have right now will be the gimmick you'll have for the rest of your life/WWE Career.

Because John Cena's character never evolved one bit from his debut many moons ago. Wasn't he the 'Ruthless Aggresion' guy that smacked Kurt Angle? Had actual WRESTLING matches against Angle and Jericho BEFORE the Vanilla Ice Halloween costume?

I'm sure his white rapper gimmick is still going strong years later....oh, he doesn't do that anymore. Why? Because he changed his character as his career evolved.

To the OP: Your favorite, Cody Rhodes? Wasn't he the presumed 3rd wheel of Legacy? Didn't everyone expect Ted DiBiase to be the breakout star of the group? If you go by your own theory "Dashing" Cody Rhodes' dumb gimmick should've kept him away from the I-C Title, and if that happened he would've never evolved.

Dolph Ziggler was a caddie, then a cheerleader, then a 'rib' on the whole showing respect and introducing yourself backstage mantra. Your theory would've had him released years ago.

Everyone was on Christian's nutsack about him being denied the World Title for so long. But wasnt he pulling crybaby temper tantrums in the ring after loses earlier in his career?

Chris Jericho, the "best in the world at what he does"? Please look back at his WCW stuff, hell his WWE debut. If he kept that going would he be relevant now? No. But he evolved.

Kurt Angle...silly early on. The Rock was shucking and jiving like his daddy. Austin...Ringmaster. Do you need me to continue.

Now before you bite that bait...I AM NOT SAYING ZACK RYDER WILL BE WWE/WHM TITLE MATERIAL. I'm saying that I nor you know for sure what would come if he is allowed to EVOLVE.
Have to agree D-Bryan is a beast in the ring right now!! He has been kicking ass for years all over the globe!! Cody is a talent no doubt future world champion i buy that but given his chance because of his dad yes!! Cody hasnt earned his like D-bryan has!! Mister Woo Woo you know it!! I enjoy his gimmick he has taken basically a huge lump of cole and has turned it into a shiny diamond!! Any other star past or present given his gimmick 90% would have failed!! But zack is working it selling merch getting asses in seats and after all its all about keeping the fans happy!! People want zack he sells shirts merch!! Cody is a better talent than zack but fans are not chanting his name nor is he selling any merch!! D-Bryan will be a future champion one day and is the current money in the bank holder right now lets not forget that
Ryder created a damn title... enough for WWE to acknowledge he was the "Internet" Champion... last one that caught like that was "Mattitude" (and it did, don't hate...) Ryder has made his opportunity himself and fair play... Ziggler had to enure the Spirit Squad but came out stronger over time... he is in the Triple H position, time served and talent means he will rise...

Cody has the pedigree and it IS the same as both Dusty & Dustin had... take an non wrestling star body and talent to places it never should have gone...thats why the Mania match has to happen for Cody to move on to the main event... The Rhodes legacy IS at Wrestlemania this year Dusty as ref... Cody wins and then he is a main eventer... anything else is just Laurenitis... (claiming that phrase lol)
Like i said, you guys just really take things on a whole life of it's own. I dont like Bryan and Ryder getting mixd up with Rhodes and Ziggler in serios matches B/C I dont feel Ryder and Bryan add anything to building up the future. You guys may think they are something special, but to the average person who might give WWE a chance, they are goofy turn offs. I dont know how many of my friends who were attitude era fans, look at todays wrestling and say WHO THE HELL IS THAT. (referring to daniel and ryder) and I have to say, "Oh just some little fad, I know it's stupid."

I mean the bright orage glasses and the whole "please, if your a wrestling fan, dont take me serious" type gimmik Ryder has. I completly understand why he gets solid reactions. He's very likeable. But not in a carved-out-for-the-main-event type character, or even upper mid card. And bryan is in-defensible. I guess it's true that wrestling fans are mostly ignorant. I mean this guy is terrible. His look, Mic skills. personality. its just BAD
I dont know how many of my friends who were attitude era fans, look at todays wrestling and say WHO THE HELL IS THAT. (referring to daniel and ryder) and I have to say, "Oh just some little fad, I know it's stupid."

But why do you "HAVE" to say that ? Based on what you are saying there, your friends watch the show and see two guys that they havent seen before because they are relatively new to the brand.... and you instantly degrade them before your friends have the chance to watch the show a bit more and develop their own opinion?

Well done sir.... well done....
Why are you so fucking eager to do stupid shit like this? CM Punk needs to go, Dolph Ziggler and Cody Rhodes should align themselves as top singles competitors, Daniel Bryan and Zack Ryder need to be de-pushed...get your goddamned finger off the trigger, son. Have you ever heard of PATIENCE? You aren't a prophet. You aren't a wrestling fortune teller. You can't see the future. Stop trying so hard to post controversial topics about how to prevent something bad from happening in the future that there is NO EVIDENCE OR PATTERN POINTING TOWARDS just because you think it'll happen. Zack Ryder is arguably the #1 babyface in the WWE right now - he out-pops EVERYBODY with CONSISTENCY and he is most likely top 3 in merchandise sales, which DOES REFLECT HOW OVER SOMEBODY IS. The WRESTLING BUSINESS is about drawing money. You draw money by getting over. Zack Ryder is over as FUCK and you're saying he should be de-pushed. That makes literally zero sense and it seems an AWFUL lot like you said it simply because it suits a personal agenda that you're pushing, one controversial topic at a time.
Honestly, I have no idea what you are talking about. In a recent article, Ryder said that earlier in the year, he thought it was either get fired, or get noticed. So he got noticed. Ryder has been through it all. Edgehead, major brother, la familia, jobber, youtube star, to the us title picture. Ryder practically built himself. Besides, it would be kind of impossible to de-push ryder, because everyone loves him.

As for daniel bryan. Egh, I stopped caring about him awhile ago. The whole was to build him up and make him look like a credible threat to the world heavyweight championship, but they kind of failed at that. I think that the match at wmania for the world title will be a triple threat or fatal-four-way kind of thing.
So let me see if I got this right. Two wrestlers that are making money for the WWE and have fans interested to watch them in their promos and in the matches they wrestle shouldn't be pushed?

Yeah...I'm kind of baffled by this approach. I can understand if someone isn't into Ryder or Bryan or whatever, that's perfectly understandable, but you've got to wake up and look at wrestling for how things ACTUALLY work. Like any successful business, the WWE is about making money. It's about putting out a product that millions of people either consume, watch or use in some way and keeps them coming back to it.

Right now, Zack Ryder & Daniel Bryan are delivering. Does that mean that they'll be carrying the company a year from now? Not at all, it just means that they're over and that fans are behind whatever program they're involved in. When you have an 9 or 10,000 people in an arena chanting "We Want Ryder" or "Daniel Bryan", then the powers that be are going to take that kind of response into consideration when it comes to deciding who gets a push and who doesn't.

I can see the backlash of Ryder to some degree. I'm not a huge fan of the guy and I do think he's a bit overrated, but my opinion of him might be in a clear minority when compared to the rest of WWE's viewers. Ryder delivers in the arenas, fans buy his stuff, they follow what he's doing online & they invest their time in caring about whatever program he's involved with. Same thing with Daniel Bryan, although maybe not to the same degree as far as merchendise goes. These are all things that you want and need for wrestlers that you're pushing to do. These are all relevant factors in determining who should be given a push.

Everybody has different opinions on who is a good wrestler and who isn't, what makes a good wrestler sometimes and what doesn't, how certain wrestlers should be used and all this and that. That's perfectly natural but, from a logical standpoint, Ryder & Bryan don't need to be de-pushed anymore than....say...Mark Henry, for instance. Why? Because they're consistently delivering when called upon to do so. Will it last? Who knows? That's part of the game. Getting guys over, keeping them over and building the product around them isn't an exact science. Sometimes, whoever is delivering right now is who you have to go with until/unless someone else comes along that can keep on delivering for years to come.
Of course i realize Bryan has the MITB which is why i was angry at them "presenting him as a future HW champ". This should have never gone this far. MITB is beyond him.

What is it with the fascination on merch sales? Ryder is not a part of the WWE's main event future. PERIOD! CODY IS.

Cody is not experimental.

Cody Rhodes will NEVER be a main eventer. EVER! He is not experimental, he is a career midcarder. PERIOD.

Daniel Bryan and Zack Ryder will each have far more success in the WWE than Cody will in your wet dreams. Bryan and Ryder combined will have far more success in the WWE than Cody and Ziggler combined in your wet dreams.

That's why they're being pushed as equals. Because they are equals. And someday will be their superiors in every way.
Hey, if you were Dixie Carter, who would you sign as a pair?
- Ryder and Bryan
- Rhodes and Ziggler.

if you picked option 1, congragulations, you are the most short termed, short attention spaned, and god awefull business mind to ever walk the face of this earth.

Option 2 brings stability, long-term sucess (not completely garunteed), and two huge pillars of which you could build TNA on.

People, please learn to seperate short term, money milking operations, with long term cornerstones of your franchize.
God, your a typical mark with the "Only my guy should be number 1" mentality, I agree with you over Ryder, for i believe that he will be short term, but Bryan? You my friend are in the very small minority who think that he is a "Short term" guy, I see Bryan being a staple in the WWE for the next couple of years ALONG With Rhodes and Ziggler.....Wait whats that? Rhodes and Ziggler sharing the spotlight with someone else? BLASPHEMY

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