D-Man, I'm Calling You Out!


Mid-Card Championship Winner
A few minutes ago, I was re-living the greatness of the thread where Sully made a name for himself here. Glorious times. Part of what struck me was how cordial you and I were with one another. It perfection. Black Swan and IDR's Kate Upton appreciation thread rolled into one. It warmed my heart with a longing for your friendship and my pants with the product of premature ejaculation. I miss being civil with you. I don't know what happened. One side of the story is that I made a joke or two at your expense and you just don't know how to take that in stride. Another side of the story is that I'm a tad abrasive and you were just calling me on my shit. You can place names on those stories, but I don't intend to. What I will say is that the truth, as it does in most cases, likely lies somewhere in between those two perspectives. And in realizing this truth, I've called you here for one thing: A public cease fire.

I await you graciously accepting my moist, clammy hand in an embrace that signals a new day here on WrestleZone.

Long live the Alliance! Long live the Alliance!
There better be a swerve before page 2.
No swerve. For far too long, the Cage/Bar has been stained with the blood of pointless bickering. And after the fond memories I relived today, I'm pained by my recent actions. If we can't come together as a community, we can't milk situations the likes of which were presented when Sully first became a big name here to their fullest. Not to mention that a unified front makes ostracizing those who really deserve it far easier. In these trying times, there's no doubt that partisan nonsense from me and other parties would drive such fun into the gutter before it ever really got started. I won't let this happen. I refuse to. Now is a time for alliances, however uneasy they might be, to strengthen this community for those moments when true evil finally descends upon us. Let's build something here. That's the Bar I want to post in.
Especially D-Man, as I know for a fact that he has never been anally violated by anyone (including fellow members of the NJexus). Any claims to the contrary are needlessly divisive and I do not endorse them.
I just cannot endorse how loose he has made Jglass though.
Well I won't argue with you. Not because I don't think you're being rude for no good reason. But because I think you're another person who makes a worthy ally for anyone looking to do good for this site.
The only faction I'm interested in is the general populace of the WrestleZone forums.
It's The Bar Room. You expect anything in here to be relevant?
Yes. It was our ability to pull together as a community that ousted the evil known as Lord Sidious when he rose to power. Left unchecked while we bickered amongst ourselves, his initiative as a moderator could have led to multiple promotions on staff that would have changed the forum as we know it. But the in-fighting among us back then was not nearly as intense as it is today. If another Sidious descended on us at this moment, we'd be helpless, our defenses down as we went to war with the people we know are good for this board.

What's even more frightening is the reputation this site has gained. I'm in the process of brokering the annexation of this board to the regular sites list of some top notch posting talent. But they're hesitant. While I swear to the board's quality, they know what gets me off and they know that I incite, flock to, or leave in my wake nothing but senseless bar room brawling. And indeed, WZ has gained a reputation for that which puts off potential stalwarts of this board's future. 2011 is a thin year in the rookie department. And if our reputation for hostility continues to go down the toilet, I fear it will hurt the rookie crop of 2012 and beyond. This wouldn't have been a problem in years gone by. A generation before us, Sly and IC could bicker like the worst of us, but there was always a sense that a gentleman's agreement existed between them. That's not the case when you see the wars produced by contemporaries of ours like Zion and D-Man. And that wounds me and the community.

So yes, what we do here is relevant. It affects who stays and who goes and even who is willing to join our ranks. Our actions have consequences. It's time we accept that and stop the bloodshed. And I'm doing my part here and now by offering a hand to D-Man.

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