Cum on OJ's face? Seriously?

Cool Story.

Tell it again.

Tell it at Party's.

Make new Friends.

I'm still waiting for TNA to air out here on the west coast, So I'll have to get back to you on this compelling topic.

Simulated Jizz? This is bound to end up in the wrestling spam zone.
It's controversial, and TNA just signed a guy to help run the company who wrote a book called "Controversy Creates Cash". This appalls you but not having a Knockout forced to do a strip tease? WOOO DOUBLE STANDARDS. Don't Velvet Sky and that other one act like they're gonna kiss every time they enter the ring? Or Angelina Love suggestively pins Lacey in that "lock box" match (where Taz goes on to mention how many "boxes" are in the ring). Get over your homophobic self champ. It's a good start to something that has potential of being a solid storyline.
Get over myself "champ"

Lmao... That's good stuff tiger...

Women are sexy damnit... They are also a highly rated part of the show... TNA also airs on a channel geared towards MEN...

What storyline are they building up to??? Orlando Jordan getting a facial on a wrestling program is not a fucking good storyline... It's disgusting for one and how this will play into an angle that any male or female for that matter will want to watch instead of WWE escapes my thought process...

If a guy rubbing "jizz" on himself is what u want to see, then take a trip to your local porn shop...
Totally agree with LokiCobain about the double standard. If it would have been Velvet and Lacey would you have been as offended? I am not a big TNA Fan but Olando's angle seems interesting. I will say that I although I applaud TNA for having an open lgBt (not gay, but Bisexual) wrestler that they had to make him very sterotypical in many ways. In all honesty Orlando does not for me in the ring and def not in the personality dept. I wish it had been a different LGBT wrestler in a different angle. I think if they are going to focus on sexual orientation as the main aspect of his main gimmick than they should dive deeper than just outer appearence. Basically I am not mad that he is Bisexual, just mad that the gimmick does not seem (I'll give it a little more time) to be going in a good direction and I am not really an Orlando fan.
Amen brother! The "gay" angle when done right is entertaining...Goldust, Adrian Adonis..etc..etc...but when a dude comes out unannounced at the most random time and gives him self a simulated money shot and then eats some fruit, it's just dumb. It's gay just for the sake of being gay, not really entertaining. Are they trying to get us to hate this guy because he likes it from behind? The same way WWE wants us to hate CM Punk because he doesn't do drugs? At least Punk is entertaining and doesn't Jizz on himself in public.
(Not sure why this topic was moved from the TNA forum, but oh well...)

I can't believe that you guys are serious... I mean double standerds???

I have yet to see any women run "jizz" all over her face on a wrestling program... Or another women's "juices" for that matter...

Bra and panties are one thing... I didn't mind his make up and lame entrance from last week... I was really giving the gimmick a chance... But come on...

You please tell me what importance "jizz" on his face was... How does that set up an angle? We know he is bi...

Two weeks in a row and all we got is lame attempts for shock value with no story depth...
DaveBalls: How do you know he likes it from behind? And since when has Bisexuality been the same as Gay? His gimmick is being a Bisexual hence the male and female signs and escorts. I am not a big fan of the gimmick, but it's not because of his sexual orientation. The dislike comes from TNA (and I hear Orlando has some imput into this gimmick) not knowing how to market this gimmick. I think it's a difficult gimmick to work with especially with overly macho guys (like certain posters on this forum) that dislike the whole thing simply because it is gbt related. I left out the "L" because if it were a lesbian storyline there would be practically no complaints.
I TNA is trying to be "creative".Personally i think it was the most disturbing thing TNA has done in a long time.We all get that Jordan is gay and theirs nothing wrong with that.Their is nothing wrong with the angle but their doing it the wrong way.But even if it was a knockout,Jizzing on yourself in pubic is wrong like Dave said.
I'm wondering if this thread will be removed or not due to the subject at hand. (Ha! get it? "At hand"? no ok...)

Orlando Jordan doesn't need to keep this Bi angle up. We are already aware thanks to last week. Now his gimmick is different, and that really is the only thing I can think of as a positive for him. I have said this before, and I will say it again- OJ is a good wrestler, he has what it takes in TNA, heck he feuded with top wrestlers in WWE, but this angle is going nowhere but turning people off of the company.

As for Daffney's strip, who cares? It's giving us that spark of Attitude that has been lacking in other promotions, and to me that is hardly a "double standard".

Final Thought: Vince Russo. I could be wrong, but OJ's gimmick looks like his handywork. Russo has always done the most controversial of angles in wrestling (WWF{E}, WCW, TNA) so I could only assume this is his doing. I wouldn't blame Jordan for all of this- keep in mind the people in the back writing these people's scripts. They tarnish TNA just as much if not more than the stars who are speaking their lines and doing what they are told to do.
Really, I can understand both sides of this issue. The double standard thing...okay, it happens. It's just the way things are. The men are allowed full range brutality, women are allowed full range sexuality. That's where the real boundaries are usually kept. It seems that OJ wants to pull a Goldust (sans paint) on TNA and challenge said boundaries. I may agree that the segment on tonight's show was a bit much, but TNA prides themselves on pushing the envelope so whataya gonna do?

On the one hand, this may prove to be a "pioneering" moment (although I doubt it.)

Still, jccool420, I wouldn't fret about it. From what I'm seeing here, all OJ is succeeding in doing is making himself look like a slightly less hyperactive Big Dick Johnson. With this in mind, he's unlikely to last long and eventually you won't have to change the channel each time this...person comes on.
Dude... Homophobe?

I could care less if he's gay, bi, try... It really don't make a fuck to me...

Please tell me how a guy rubbing "jizz" on himself is going to gain interest in a male targeted wrestling program on a men's network... Really, please tell me how that is going to make someone say "Hey, fuck raw I have to watch TNA next week... That bi guy rubbed jizz all over himself!"
For the same reason people tuned into Raw in record numbers to watch Mae Young give birth to a human hand in plasma? Stupid controversial shit like that can boost ratings.

I agree this was fucking stupid though.
Oh just wait till we find out that OJ likes to be shit on...that's going to be must see TV right there BROTHER! He interrupts a title match and dumps a bucket of shit on his chest and then walks away. Ratings gold!
Well it obvously wasn't real jizz...

How else was I supposed to word it?

It was fake jizz... wtf...

How would you have said it?
Smooth Sexual Chocolate: Haha, and to think people like to stereotype wrestling fans as homophobes. :rolleyes:

Smooth Sexual Chocolate FTW

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