Cryptic "01/02/2012" Video - Chris Jericho Returns- KEEP IT IN HERE! - NO SPAMMING!

After all the hype and promo's and speculation, the secrecy and the build up and what do we get? BORED!!!! Jericho has some of the best promo skills on the mic and he says NOTHING?! I watched on TV and even tried turning the volume up and it seemed like the audiance was bord as well after while..

On a more positive note, at least all the build up and speculation wasnt for Hulkamania!!!!! LOL!!
I believe its very interesting, as in todays age. The majority of heel tendencies will result in face pops. So it was really ingenious and should be very interesting TV and seeing the development of his turn. Also a pattern of Jericho (in my opinion) is for him not to shoot all his eggs in one basket and he likes to carry a decent story for an extended period of time. Much like his feud with Shawn, hell even his development of story line with Christian and trish stratus. From Point A all the way to point B, great story telling.... This can all blow up also with the recent chopping and changing of scripts on RAW..
Seeing Jericho doing nothing for 15 minutes does not garner my interest. At all.
Of course you didn't want to see Jericho do nothing for 15 minutes. That was the point. Jericho didn't give people what they wanted to see.
Over a month of cryptic videos that in the end made no real sense that brought so much "hype" all for Chris Jericho to pull the same act he's done twice already except this time he did nothing. Literally nothing.
So then it's not the same act he's pulled twice already. Because it's different.

Also, you cannot definitely say that the videos don't make sense before anything has been explained.
Brodus Clay finally debuting sounds far more appealing than figuring out why Chris did nothing.
Somehow I doubt that a two minute squash match will be more entertaining than the fallout to this. But hey, whatever floats your boat.
Because that's all he did. Nothing. It's utterly pointless to say "but we'll find out next week". Why? Well because "next week" wasn't the one advertised. It was this one.
Yep, you're right. All that mattered was this week, and then they could have stopped worrying about hooking viewers altogether. Especially on a weekly TV show that's been in unsatisfactory ratings patterns, and especially since they're starting the Road to WrestleMania.
And it did nothing. At this point, Jericho's far outlived his usefulness and Memphis felt it.
You need to listen to the pop he got again if you're going to sit here and tell me that Memphis didn't eat that up.
It was the most boring return I have seen in a long time. Rock and Kane blew this return out of the water. Brodus Clays return will be better than that shit Jericho pulled last night.

Yes, we all knew it was Jericho, but the videos built it up to something it simply wasn't. It was anti climatic to say the very least. Pointless = no. Boring = extremely.

And he doesnt have me eating out of his palms, and he hasn't got me to hate him from what he did. Im just bored by him already. Seems he is an internet darling and can do now wrong though...
Yes Chris Jericho's return was really a RETURN. He did came back to WWE didn't he ? He played with fans like puppets making them cheer for him then instantly turned heel. One of the best heel turns after returning as a face. Chris Jericho - The Best in the World.

And for people who are saying Brodus Clay's return would be better should get their head out of their ass.

U mad?

Seriously, Jericho went out there and he trolled us. He put on his best flame ******ant jacket and like any good troll on the forum, openly mocked the audience for being so happy to see him back. It was brilliant, really.

At the time I must admit I was thinking "Alright Jericho, let's hear it", but once he left and I realized that was it, it hit me. He honestly couldn't have played that off better, and you bet your ass I'm looking forward to what he does next week.
I love how the fans are thinking they are coming up with the theory that Jericho went from BF to heel. (Wrestlezone staff were already saying that in the news feeds lol!)
Yayyyy it's Jericho!!!!'s a bad guy...BOOOOO!!!!! I don't get that. Why do they have to go to all the trouble to make sure fans boo him. Why can't he be a heel and still get cheered? He can still be a bad guy and go after Punk and do all his asshole heel things. I just don't get why the crowd is always a puppet that boos heels and cheers faces. I understand that heat is good for a heel. But Jericho is pretty much bigger than that at this point. I think it would be more entertaining if the crowd would cheer for who they really like better. This whole thing is more or less a cheap way to make sure that Punk gets the cheers when he feuds with Jericho IMO.
If they let the crowd cheer for "who they like better," they'll cheer Jericho. You know why? Nostalgia. Rose colored glasses. People will always cheer for the guy from the past over the guy from the present. It's how wrestling works.

They want Punk to get cheered, so they're going to make Jericho a heel. Then Punk will defeat the hated villain at WrestleMania and hopefully be put over huge. It's a relatively simple process that makes the most out of Jericho for the limited time he's here.
Its quite obvious that jericho is going to play the part of the cocky arrogant heel he has played in the past. imo the best jericho

P.S dolph ziggler watch and learn
That was THE most heel promo ever. Absolutely brilliant by Chris. He got everyone hyped up and acted overly excited about the fans and being back. He did it so obviously as an act so now he's got all the material he needs. Basically the fans are suckers. He can get them to do whatever he wants without even speaking. The way he left with the big, sarcastic smile and fans starting to boo was absolutely perfect.
I really don't get how everyone has it figured that in his one return segment where he did nothing more than play with the crowd that he somehow went from face to heel, and that there is some kind of ingenious subtext to what took place. In other words I think everyone has over thought the whole thing and read too deeply into what was going on. So you heard fans cheer and boo? Big deal. That suddenly means he went from face to heel in an instant? I don't think so. People booed because they obviously didn't get what they wanted, they got what they expected and nothing more, that was the return of Chris Jericho.

If you were paying attention and listening, the crowd was chanting "Y2J" before he even appeared, and it wasn't much of a surprise at all. I think Vince saw this coming and probably did one of his famous last minute run-sheet re-writes and said "Fuck em, they're so smart, here you go. Here's Jericho, but I bet you won't see this coming fuckers!" and that is Vince for ya. He does not like for the crowd to be smarter than him or at least smart enough to figure stuff out. He likes to get one over on the fans and feel like he's tricked the audience. I have a strong feeling that is what last night was all about.
There absolutely NO WAY Jericho makes his return and doesn't get cheered....

Good point. I remember one of the times Triple H returned after a long injury absence. He had left as a super-heel, but was gone so long it presented a dilemma for the company: the fans were so happy to see him, they cheered their heads off, and WWE made the wise decision to establish him as a face, at least for a while. What else could they do?

Leave it to Jericho to find a way to beat the problem. Obviously, people were going to cheer the hell out of him, yet he probably intends to function as a heel right from the start. What better way to handle it than to have him acknowledge the fans without verbally expressing his joy at being back? That's the way a bad guy would do it, no?

As it is, he milked the routine way too long, also leading to the notion that the first time we hear him speak, he'll be spouting off about how dumb the fans were to have expected Jericho to give them anything but the back of his hand.

No one does it like Y2J.
It was psychologically brilliant, but I think a lot of people completely missed the point of what he was trying to do, which obviously has left a sour taste in their mouth (which is fine, since that was the goal). It was a sarcastic response to the hype of his return.

That said, I think the "he went from massive baby face to the most hated heel in five minutes" stuff is overly hyperbolic. Honestly, the pops he received when he first came out weren't all that big. Maybe I just need to go back and re-watch it, but the crowd came off as pretty dead to me (though to be fair, the crowd is dead at every big moment of every show these days). And he left to a mixed reaction of cheers and boos softer than, say, John Cena draws.
It was the most boring return I have seen in a long time. Rock and Kane blew this return out of the water. Brodus Clays return will be better than that shit Jericho pulled last night.

Yes, we all knew it was Jericho, but the videos built it up to something it simply wasn't. It was anti climatic to say the very least. Pointless = no. Boring = extremely.

And he doesnt have me eating out of his palms, and he hasn't got me to hate him from what he did. Im just bored by him already. Seems he is an internet darling and can do now wrong though...

Sounds like someone wanted to see the same old comeback that everybody does and start a program right away tell the fans he is back tell some jokes to get some laughs blah blah blah, your not eating out of the palm of his hands you reacted right enough to post on here.

Jericho plays with peoples minds ( especially the IWC who thinks they know all the secrets and that it s predictable) We all knew it was him yes but only hardcore online want to run the show fans, so what does he do he gives us something to talk about be it positive or negative and now we have to tune in next week just to find out what that was all about.

It seems like people are forgetting what wrestling is all about and always want everything all now, it has always been about the slow build part by part keeping you interested to see what happens next, those have always been the best stories thats why you use to be able to see people build a program with each other and it could last 6 months to a year without it being repetitive.
Bottom line what he said he is yeah im back you got to see me, but you need to wait for the answers your looking for. In theory its genius in reality we have to wait and see.

You cant predict the end of a book on page 1
There's a few things I got from Jericho's return last night. 1st it was smart on WWE's part to have him run around like an excited idiot for a while becuz there's no way he could've come in with enuff heat to be a heel plus by the end did you hear how the crowd starting booing him that was a gud way to create heat. 2nd who the hell is the girl who told him it was time? Could the girl be some kind of reference to the fans? Or is that a way of him refering to his love for wrestling by saying the girl is calling him back? That part I'm having a hard time wraping my noggin around.
If they let the crowd cheer for "who they like better," they'll cheer Jericho. You know why? Nostalgia. Rose colored glasses. People will always cheer for the guy from the past over the guy from the present. It's how wrestling works.

They want Punk to get cheered, so they're going to make Jericho a heel. Then Punk will defeat the hated villain at WrestleMania and hopefully be put over huge. It's a relatively simple process that makes the most out of Jericho for the limited time he's here.

Yea I know, I get the concept of it all. But why does everything always have to be boo bad and cheer good. Lol wuld it really hurt just to have some tweeners to freshen things up? The fact that we all know he will lose to the super hero Punk at WM shows us how predictable this method is. What about change? And I just don't get why the crowd is so easy to manipulate. I will still Jericho, I will cheer Ziggler, Kane, Henry etc. as well as certain faces I like such as Sheamus. I'm not so fickle and simple as to boo someone just because I realize they are "bad". I'm just saying what's wrong with a little change and why is the crwod so simple?
There's a few things I got from Jericho's return last night. 1st it was smart on WWE's part to have him run around like an excited idiot for a while becuz there's no way he could've come in with enuff heat to be a heel plus by the end did you hear how the crowd starting booing him that was a gud way to create heat. 2nd who the hell is the girl who told him it was time? Could the girl be some kind of reference to the fans? Or is that a way of him refering to his love for wrestling by saying the girl is calling him back? That part I'm having a hard time wraping my noggin around.

It's still not late for Stephanie to return next week to get back at Punk and use Jericho has a puppet!
Jericho's return was idiotic and a major letdown. For all the smarks talking about psychology and Jericho reinventing himself and all that shit. Casual fans don't give a shit. Fanboys would watch anyways so obviously it would please them. The video was talking about end of the world and was dark and eerie. Now u have Jericho come and run around like a jackass and don't even say something. I felt like i wasted my time watching and don't care to watch next week. From now i will just be reading. Ratings are gonna fall again until the rock returns. If they wanted Jericho to be an instant heel he just needed to get on the mic. Not act like an irritating jackass. That completely turned me out of watching and i'm sure there are many others who feel the same way. Jericho was more annoying than Michael Cole. And the IWC claims pple turn out becuz of cole.
It is obvious that he is going to be a heel, I didn't know why he was trying to get the crowd to cheer all the time though I found that odd, but did anyone notice in the video "SHE" was mentioned and I have a feeling Stephanie McMahon will be making her return because she has been working out again im excited to see how this will develop and how this really be the so called 'end' also Jericho playing the crowd like fools i love it because crowds nowadays are crap and deserve to be shat on. I was totally waiting on "you parasites think im gonna suck up to you?! think again!"

But yeah steph's return is on the cards.
As far as Y2J coming back.Hey,the more stars the merrier but I agree,couldnt they have left it to the end & have whoever he,s facing next left in the ring staring confusedly as the rest of us were at his non speaking exit looking like a midcard face who,d just returned from injured after a month..
.As far as Im concerned Kane & Cena said their piece at the start but with 3 hours to fill & no world title for 3 months ,1 PPV & counting,Its StiLl the Cena show kiddies.No wonder Batista & Lesnar are in no apparent hurry to return.mind you,neither was J,apparently.
While were talking Y2J, ,let me thank THQ on behalf of the millions who bought WWE 12.for xmas.The first time Y2J is missing & the mystery man is,,,? No frequent guests Bret ,Rock, or Piper (ok,Spec Ed,I get it) either! What WeeK was Husky Harris so prominent in the roster again? When you rip us off further with your DLC packages,You KnoW who to put in,no dead wrestlers,no pointless spare attire,just ,Superstars & Legends who StilL appear in WWE PLEASE!! sheesh!
Oh, it was a return, and a shitty one at that. For all of you talking about how "brilliant' it was, think about Wrestling 101- always keep them coming back for more. When you book a storyline, you do it in a linear fashion. Each week builds into the next, with a small amount of resolution and new unanswered questions that will eventually come to a climax at a PPV and then a final resolution (that's where the PPV name came from).

This return was pitched as Jericho being brought back by Stephanie to avenge what happened to her father and husband, wreaking havoc on the company that (kayfabe) used to belong to her family. She hates Jericho, he hates her, but it's similiar in line to when Vince brought in the NWO "poison."

Everyone assumed it was about Punk (it wasn't) and the plan was for Jericho to be a heel, just like during his original debut. Go back and watch that for the classic way to turn a face pop into a heel reaction in one promo. It was a brilliant plan, having the heel Jericho fight against a heel JL and a face Punk, who is the (pardon the pun) current face of the company. Jericho and Punk have a common enemy in JL, but he was there to turn RAW on its ear.

Tell me how any of that was portrayed last night? They didn't deliver on one little bit of it and it will show in the ratings next week. Mark my words...
So "the end of the world" suppose to be a feud with punk but Y2J returns and doesn't tell punk anything. So everyone knows Y2J wants to feud with punk and have to wait till when?? After royal rumble to see a feud that is hyped in a video in December of 2011??? How stupid are the WWE fans? How stupid is Punk?? When they do shit like this it makes no sense for Kane to be pulling anyone under the ring and Cole calling it an abyss. They might as well just say he is going into a chamber under the ring that was set up earlier. WWE wants to push fans away apparently. I think Vince is trying to play with the IWC. Yea it has to be that. Why else would he allow all this shit. I think he wants ratings to decrease so he can prove that the IWC darlings can't draw shit.
personally i think it was a 'pipebomb' counter. Jericho is brilliant on the mic and, if the speculation is correct, he'll be up against CM Punk at some time soon. Now, these 2 will be promo after promo after promo, but what Jericho has with him now, is the reaction of the crowd on his return. What did he do? pretty much nothing, and yet got as good a reaction as Punk had all last year. CM Punk has the pipebomb, but Jericho blew the whole thing apart last night by saying absolutely nothing
I thought it was a great return. And yes, it did get people wanting more. I remember people having similar criticism toward the Taker & Triple H confrontation on Raw last year, despite how brilliant it was.

Jericho came to Raw last night and confirmed that he's back and that he's going to be a major player in some capacity all without having to utter a word on the mic. Exactly what he's going to be doing? You have to tune in to find out when he finally delivers his return promo. I think if anyone has a real problem with this, it's because they weren't instantly & immediately gratified. It's sad that so many internet fans are like your typical 5 year old in the sense that they piss, moan and generally bitch if they don't get EXACTLY what they want EXACTLY when they want it. It's that lack of patience and an unwilligness to accept that wrestling angles don't revolve around momentary whims that's hurt their love of wrestling as much, if not more so, than anything else.
I hated that segment at first. I mean, I thought it was really, really poor. But having re-watched the entire thing, I don't mind it. Dare I say, I enjoyed it? The entire thing was a way of baiting us into hating Jericho. We were expecting as big, over-the-top promo about how he was here to bring the "end of the world" or whatever like his first two "debuts", but in actual fact, what we got was nothing. It was all hype and no substance. That's a ballsy thing to do, and after hearing the fans and seeing the reaction from everyone on here, it's obvious that it worked. It was self parody at its finest. So bravo WWE. You pissed me off, a job well done.

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