
they may think whatever they want. makes little difference to me. and there is no wrath to be feared. im not the one who placed you here, Jake was. I dont give a fuck if you dont like me. your a twat. you dont like me. so what. same goes for the rest of em.
they may think whatever they want. makes little difference to me. and there is no wrath to be feared. im not the one who placed you here, Jake was. I dont give a fuck if you dont like me. your a twat. you dont like me. so what. same goes for the rest of em.

wait, what did you say? "your" a twat? As in "This is your twat"? What is my "a twat"? enlighten us, oh Mr. Success.
you are a female vaginal cavity is what I was saying. I dont think any of us are suprised that you didnt know what that is though.
BUT I do know what one is though. this being the confessional, and saying what you said, you have confessed to not being familure with what a vagina is. well done.
well your a rather huge fan of someone who is a huge dumbass, so, that makes you rather dumb yourself. and this is becoming redunadant. we have already discussed the fact that I care little of my spelling here, and it effects nothing in life, or the world. A world in which I am rather successfull which apparently frustrates you rather badly.
ROFL, so you are also a HUGE chronicles of narnia fan! I don't get how you could be a fan of any book since you lack understanding of the english language.
Hmm, well, I suppose I should appologise for whatever I did shortly after I signed up last month, too lazy to go to my inbox and see what it was for. I think it was because I acted like a mod (I didn't see why that was so bad I got an infraction), and I think for a few other spamming things. Yeah. I think I have become a better poster.

Better late than never I suppose, so yeah, I appologise.
OMG!!!!, Thats life in Silverwater (you know what I'm saying) all felony charges, how are you going to explain this to the police, get your story straight and offer a bribe, they mightn't take it but atleast worth the try, Anything to help your case.
Alright, my latest appology.

To anyone who was offended by my posting of the Chris Benoit videos I am sorry. I, along with some other people I showed them to thought they were funny. In the future I will think about what I post more carefully. It is obvious we have different senses of humour. I hope nobody thinks badly of myself now, not that I'm overly popular anyway. Also whoever unbanned me, thank you.

in my drunken state last night i seemed to have went on the computer and flamed everyone that came to my mind which i sincerly apoligize for now i will serve my time in prison and hopefully get out eventully
You ain't going nowhere sweetcheeks.

**Sex Offender proceeds to bend Triple H over his knee and spanks him repeatedly**

o yea mr sex offender i have the power to just say no and run away i dont have to do anything that doesnt make me feel safe strong and free

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