
Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
This is for people who think they may have broken a rule, but haven't been reprimanded for it. And don't want to be put in the prison.

Have you spammed? Have you got two warnings and don't want to recieve a third? Flamed someone? Do you want to apologise?

This doen't necessarily mean you wont get put in the prison. But it will prove that you are aware that you were in the wrong and want to change.

Post a link to the post that you feel you have violated in.
God damn I hate people like Legendkiller, fucking douchebag. I come on here, click on the new posts button, and what do I get? Forty new posts in threads by the guy in the ten minutes, all of them advertising for some shitty wrestling site.

Perhaps we can just delete all of his posts? That way we don't have to freaking click on threads expecting new posts only to see this jackass spam.
Luther, I want to apologize for the 4 pizel oversize of my sig...:lmao:
and I want to apologize for my little brother being a jackass and making another profile on my IP and spamming on it

wat can i say hes gay can you plz change that thing from registered user to STANROY!!!!! please
I auto banned Sexy Beast again, he PMed flamed me for no reason, so I guess that infraction can be erased, but he'll be confined to the prison.
I beliee I just Flamed the Hell out of someone for not liking the Bushwhackers, or at least hating them for no reason.
I apoligize for flaming you jake in the khali thread, I was dumb. And echelon i apoligize too, I'm not really a woman beater.
I, EP Punk, apologize to all the mods I unfairly attacked. My beef is not with Jake, Shockmaster, Prax, or anyone except xfear. He is the one who kept running his mouth, and I just lashed out at all the mods, but I apologize to you all, but to Xfear..I apologize for well, nothing.
i have a confession, this in an alt. account of Insanity X. This is the only alt account that i have created. the ONLY one. can you please block this account, (its done what i created it for) and shove my real account into the prison. i REPEAT this os the only alt account that i have created. any other accounts were not created by me.

also, just so that i know (i'm not going to flame or anything) which mod was it that blocked my insanity x account?

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