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Coco vs Lesnar 2010 / The Saga

Un-ban Only One...

  • Unban Coco!

  • Unban Bill Lesnar!

  • Free South Africa Ya Dumb Son Of A Bitch!

Results are only viewable after voting.
So let's say Sanchez gets tossed from a game for nothing he did against the rules, you think that's warranted? Or are you just letting your hate for Coco blind you? It's a black and white issue. No rules were broken.
since the NFL isn't run the same way, that wouldn't happen.

In your case a rogue official ejects a starting QB for no reason, what would happen in the NFL would be the Jets file a grievance (a legal thing they are allowed to do as collectively bargained by the NFL and the NFLPA), and they'd win the grievance. Hell, the NFL likely wouldn't even fight them.

This isn't run the same way, the people in charge have unilateral power, and they used hat power here to eliminate someone who broke the rules.

Oh, and just to be sure, did Lord Shittius break the rules when he got banned? Or did he just get banned because he was a piece of shit?
South African Freedom > Bill Lesnar

For realz. That mother fucking Morgan Freeman look alike has had South Africa hugging his nuts too damn long. It's time we finally kill that son of a bitch, and allow South Africa to govern itself. A nation of the people.

I've always said Braveheart would be better if it was about black people.
NFL is run the exact same way in regards to retroactively changing rules regarding hits and fining policies this. Won't get into that again with you, being that you're a stubborn cunt.
If Coco were just another guy only concerned with flaming people, I would say leave him where he is. However, he's a damn good poster, so I hope he's back soon.
You know.... I've been mainly fucking with this entire thread since it's inception, rather, it's inception three times over, because we've had three freaking threads made on the same god damn subject. But seriously, I want all of the people that are supporting Coco, and for that matter, those that are arguing so ardently why he's gone, to answer me something.

Why the fuck do you care about someone you've never met in real life? I'm being totally, sincerely honest? Why are we all up in arms over someone we know through an internet identity? What is the point in getting so pissy about this?

Might I suggest, we get better hobbies? All of us? I mean, don't we all have something better to do than talk about some guy who thinks he's smarter than he really is getting banned?
You know.... I've been mainly fucking with this entire thread since it's inception, rather, it's inception three times over, because we've had three freaking threads made on the same god damn subject. But seriously, I want all of the people that are supporting Coco, and for that matter, those that are arguing so ardently why he's gone, to answer me something.

Why the fuck do you care about someone you've never met in real life? I'm being totally, sincerely honest? Why are we all up in arms over someone we know through an internet identity? What is the point in getting so pissy about this?

Might I suggest, we get better hobbies? All of us? I mean, don't we all have something better to do than talk about some guy who thinks he's smarter than he really is getting banned?
Because Coco makes WZ a better place.

Oh, and he's that smart actually.
You know.... I've been mainly fucking with this entire thread since it's inception, rather, it's inception three times over, because we've had three freaking threads made on the same god damn subject. But seriously, I want all of the people that are supporting Coco, and for that matter, those that are arguing so ardently why he's gone, to answer me something.

Why the fuck do you care about someone you've never met in real life? I'm being totally, sincerely honest? Why are we all up in arms over someone we know through an internet identity? What is the point in getting so pissy about this?

Might I suggest, we get better hobbies? All of us? I mean, don't we all have something better to do than talk about some guy who thinks he's smarter than he really is getting banned?

Internet drama FTW!
Because Coco makes WZ a better place.

Well, apparently not. Not if this brings about a whole shit storm of banter about something that, really, makes no difference in the long run. Sure, he's funny. Plenty of guys are funny. Is Coco the only guy to bring you lulz here?

Oh, and he's that smart actually.

I've yet to see it. Really have. My first action on Wrestlezone was disagreeing that wrestling itself advertises to the lowest common denominator of society. Honestly, that has some truth, but what he fails to point out is that all forms of pop culture do such a thing. You never exclude a portion of a potential audience, especially when said audience controls a hefty sum of cash you want in your wallet. It isn't exclusive to wrestling, it's all forms of media.

So yeah, don't quite see it.
My two cents for what it's worth:

If Coco truely broke no rules, than of course he should be un-banned.

That being said, this Fucking Bill Lesnar shit is ruining this GOD damned sight. Maybe his first banning was unjust, maybe it wasn't, but the fact of the matter is that mother fucker has made more alts than I can count. That shit is a fucking PERM BAN. People bringing his name up every day need to GET THE FUCK OVER IT. Sure, some of his shit is realatively humorous, but most is fucking GARBAGE. Blue, Coco, Macca etc...I've got no problem with you guys, and think you come up with some of the funniest one liners I've ever seen, but this shit's gotten out of control. Every fucking day, it's BL this and Believe the Hype that. WE FUCKING GET IT ALREADY. I rarely ever bitch about anything, because since my arrival (and even before I joined, reading as a guest), I've always enjoyed this place. But speaking for myself, and surely for others that agree with me, stop with this BL shit. It's ruining the of the cage for the rest of us. You guys are certainly a big part of the reason most of us check in here a couple times a day, do you really need a fucking guy like BL to champion. You guys are 1,000x the poster he is.
So let's say Sanchez gets tossed from a game for nothing he did against the rules, you think that's warranted? Or are you just letting your hate for Coco blind you? It's a black and white issue. No rules were broken.

Sanchez would get ejected for sucking too badly.
Let me try to explain this in text you'll understand.

Coco didn't break any FUCKING RULES!!!!!!!!!!

Let me try to explain this to you in a manner you might understand.


Seriously, it's one goddamn poster who (while often funny) is just a fucking wall of text on the fucking internet.


Why the fuck do you care about someone you've never met in real life? I'm being totally, sincerely honest? Why are we all up in arms over someone we know through an internet identity? What is the point in getting so pissy about this?

That's what I'm still trying to figure out. :shrug:

Also, my thread about it was first.
this is awesome.... unelss it happens to be a 'john cena gets fired' type of ban.

coco is a cunt to alot of people here, mods or not. the blow was low even without knowing the back story.

lesnar was ******ed, but amusing in his gimmick. plus i want to see him type a paragraph of pyro on his return. lol. he fucked up, but apparently wants to make up for it.

coco's gimmick seems to just be 'a dick'. but does have his moments & sometimes has valid points among the flaming bullshit. few, but they are there. most apparently dont get him with the xception of his homies in the '7'. if he comes back it will just be numerous posts about 'nazi mods' & more 'its unfair' rants. kb is right. he dont run the show.

so it comes down to who the fans want to see. & who the mods decide is more deserving of a comeback. hell at least we got rid of jenks...

doubt the poll results will make a difference, but it is making for an amusing friday.
I still don't get people backing Bill Lesnar, whether he unknowingly broke the rules or not, when you first sign up the first thing urged to do is to read and understand the rules. I'm sure through his warnings and infractions he was told what he did wrong, and pointed out how to fix them, his damn fault for not complying. His gimmick is funny but to bad he broke the rules and created 10+ alts, that is why i don't believe the hype.
All I'd like is just a clearer explanation on what is and isn't "in bounds" as far as Cage posting goes. I understand there were many many other factors at play beyond one flame post, but if someone unrelated to the prior existing situation had made the same crack would they have eaten banhammer as well? I just want to know where the area of play is here.

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