Coco vs Lesnar 2010 / The Saga

Un-ban Only One...

  • Unban Coco!

  • Unban Bill Lesnar!

  • Free South Africa Ya Dumb Son Of A Bitch!

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I haven't read tham. Chances are he's just being satirical.

I know you don't owe me this, but I'm asking you to believe me on this one - D-Man had nothing to do with any of this. This 'guilt by association' is garbage and the same type of sewage Coco would spew in his own right.

I never insinuated he was the one actually doing the banning of any sort. Fuck if I know who was involved in it. Doesn't mean he still isn't being a wanker.
Yes, cause I can't be happy the one guy on here who treated me the most shit is gone. Really Blue? Regardless of whether people like me or not, Coco treated me like shit, and I'm happy he's gone, and hope he never comes the fuck back. Sorry if you don't like it. I really don't give 2 shits.

This place was sinking to new lows thanks to him, and now it can rise back up without him.
That's fine and dandy but getting all excited over this is stupid. He was banned for no reason at all.
What am I doing to be a dick Numbers? I asked why Coco was trolling me, and jokingly put at troll face with GD. Then I removed the quote, I doubt it would get me banned anyways. Plus, we are in The Cage. Thought we were supposed to be dicks. ;)

And by the way, I'm sorry if I was being a dick. I try not to, and don't like it if I am, unless somebody really pisses me off.
That's fine and dandy but getting all excited over this is stupid. He was banned for no reason at all.
That's funny, because the people who enforce the rules state otherwise, and since they are the sole authority on rule-making and rule-enforcing, I'd say he broke the rules.
I never insinuated he was the one actually doing the banning of any sort. Fuck if I know who was involved in it. Doesn't mean he still isn't being a wanker.

That's fair. Hell, he's a wanker all the time with me.

I just want to make sure he doesn't get grouped into this as far as the Coco deal goes. Coco is a douche to D-Man as well, but D-Man is totally oblivious to the entire deal. I wager he's in the Board Room reading up on it right now.
In reading this thread, all I've learned is that Haley Williams from Paramore has a gap toothed smile, which makes for a nice slot to shoot my cream into one day.

yeah, umm, the people who are in charge of the forum said he did. Hence he did.
It's not a written rule anywhere. No, in the description it says anything goes, no porn ar illegal shit. That's it. I got behind Bill Lesnar because he unknowingly broke the rules and is actually sorry about it and wants to actually contribute to this forum, but Coco's banning was unwarranted.
It's not a written rule anywhere. No, in the description it says anything goes, no porn ar illegal shit. That's it. I got behind Bill Lesnar because he unknowingly broke the rules and is actually sorry about it and wants to actually contribute to this forum, but Coco's banning was unwarranted.
since it WAS warranted in the eyes of the people who did it (and are the sole authority on bannings), then I'd say it's worth it, regardless of whether he said or did anything specifically breaking a single rule.

In reading this thread, all I've learned is that Haley Williams from Paramore has a gap toothed smile, which makes for a nice slot to shoot my cream into one day.

and this. CCM is the man.
Fact: My semen is known to act as a fast hardening adhesive. Bitch will never have to worry about her pre-pubescent looking teeth ever again.

Of course, that probably says more about me liking a mouth that reminds me of a six years olds.
since it WAS warranted in the eyes of the people who did it (and are the sole authority on bannings), then I'd say it's worth it, regardless of whether he said or did anything specifically breaking a single rule.
So let's say Sanchez gets tossed from a game for nothing he did against the rules, you think that's warranted? Or are you just letting your hate for Coco blind you? It's a black and white issue. No rules were broken.

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