CM Punk's next title reign?

Shining Mizard

World Heavyweight Champion
After having his record breaking 434 day WWE championship title reign ended by The Rock and moving on to a program with the Undertaker for Wrestlemania 29, CM Punk seems to be slowly moving away from the WWE title picture.

It has got me thinking recently as to when CM Punk will be back in the main event competing for the WWE title. It seems highly likely that Cena will win the title at Wrestlemania off The Rock but who will Cena move on to then? Will Punk and Cena face each other again so soon? Personally I see potential for Punk vs Cena at SummerSlam. Although it will be the third year in a row, Cena will go into the match with the title this time.

What does everyone think? When will Punk be back in the title picture and win the WWE championship?

For those of who you believe it won't be for a while I'd like to know what Punk could do instead once the Rock and Undertaker leave after Wrestlemania.
I don't think we'll see Punk as WWE Champion again in 2013. John Cena hasn't been WWE Champion for about 1.5 years, far longer than anyone expected. Due to Triple H's influence, WWE is no longer playing hot potato with any of the titles, so I think it's likely that John Cena will have a long, strong run with the title that could last through the rest of this year.

It's possible that CM Punk could wind up in the World Heavyweight Championship scene, which suits me fine as long as they don't lower Punk's standing in the process. It's common knowledge that the World Heavyweight Championship, generally speaking, isn't as prestigious as the WWE Championship, so having someone whose still extremely hot like Punk carry the title could be a good thing. It could elevate the title to a higher level of prestige which, in turn, would keep Punk on a truly top tier spot in the company.
I believe at Wrestlemania Cena will win the championship and Rock will use his rematch clause at Extreme Rules in some sort of gimmick match that will help cena retain and the Rock not look too weak. Maybe a ladder match with the Rock being attacked by the shield and a Cena heel turn would be my personal option but we all know that is not going to happen but that still doesn't mean the shield can't be involved. As far as CMpunk goes, I think Punk will lose in such a way to the Undertaker that Punk disappears for a few weeks to take some time to heel his recent injuries. Now that the urn is involved in the storyline maybe have Taker carry punk out in a casket after the match? Or better yet go real old school and have him put punk in a body bag. No matter what happens I feel Punk will take a little time off and return around summerslam. Now assuming this doesnt happen and Punk sticks around I could see extreme rules either having a triple threat with Rock Cena and Punk somehow seeing as this didnt happen at mania and they might not want to rush into another cena rock match. Or I see punk vs Lesner at ER with some sort of Wrestlemania fallout with Paul Heyman from either of the two who loses at mania. This is a good question though interested to see the other posts.
But to just answer your question simply I think Punk should begin his next reign by winning the title at NEXT years Wrestlemania. He deserves that big moment in his career much like the legends and big names before him.
I think SummerSlam or just after. The WWE like putting emphasis on the big four ppvs and Punk winning at SummerSlam is a big event. I think Cena wins at Mania giving him until mid-August or September with the belt.

WM30 has to be massive. The build will start the night after WM29 and matches may be made next summer. You can think they will use Punk wisely and Cena doesn't need the belt. The Rock doesn't need the belt. Punk definitely suits having the belt so I'm going to say he wins in August or September and holds it to WM30.
I'm thinking that after WrestleMania, Punk will get back into the hunt for the World Heavyweight Championship. I can see Punk winning that title at or before SummerSlam. Despite what Vince McMahon prefers to think, myself and most people I know consider the two belts equal, and I think Punk winning and having a great reign as World Heavyweight Champion (hopefully with a face turn along the way) would be a great way to get Punk back to the top of the card.
I gotta agree with Jack and Aquaman. I think Punk gets another run with the Big Bold Belt before he gets one with the Jostens class ring. John Cena is next in line, and I hope the trend continues with long title reigns. However, if there's a good reason to hot potato the belt off of JC (i.e. MITB), then I'd be fine with that. The guy has been WWE champion a bajillion times and been the man for nigh on a decade, so a long reign for him is something I'd tolerate more than enjoy.
I gotta agree with Jack and Aquaman. I think Punk gets another run with the Big Bold Belt before he gets one with the Jostens class ring.

I'm thinking that after WrestleMania, Punk will get back into the hunt for the World Heavyweight Championship.

It's possible that CM Punk could wind up in the World Heavyweight Championship scene, which suits me fine as long as they don't lower Punk's standing in the process.

I have to respectfully disagree with all of the above that Punk should win the WHC. Going after this belt and even winning this belt is certainly going to lower his standing. It's the modern day Intercontinental title and after Punk's rise to the top, there is no way that this wouldn't come off as a downgrade in his company standing.

Personally, I feel Punk will be Cena's first title feud after the Rock. Then I think Punk will be in the Money in the Bank ladder match. After that its hard to tell where Punk goes. Maybe a match to put someone over at Summerslam, then some well deserved time off. Who really knows? As far as when Punk wins the title again, I don't think it will be for awhile as I expect Cena to have a long title run. Maybe not the rest of the year, but most of it.
Not in 2013.

I think this title reign could be John Cena's last. He will hold the title for a good while and ultimately lose the title to Ryback IMO, which will be the passing of the torch.

I like Jack's idea of putting him in the WHC picture because Smackdown has a lack of talent and Punk may be able to bring ratings and something a little different to SD. Maybe he could be the guy to take the title off of Ziggler when they decide to put the title on Dolph. A Ziggler-Punk feud could be money.
It depends on which world title we are talking about. Regarding the WWE Championship I can see Cena winning it at Wrestlemania and holding it for a rather long time before losing to this year's Money In the Bank winner or maybe Ryback. There's no telling how long it could take for all of that to play out. I don't see Punk being WWE Champion again for a while due to that. He will hold it again for sure, just not anytime soon.

Punk could win the World Heavyweight Championship faster. Alberto will likely retain against Swagger, feud with Ziggler, and then Punk could be his next opponent. Or Punk could face Ziggler for the belt. I would like to see him hold onto it longer than even Triple H and Batista did. If he has the longest reign in recent memory for both world titles then it gives him plenty more to brag about. I can see Punk holding the World Heavyweight Championship as soon as this summer and having another lengthy reign.
Well i think CM PUNK will not be in the title picture for another year because John cena is going to win the WWE Championship at WRESTLEMANIA as the ROCK is going away. So JOHN CENA is going to be the champ for more than PUNK'S 434 days as CHAMP. I think PUNK is gonna get injured in this years WRESTLEMANIA as we constantly hear him getting injured recently. So Undertaker makes him injured after making 21-0.

Then we don't see PUNK for another year so that he recovers from his injury and gets some relief from his overloads and tight works . We hear rumours that CM PUNK is going to TNA even. Finally the much awaited CM PUNK returns epically at ROYAL RUMBLE and the crowd goes wild.

PUNK wins at rumble and draw CENA vs PUNK for WRESTLEMANIA 30 which will be the greatest match of all time and will make punk the CHAMP and a legendary face.:lmao:;):rolleyes:
Everyone who assumes Cena is winning the belt at Mania and Rocks going away must have not seen Rocks signed through at least Extreme Rules.

As for Punk's next title reign I agree with some of you he might take a little time of to heal some injuries but all the way to the Royal Rumble is very unlikely. He'd be gone probably untill like July-August when he returns and sets up a feud for Summerslam. The reason I don't see him being gone that long is because he's not that type of guy who goes away for almost a year, he's good at entertaining and one of if not the best wrestler on the roster. I don't think that match at Summerslam would be for a title.... but I could diffidently see him getting back into the title hunt for Survivor Series and winning the belt in November at that PPV. Then he could go into Wrestlemania as a heel champion at WM30.
Will CM Punk regain the WWE title? I wouldn't doubt it. CM Punk has launched himself as the top heel in WWE right now, and I think that with Lesnar signing back to WWE for [I think] two years, there's a potential WrestleMania title match right there. I would assume that sooner or later, Paul Heyman will have to choose between Punk and Lesnar and that will lead them to a WWE title match at Mania.

In that same breath, I wouldn't be surprised if Lesnar took the title at SummerSlam and they worked to a WM title match as mentioned before, only with Lesnar as champion instead.
Personally I don't like to see CM Punk as Champion anytime soon and I have to say I didn't like his reign so much either he was mostly the loser and yet STAYED the champion even when he was face. But I don't mind seeing him in challenge to get the title.
Personally I think now with the WWE almost done with the Rock being on the title picture it's good time for young wrestlers like Ryback to show themselves I think it's been a long time since we saw a never been champion become one.
its obvious that cm punk is going to face stone cold at next mania and i wouldn't be surprised if it turned out to be for the title. And for a proper build he cant get the title any later than survivor series. So I do see him getting the title this year.
someone mentioned a certain time he could win it and i could agree there. i hope they dont feud Cena and Punk too soon, i would like to see this match saved a bit, have him try to go after it only to be turned down by another heel, have Cena and another heel go back and forth with that title a bit (ex. have the heel win the title at say SummerSlam only to lose it to Cena around Survivor Series), THEN have Punk have various feuds with other top faces, beat them and then in the end win the Royal Rumble and challenge Cena for the title and have him take it there, that's what i think WWE would be wise to do, have Punk take the title off Cena at WM in what could be a match of the year canadiate.
I'm not so certain Rock will face Cena at Extreme Rules. I can see them holding off on that match for Summerslam to give a big main event without using Cena/Punk for the third straight year. I could see them going night after Mania, Rock challenges Cena for Summerslam. Shield interferes somehow and Cena books another match against Shield for Extreme rules with Rock and a third man as his partner (sheamus/orton/whoever).

As for where Punk goes after Mania, I see him in a feud with Ryback (keep in mind to my knowledge Ryback has NEVER beaten Punk on TV). That could be fuel. After that I can see them pushing Punk/Lesnar as the feud for summerslam. If Ryback gets inserted into the Shield/Cena/Rock match, the other option I potentially see as a one off is Punk/HHH. Their 2011 feud never really ended. It got derailed by the Punk's slow turn to face and kinda evaporated as Punk got put back into the title picture and the whole Nash debacle. If Punk beats Taker, he comes out on Raw the next night saying "I did something that NO other man could do. Not HBK. Not HHH." Out comes HHH for one final match to give Punk. I could also see DX (HHH/NAO) vs Punk/Lesnar/Heyman which could slowly build the Punk/Lesnar summerslam match.
Don't expect another reign for a while if he gets it before summerslam it makes him look like a joke. It would prove the title makes him rather than him making the title. He should be like Cena or Orton when it comes to being treated like a main event without needing a title match
I'm seriously hoping against hope that The Rock doesn't lose to cena at wrestlemania. I know cena is bound to win but seriously, I mean come on!

As for Punks next title reign, I don't know when it will be. Its a hard thing to predict. I would like Punk and cena to face each other again though, they worked well together. They should face each other for number 1 contention for The Rock's wwe championship after wrestlemania. With Punk beating cena obviously because I honestly never want to see cena wwe champion again.

cena could be world heavyweight champion. He could beat Ziggler after Ziggler beats Del Rio which I don't want to happen anyway but it seems inevitable. Then cena can lose it back to a once again heel Del Rio.

Then cena can be burnt to death in an Inferno match against Kane.

cena can then be brought back with a mask and full body suit so nobody knows it him and we don't have to put up with his annoying white rapper shit.

Honestly the champ is not here. Please.
Seeing as The Rock is being promoted for Extreme Rules, I expect him to drop the title at WrestleMania to John Cena. At Extreme Rules, we will see the rematch, but I wouldn't be surprised if CM Punk was added to the rematch, making it a Triple Threat Match for the WWE Championship. After that, Punk will probably head into non-title feuds. John Cena will more than likely have a lengthy run that lasts for the majority of 2013 to make up for the last year and a half.
Punk JUST came off a once-in-a-lifetime million-year championship run. Remember, the company isn't just John Cena and CM Punk. We have a whole roster of other people in contention.

I like the idea of moving Punk to the WHC, which would mean trading him to Smackdown, maybe for Orton (armed with a little push and an alignment shift). It would also mean that all the Raw-snobs (I'm just assuming they're all Punk marks) will start watching Smackdown again.

But for fuck's sakes, don't give the belt to Punk for another year and a bit. You know what that would mean from a kayfabe standpoint? That he's the best wrestler from the past 25 years, which is where he falls short. By a loooong shot. Even from a non-kayfabe standpoint, he's not going over Bret, Shawn, Austin, Rock, Hunter, Taker or Cena.

Give the WHC to him, give him a decent run and enjoy it. CM Punk's gimmick went from straight-edge saviour to "that guy who has the title and won't shut up about it and oh, I see it's his whole gimmick now". Done bitching, y'all have a good day, now.
Not in 2013.

I think this title reign could be John Cena's last. He will hold the title for a good while and ultimately lose the title to Ryback IMO, which will be the passing of the torch.

I like Jack's idea of putting him in the WHC picture because Smackdown has a lack of talent and Punk may be able to bring ratings and something a little different to SD. Maybe he could be the guy to take the title off of Ziggler when they decide to put the title on Dolph. A Ziggler-Punk feud could be money.
John Cena having a final title reign? Why don't I see that even probable until after the next 10 years? He's still a young guy and he's devoted to the company. I can smell him having another title reign in 2022... Hogan style lol
I agree that I hope he's not thrust into the WWE title picture right away. Something that'll never happen but I'd like to see is another multi-title reign, we've not seen it in years and it could come across quite fresh. Have him win the WHC and later chase the WWE title, then he can be best in the world by having both titles (If he were to win) instead of a lengthy reign.

If no title at all, then it'll need to be a pretty strong story feud with a main eventer. 'IF' he beats UT then I'm sure they could run a pretty entertaining Kane storyline, the matches wouldn't be awe inspiring but no worse than Punk Ryback matches.

Otherwise, I'm afraid he could drop out of the title picture and just become a kinda Randy Orton...
CM Punk's next reign may come in a few months after Wrestlemania. Punk-Brock-Heyman should be the next big angle with Punk regaining the belt and starting another long storyline.

As for Punk going for the WHC? It's not gonna happen. Remember what he said to Sheamus back then? Having that belt does not make him the best in the world, but the SECOND best in the world. So I'm certain that he won't target the big gold.
I don't think Punk will get his hands on that title at all in 2013, Cena is probably going to hold it for a long time, Punks only hope of getting it is if Lesnar wins it and Punk turns face to feud with Brock.

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