CM Punk = The Future of the WWE


I'm all out of bubble gum!
Currently in the WWF, I do not see a better overall performer on the roster. Punk is probably the best promo man in the company right now, and one of the best in the wrestling business today. He not only consistently puts on solid matches with whomever WWF puts him in the ring with, he often has the best match on the card. I do not watch a whole lot of the WWF since last years "Turdfest" of a Wrestlemania, but when I do watch Punk is one of the only guys I have any interest in seeing. The guy is just flat out entertaining. Without a doubt, he is the best heel the WWF has right now and I can't for the life of me figure out why the WWF is waiting to make Punk "The Man". To me it is a no brainer. If WWF is smart they will have Punk go over Orton at Wrestlemania in a big way. If they were even smarter Punk would be in the Miz role in the Cena/Rock situation. Punk should be one of the main focuses of WWF programming for at least the next 5 years. He is the guy WWF should be focusing on as the future.

WWF's failure to recognize Punk as one of this generations greatest overall performers is very disappointing and is heading towards being one of the biggest blunders in wrestling history. I think it is emblematic of major problems in WWF. Instead of using guys that have already established themselves as main event players and pushing them hard, the WWF has chosen to push a largely vanilla group of "young guns" to the moon. Guys like Big Show (39), Christian (38), and Punk (32), who already have a core fanbase, are still relatively youthful, and can put on good matches are passed over for the likes of Sheamus and The Miz??? It just seems to be wasting the best talent in the company. Something the WWF has been doing for years.

Back to the point. CM Punk is simply put, the future of the WWE. It is not The Miz, it is not John Morrison, it is not Sheamus. Throughout The Miz's current program with Cena and the Rock, it is painfully clear that the Miz is way out of his league at the top of the card. Don't get me wrong, I like Miz and think he has a future as a mid card talent. However imagine if Punk was in Miz's spot leading into Wrestlemania. It is pretty clear WWF is building to a Cena/Rock showdown/match/something big with Miz just kind of being there. Throw Punk into the Cena/Rock situation and you now have Punk/Cena, Cena/Rock, and Rock/Punk. Now that is very interesting. You can do so much more leading up to, and after Wrestlemania with Punk's abilities. Punk can no doubt hold his own with those two mega superstars, and could give us much more memorable moments than we are getting with the Miz.

In my opinion CM Punk should be Cena's main foil over the next couple of years. Punk is just the guy to be SuperCena's Lex Luthor. Let's face it, Cena isn't going anywhere soon. He needs a longterm rival. Punk could be Cena's Piper culminating in an epic showdown a couple years down the road. I think if the WWF played it right, they could build Cena/Punk into one of the biggest draws in recent memory.

Do you think CM Punk is being used properly? Do you think CM is the future of the WWF? If he is not who is, and why are they better than Punk? What do you think the WWF should do with CM Punk?
number 1 I hope your joking when saying WWF.

number 2. yes I think he is being used properly,e is a great heel, his mic skills are the best in the company IMO

yes CM Punk is the future of the WWE I see him being "The Rock" of our generation, some people say cena, cena yes because of his superstardom. Punk though his mic skills are 2nd to none

the WWE just needs to find him a niche and stay in it.I thought the jesus/charles manson cult character was great and that could be his iconic thing, if only the SES wasn't full of jobbers
As WWE starts to loosen the leash and let guys free flow on promos I expect CM Punk to be a huge star. Because as great of a heel as he has been the leash has been short and tight and he still makes it work. As a heel he is great, he is a antagonist, and in a weird way a role model for being straight edge its an interesting dynamic which WWE has never scene. His in ring work is FANTASTIC, and if the WWE can build up guys like Morrison, Bryan, Kofi to be legit maineventers i have no doubt CM punk would have EPIC feuds with all 3 as he would carry the brunt of the promo load and the matches would be great
Just think...this all started because he was on the BOZO Show when he was a kid. I could have been on the BOZO Show......But no......

Really, CM Punk has the personality, but not the believability. He needs to spend a little more time in the GYM. I think he would do better as a Face, because once you clean him up he is a likeable little cuss.
I love what WWF/WWE is doing with CM Punk they are building him up for the long run like they did with a young HBK & HHH. Punk is great on the stick, he reminds me of HHH a bit and his SES demeanor reminds me of VKM & Taker. Punk is 32 yrs old and if he doesn't have a major injury set back or commits a ''Jeff Hardy'' in his personal life, I can see him in the main event picture for the next 10 yrs and when he decides he had enough of the grappling, he has a great future as a broadcaster.
CM Punk and The Rock have been the only reasons I have been watching the WWE as of lately. CM Punk is one of the best stars the WWE has on the roster and is undoubtedly better on the mic and in the ring than the likes of The Miz, Morrison, Sheamus, Del Rio, ect. Why they haven't pushed CM Punk to the moon and back is beyond me. Sure, he has won the WHC a few times already, but WWE didn't allow him to have one solid reign as champion. He is being used pretty decent right now, as being in a program with Orton isn't a bad place to be considering Orton is one of WWE's biggest faces right now. And I'm enjoying his program with Orton quite a bit. I do agree that CM Punk needs to go over Orton at Wrestlemania...however I don't see WWE allowing that. Which is unfortunate.
Really, CM Punk has the personality, but not the believability. He needs to spend a little more time in the GYM.

Perfectly said. Punk is awesome on the mic, heel or face, but the guy needs to work out.

I'm a guy who sits at a desk 9 hours a day hoping I have time at the end of the day to squeeze an hour or an hour and a half into the gym. And I can honestly say, I look like Luger compared to Punk. He's little to begin with and then you factor in the next to ZERO muscle mass.

Now, he's in the middle of a feud with Orton? Makes him look even less believable.
If CM Punk is the future of WWE then i'm worried about the future of WWE.

Taking nothing away from CM Punk, he's really good, just not amazing or someone you should build a company around. He's good on the mic, he's as good a heel as they got, and he doesn't sound as scripted or look out of place saying
his lines. But c'mon. CM Punk isn't The Rock, Stone Cold, Cena, Orton, Jericho, Michaels,
Triple H, Hogan, Savage, Piper, Flair, Dusty Rhodes, etc etc list just goes on and on. The guy is more along the lines of Ted Dibiase, Rick Rude, Jake Roberts, etc. Mid carders who were above average on the mic (Rude was very good and could have been bigger had he not had his career ended early). In past generations Punk would never have made it past the midcard (like most of WWE's roster today). The guy isn't even as good on the mic as all you half wits who say the same thing day in and day out think. He's good, but not that good. I can name 30 guys in wrestling history that are definitely better and i don't think Punk's gonna get any better. All he is is a notch above everybody else at his level. Wow. Sheamus, John Morrison, Dolph Ziggler, Wade Barrett aren't as good as him. That shouldn't make him the future. That should make WWE really worried about their future, about their scripts, about the portrayal of real emotion its actors can't do convincingly.
CM Punk at best will be nothing more than a Mr Anderson. That's not bad, that's just not the future.
Taking nothing away from CM Punk, he's really good, just not amazing or someone you should build a company around. He's good on the mic, he's as good a heel as they got, and he doesn't sound as scripted or look out of place saying
his lines. But c'mon. CM Punk isn't The Rock, Stone Cold, Cena, Orton, Jericho, Michaels,
Triple H, Hogan, Savage, Piper, Flair, Dusty Rhodes, etc etc list just goes on and on.

No, he may not be as good as a Rock, Steve Austin, Jericho, Hogan, or a Flair, but he is still young and still has time to develop on the mic and in the ring more than he already has. No one currently in the WWE is better on the mic than CM Punk in my opinion, except for maybe HHH. Cena, unless he is doing his rap-thing, is horrible on the mic...and Cena is WWE's biggest draw currently. CM Punk still has time to get even better than he already is. CM Punk will be a solid main event caliber wrestler in the WWE.
Yes CM Punk is the future. I love how he evolved into what he is now. When he was face to me he was just bland and I couldn't believed he won the world heavyweight championship and that wass coming from a guy who hasn't been watchin wrestling that long (been watchin since june of 2007) and was already being a critic. When he went to smackdown in 09 I said ok maybe he will be something better over there and luckily enough he did. He went heel (because of the fans I believe) and since then he has because one of my favorite superstars. I believe after his fued with randy I believe he should fued with anyone who is wwe champion and win the title because I believe he should be WWE champion and be the 2nd person to hold the WWE, ECW, and World Heavyweight championship (Kane being the 1st one) I believe CM Punk has atleast a good 10 year career ahead of him. Most people compare superstars to other superstars in the past, abd people like to compare CM Punk to people like Chris Jericho and the Rock, but I believe CM Punk is a superstar of his own.
Yes I do believe CM Punk is PART of the future, becuase no one can deny he's great, great on the mic and he has good matched with everyone he is in the ring with but IMO he can't be the MAIN MAN OR FACE of the company.... That's because he doesn't have the look.... He is no stone cold or rock or hhh or cena, those guys carried the company on their backs because they possesed the complete package, the it factor, mic skills and more importantly THE LOOK, and nothing against punk but he doesn't look like the guy who can take on everyone and win. So I do think he will be a part of the future but he won't be the main man
I definately agree with this post. I still remember the first few vignettes of CM Punk on shows like Heat. I think alot of people knew who he was, but were writing him off in the WWE saying he was "too small' or "wouldnt fit in right in the WWE". I think its awesome to see how far he has come. Great in ring work, great character. I personally like him better as a heel, but i think he does well at both. I here alot of comparisons of Randy Orton to Steve Austin, and John Cena to Hogan or Rock. Well if thats the case, then im gonna have to compare CM Punk to Triple H. The new "Game" or "Cerebral Assasin".
Criticism can easily be made of any babyface. Most wrestlers love being heels because it allows them to have more dimension. The Rock and Steve Austin were able to stay over as faces because they weren't exactly the politest people, and even though they were on the side of the fans, they took liberties with their characters with the end justifying their means.

Punk seemed stale as a face only because WWE didn't see much in him that way. Paul Heyman, while running ECW, knew how to book him. Heyman focused on his lifestyle, his tattoos, and made the audience connect to him. For weeks before his debut, they introduced Punk well. And when Punk hit the ring, he delivered. Sometimes he never needed to cut a promo to sell himself right. In his mini-feud with Shannon Moore, all he had to do was say Moore was a poser and slap him. Strong babyface work. He was over as a face... up until they removed Heyman.

Without Heyman, the only chance Punk has was to turn heel. And what an engaging heel he has become. I wish Austin was still able to wrestle. Punk would have been a great foil for Austin, criticizing his affinity for beer.

So, yes, Punk is indeed the future of the WWE. Can he carry the company? At this rate, he can't do it alone. But he can do his role well and make things happen.
I like CM PUNK better as a HEEL i dont like comparing wrestlers i think it takes away from the any wrestler trying to make a name for him/her self but i just have to say IMO CM PUNK is far from being close to HHH in any way but again dats my just opinoin and thats not ment to offend any1:twocents:

If Punk can lift a 300 pound, 7 foot tall man, why would he look unbelievable in the ring with somebody that is a LOT closer to his own physical size?

First of all - that pic from about 3 years ago when he DID have a muscular look to him.

Second - a 300 lb man? Whoopie. I don't even like Cena, but didn't he once give an AA to the Big Show AND Edge at the same time? That's about 750 lbs.

Being able to pick up a guy bigger than you got old when Hogan first slammed Andre.

Not to mention - my post never once questioned his strength. I questioned his CURRENT physique. Which, frankly, looks like shit.
CM Punk honestly should be the present of the WWE but unfortunately they shut him down in 09 for heat backstage. Just like Orton in 05, Punk was getting pushed to the moon in 09 before getting the heat, which completely left him in the abyss of the midcard (where Orton was in 06). I think that just like Orton was able to come back and retake his main event spot in late 07, Punk will be able to retake his spot in late 11 and by 13 he should be a WrestleMania main-eventer just like Orton was by 09.

This is just the price talented wrestlers have to pay for getting random heat backstage
CM Punk is the most overrated wrestler on the planet.
The internet fanboys hype him like hes some kind of God, if he was so "great" he could do more than just get HIMSELF over.

That's all Punk can do...GET HIMSELF over, while his stable mates enjoy being future endevered.

when this guy can elevate someone let me know, kthx.
Oh, come on. The WWE doesn't recognize Punk as one of their main guys? Are you watching the same show I'm watching? Just because he isn't in the main event at Mania doesn't mean the WWE dropped the ball with him. He is in a feud with Randy Orton, for God's sake. He is one of their main players and he will be champion again sooner rather than later. His career is going nowhere but up.

As for the Miz not belonging in the main event scene, I guess we just have different opinions there.
I took notice of the Miz after he split from Morrison the moment he took a mic and started dissing John Cena, saying all those things that I had been praying someone would say, and delivering them with great gusto. I thought right then that the WWE had a diamond in the rough with him.
He's got incredible charisma, despite his babyface (I don't mean the wrestling term, I do mean he has the face of a little kid). His wrestling ability is greatly underrated, too. He may not be as flashy as John Morrison or as technically versatile as some others, but when push comes to shove he has the necessary goods and he can and does deliver. And he's a great seller. He sells for EVERYONE. Doesn't matter if you're John Cena or Jerry Lawler, the Miz makes it look like he just got hit by an train. He is playing the role of the little coward weakling that has no business being the champ but somehow, some way clinging to the belt. In that regard he is a modern day Ric Flair (I do by no means compare the legacy of the two, though). In this fans humble opinion the Miz belongs in the Wrestlemania main event. Kudos to the WWE for recognizing it.
I think Punk could have been the top guy for WWE the only problem is he has so much going against him.

He doesn't just do what he is asked as he doesn't mind speaking up when he feels he needs to, he doesn't have a huge amount of fans in the locker-room and let's face it he doesn't look like the sort of guy Vince likes to be top guy.

It's sad but true seeing as Punk is one of the most talented members of the roster today...
I don't think CM Punk is the future of the WWE. He does great work as a heel and has great mic skills, but he doesn't seem to possess the ability to elevate anyone else. As the "future" of the company you have to be able to carry the banner and make everyone else look good to for the good of the company. It's documented that he isn't necessarily a company man and does have a tendency to get heat back in the locker room. Don't get me wrong, he will be great, but to say he is the future is a bit much. I could nit pick and say he isn't believable or he doesn't have the physique as say a Cena, Orton, etc, but I will just stick with my above reasons.
I never heard or thought about Punk's inability or unwillingness to elevate other guys. But now that you mention it, I can see where it's coming from.

The gang's he is surrounding himself*with on TV don't benefit from being associated with him. His SES gang has been fired and his Nexus minions are on the fast lane to oblivion (is that his Punk's or the writers' fault, though?).

Top of my head, the only time I can think of when Punk had a match where both guys came out on a higher level at the end was a million years ago when he took the ECW title from Johnny Nitro (or was he Morrison already?). I remember thinking wow, if those guys ween't absolute no-names (which they were at the time) this might be a match of the year candidate.
The group is only as good as the leader in charge. When Ric Flair had the Horsemen, everyone was a champion or some type of player. It was individual performances in a team concept. Maybe it's an unfair comparison between the two, but that is my basis. I even look at DX when HHH was in charge. He had the new age outlaws as tag champs, and even xpac was the European champ.
Some of it is the WWE, but I haven't seen Punk do it yet. Maybe he will, but he hasn't yet.
I think Punk should be elevated, he has everything a unique look (beliefs) great on the stick McMahon may have been put off by him at the start but during SES he must have seen something getting heat like he did hen really SES just got their ass handed to them is pretty good, then his injury going onto commentary Vince was high on him. Plus he has this rare ability to sound non scripted which is near non existant in WWE now. That's a great ability, his merch sells pretty well and that was before the Nexus merch too. Did anyone remember the viewers choice when it was Cena vs Mysterio/Punk/someone non important Punk won that vote which to me was a huge surprise for me he has a strong fanbase. Punk has nothing to do with SES and Nexus members becoming future endeavours SES had nothing great to work with and were booked terribly. New Nexus c'mon these guys were at some point going to get put back into FCW for some re gimmicking and work. Also just because you're a leader doesn't mean you need to get guys over these guys were just given a taste of the big time that's all. It's a great foil for Punk to excel too.
I agree with every single word of the poster. Except one thing--you cannot waste someone of Punk's ability so quickly. Why not build up the awful Miz first and have two monster heels? Miz is so not on the wrestling radar as hard as he tries---and he is trying really, really hard, folks. But if and when this Miz/Cena programme ends, then Punk can insert himself. So when we see a less than stellar Miz/Orton program, we can fast forward thru it and not pay it much attention while Cena and Punk light up the universe. Or McMahon could just fuck it all up:lmao:
Punk really is the ideal face of the company as they go forward with the PG rating. The guys lifestyle and in ring persona are great for PG as well as his ability in ring and on the mic. Then there is the added bonus of he doesn't look like a guy who use steroids and spends all day in the gym.

for those saying punks mic work isn't as good as previous top stars check out this vid


Epic mic work

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