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CM Punk Shoot A Way To Get Jeff Hardy Back in WWE?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Now before you say there is NO WAY this could happen hear me out. First let me remind you I called a Cena vs Rock match when almost everyone said there was "NO WAY" and I called Daniel Bryans return last year at Summerslam. Almost all of us know the video that Jeff Hardy posted last year at a restaurant (more than likely drugged up mind you)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6GcrIBhBWA. The last we saw from Hardy was earlier this year in a 90 second match with Sting. Could he have opted out of his TNA contract, taken up WWE's offer to go to rehab (remember they offer all current and previous employees this) and come back and be part of what I believe WWE could make something out of on wrestlers that shoot against the company? Hell this shoot Hardy did last year could it have been staged by WWE (likely not but I wouldnt rule it out)? Could you imagine having these guys go against each other again or hell even teaming up? This is just an idea and by adding some pieces it at least makes sense that they COULD POSSIBLY run with it.
Now before you say there is NO WAY this could happen hear me out. First let me remind you I called a Cena vs Rock match when almost everyone said there was "NO WAY" and I called Daniel Bryans return last year at Summerslam.

Noone likes a bragadocious know-it-all. Just sayin.

Almost all of us know the video that Jeff Hardy posted last year at a restaurant (more than likely drugged up mind you)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6GcrIBhBWA. The last we saw from Hardy was earlier this year in a 90 second match with Sting. Could he have opted out of his TNA contract, taken up WWE's offer to go to rehab (remember they offer all current and previous employees this) and come back and be part of what I believe WWE could make something out of on wrestlers that shoot against the company? Hell this shoot Hardy did last year could it have been staged by WWE (likely not but I wouldnt rule it out)? Could you imagine having these guys go against each other again or hell even teaming up? This is just an idea and by adding some pieces it at least makes sense that they COULD POSSIBLY run with it.

I think Hardy burnt his last bridge with WWE when he showed up on Impact when they believed he was just taking some time off, and coming back. I think WWE wants to distance themselves from the Hardy's as much as possible, both with Jeff's legal issues and the way Matt left the company. And the latest report from the Hardy camp is that TNA has given Hardy an ultimatum to go to rehab, and he turned it down, believing he doesn't have a problem, and that he's "surrounding himself with friends and family instead". The same people who enable his behavior, like his taser incident with Matt and his girlfriend.

So my question is, why in the world would WWE want someone back who embarrassed a company in TNA in the MAIN EVENT of a PPV, and still doesn't believe he has a problem? Who goes on YouTube and tasers someone, completely effed up? Even TNA isn't putting up with his crap, and they put up with alot more then WWE ever would. Further, why would WWE orchestrate a shoot with Hardy last year when he was under contract for TNA, one that included Matt Hardy droning on about Amy Dumas(Lita)? I don't care if you did predict Rock/Cena, or Bryan's return, you're post here completely defies logic.
No no no no no NO NO!
WWE already let this guy go twice theres no chance they are going to take a risk on him again especially after the scandal that was his 90 second drugged up match with sting.
Yes he is a draw everyone knows that but the risk is not worth the reward. Jeff Hardy is a troubled man and will only fall off the wagon again in a years time no matter what company he wrestles for, and WWE sure wont want it to be them. Could you imagine the scandal it would create if Jeff came out to the main event at summerslam stoned out of his head like he did in the 90 second classic he had with Sting earlier this year. Its a PG rated show and parents would be in uproar over it.

Hell this shoot Hardy did last year could it have been staged by WWE (likely not but I wouldnt rule it out)?
This has to be the dumbest thing ive read here in a while. The WWE does one worked shoot promo and suddenly every shoot promo is a work by the WWE. Firstly if it was the WWE's idea they wouldnt have had him stoned out of his head while he was doing it. Also Jeff Hardy was under contract by TNA at the time so they could have sued him for breach of contract, and dont get me started on Matt Hardy being there. Besides why would they have done that shoot last year to do this feud a year later when everyone has forgotten about it.

WWE are building stars for the future they dont need washed up stoners like Jeff Hardy no matter how much money he draws.
and then bring in someone who is a notorious drag addict.

First the drugs and now the addiction to dressing up in drag, when will the madness end Jeffrey Hardy

But there is no way Jeff Hardy is coming back into the WWE even if Jeff wanted to he will have to stay clean for years before Vince even considers brining him back
Yes, this is not a feasible possibility in any reality. Jeff is currently on trial for drug use and that's not something that the WWE want any part of given their current image. Hell, people are surely getting worked up over the use of the word 'Piss' on Raw, monday night, I'm pretty sure this would lead to a full on protest. Jeff Hardy has burned and continues to burn all bridges with WWE, his former fans, professionals from both sides of the business and Matt Hardy is right there with him. They are completely caught up in the World of Hardy. That's all The Hardy Show is to them... real life. They are self centred morons who have forgotten how they achieved their comfortable position in life.

They are lucky to ever have been part of companies like WWE or TNA for that matter. A lot of high flyers get stick for just being stunt men and dare devils but in Jeff's case it's undeniably true. His highflying was a mask to hide his complete lack of talent behind. Look at real high flyers like Evan Bourne, Rey Mysterio or Sin Cara. The high flying they do is technical. Headscissor takedowns, Shooting Star Presses and rebounds from the middle rope alongside other things are much more impressive than anything either Hardy ever has been able to do. Swanton Bomb, Whisper In The Wind and Poetry In Motion were simple splashes and dives with just a little extra added to it. No more impressive or inventive than a People's Elbow. Anybody can jump from a great height and land on someone. It's actually choosing not to do it that stops most of us. It's a little thing called sense.

Even if what you're proposing was even a slight possibility, I'd hate to see it happen. He is not a role model for kids in a PG product. He is a danger to other people in the ring, especially if another Victory Road incident happens and additionally to the company too.
Remember back in 2003 when WWE fired Jeff for constantly turning up high as a kite and late consistently? Then in 2005 when TNA fired the guy for doing the same as well as not turning up to ppv matches he'd been booked and hyped to be at (including that cage match against Raven where he had to be replaced by Sean Waltman at the last second due to a no show)?

The guy never learns.

He walked out on WWE before he could get his third strike and avoid the embarrassment of being fired by WWE for a second time then got himself arrested for drug possession shortly after. Sure, they offered to send him to rehab but I doubt they would have wanted him back even before he burned his bridges with them.

TNA seemed the only ones willing to have him for the extra Hardy marks that follow these morons wherever they go and seem to cover their ears and shout "LALALA" to block any truths about their heroes from being heard. What did Jeff do in return for his chance at the big time again and World title runs?

Fucked it up big time as usual.

Now what's surprising is that Dixie Carter overruled everyone according to hearsay and allowed Jeff to compete at Victory Road. The last notable time he performed at a ppv while high on drugs that I recall was Survivor Series 2002 but even then he wasn't as screwed up as he obviously was back in March. He probably competed in WWE and World title matches in McMahon's company still buzzing, we just don't know.

I may seem biased because admittedly, ever since the late 90s I never udnerstood the popularity of the Hardy Boyz but I liked and respected Matt and his abilities but even his actions in the past year have made me see what a total douche he seems to be too. Not the kind of influence Jeff needs around him and sure, I might have always thought he was a botchtastic spotmonkey that wasn't even that good at high flying anyway (jumping off ladders doesn't count to me), have to admit though even Jeff doesn't deserve to be another statistic.

Therefore, to think WWE would use CM Punk's promo to hint at the return of a guy like Jeff Hardy is kinda ridiculous and the kind of thing I'd expect from a certain doofus mod/columnist who can't handle the fact that a guy nicknamed "SOS" and "The Celtic Warrior" in his career has used the "Sheamus" spelling since his wrestling debut in 2002 (and apologies for bringing him into this but seriously, anything I see, hear or read that I find ******ed I instantly associate as something that he'd probably think, say, write or do).
Honestly, do some people here believe that Punk's worked shoot promo will somehow save wrestling from it's imaginary problems? WTF

I for one do NOT want to see either Hardy back in WWE. With all the drugs added with the toll that wrestling has taken on Jeff's body, is there anything really left? And Matt is fatter and slower than ever and his brain might be more whacked than Jeff's.

It's time to give up on the Hardy Boyz and focus on some new stars that deserve the air time that those 2 waste cases would take up.
Or alternately CM Punk says he listened to Jeff Hardy , wised up. He becomes an alcoholic and comes to TNA as CM Drunk!

Well , if you predicted Cena Vs. Rock & Daniels Re-hiring , thats fairly impressive so you might be onto something here

Though I donno why Hardy would wanna be back in WWE where they don't let him do shit

Here's an Idea.. Lets put out a PG program, aimed at kids, and then bring in someone who is a notorious drag addict. Now THERE'S a good idea.
Eh whys it matter? Truth be told most of the kids growing up watching WWE right now will try drugs or almost definately at least alcohol and stuff anyway when they grow up. With or without Hardy.

Also , you may think that it makes no sense but look at these facts here.

WWE runs an anti-bullying campaign but Jerry Lawler takes cracks at Vicky for being 'fat' ALL THE TIME even though she has lost a substantial ammount of weight. He is not even villainized for it either.

WWE runs a PG show yes , but the Straight edge guy has been villainized for it.

Does that make sense either? No it doesn't..... WWE doesn't make sense alot of the time
I believe Hardy can get back to WWE some day, Vince will bring him back if he can make money off him and he can, hell he hired hogan back after he tried to kill to wwf together with Bishoff who he hired too!! so if vince bring him back it woulnt be a surprise for me. What i dont agree with is that the cm punk promo or the hardys shoot has anything to do whit hardy comming back that makes no scence at all.
Ummm, hell no.
Jeff's chances with the E got damaged once he left for Impact after saying he's just taking time off.
I thought he could come back since they didn't give him the "he never existed" treatment (he was prominently featured in promo videos even after joining Impact), but then after the Matt incident, the travesty that was Jeff vs. Sting, and his ongoing drug charges, I'd be personally shocked if WWE wants him back. Hell, even when he WAS here, some of the higher ups (I think Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley was one of them) were very against making him world champ because no matter how oer he was, he was a risk.
Now before you say there is NO WAY this could happen hear me out. First let me remind you I called a Cena vs Rock match when almost everyone said there was "NO WAY" and I called Daniel Bryans return last year at Summerslam. Almost all of us know the video that Jeff Hardy posted last year at a restaurant (more than likely drugged up mind you)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6GcrIBhBWA. The last we saw from Hardy was earlier this year in a 90 second match with Sting. Could he have opted out of his TNA contract, taken up WWE's offer to go to rehab (remember they offer all current and previous employees this) and come back and be part of what I believe WWE could make something out of on wrestlers that shoot against the company? Hell this shoot Hardy did last year could it have been staged by WWE (likely not but I wouldnt rule it out)? Could you imagine having these guys go against each other again or hell even teaming up? This is just an idea and by adding some pieces it at least makes sense that they COULD POSSIBLY run with it.

As for your first comments, I actually remember most people on this forum posting the fact that the Rock and Cena would face at either Summerslam or next years Wrestlemania. I also remember most people mentioning that Bryan would be the mystery partner of team WWE. So Bravo for you predicting two scenerios that 90% of this forum predicted.

As for Hardy coming back to the WWE, well never say never, but unless he really cleans up his act and the WWE has actualy proof that he went through some type of Rehab program I seriously doubt we will see him back in the WWE
Now before you say there is NO WAY this could happen hear me out.

I swear...anytime someone starts a thread with the words "Hear me out" and I actually do, I end up regretting it.

First, as others have stated, Hardy has walked out on WWE twice, and most recently, is known to have a drug problem. I think he's completely burned his bridges back to WWE performances. WWE does not NEED hardy.

Second, I do not see how the punk comments in any way connects to Hardy, and the original poster (despite my hearing you out), you in no way explained how this "shoot" had any connection to Hardy or how it could be used to bring him back. So I just can't see the connection.
That might be the worst idea I have ever heard on these forums. Jeff Hardy is an uncontrollable waste of talent who should never and probably wont ever be brought back to the WWE in any capacity. I don't even wanna waste my time talking about something so ludicrous.
Jeff Hardy is garbage. You want to talk about a guy screwing over fans? He showed up to a PPV on whatever drugs he does and blew the main event match. Everyone in attendance and everyone watching at home should have been issued a refund for such antics.

Matt Hardy is even bigger trash, claiming the fans should ask for a refund in TNA because he wasn't at a live event. Matt Hardy has never been anything special, at all what so ever.

The Hardy's, Hogan, the Rock and Rick Flair should do the wrestling/sports entertainment business a favor and get as far away from it as humanly possibly.

Why would the WWE want a drug addict, who cant cut good promos or put on good matches to return to their company when they have tons of other talented people without substance abuse problems?

The WWE doesn't need the Hardy's, or any of TNA's other garbage.
The worked shoot was for storyline advancement purposes, and to bring unpredictability. This is to get the MITB buyrate up and to increase interest in the product. That's it.

I think people are over-thinking what Punk said and coming up with very unlikely and outlandish ideas.
WOW! This is horrible. I mean a real moronic take on WWE's booking. Moronic. It makes no sense at all. WWE has the best wrestlers in the world. No doubt about it. They can afford anybody. The sky is the limit. So why on earth would they allow Jeff Hardy to show up in a company that doesnt even come close to comparing in any aspect, then watch him get high and script a shoot. The OP is ridic. Worst forum post on WZ maybe ever. You predicted Rock/Cena- so did the other 100,000 IWC members. Its an obvious dream match.. Thats like predicting Andre/Hulk or Hulk/Warrior. Just plain dumb.
Or alternately CM Punk says he listened to Jeff Hardy , wised up. He becomes an alcoholic and comes to TNA as CM Drunk!

Well , if you predicted Cena Vs. Rock & Daniels Re-hiring , thats fairly impressive so you might be onto something here

Though I donno why Hardy would wanna be back in WWE where they don't let him do shit

Eh whys it matter? Truth be told most of the kids growing up watching WWE right now will try drugs or almost definately at least alcohol and stuff anyway when they grow up. With or without Hardy.

Also , you may think that it makes no sense but look at these facts here.

WWE runs an anti-bullying campaign but Jerry Lawler takes cracks at Vicky for being 'fat' ALL THE TIME even though she has lost a substantial ammount of weight. He is not even villainized for it either.

WWE runs a PG show yes , but the Straight edge guy has been villainized for it.

Does that make sense either? No it doesn't..... WWE doesn't make sense alot of the time

Nor do you. Just because drug culture in the USA and most of western civilisation is how it is doesn't mean it should be treated like no big deal. It's because of how much an inevitability it's becoming for our children to come across drugs at early ages that we should be against people like Jeff Hardy having any influence on them at all.

The same arguments are used for games like Grand Theft Auto but those games are rated for a mature audience. WWE is aimed at kids.
If a kid goes and murders someone because of what they did with Niko Belic, then talk to the parents for buying the game or not taking an interest in the game he's playing. Don't blame Rockstar Games.
If a kid tasers his girlfriend, then I'd be looking at TNA for an explaination as to why Jeff is still under contract. WWE doesn't want that. Nor should they.
I totally agree with everyone saying not likely but gotta say,I love the hate for jeff that the IWC feeds off of. People say things like "O my gosh he tazered a girl" or "Hes a worthless druggy". Funny how blindly hypocritical these arguements are. The tazer is the funniest by far. Shes sitting there laughing the whole time,they all are drinking,and its them having dumb fun. Same kind of thing you would see out of spending time with like RVD,Johnny Knoxville,Bam Margera,and many other people in the media or wreslting that people love. But its Jeff so its bad right? Yes Jeff has a past/ maybe present(not my place to say since I dont know the guy personally),yet no one yells fowl at the countless superstars who went down this same path like X-Pac,Scott Hall,Eddie Guerrero,and countless other heros of the sport plus guys like Paul London,Brian Kendrick,and other well known guys wrestling on the indys that are known for not wanting to put the weed down. Am I fan of Jeff? Honestly from a standpoint of pure in ring during his great runs,yeah,but not a die hard hardy fan. He has produced alot of memorable moments but I admit hes not amazing. Yet if your gonna bash on a guy you dont know personally,at least do it in a sensable way instead of using every little thing you can find when most of that stuff is so common in our generation and age group(and not trying to offend but im sure some people on here have experimented with some not so legal things) plus anyones favorite wrestlers from past generations and even current have done similar experimenting.

I honestly can say I've never done drugs in my life, and I'm 22 years old.

Jeffy Hardy has had chance after chance after chance. His track record is turning into a broken record. How many times has he been given another chance? And how many times has he fucked up? Regardless, we'll probably see him in TNA again soon. WWE however, as long as they are a PG program, or as long as they are smart, will never allow Hardy to set foot in their company again. And rightfully so.
I also remember most people mentioning that Bryan would be the mystery partner of team WWE. So Bravo for you predicting two scenerios that 90% of this forum predicted.

As for Hardy coming back to the WWE, well never say never, but unless he really cleans up his act and the WWE has actualy proof that he went through some type of Rehab program I seriously doubt we will see him back in the WWE

The time I mentioned both of the above just like this post I was getting hammered saying it'll never happen. The Rock Cena was well before Rock was announced as guest host and Daniel Bryan coming back was right when he was "fired" where everyone was saying it was legit and I said he'd return by summers end.

Anyway as I stated Im not saying this is GOING to happen by any stretch Im just saying more so what if? I for one along with most of you dont care for Jeff Hardy but I'm saying this could be a total curve ball that no one saw coming (still including me cause I said this is unlikely). Remember Hardy could go through rehab and as some of you said he makes the company money and if you make the company money you sometimes can get away with essentially anything.
The time I mentioned both of the above just like this post I was getting hammered saying it'll never happen. The Rock Cena was well before Rock was announced as guest host and Daniel Bryan coming back was right when he was "fired" where everyone was saying it was legit and I said he'd return by summers end.

Anyway as I stated Im not saying this is GOING to happen by any stretch Im just saying more so what if? I for one along with most of you dont care for Jeff Hardy but I'm saying this could be a total curve ball that no one saw coming (still including me cause I said this is unlikely). Remember Hardy could go through rehab and as some of you said he makes the company money and if you make the company money you sometimes can get away with essentially anything.

Maybe if you're talking about TNA. But as far as drug users and WWE goes, they want nothing to do with anything potentially negative. They may fund rehab for former stars, but the chances of them ever working with Hardy again are very very slim.
Noone likes a bragadocious know-it-all. Just sayin.

So my question is, why in the world would WWE want someone back who embarrassed a company in TNA in the MAIN EVENT of a PPV, and still doesn't believe he has a problem? I don't care if you did predict Rock/Cena, or Bryan's return, you're post here completely defies logic.

Im not a know it all I'm just stating I was right on TWO situations (and wrong on plenty others hell prob wrong on this too)

I'm not saying this is for sure or even probably will happen just a "what if"?

So for his 1.5 year tenure in TNA he embarrassed a company that almost everyone rips on (including the IWC), yet his 3 year last run with WWE didnt show up in that condition once? (maybe backstage but didnt go out like that)

Defies logic? How many people that jump to TNA come back to WWE? Nash, Booker, Christian, Hardy has before and more. Remember they offer rehab and Im not saying that'll change him but he could be there now not to mention the guy has a wife and daughter (look at Randy Orton how much he changed due to that) and he admitted he almost died from a drug overdose. I'm not saying Orton was as drugged up as Hardy but from what I hear from everyone that has a family (esp a kid) will change you for the better.
Why would WWE ever want Jeff Hardy back now? TNA doesn't even want Hardy back. I bet ROH and other wrestling companies wouldn't even hire him if he was released from TNA. First we know all of his problems and drug test failures in WWE, and how negative he is about TNA. Matt Hardy is just as negative about TNA now as he was in WWE, but that is a different story.

Hardy has a huge ego and left WWE when they were thinking of hiring him back to join TNA. If that doesn't ruin his chances with WWE, then him appearing high at a TNA PPV and being convicted of drug charges will. Hardy brings a lot of negative publicity. The OP may have "predicted" Daniel Bryan showing up at SummerSlam, but so did other people. At least Bryan had a chance with WWE.

CM Punk may actually leave WWE when his contract is up in the next week and a half. Why would WWE hire Hardy? They already have the match of the summer in John Cena vs. CM Punk for the WWE championship at SummerSlam. I doubt we will ever see Jeff Hardy in WWE again, but if we do it certainly won't be this quick. He has a court date coming up and he will probably be sent to rehab. No way WWE would want anything to do with Hardy due to his past and his current situation.
No Way no how. The main reason jeff hardy left was because of the schedule, amongst other things, the wwe shedule is too taxing on hardys body and with him not being the biggest wrestler I'm not sure he wants to return you can the same for guys like kurt angle and sting. TNA offers him something WWE would never offer him time of and the ability to tell them at any time if he doesn't want to do a house show or any other live events not to mention he hates cm punk so I don't see them working together as a tag. But you never know. And Cena and Rock was bound to happen, Cenas been calling rock out for wrestlemania for the past 4 years know. And daniel bryan could of went back to the wwe a long time ago he just choose not to, he stated that and he said that he gets the same type of pay in the indies that he would for the wwe or tna. But the Jeff Hardy Return probably will never happen.
Whatever you're smoking, weird86, it's stronger than anything Jeff Hardy's taking.

To quote Otto, "what were you smokin when you came up with that one"

Joking aside, they already did the Punk/Hardy feud a few years back and I really wouldn't want to see it revisited. I would see it as a step backwards for Punk. He's ready for bigger and better things.
@MMK I am actually 100% sober as I am straight edge myself. As I have stated we really dont know what Hardy has done these last 6 months. I'm saying theres a chance (slight chance but still) that he has been sober and has changed his ways due to just having a child and recently getting married.

Yes it'd be wise to wait till his trial is over but if it ends soon and he has passed rehab and random drug screens theres a slight chance. None of us know the guy so saying hes drugged up isnt really fair.

As much of a hassle Im sure it is to have him in the company if he makes them enough money esp if your a big company you can accomidate the problems big or small. Money talks its as simple as that.

The shoot angle is VERY hot right now and Hardy was a big name in WWE that did one recently that could actualy work in his and WWE's favor.

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