The Dragon Saga
Whale in a Teardrop
If Vince and Punk really do have a working relationship like that (and from what we've seen so far in this angle it appears that way), it can only lead to good things. Punk has a great mind for this business.
God, I can't wait to see where this is going. I could totally see Punk convincing Vince to bring the Kings of Wrestling and Colt Cabana and form some new ROH stable alongside Daniel Bryan and maybe even Seth Rollins/Tyler Black in the future. That would be so awesome.
If that were to happen, you could add Jimmy Jacobs to said stable, he recently had a try-out match with the WWE, and I can't remember the last Double J match where he didn't perform at his best.
Honestly, it has to be a coincidence that WWE are handing people like KOW and Jacobs try-outs just before/during the CM Punk angle which has grabbed the attention of so many. And the stable idea could work, but it would all depend on how WWE would use the ROH guys.
LMFAO. I was about to post something really similar. Saved me the job.
Thank you. I aim to please... And take it in the ear for CM Punk.