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CM Punk is now a RAW Superstar!

The Doctor

Great and Devious
Staff member
Super Moderator
Yep, you saw it just now, folks: CM Punk has officially returned to RAW, and he's better than ever! He defeated Evan Bourne to become a member of Team RAW at Bragging Rights. Then, he attacked him after the match, showing his aggressive side and looking GREAT in the process.

This was a great decision. Punk has done everything he could on Smackdown. He formed a cult, disbanded it, and was just floating around getting beaten by Big Show over and over again. Now that Punk is on RAW I really think he might either go back to his deserved main event position, or maybe, if he doesn't fit there due to all the new stars WWE is building, go into a feud with Daniel Bryan for the US Championship. I'd love to see that! After all, Bryan doesn't really have an opponent to feud with, since his mini-feud with Sheamus probably ended tonight. Punk is one of WWE's biggest heels, and this could be great for both men.

So, question time! What do you think about Punk's move to RAW? What will Punk do on the Red Brand?
At my initial reaction, I was pretty stoked as Punk is a breath of freshness to Raw, but no that I think about it. I don't like this move very much. If people thought that Punk was lost on SD, then he'll really will be on Raw. Punk had much more options on SD in more high profile fueds with Edge, Kofi, and possibly Ziggler than just Bryan on Raw.
What an awesome move!! I think Punk will fill the void Jericho's absence has created. Or possibly that could be the Miz with Punk taking his place as the top midcard heel
Well, I don't think it was working out for CM Punk on Smackdown mainly due to his consecutive losses to the Big Show. He was being used as nothing short of a rag doll near the end of his Smackdown run, so at this point I don't see much of a change or difference. With the way he returned to RAW, he looked on point and strong. I just hope they continue his presence the way he is currently, and build more meaningful feuds out of him so that he can get back to the state he was in before he started losing so often with his SES stable. That really didn't benefit him wrestling-wise.
I think that Raw's horrible booking lately is a direct result of Vince McMahon eating da poo poo.

His shows, the Anonymous GM gimmick, and Michael Cole as a heel are all poo poo.

Not like TNA, which is just shit.
I don't mind this move at all. As Doc said, Punk has done everything he can on Smackdown and has moved on from his faction. It was time for a move to give him some fresh feuds. My only fear is that he will get lost in the Raw shuffle, at least on Smackdown there were less major stars and he was allowed to shine more. On Raw he will have to contend with quiet a few more people. However, I think he will be fine. Any feud with Danielson, Truth or Morrison should be very good.
I don't know what exactly Punk will do for RAW. I seriously don't think he will be able to feud with the WWE Champion. Besides maybe a feud with Daniel Bryan (MTFO) or a little minor midcard feuds, I don't think he'll be involved in anything special. Prove me wrong Punk, please. On Smackdown, he would've had more of a chance of getting into the title picture because of the blue brand's lack of main event talent. IMO, Punk should've stayed on Smackdown. I mean, everyone was complaining because Smackdown didn't have any big names. It doesn't make sense to take out CM Punk who is a Main draw for Smackdown, and trade him Edge. Smackdown didn't really gain anything. Its just back to the way it was with just two main eventers switching shows. Hopefully we'll see the beggining of the Punk era. I want him to be a major player on RAW and in the WWE. I guess RAW is the place to do that.
OK, I would love this to play out great for Punk. Punk is great on the mic and great in the ring. He has a great character and he cut that stupid beard. He seems more fresh than ever. He was shown to be a dominating heel. But I have a feeling WWE Creative will screw everything up. Raw has people like Sheamus, Wade Barrett, Randy Orton and John Cena in the picture. CM Punk is just as talented as any of them, and it would piss me off not to see CM Punk in the world title picture.
I love it. I watch RAW almost every week, however I rarely watch Smackdown. It has everything to do with what day the show is on, not the show itself. CM Punk is one of my favorites, and now I get to see him every week. How he is used doesn't really matter to me as much as the simple facts that I get to hear Killswitch Engage every week, Punk comes out, I "pop", he wrestles a memorable match, and makes the show better. That's all that really matters in the end, IMO. He made RAW better tonight.

That alone is about as about as good as it can get. Then to boot, another "about as good as it can get" moment happens in the same "trade": Edge, one of my absolute least favorite wrestlers, is no longer bringing down RAW and is now on the show I don't watch.

A very big win/win in my book. Monday Night Football is still #1, but now I have to click back and forth to see Punk.
Im glad to see CM Punk move to Raw as Doc said there was not much left for him to do on SD. He coulda been put into the World Title picture on SD but WWE has seemed hesitant to put him in the title picture.

I believe after the Bragging Rights ppv an IWC dream feud will begin with CM Punk and Daniel Bryan. The matches would b pretty epic and CM Punks promo skills I belive will help DB develop his promo skills a little more if this feud does end up happening. If he doesn't fued with DB I see him probably have a fued with Morrison or revisit one with R Truth as I do not think he will b thrown right into the WWE Title picture. But I am deffinatley glad too see CM Punk move to Raw as a breath of fresh air to the RAW midcard, instead of constantley jobbing to the Big Show.
Too early. I say that tonight was awesome, I mean RAW is crowded by main eventers, however CM couldn't do much more on SD! unless Kane and Taker feud ended. Wich is mots likely to NOT happend 'til the end of the year.
Having on mind this 2 factors, I say that CM Punk will NOT be a main eventer on RAW at least not for this year. On the other hand, he will be a solid heel mid carder. He will put feuds against Bryan (wrestling orgasm! :lmao: ),Morrison, Truth, Cena, Orton (again, wrestling orgasm), with luck Triple H. And obviously some jobbers, Santino, Kozlov, Zack Ryder etc...

We need to sit, wait and see. However I have expectations for his role at Bragging Rights. Last two with Miz.
I'm kinda half and half on this decision, I mean it's good that Punk is on the "A-Show" now and that exposure could be good. However, just like Undertaker/Kane is smothering Smackdown, Cena/Nexus is smothering RAW, so I don't really see much of a change here. Feuds with names like Daniel Bryan and John Morrison (reversed roles) could be awesome, but what is there beyond that? I personally think that Barrett will win the title at Bragging Rights, and seeing as how it's being reported that the Nexus storyline might go into next years Wrestlemania, I really don't see him anywhere near the Main-Event for a long time and that sucks. Personally, I think they should've kept him on Smackdown and quit jobbing him out like a jackass. Then again, maybe I'm just mad cause my dreams of a Punk/Kingston feud over the World Title is slowly going down the drain :shrug:
I love the move if Punk fills the void left by Edge and Jericho. They need to make him a top tier heel on Raw right with Barrett, Sheamus and Miz. For some reason I don't want to see him feuding with Morrison and R-Truth. He feuded with Morrison in ECW and Truth on Smackdown. I just feel like most others that he will get lost in the shuffle and take somewhat of a back seat. I would love to see some promos where he was sent to Raw to cleanse them of their failures and perhaps be a hired gun for the Raw GM taking out talent that questions his decisions. I could see some really good feuds with Cena the mic work could be great playing on Cena being a "slave" or a "sell out" to Nexus when he is doing the same exact thing selling out to the Raw GM. With Punk he has endless possibilities as long as they use him.
CM Punk coming to RAW is a great move he has done everything you can do on Smackdown and he was becoming lost in the shuffle with the SES disbanding. Now with CM Punk on Raw I would LOVE to see a feud with Bryan Danielson that would be a great feud. To me Punk will not get lost in the shuffle on Raw. I think this is a good move and I'm excited to see him on Raw.
Punk should have stayed on Smackdown in my opinion. Raw has way too many heels right now and Cena/Nexus is dominating just like Kane/Taker is dominating on Smackdown. At least he can feud with Morrison or Bryan while he is on RAW. I would have loved an face Edge/heel Punk matchup. Punk will pretty much be doing the same thing he's been doing from now until Wrestlemania unless he wins the Royal Rumble.
While I did enjoy seeing Punk on raw and am looking forward to all the match ups he can have with Bryan, Morrison, etc. It just really didn't make sense to take him away from smackdown, I know he didn't have anything really to do after the SES broke up considering the on going world title fued with Kane and Taker, I thought that WWE brought Edge over to smackdown to build the show up a little more? Then they take punk away and it really didn't do anything for smackdown. It would be like trading Kobe for Jordan, niether team would benefit or lose anything from the trade. Oh well regardless of my opinion it was great to see punk on raw!
I like this move he is young and is proven he can hang with the big boys.I wish he would of stayed on Smackdown just because i watch SD more but w/e.Some people will they sucked another main eventer out of SD.But you have to relize this is a good move for CM and the WWE.Wheather you like it our not it was the right move to make gotta give WWE props.
Smackdown is where careers go to die, and it nearly killed Punk. Other then a stand out feud with Jeff Hardy, the did absolutely nothing in a year since. He had a decent feud with mysterio where he looked weak as hell, he had a very weak stable (weak due to booking),

I think he could feud pretty damn well with a guy like Orton, have Punk be irate at the fact Orton of all people gets cheered by the crowd.. while himself, someone who is straight edge and lives a good clean life is boo'd.. etc.. starts a good personal feud but as long as the Nexus and Cena are in the title picture I don't see it.

Daniel Bryan is the obvious other and I think he'll start there.

He could even turn face, feud with both the Miz and Sheamus.. as face Punk is a lot less strict in who he can feud with since he's a bit more generic and frankly though I think he's good as a heel I think it might be time for a face turn.
I dont like it. I love me some CM Punk...but I dont think they'll show him any love on RAW. I know they havent been showing him much love on Smackdown, but think about it: On RAW theres: Barrett, Sheamus, Miz to compete with to be top heel. On Smackdown theres still just Kane to compete with.

That being said: Its apparent that Alberto Del Rio will take Punks "slot" on the Smackdown roster. Which I have no problem with. I kinda like the guy so far. It also opens spots for Swagger & Dashing Rhodes. I guess Ziggler & McIntyre also- but I think JS & DCR are more talented all-around.

All in all- I guess its a good move for WWE overall. But PLEASE give Punk his just dues! PLEASE Vince!! You blew it with SES...please dont blow it again!!!

EDIT: I just rewatched the match & aftermath of Punk & Bourne. When Punk slaps the Anaconda Vice on him- Im pretty sure Punk says to him: "this is business- nothing personal". I know for a fact he said "nothing personal" The King even mentions it right afterwards. He says something just before that. I cant be 100% positive that it was "this is business" but im pretty sure. It has me wondering: what business? whats Punk working on? Im hoping this is a sign on things to come for Punk & there is a plan for him on RAW. Hopefully this wasnt just a way to take Bourne off TV- so he could have surgery. I can always hope!
If there was any place for CM Punk to show up on RAW, Seattle was the right place to do it. I just got back from watching RAW in person so I don't know how it was for the TV viewers, but the crowd was pretty hot for CM Punk. In a place where his style and look are greatly loved, of course we're gonna cheer for him.

But looking past that, as much as CM Punk could really add to the rather inflated main event picture on RAW, I personally wish he would have stayed on SD. True, the heel to face ratio is very much in favor of the heels, but SD needs more star power. They've got Edge and if CM Punk stayed SD can have two good main eventers. That way we're not stuck with Big Show put in a main event type match every PPV (I say type, I know the Undertaker/Kane feud will doninate the WHC picture for a while).

But I hope CM Punk still stays strong on RAW. There is no room for him in the WWE Title picture, but hopefully he can have some success in the upper midcard position. A feud with Daniel Bryan for the US Championship would be tight. Two of the best indie wrestlers battling it out once again.
well i would have to say that i dont think that this was the right move at all and i got some reassons and a little idea to make the nexus thing a lil bit bigger

1) raw is over floatet with heels we dont need another one they need a big face since cena became a nexus and what ever u say orton will never be a face he will always be a heel just like edge. in my mind they should have traded mysterio call me insane and call him bad but atm he would could feud with anyone one raw since there very few big monsters left and he. would could fit in the nexus fued aswell as the one trying to get cena out bye putting him self on the line maybe loseing to see him as a heel to well and if i took my self 30 min more i could probaly find other things for him to do on raw :)
I think this is perfect. Punk was doing shit on Smackdown, and had no one to feud with after Big Show (which was a rather shitty feud anyhow). On Raw, he can most definitely be the top heel.

What should he do? While I agree that he and Daniel Bryan could have some kick-ass matches, Punk belongs in the main event scene. Plus, I'm not sure we've seen the last of Miz/Danielson.

Punk should be in the title picture. I think Cena and Barrett are going to continue their feud for quite some time. I don't think Orton is going to drop the belt to Barrett this soon into his reign, but I could be wrong.

I think with Cena/Barrett tied up, Punk should feud with Orton for the title. Those two can tear the freakin' house down, if given a good storyline to work with. I have felt for quite some time now that CM Punk and Orton are the two most talented men on the WWE roster. I think they could have great matches, great mic work; all they need is a good storyline.
I have mixed feelings about this decision.

On the one hand he is back on the A-Show where he will be exposed to much wider audience, if use right he can be elevated back up to being a Upper Mid Card/ME guy, he has the opportunity for a fresh start after having a horrible time on SD of late, there are many fresh feuds available to him and if we are very lucky we could see a DBD/Punk match or even better a Miz/Punk promo.

On the other hand people complained about how Punk was underutilized on SD, do you really think it is going to be better on Raw? Hell no, their main event scene is crowded as it is and with Hunter due back anytime soon then there is no way Punk is going to get anywhere the title or even a non title main event feud. Also Raw is notorious for having a more entertainment based show as opposed to a wrestling show, it seems a shame to waste such a great in ring talent.
The move makes perfect sense. Edge is a huge name in the WWE and you can't send a few mid-card guys over to the RAW brand in the exchange: you need someone of the same caliber to make the trade worthwhile. CM Punk is a huge name who has some excellent skills as a professional wrestler when used correctly, and with RAW booking being top notch... why not? Also, Punk had nothing left on SD to achieve. His "Messiah" gimmick ran it's course, as well as the Straight-Edge Society dissolved, so he had no further avenues on SD to explore unless he did a complete character change. Not to mention him being embarrassed by the Big Show. After what they did, Punk would not be considered as big of name as he once was... so this change and a week off (essentially) allowed Punk to rejuvenate his status on RAW. Anyway... who else could they send over to RAW that would aid SD (remember, Edge was traded so he could balance out the faces to match the heels... thus, a heel needed to be sent back in exchange)? Kane is World Champ and feuding, so he is gone. Swagger already got traded... so no here. Del Rio is too fresh and has a lot of potential on SD, so no again. Ziggler's IC Champ and Rhodes/McIntyre are tag champs (so they already appear on RAW). Who else is there apart from CM Punk? Vance Archer?

RAW for CM Punk is a gold mine. He has many matches that he could exploit on the roster such as feuding with DBD for the title, bringing some ROH style matches into the WWE. Punk could go against his career rival John Morrison in some epic ME battles, with the roles reversed (Punk heel/Morrison face). There is a feud with Orton for the championship to consider, which would be quite epic considering the pops Orton gets and the heel heat Punk sucks out from the crowd. A HHH feud if and when he returns? Hell, with Cole commentating on SD they could place him on commentary in the future if they run out of ideas for him. The possibilities are endless here. It's almost like a fresh start on RAW, since the last time he was here he was a face... and boy, does he need it. Excellent move by the E.
What a lovely debut. CM Punk looking good for once against someone with slight importance. Sure it wasn't really that big of an accomplishment for Punk to beat Evan. However he looked good, and he looked potent as ever. While I'm still thoroughly convinced that there truly won't be anything BIG out of CM Punk coming to RAW, well it's certainly a change of heart.

From one perspective CM Punk can go on to do great things on RAW. He has been given a lot of time on Smackdown, and I'm sure WWE wouldn't drop the ball on the guy when it comes to getting microphone time.

However, there's stuff that makes me wish that he would've stayed on Smackdown instead of someone else. CM Punk was the primary thing of that show for a long time. He made the show exciting, and he got screen time like hell. Screen-time is something that are taken up by a lot of guys on RAW right now. Guys that are more exciting than CM Punk (The Nexus for example) and it would cause Punk to get slided out of the importance picture in some manner.

Also, you cannot disregard the fact that CM Punk vs Edge would've been a dream feud.

But for now.. Welcome to RAW Punk.. Hope you enjoy your stay. I'm sure I will.. If WWE handles it properly.

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