CM Punk getting buried - obviously leaving

Punk didn't get burried. He looked strong in all his matches against Orton. He got up from an rko twice. It took a rko from the top rope to beat him.

But given the uncertainty of his contract situation, no way they are going to have him beat one of the WWE top stars at this point. If Punk resigns he will probably become the top heel on raw. Hopefully he does because it would be a huge loss for the WWE.
It is impossible to be buried by the #2 face in the company. Impossible.

Competing, and losing three matches to Orton means nothing, for a heel. Heels don't need to win. Jesus, do I really need to give this lecture each time a heel loses? They have zero credibility to start with, so it means nothing.

In all honesty, I would have liked Punk to pull off at least one non-clean victory, and that probably should have taken place at WrestleMania. But, his losing both matches means absolutely nothing. Moving forward, Punk could go into a mid-card feud, and job to Kofi fucking Kingston. Or, he could face Cena for the WWE title. Why is all of this possible? Because wins and losses mean jack shit for heels.

I hope he leaves and never comes back to the WWE. I don't care where he goes. Ring of Honor, TNA, Japan - whatever it is, it's gonna be better than wasting his time and health for an organization that won't appreciate who and what he is.


Yeah, I'm sure you don't care where he ends up. When's the last time you gave a shit about anything happening within WWE?
Yea, stupid ass WWE, not pushing assets that might be leaving. Do you know anything about business? At all? Cena has been totaly committed from day one, that's why he's "shoved down our throats" or whatever bullshit is being said nowadays. I love CM Punk but if he's not resigning, then you don't make him look amazing. He's not being 'buried' that and the term 'botch' is used here more than a crack ****e in the ghetto. He's being "stagnated" he's kinda in limbo until they find out what he's doing.

I hope he leaves and never comes back to the WWE. I don't care where he goes. Ring of Honor, TNA, Japan - whatever it is, it's gonna be better than wasting his time and health for an organization that won't appreciate who and what he is.
goddamn I would LOVE to be underappreciated by recieving what? 700K a year? You're stupid. Not as an insult, and an abjective, your brain doesn't work as well as the average brain. This isn't flaming, it's description. As obvious as saying "Mexico is south of the United States" I can say "you are stupid". HE needs to resign. He's a three time champion and they've more than financially compensated him enough.
Let's not forget that prior to the feud randomly switching to Orton, Punk had gone over Cena THREE times. Not including taking the final pin at EC, he was 3-0 against the face of the company in singles competition. IMO, he should have gone over Orton at WM, and failing that, the match on Raw. Sunday's match was the blow-off, and Punk winning--no matter how much I wanted him to--wouldn't have been sensible booking. Rarely ever does a guy who has won two matches lose the third, especially when he's debuting as the top face on a new brand. Bottom line: he's not getting buried. I dislike that he has been saddled with the inferior Nexus; I dislike that they couldn't decide whom he was feuding with; I dislike that he hasn't won a match against Orton, especially in a revenge storyline where the motive is justified. Buried, though? Not at all.

I don't buy the "he's straight edge so he won't take pain pills that he would benefit from" argument. As someone who IS straight edge, I can tell you that the issue is with drug abuse and recreational and unnecessary drug use. If there is a medication that he could legitimately benefit from, for pain or anything else, I'm sure that being straight edge doesn't mean he rejects it on principle. If he doesn't think he needs it, that's a choice he's making with respect to his own body. I can't speak for Punk though, and will acknowledge that aside from not drinking, smoking or engaging in illicit substances, there are different views on what being straight edge actually means.

If he wants time off, and that's the hangup, he'll take time off and may very well be using his position as leverage. If he dislikes the recent trend of guys randomly showing up and winning titles while he's got no direction, I can't blame him. It isn't out of the question that they say, "We'll give you a run with the title if you re-sign," in order to coerce him into staying. Tonight's loss notwithstanding, though, I'm guessing Miz gets the belt back. It's a wait-and-see situation right now, and none of us actually have any idea what Punk or WWE are thinking or talking about. Regardless, I wouldn't worry about it right now. Admittedly, if Punk does leave, I'll be gutted.
What if they're not putting Punk over because he's battling and injury we don't know about? He doesn't actually wrestle that much, wasn't at the house show I was at. Maybe they're having him see doctors to figure out if he's doing okay? he's still in a decent feud but like I said, definately not being "buried" but more "stalled" so that if he's okay, they can push him back up again and if not they can shut him down without it killing the show.
Does anybody else see Punk being sent off by the WWE after his contract by getting stunned by Mr. 3:16, the Rattlesnake, Stone Cold Steve Austin.

while it wouldn't be like the send off for Lesner and Goldberg (Goldberg was never coming back and Lesner made it clear he was doing something different) - the send off would be a great way to write him off, as well as give him a potential huge rub if the confrontation goes down and perhaps involves a few promos with Punk calling Austin out a few times to have one last match. Punk gets tossed by WWE with a stunner, OR, he goes on hiatus in shame of it all and he gets even more heat as a heel when he finally returns after his break.
I'm not a big fan of CM Punk but I like him as a wrestler specially with his feud with Jeff Hardy and WHC reign but being with S.E.S up to the New Nexus angle he's so "f" up..:banghead:
People are always so quick to say someone is getting buried.

Come on, people, wrestling - beyond the surface anyway - is a team game. And some players sometimes must sacrifice so others can shine. Right now the WWE wants to have 2 babyface supermen - one for Raw, one for Smackdown. And to be recognized as supermen those guys must rake in numerous convincing wins against big names. That's simply how it works. CM Punk did his job, and he did it exceptionally well. The point of this feud was to build up Orton. Mission accomplished.

Sometimes it doesn't hurt a talent to take a breather and scale back his own interests and enhance others instead for a while. Cena has done it. Even the Rock has done it. Jericho has done it more than he has chased big titles. That's pretty much karma put in practice.

Of course it is quite possible that Punk's losing streak has something to do with his current contract negotiations. I fully expect him to resign eventually, and he will be back on the top of the card. No worries there.
I think the draft may have had something to do with CM Punk losing at extreme rules. With the early draft, WWE had to cut some feuds short like Cody Rhodes/Rey Mysterio, and the only way to resolve the feud is to let the face win and let the heel go on to something else. The same went for the CM Punk/Randy Orton feud, Orton was drafted to smackdown and they obviously cant feud anymore so WWE had to end it with a win for Orton. I am not supporting WWE for making Punk lose, but it seems logical in my opinion.

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