Chris Jericho: "I will never wrestle for the WWE again"


SORRY! About you damn luck!
"Let me get something straight...I will never wrestle for the WWE again. But there is some big news coming up in the world of dance...."

This is a direct quote from Chris Jericho's twitter. It seems that his career as a in-ring performer is over. Didn't see this coming, honestly.

I don't know if this is a work, to trick the fans and make him comeback be more of a surprise than ever. But I do think that Jericho feels that he outgrew wrestling at least as a wrestler. Don't get me wrong, I believe Jericho loves the business, but he feels he can do work outside of the Pro Wrestling business and be very sucessful. I wish him the best of luck. I'm not sure if he is made to be a TV star or a Movie Star but at least he has the right to try it.

I will be the first to say this: we won't go to TNA. He has no interest in it. This doesn't mean: I hate WWE, I want to try another organization. This means: I won't wrestle again anywhere, not only World Wrestling Entertainment. Because I believe some people will jump and say that he is mad at WWE and go to TNA, or something like that, believe me, he won't. I would love to see it because I'm a huge TNA fan, but I don't believe it one bit.

So what do you think of this? Does this mean that Jericho if he returns will return only as a Manager/General-Manager/etc? Do you think this can only be kayfabe?

Are you surprised by this news?
I highly doubt this is true. For one this is twitter, he probably only used it to trick everyone into thinking that he is done with the WWE. If he is telling the truth then the keyword here is Wrestle it doesn't mean he will ever be on WWE TV again. I think that the man knows that Y2J Chris Jericho should have a much bigger send off than getting punted by Orton and ending all of his wrestling related career on that. If he is really telling the truth than I suspect that WWE will do something similar to what they did for Stone Cold Steve Austin like they did in 2003. What I mean is to have Jericho retire without actually wrestling and having others do it for him (Situation like the Raw Survivor Series match at the 03 event). Whether or not he ever steps inside that ring and competes again is debatable and will remain a mystery to us for awhile, though I am sure we will at least get to see him in the receiving end of a grand farewell to WWE one day.
Mooseshit. If anything, this means he'll go back sooner than we think. Jericho not going back to the WWE, ever - impossible. He's working everybody.

And I agree with the poster, as a TNA fan I'd be willing to see it, and it is Jericho it's not like he hasn't jumped ship before, but he won't do it. He has no reason to. He's not younger, he's not poorer.

He's working us, he ain't going nowhere.
It could be one of two things in my opinion.

1. Its a genuine statement that he has no real interest in wrestling for the WWE again, and should be taken at face value (im clinging on to that being unlikely though).


2. He, by all accounts and purposes, gets asked "when are you coming back to WWE" an awful lot on there id imagine, throw in the fact he'd been drinking after a Fozzy gig, then you may well have a reason why he's tweeted it, to try and get people off his case.

He also tweeted on that tweet "But there is some big news coming up in the world of dance...."

Could that be taken as sarcasm or that he's genuinely giving up his wrestling career to dance? I cant see that personally, and its a sarcastic comment maybe?
I really can't tell whether he's given up or he's just playing with us.

Jericho has been known to stir shit up just to get a reaction, like I remember when he hinted at returning at Extreme Rules. But, I really don't think Jericho would leave the WWE without a proper send-off. God knows he deserves it. Plus, he's too much of a show-man.

Whether he's hinting at a TNA debut or not is unclear but, I really don't think he lower himself to such a standard. Now, that's not a stab at TNA, but why would Jericho want to work for a less exposed TV show, especially now that he's taking Fozzy and his TV and radio presenting seriously.

It's hard to know whether he's playing us or not, but, I hope to god he is. He's great at everything and I miss him dearly. Only he knows whether or not he's actually going to come back, but for the sake of his fans and all that's right in the World, Y2J needs a proper send-off.
I'm not buying this for one second. In fact, it makes me more convinced than ever that Chris Jericho is on his way back to the WWE, and probably sooner than later. He is infamous for working the IWC with such declarations, why not use twitter to do what he has a history of doing?

This to me means one of two things. Either he is returning at the Royal Rumble as a surprise entrant, which could culminate in a program with CM Punk, possibly at WM and possibly with title implications. Or he is returning to be the force behind all of the unrest in the WWE, affiliated with the Miz, R-Truth, Kevin Nash, John Laurinitis, and whoever else may be involved. This way, he technically returns saying he will never wrestle for WWE again, yet he does return. And of course once back there, it's only a matter of time before he does wrestle again.

I agree with an earlier poster, there's no way he goes to TNA. He has no reason to committ career suicide at this stage of his career, especially with an induction into the WWE Hall of Fame looming whenever he truly does call it a career. Plus, TNA finally appears to be progressing with younger homegrown talent, and getting away from fast tracking older former WWE guys to the top. Surely they wouldn't return to their old ways so quickly, would they?:rolleyes:

There's no way his final in ring action will be the way he went out at the hands (well, foot actually) of Randy Orton. He will definitely return for a better send off than that. May not be long term, but there's no way he's done in the ring. Not yet.
I call bullshit here. If anything, it means he's coming back sooner rather than later. There's no doubt in my mind Chris Jericho doesn't want to go out by being kicked in the head from Randy Orton but rather a nicer send off. It seems as if he's working us over and it's sorta working. He's not even in the WWE and we're still bitching about him. Chris Jericho is a professional. He's smart. He isn't The Rock. He isn't going to spoil the suprise of his return by telling us the exact date and time. He's going to make us work for it and wait like no other WWE Superstar can do.

Jericho, you basterd, I know you're lying.
I'm thinking he said just it to get ppl off his back about returning. Since the first day he took time off from the WWE ppl have asked "So when do you see yourself returning?" That would get annoying after the first 5x being addressed. I believe he said it to get ppl leave him alone, but I did read that he wasn't placed in WWE 12 game this year. I don't think he was too satisfied w/the idea of being left out of one the biggest projects WWE has outside of the ring. From what was stated it wasn't THQ idea to leave him out & it was out of their control. He also not scheduled to be available as downloadable content. This stated maybe 2 wks back on the wrestlezone home page. Do I think this would lead to him leaving? Hell no but I find it strange that you leave one of your top superstars out of something big like this. Who knows what talks him & E have been doing since he left. For awhile its been speculation he was going to return in time for WM but maybe they couldn't agree on a contract & both sides simply walked away. Maybe he wanted the undertaker/HBK schedule & Vince maybe wasn't ready to give it to him hence being out the game & this statement. I'm hoping this all bullshit & he returns as a big surprise but nothing can ever be ruled out when it comes to wrestlers.
I think he's just being a smart ass and getting the iwc talking.

1)As far as I have heard he has been in talks to come back for a short period to build to a wrestlmania possibly.

2)When he say's he will never WRESTLE for WWE again doesn't mean shit. Because everyone know's that your not allowed to say wrestle in WWE, but it doesn't say he can be a WWE SUPERSTAR.

I think he is toying with people because he said the word wrestle which the general population of fan's mean's wrestle, but not to WWE. So if he wasn't going to come back he would have said I WILL NEVER RETURN TO WWE AGAIN.

Get the picture....He's just playing up the twitter talk that VINCE MCMAHON is so high on right now.
Jericho ain't dumb enough to go to TNA so I don't see that as a possibility.

He may just be saying his in ring career is over, but that doesn't mean anything as to whether or not he will be in WWE again. Jericho has many talents and could succeed in WWE without being in the ring, hell he could just come back, do the highlight reel every week and stay relevant. He could be GM, he could be a manager or even a commentator or even a trainer, he did wonders with guys like Wade Barrett and has a wealth of knowledge to give to any young member of the WWE roster.

But my guess is he is exploring a different avenue at this time and simply isn't ready to come back to wrestling yet. He probably has more on his list he wants to do and when he does it I'm sure Jericho will be back in some capacity. Just give the guy time and when he is ready he will show his face again.
so how far back on his twitter did you go to find that quote? since i remember something along the lines of that quote being posted on the site like last year some time. just before it was announced that he was going to be one of the contestanst on Dancing with The Stars.

I see him returning for maybe one small run to truely say goodbye. a grand send off at Wrestlemania like WWE seems to be doing with a lot of their stars lately(Michaels, Flair, Rock)
jericho is someone who is very touchy about people stealing and using his moves.
this past week on smackdown, EPICO used the CODEBREAKER, when he, primo and hunico were beating on one of the usos.

i imagine this tweet is jericho feeling 'disrespected'... but i do think hell stop being a baby about it and come back at some point for a little bit.
My initial reaction to this, as is everyone else's it seems, is that he is bluffing. It's not really about not getting a proper sendoff though. Jericho is one guy who has always had a mind of his own and while there have been times that he has gotten tired of wrestling but he looks like the kind of guy who would alway come back. Jericho is one of the biggest stars never to have sustained any major injury in his career so I do not think that that is a concern. He still seems to be passionate about the business and it does appear that he follows it. So it may just be that he does not want to come back at the moment and he is trying to shut all the people up who are bugging him about it.

But then again there are people who like to retire when people are asking "Why are you retiring?" rather than when they are asking "Why the hell are you still around?" Jericho seems like one of those guys who would like to retire at his peak so that his image is not tarnished by the time he retires. Sure he would not get an epic sendoff but to be honest that is just one great moment and maybe he does not want to put himself through the grind for just that one moment. Also heels generally do not get epic sendoffs and that is what Jericho likes playing. Plus there is always a HOF speech in the offing and he may want his epic sendoff to take place there.

So, I guess I am 60: 40 at the moment on this. 60% chance that he isn't retiring.
There's no way his final in ring action will be the way he went out at the hands (well, foot actually) of Randy Orton. He will definitely return for a better send off than that.
I also don't believe Jericho's assertion that he'll never work for the WWE again, but this particular reason never crossed my mind as valuable proof of his claim's lack of validity. Frankly, I believe the former Y2J thinks the same way that I do in regards to "proper" send-offs: that they're nonsense. Jericho is in the storytelling business and the story he tells best is that of a smarmy douche who will eventually get his comeuppance. As he said in his DVD, he'd prefer people be happy to see the back of him rather than take a heroic ride into the sunset. And I commend him for that attitude. It's a level of professionalism so few have in a business with so many people who are huge marks for themselves. Jericho meeting his end with a stiff short from Randy Orton or being dragged crying from the WWE ring by security after being unceremoniously fired is what he deserves and I fully expect Jericho's last run in the WWE to end in similar dishonour.

Anyway, onto the tweet in question. It just rings of a terrible joke to me, especially the bit about dancing followed by conspicuous ellipses. If he was really closing the book on his WWE career, I can't picture him doing it with that in the same sentence to intentionally arouse ire among those who would support him with the greatest of fervour in his future endeavours. No, this just stinks of professional wrestling. And my heart is split on that. On one hand, I'll be happy to see Jericho again as he's one of my favourites. On the other, I'm a youth movement guy so seeing the back of him once and for all wouldn't bother me. While still smart and valuable to a degree, he's a relic of a bygone era who will be hindering progress if he takes a top spot for any extended period of time. Hopefully I'll manage to not to get too caught up in that and just enjoy the ride while it lasts.

The next big question is regarding where he goes if he returns. I'm sort of hoping he comes for Randy Orton at WrestleMania. It's easily the freshest high-profile bout Orton can have at this point and it's perfect organic booking. What I wouldn't do is shoehorn Jericho into CM Punk's road to WrestleMania. Punk's heat may still be fragile as he's a relatively newly minted face. Forcing the issue about whether he's really the best in the world against a returning favourite who has a great rapport with the audience might border on hubris at this point. Punk vs Jericho sounds good down the road but I hope they steer clear of it at WrestleMania 28. The margin of error makes the Punk fan in me sweat.
Just about every week there's some new report on Jericho resigning, or his plans for the rumble, or a match vs Taker at Wrestlemania. Maybe he just wants to be left alone and this is the easiest way. "I'm done, fuck off." Maybe he doesn't want to wrestle right now, he left wrestling a few years ago for a reason. I He doesn't wanna come back yet, maybe not at all. Maybe it means what it means and we all just can't accept it. Daddy isn't getting back together with Mommy, and your have to grow up and deal with it. If we're lucky he just hasn't made up his mind or isn't ready yet, and he wants to be left alone until he is.
Maybe He Asked for an Amount of Money to Return but Vince Offered Him less and Jericho feels slighted? I Read his book ane he sounds like the person that wouldnt accept a Dollar less then he asked. Nobody Really knows. He Has a Decent Band and can go on stuff like DwtS but should really Return to Wrestle, that would be Froot Lol.
We all know that Chris Jericho is DEFINITLY not gone from the WWE forever. I mean, a few weeks ago, wasnt there an article about him having a return? It would be a real shame if he didnt, because most of us love Chris jericho, but weather or not his return will be an in-ring return, or just a return doing a backstage promo (Which I highly dought it will be), he's returning.
Jericho has been known for messing with the IWC a lot so I'm really not taking this quote seriously. Ever since he left the WWE he's been tweeting about coming back and trying to set up a feud with CM Punk, and now suddenly he's saying that he'll never wrestle for the WWE again? I don't buy it at all.

I also don't think Jericho wants to go out the way he did. Being punted by Orton and getting carried in a stretcher.. I'm sure Jericho can get a much better sendoff than that.

Like a lot of others, I think he'll be back in time for the Royal Rumble. Remember, that tweet was directed at the internet wrestling fans and Jericho is known for disliking all the smart ass internet fans. So I'm not really taking this seriously one bit.
I see him returning for maybe one small run to truely say goodbye. a grand send off at Wrestlemania like WWE seems to be doing with a lot of their stars lately(Michaels, Flair, Rock)

Jericho said only last week he has no interest in getting a "grand send-off" much like Ric Flair and Shawn Michaels did. He said he wants to bow out without anyone noticing and just disappear. Keep up with what's going on.

It's him playing people. Jericho is constantly being asked if he's coming back? When is he coming back? Whose he going to work with? How does he want to do it? The guy is probably just sick to death of the questions. Plus it's kind of tainting his return whenever he makes it. If this guy isn't truly coming back soon then why the hell has he spent his year calling people out on Twitter for stealing his gimmick, his moves and his personalities to then say that he'll show them all how to do it. Why would he go back and forth with guys like The Miz? Why would he be so upset he isn't featured in WWE '12 when he hasn't done anything wrestling orientated in 2011 and some say he doesn't have the legendary status to be featured alongside the likes of Savage and Anderson.

Chris Jericho is coming back. I see him returning in the Royal Rumble to either feud with The Miz or CM Punk, due to he and The Miz having constant spats and Jericho claiming Miz is a Jericho rip-off, or Punk due to the name "Best In The World." Or he'll return whenever The Undertaker does and go for the Streak. But if Chris Jericho really wants people to believe he isn't ever coming back he may want to do a bit more in the entertainment world because it isn't as if he's a premiere name like The Rock. He has a pre-recorded radio show, hosts an Awards ceremony every year and has hosted a game show. Need to do a bit more than that.
Whatever came of this unknown starter promotion that was going to be built around Jericho as it's first signing and biggest star?

This was a long time ago and never heard anymore news regarding it since. I remember they were prepared to offer Jericho some mucho bucks, but it must have petered out.

That was the stupid Rumble in the Jungle II event that was supposed to be set-up. They supposedly have Goldberg down to return at it, and they reportedly offered Chris Jericho a large sum of money to appear after they advertised him to appear in a promotional advert in the country itself but Jericho has never really commented on it and the event has already been found out to be a flop. Goldberg is supposed to be wrestling Chris Masters at the event now. If it even ever happens.
Mooseshit. If anything, this means he'll go back sooner than we think. Jericho not going back to the WWE, ever - impossible. He's working everybody.

And I agree with the poster, as a TNA fan I'd be willing to see it, and it is Jericho it's not like he hasn't jumped ship before, but he won't do it. He has no reason to. He's not younger, he's not poorer.

He's working us, he ain't going nowhere.

Jericho has said time after time WWE is his home and dream company. Why would he demote himself and go to TNA?

Besides, if he goes to TNA, say goodbye to Robert Roode being champion.
Tweeting stuff is all part of the script. When Jericho says he's not gonna do something he's usually half telling the truth but this time he knows it'll get manipulated into something else. He says "i won't work for the WWE again." What if that means Jericho is coming back to WWE with Nash as an outsider? Maybe Jericho will be part of the new New World Order?? I don't think he'll never be back and Jericho isn't one to go back on his word unless his word was taken out of context. He always sticks to the motto never say never and he has always been loyal to WWE. I'd say it's part of the storyline where he'll come back as an outsider or as part of a clique running counter to WWE and Triple H. He has a history with Triple H and Stephanie who now run WWE. This smells of storyline.
Honestly, as much as I love Jericho and would like to see him come back for one more wouldn't bother me if he did not come back to WWE. Hell, if he were to retire tomorrow I would be happy.

Jericho has had a long and GREAT career. He has one just about all of the titles he could. If he were to come back to WWE, he wouldn't need a title, he wouldn't need a big what else would there be for him to do?

Jericho's last run with WWE would be made to put over younger talent that aren't getting over very well. He can take the greenest of superstars and make them a main eventer by time their feud is over.

More power to Jericho if he does stay away...

but I doubt it.
Maybe he won't wrestle again, but that doesn't mean he won't be on tv for the WWE. Most of the stuff people say are a work, but the odd time it's not. You have to take everything with a grain of salt. I believe everything is a work until proven otherwise.
As a true Jericholic I dont buy it for one second, however if somehow it is true then I wouldn't hold it against him even though I would be sad. I don't buy it because he is the guy who is always trying to reinvent himself to be better and more entertaining, and he is the kind of making great debuts and returns. He's trying to throw us off so that his return is more of a shock and a big deal, personally I love it and I think he does so very convincingly. But I have faith that he is going to return for one last run and hopefully face The Undertaker at Wrestlemania.

I will say that if he didn't, even though I would be devastated that I never got to see him wrestle live, I would be happy for him. As a guy who is probably more obsessed with Y2J than doctors would recommend I really will be happy as long as he is happy. He has achieved so much in Wrestling and now he's really enjoying working at his other passion, music. He loves what he did as a wrestler but he also loves what he's doing with Fozzy and he devoted plenty of time to wrestling, now maybe it's time for the metal period of Jericho's life. I expect to see him back within the year but if he chose not to return and focus on Fozzy I would support him in that.

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