Really? You want to do this? They TOLD YOU HIS RESUME AND WHY HE IS A STAR!
They ran down every one of his achievements as he entered that ring last night, that he is known for being a Rock Star, not just a "hobby band" but a legit touring band, he did Dancing With The Stars, one of the top TV shows in the world, he has a very successful podcast/radio show and ALSO has shed loads of wrestling accolades. WWE hasn't always treated Jericho as a star all the time but last night they did a very strong job of making sure everyone knows he IS one and always has been.
Oh for fucks sake...yes, let's do this, you cretinous asshole.
If I ask someone on the street who Fozzy is, they're going to say "Who?" If I say "Chris Jericho", maybe if they are a wrestling fan, they'll know, and maybe if they watched Dancing w/ The Stars, they'll remember him from that season they he was on.
Chances are a LOT greater that they'll know Lesnar because of run as UFC champion. Yes, there is a world of difference between UFC and a goddamn podcast, a one-time contestant on a fucking reality show, and a band that most people haven't even heard of.
You are living in a fucking bubble if you think otherwise.
He's not a star, they don't call him.
So by that rationale, Rob Van Dam must be a star.
He's not begging to work for them. But in a WWE seriously short of stars at the moment he is the only one they can actually call on and have show up. Dwayne and Dave are busy, Austin won't "go", Sting is umming an ahhing, Bill is not the same and knows it and Taker is a shell... Where are the other stars they can call on?
Again, there is a world of difference from calling on The Rock, Lesnar, or Austin...and calling on Chris Jericho. I'm saying Yes, there is a stratification in the "Top Star" department, and it is crazy to think that Jericho = Lesnar much less Jericho > Lesnar in the star department.
There are none. But "Good 'Ol Y2J" rather than it being him dictating his terms etc is more than happy to work with them if it works for him and they promote him accordingly. He's still one of the top 5 wrestlers most people would know/recognise, even if it's cos they're metal fans or remember the dancing or singing show he did...
Again, living in a bubble. Wrestling fans know and remember Chris Jericho. The minor, minor subset of people in the world who know Fozzy know Chris Jericho. This is much, much less than the number of people who know Brock Lesnar. This is my point...I know you want to trot out his stint on Dancing with the Stars, and I'm shocked you haven't mentioned his time hosting another reality TV show. I'm just gonna say right now: It's irrelevant because it's C list shit.
Every return he has made has been a big deal and the fans certainly think he is a star, their reactions every time he does return say so. Does he need the title to be that star no... neither did the Hogan generation other than Hulk himself and neither do Cena, Jericho, Punk or Orton... he might get it this time or more likely his 10th IC title which would actually mean more in the scheme of things.
But you don't get to his position without being a top star... you don't see Shelton Benjamin making constant returns or Matt Hardy...
Blah blah blah blah. I'm not even sure what the fuck your point is. I've stated my point. If your point is that Jericho is a star WITHIN the WWE universe, I won't argue. If your point is that he is has equal fame OUTSIDE of the WWE universe to Lesnar, OR that Jericho draws more interest to the WWE than Lesnar does then you need to put down whatever crackpipe you are smoking.
I'm over this whole moronic tack you're taking.