Chris Benoit Memorial thread (#1)

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Slyfox, the whole damn thing doesn't make much sense. I really think someone was waiting at the house for him when he got home.

And yes, the Wikipedia shit is getting really really fucking old. Multiple independent sites are confirming it. I'll tolerate it, because people are guillable, but really guys, it's real.
Thank you Shock..there was no need for that, what was said about Nancy and their sone vomiting blood? It sounds like it may have been carbon Monoxide, but since you can't see or smell it, it's possible Benoit would not have know until it was unfortunately too late. I want to think that this is the case, as I can't imagine anyone, not even Kevin Sullivan, wanting to kill such a great man, his wife and 7 year old son, then again, the world is a sick fucked up place, and the proof is in losing Eddie and Benoit within 4 years of the highest points of their WWE Careers, which were both sadly way too short.
yah but wouldn't some news tv station have something??? After all the media these days reports everything involving everyone now a days.

The wrestling world isn't taken seriousl by main stream media. McMahon/Trump was covered because of Trump. If there is anything said by the mainstream media, it will likely be after Raw goes off the air tonight.
I'm guessing one of three things. Carbon monoxide. Murder-suicide, or someone broke in and murdered them. I hope Atlanta's finest get to the bottom of this fast. RIP Chris. You never failed to entertain me and if anyone deserves a three-hour tribute, it's you.
Seriously people...mods, do you think you could ban anyone who only posts about something that is written on Wikipedia?

Something just isn't sitting well with this whole thing for me. He was at home for a family emergency yesterday, his family was spitting up blood, and they were still found dead in their home, and not in say, a hospital.

Anyone else find something about this story just a little bit off?

maybe the murderer (Possibly KS) told Benoit to say that to whoever, and come home or else, and then when he cam in, BAM
No This Cant Be Happening No!!! He Was One Of My Favorite Wrestlers No This Cant Be My Jaw Has Just Dropped Im In Total Shock This Seems Serious I Hope This It Is Part Of A Storyline Or Something He Cant Be Dead
Also, Celebrity trash talker, Perez Hilton is reporting Benoits death as well. He says:

In a terrible tragedy, WWE wrestler Chris Benoit and his family have been found dead in his home.
This is shocking to say the least, and I know how at a loss for words we all must be. Theres no question Benoit is one of the faces of wrestling and always gave us fans a hell of a match, night in and night out. Instead of speculating on what happened lets just take this time to wish the rest of his family well and give our condolences because there isn't really any reason to play detective right now.

RIP to Chris and his family, you will be missed
cenabacke how about a little respect for Chris Benoit. I don't think anyone honestly gives a fuck your opinion of Cena in this thread.

back on topic.

When i read the story on WZ's main page my jaw hit the fucking ground.I can't believe this happened. RIP Chris Benoit.

on a side note i wonder if wwe knew about this yesterday before the ppv and just didnt say anything."the show must go on' like they did with Owen's tradegy.I remember reading i think it was friday benoit went home for a family emergency. That would really piss me off if wwe did something like that again.
Well lets hope it's Carbon Monoxide and nothing else guys. As much as they hate each other, and i'm guilty of it too, Kevin Sullivan shouldn't be brought into this until the Atlanta police think it's a murder.
I seen this guy live 3 maybe 4 times. once when he was world champion. Even when only a house show the man gave it his all and showed us how committed to the wrestling world he was. This is a sad day for all and i would just like to say R.I.P. Benoit & Family. Alot of me wishes this was a work... however i doubt it seriously and the world of wrestling has lost another great to early.

Benoit v Eddie v Owen v Bulldog v Mr Perfect going on in heaven right now

Let's stop pretending / hoping. It's sad that the lines between fantasy and reality are so blurred that people are actually wondering.

Anyway, everybody's real concern should be whether or not this is a murder/suicide. Apparently, Benoit was unreachable last night when he left the PPV for "personal reasons." My main concern is whether the whole ECW thing or whatever got to him, or worse. I KNOW NONE OF YOU WANT TO READ THIS RIGHT NOW, but it's a real concern, and as an anonymous friend on this board, I feel it is my responsibility to prepare you for the worst possibility.

Chris Benoit - Canada salutes you. The World salutes you.
maybe his son and wife died of the blood thing, and Benoit commited suicide, but i think hes stronger than that.
i cannot be banned just because i post something from wikipedia. It was the only source that was saying anything at the time. Get A Life!
I'm going to try to explain this to you, and it will be all I will say on the subject.

Wikipedia is a site that anyone can edit. You do not even have to register to edit the site. If I wanted to go onto Wikipedia right now, and say that George Washington was the 64th President of the United Sates, I could post that. Wikipedia is not a credible source, and to continue posting stuff from there, is just posting irrelevant information.

Now, I don't wish to get into a debate with you over this now, because this is not the time to do so. Just, please quit with the Wikipedia.

Slyfox, the whole damn thing doesn't make much sense. I really think someone was waiting at the house for him when he got home.
So, do you not think the spitting up blood part played a part in this tragedy? Or do you think that the blood part wasn't even real, and just made up?
I would have to say his match with Chris Jericho at the Royal Rumble 2001 was my favourite because he and Jericho had the best ladder match I had ever seen. Also... when he won the World Championship. Him and Eddie (RIP) Had were the est technical wrestlers ever!! RIP CHRIS... YOU WILL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN!!! YOU WILL BE IN THE 2008 WWE HALL OF FAME!!!
One thing i got to ask. Why is alot of people saying KS may have killed Benoit? im not sure off the history between the 2, what happened and why would KS kill benoit?
chris benoit was one of the greats loved everywere i will never forget wm 20 finaly winning the world title then having that great moment no one will forget sharring a hug in the middle of the ring with late eddie guerrero 2 champions that desereved it but no matter what heel or face benoit was loved respected by millions and i been a loyal fan of his for years and it hurts to see another one i loved for years to go Chris Benoit u will live for ever in our hearts
Rip Chris Michael Benoit and his family
Again, I find it a bit disrespectful for people to discuss how he and his family died, it just isn't the time for that and none of us know anything. Lets just pay our respects to the Benoit family.
I JUST GOT ANOTHER REPORT that Chris and his family were spitting up blood last night, that is why Chris didn't make it to the PPV. Not sure if there is truth to it, but I will post as I hear it.
See everyone is saying that if it was WWE faking the death they wouldnt watch it anymore but in same the we are all hoping they did so he can be still alive. I'm sorry but i really cared more about this death than Eddie. I can see how much heart Chris had for this bussiness. You will be missed Chris RIP love you man and god bless.
Can't belieave what happen to Benoit he was one of my favorite wrestlers in WCW, If this happens to be another storyline I'm going to stop watching wwe because that is bull they shouldn't have to make these kind of story's to get "ratings" Pathetic if you ask me. And I do hope Vince is at Raw tonight.
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