Cena Can't Win

Rock loses this unfortunately. I am a bigger fan of Rock than I am of Cena, but I just dont see how Cena loses this one and it makes any sense.

Im thinking something like this may happen:

Cena will try everything he has to put The Rock out and it wont work. He slowly starts to get frustrated. Doubt sinks in. Kane's words play over in his head (that feud was put in place for a reason). Cena starts to become fueled by the negative crowd reaction from Rock fans. He has shown glimpses of this for a few weeks- The look on his face when stalking Kane on the outside. His violence growing and using whatever he needs to get the job done. He ultimately wins after a few dirty tricks; i.e. cheap shot when the ref is down, etc.

Cena goes over Rock and sets up a fantastic promo on RAW the next night. He will say how he overcame odds once again no matter what it took and beat the legendary movie star. He thanks his fans and tells everyone else to go to hell. His fans will cheer and he will tell everyone he is the top guy still and all the haters can just deal with it. This keeps the image with his fans in a good standing, while still acting very heelish in a way.

There are great ways to give him dark qualities of a heel without destroying his superhero image. This has been brewing through the promos cut on The Rock and feud with Kane. He has shown a gritty, realistic and serious side that has slowly grown over time.

If the WWE chooses to, they can capitalize on this darker side of Cena without crushing his rep with loyal fans. It keeps his fanbase intact while taking his character in a new direction without things becoming stale.
Sadly WWE/Vince & his team will make Cena win :icon_neutral:

I mean i loved The Rock & not a Cena fan really (before was thug/heel Cena fan tbh).. anyway most people don't know if look what history has told us/the past. Last Austin Vs The Rock match WM19 i think, Wasn't known then but it was Austin's last match & he retired. Austin & The Rock, Rock was the "newer" guy in the WWF/WWE, started/dubuted 1996 (Austin was when joined for WWF was 1995) Basically i'm saying Rock was younger/"fresher" wrestler to Austin. Anyway Last Austin VS The Rock WM match, Rock won & continued to wrestle/compete...

Untill Summerslam 2003 if some you guys remember, "Rock VS Brock" aha ^^ ,ye The Rock Vs Brock Lesnar, (Rock was the defending champion, Lesnar was the younger/fresher guy ("The Next Big Thing"... They made Lesnar win.
And Rock/Dwayne stopped then & went the movies/Hollywood (thanks to his Scorpion King success)

History, "History Has a Strange Way of Repeating Itself" i dont remember who said that in the WWE or WWF, Mcmahon?? Edge?? idk but ye (exception being the Lesnar VS Goldberg WM20, Last match both/they both left after)

And also from another angle, RR, when i saw the cena promo about him beign the most hard working guy, loves what he does, that random guy/fan called him a phony... After I was like ah-huh.. :| so where's The Rock's promo... ha but after another match they showed his,, & umm idk it it wasn't "as good" as Cena's one,that Rock's WM promo didn't mention/show the rock's past WWF/WWE work/clips or anything really about his WWE past, just bout his him, his family & his history/heritage, & his new movie Journey 2.

*sigh* yeahh their gonna make Rock lose unfortuanlty... Also the WM being in Miami (Rock's Hometown) ,Idk i think maybe last year they/Vince thought WM's gonna be in Miami Florida.... ?? ~_o Rock, Rock ROCK!! We must have ThE Rock!!
& that some say/think that WWE wont make Rock lose in his home town/state,.. pah, that's just so you/people will think that, that he cant possibly lose in his hometown... thus giving him a chance/possibility
I think WM it's gonna be cena what 5/6 movesets a few times, cena rock punches=Boos/YEAs chanting, rocks people's elbo vs cena UCSMe bs, cena tries/attempts AA few times, rock reverses almost rock bottom, sharp shooter obviously Cena wont tap & at the end Cena probably idk after 2 or 3 AA's pulls a pin out of his ass & wins... After Rock either shakes his hand or beats his ass/anger that he lost??

But it's obvious that Vince/WWE want to say & make it look saying/make people think that Cena's just as good as The Rock was, or even better than the Rock... Bla bla so Cena get's more respected/less hated & the kids & women are satisfied/content = more money from another BS Cena Shirt (As Vince once said "It's all about the Monayy!!" )

Also they're not going to make Cena lose 2 Wrestlemanias in a row. ha ye right they'd let that happen
There is another scenario that no one seems to have considered. How about if someone else interfeered in the match? (humour me for a second or 2 - it all makes perfect sense)

What about if The Miz - upset at not main eventing like last year, comes out and starts laying into Rock.

Everyone's a winner.

Miz has interfeered on the grandest stage of them all - major heat for his heel character and elevates him back to main event status

Cena wins by DQ and sets up a feud with Miz for interrupting just as he was about to pin his arch enemy (keeps Cena out of the title picture, as this seems to be where they're heading at the moment)

Rock doesnt lose any face and if he wants to wrestle, they can either continue the feud with Cena or start a feud with the Miz going into the Summer - personally i'd prefer the Miz as i think Rock/Miz would be amazing promos

Now, i know what you're thinking.....Would the WWE really want a non-clean ending to their show-piece main event? If it got the publicity and started people talking damn right they would
Cena has to win this match for it to make any sense to the WWE.

I think they have been trying very hard to get at least some of the crowd against The Rock ... but it just simply is not going to happen in Miami. So, it is going to be interesting.

None-the-less, The Rock winning does nothing for the company. He knows that, Vince knows that and HHH knows that. There is only one logical way for this match to be booked.

IF there is a three-match series slated as has been rumored (which I also think does not do much for the company considering they could use the The Rock in some other roles in that time) then The Rock has a small chance of winning this one I think. But outside of that ... if this is indeed a one-shot thing. Cena HAS to win.
I believe I've touched on this post before but there are a lot of scenarios where he can win and Rock still looks good.

The Rock doesn't need the win. It makes no sense for him to win. He won't be back full time as he doesn't need it and he's only doing this match as a one off (or so we think...) and to just cement his legacy and "pass the torch".

Cena needs this win for several reasons but the most important reason is he is THE MAN. He he the face of the company and if he loses to the guy that hasn't been there in several years it makes the whole company look weak. That's my perspective at least.
Who cares if The Rock winning means nothing, at least send the fans home happy. Hasn't Cena won enough at Wrestlemania. Doesn't he win enough already. God, how do people watch the same dog and pony show every week. Let someone else share the rock for a change, no pun intended. Please WWE try to do something different and out of the box for once. Passomg the torch is bullcrap, give the fans what they want. After everything The Rock has done for WWE he does not deserve to be insulted by getting beaten with 5 moves of doom, 5 knuckle shuffle, weak ass firemans carry bullsh*t. Forget the kids, kids shouldnt be watching shows that promote violence anyway, or programs that tell them to believe in things that aren't real.
I'm not sure who'll win.

Ask me last year and I'd have said John Cena, because John Cena is the face of the company, former multi-time WWE Champion, their biggest draw, sells all the merchandise, has a good, solid fanbase etc, etc. However when we come one year forward, WWE haven't exactly made Cena look like the strongest person in the world, have they? The Rock has been more verbal about Cena than the opposite. I mean, I love both guys, John Cena has especially grew on me the last year, but to me, The Rock is going into this looking stronger than John Cena.

Speculation is rife that there may be another meeting between the two after this. A rematch. And if there is one in the works, it could change everything. We need to remember that this is an event taking place in The Rock's hometown, his first competitive Wrestlemania since Wrestlemania 20. They are probably paying him a good sum of money to appear or even work the dates and again bringing up how strong they've allowed him to look over the past year, to me anyway, I do think that The Rock has a chance to win the battle but I doubt he'll win the war.

If there is to be another meeting, or two, between them, then we need to remember that it changes the entire complexion of the rivalry. Because then WWE can make The Rock go over in his hometown but allow Cena to come back at Summerslam. Only recently I saw a report titled, "The Rock vs. Cena at Wrestlemania 29" and the truth is, I wouldn't be all that shocked if it happens. However, I guess this is all hypotethical.
Actually this match means just as much for The Rock as it does John Cena in my opinion, and here's why.

If The Rock wins at Wrestlemania 28, then he will have defeated the top guys from three different eras.

He defeated Hulk Hogan at Wrestlemania 18 (Late 80s, Early 90s)
He defeated Stone Cold at Wrestlemania 19 (Late 90s, Early 2000s)
Now he has John Cena at Wrestlemania 28 (Mid 2000s, Early 2010s)

Essentially, Rock would have defeated the top guys from his past, present, and future.
Actually this match means just as much for The Rock as it does John Cena in my opinion, and here's why.

If The Rock wins at Wrestlemania 28, then he will have defeated the top guys from three different eras.

He defeated Hulk Hogan at Wrestlemania 18 (Late 80s, Early 90s)
He defeated Stone Cold at Wrestlemania 19 (Late 90s, Early 2000s)
Now he has John Cena at Wrestlemania 28 (Mid 2000s, Early 2010s)

Essentially, Rock would have defeated the top guys from his past, present, and future.

It may not have been during Wrestlemania, but hasn't Kurt Angle done this already?

The Rock's legacy isn't going to get any bigger at this point in my opinion. He is already cemented as a Hall of Famer and his career is, for most intents and purposes, over. Is anyone going to move him down in their rankings of top 10 stars of all time due to a loss in this match, or rather, is anyone really going to actually move him up in the list if he wins?
Cena said weeks ago that he has to win. To me, that comment meant he will do whatever it takes to get the W. The thing is, what does the WWE need?

Obviously, WWE needs Cena to win but with Punk's character gaining more steam and he being one of the top merchandise sellers at the moment, the WWE might be able to afford Cena losing at Wrestlemania.

To the rumors of The Rock wrestling sometime in the future, I don't see it happening because his movie scheduled is packed with Pain and Gain, Empire State, Fast and Furious, Hercules, and possibly another Journey film all filming back to back. When will he have time?

Because of that, I could see Cena winning and The Rock shaking his hand before giving him a Rock Bottom and a Peoples Elbow to send the fans home happy.
Here's the thing. Cena's been in this situation before. Many times actually. Remember ECW One Night Stand back in 2006? Thousands of ECW fans at the Hammerstein Ballroom, screaming their heads off, booing the living hell out of John Cena. It was also the birthplace of the infamous "If Cena Wins, We Riot" sign. Then, take last summer at Money In The Bank. 15,000 people doing the exact same thing towards Cena, all of them with one statement on their minds, "We hate you". Hell, seeing how Cena was gonna deal with the crowd response was one of the main storylines going into the match with CM Punk.

Cena's gonna go through the same thing at WrestleMania in 19 days. But it's gonna beyond what he's seen before. He's gonna be in Rock's backyard. With 70,000 fans chanting Fruity Pebbles, Kung Pao Bitch, & whatever the hell Rock can come up with. Cena's gone through it all before. He'll go through it again.
I think wwe is really trying for this 50/50 thing. If it works and miami is 50/50 cena will go over. If it doesn't and they are pro rock miz will interfere. I remember an article on here about wwe have 2 set outcomes planned for the match. One thing for sure i think is that rock will not go over.
I think wwe is really trying for this 50/50 thing. If it works and miami is 50/50 cena will go over. If it doesn't and they are pro rock miz will interfere. I remember an article on here about wwe have 2 set outcomes planned for the match. One thing for sure i think is that rock will not go over.

I've thought this since the Miz made his youtube video about his main event match of WM last year and being left off this year. Now anytime Miz is on tv the announcers mention his WM main event last year and his absence this year. An exhausted Rock pulls out a last minute rock bottom and collapses. Miz comes in and beats them both down. Yelling into the camera about his spot and how he's the main event and all that. Tear down the announce table and hit a skull crusher on one of them. They could have several stars that "feel slighted" come out and destroy everything like the nexus introduction.

His interference would allow WWE an easy out of the Rock/Cena match, give The Miz a lot of heat, and a bump back into main event status. Right now neither Cena or Rock stand to gain anything from a win over the other. The WWE doesn't stand to gain anything from a win of either guy.
I see Cena actually coming out on top in this bout.
like he's been saying for weeks, nobody is going to remember second place.
with that being said he's the guy thats going to be there in the wwe for a while and with a loss to Rock at WM i feel as though that will stick with him long after WM is over most likely leading to a drastic change in character. But knowing WWE they're not going to risk changing him for business reasons.
Rock is always going to be remembered by fans along with his fans of his films so it seems a loss for him wouldn't really have any negative affect aside from his pride.
I can legitimately say i can see Cena getting the pinfall over Rock. And just imagine the crowd once that happens. Plus WWE is known for making people lose in their hometowns.But with a match of this magnitude, who knows? Let's just see if they do that to Rock.
Cena. Can't. Lose.

There is no way Cena loses to a semi-retired, part-time wrestler. Let's be clear, Rock is the heel right now. As much as he's being cheered, he's still the heel to WWE's core audience (hint: WWE's core audience is no longer the IWC). Cena is the face. The heel's job is to get the face over. I give Rock all the credit in the world, he's made this and the last WM exciting. But he doesn't need this match as much as Cena.

I will literally be stunned if Cena loses. There is no doubt in my mind that Cena wins. One day he will pass the torch himself, but this Sunday is Rock's turn to pass the torch.
I agree.

I've been a Rock supporter through all of this, and I get more than annoyed with the bias nuthugging of the Cenation. Nothing the Rock does is ever good enough and the Cena fans think everything that comes out of John's mouth is gold.

With that said, Cena deserves to win. I don't hate the guy, in fact I actually like him (just not his idiotic fans on this forum.) Cena is the hardest working guy in the business and has been the face of the company for years now. His time really is...NOW. The only thing that's hard for me to digest is Vince having the Rock lose in front of his hometown fans on the biggest stage in the world. But that's what makes this main event so great...you really don't know who's going to win.

I've said it once and I'll say it again, the build for this Wrestlemania has been off the charts!! Good job by Vince, his staff and the boys.
So, in this thread, I'm asking - is there any scenario in which John Cena actually comes out on top?

I think simply put, NO. All the situations laid out by IC25 feel to me, to be inevitable should they occur.

I don't foresee any way that Cena turns heel. I think the WWE has spent a formidable amount of time reinforcing that the Cena heel turn is just not going to happen, at least not any time soon. IC25 made perfect points about the Make-a-Wish foundation, the kids it would let down and how they'd lose their hero, etc... The WWE just isn't going to throw all that away.

I once hypothesized that in the event of a Cena heel turn there is a strong possibility that the WWE ends up being in the same place with Cena, only the cheers and boos switch. I was thinking that if he turned heel what you might see happen is that the people who currently cheer Cena, buy his merchandise, and swear by his integrity, like the women and children, now begin to boo him for becoming a bad guy. Conversely, the same demographic that boo's now him switches stances because they get the Heel turn they've wanted for so long and they in turn begin to cheer him, buy the merchandise, and endorse the crap out of him in their own personal testaments. The fans switch places. The problem with this though, is that there is no guarantee that would happen, and if it didn't you just shot yourself in the foot for no reason.

Obviously in any situation that see's The Rock winning, Cena looks the worse for it, so that's not even worth discussing at the moment. If Cena gets a clean win though, I don't think there will be such a dramatic backlash. I don't think it will be a case where the majority are saying "He just beat a part-time wrestler/Hollywood actor". I think the only way he comes out on top is to beat The Rock clean and clear. Sure, the anit-Cena smarks will still be unhappy, but there is little pleasing them anyways. As has been said, you can't please everybody. However, a clean Cena victory says a lot more to the credit of Cena than any other situation. I only hope that the WWE doesn't taint this match in any way buy having someone interfere, causing one man or the other to win. This needs to be a clean win no matter who comes out on top.

I had thought about the possibility of a Miz interference myself just recently and how that makes a lot of sense as an easy out for both men technically. This is how you get either Rock or Cena the victory, without either man looking like he actually got beat, and in turn set up both a feud for John Cena for after WrestleMania, and put the pieces in place for another Rock-Cena match. This makes it to where either man can say to the other "You know you didn't beat me fair and square, your victory is tainted, The Miz saved your ass, I can beat you and you know it, let's do this once and for all".

I myself have a feeling that The Rock will win. If I am not mistaken, some time ago it was reported right here on WrestleZone that the WWE was planning on this feud being a series of 3 matches. If that is the case, I would think they have The Rock win at WrestleMania, in front of a Pro-Rock Miami Crowd, with Cena getting the eventual win in the feud. If we are thinking long term, this is the way to go. The Rock gets his big WrestleMania moment, his big win over Cena on The Grandest Stage of Them All, but Cena ultimately wins the feud. If this goes no further than WrestleMania, I think it more logical for Cena to win, but we don't know for sure what the case is, so we will just have to watch and see.
Cena. Can't. Lose.

There is no way Cena loses to a semi-retired, part-time wrestler. Let's be clear, Rock is the heel right now. As much as he's being cheered, he's still the heel to WWE's core audience (hint: WWE's core audience is no longer the IWC). Cena is the face. The heel's job is to get the face over. I give Rock all the credit in the world, he's made this and the last WM exciting. But he doesn't need this match as much as Cena.

I will literally be stunned if Cena loses. There is no doubt in my mind that Cena wins. One day he will pass the torch himself, but this Sunday is Rock's turn to pass the torch.

Passing the tourch does not apply here. Cena is far from the up and coming main event guy who needs a big win to get over. If anything Cena had the tourch passed to him in part during his first title run when he squashed established guys like Jericho and Angle and really got the thing when he made Trips and Shawn tap in consecutive Mania's. By that point he was established as the man. Beating or losing to The Rock does not hurt Cena because he is and has been the man for the past 5 years.

True examples of single match tourch passing would be Batista beating Trips at 21, Austin beating Michaels at 14, Michaels beating Bret at 12, Bret beating Yoko at 10 (this one is not as strong as he should have got the tourch a year earlier against Hogan but its Hogan so that can't happen) and Warrior beating Hogan at 6 (Knowing what I know about Hogan now makes this even more of an event).

Even though Rock is part time, I don't think this will be his last match. He has said he's never leaving and I think that mean we can expect him in a match or two every year for the next 3-5 years (This is big considering 7.5 years was the gap of his last two matches). Now if this is the case and he has at least a match a year for the foreseeable future, I don't think having him lose his first big match back is a good way to build the future anticipation for The Rock. All his matches are going to be big and if he losses his first one back that will hurt in building the next few.

It would almost be like if Michaels lost his return match at SummerSlam against Trips. That would have squashed the momentum of his return.
Passing the tourch does not apply here. Cena is far from the up and coming main event guy who needs a big win to get over. If anything Cena had the tourch passed to him in part during his first title run when he squashed established guys like Jericho and Angle and really got the thing when he made Trips and Shawn tap in consecutive Mania's. By that point he was established as the man. Beating or losing to The Rock does not hurt Cena because he is and has been the man for the past 5 years.

True examples of single match tourch passing would be Batista beating Trips at 21, Austin beating Michaels at 14, Michaels beating Bret at 12, Bret beating Yoko at 10 (this one is not as strong as he should have got the tourch a year earlier against Hogan but its Hogan so that can't happen) and Warrior beating Hogan at 6 (Knowing what I know about Hogan now makes this even more of an event).

Even though Rock is part time, I don't think this will be his last match. He has said he's never leaving and I think that mean we can expect him in a match or two every year for the next 3-5 years (This is big considering 7.5 years was the gap of his last two matches). Now if this is the case and he has at least a match a year for the foreseeable future, I don't think having him lose his first big match back is a good way to build the future anticipation for The Rock. All his matches are going to be big and if he losses his first one back that will hurt in building the next few.

It would almost be like if Michaels lost his return match at SummerSlam against Trips. That would have squashed the momentum of his return.

I disagree with the first point specifically. Look at how hated Cena is by the WWE Universe. Cena Sucks is it's own t-shirt. That can't be good for business to have the top face booed unmercifully. And what better way to get Cena over than to take the IWC's leader, get him to put over Cena, then shake his hand in the middle of the ring? That's the torch passing that I'm referring to and that's exactly what is going to happen on Sunday.

I agree it doesn't hurt Cena, but it doesn't do him any favours either. And I also agree that this won't be Rock's last match. But The Rock is a part-time wrestler who is the best in the business on the mic. He can get himself over in a promo. I don't think it hurts Rock to lose either. He'll still have his millions who will swear by him. Same as Hogan v. Rock at WM X8, it didn't hurt Hogan to have lost to The Rock. It did the opposite, it reinvigorated Hogan's character for a few months.

The issue is not who will be hurt more by the loss (neither man would be if they lost) nor is the issue about the meaningfulness of the torch being passed (I'm loosely paraphrasing your argument, based that you said other matches are 'true' examples of torch passing). The issue is that a star from yesterday will be putting over today's superstar. As it should be, as it always has been, as it always will be in the professional wrestling industry.
Whatever the outcome, people need to understand that Cena will NOT be turning heel in the forceable future, maybe NEVER. WWE would have to much to lose by turning Cena into a full blown heel at the moment.
I really don't see the point in The Rock coming back just to lose. What benefit would The Rock have from that? Apart from more $$$ in his account. It's not like Cena needs to get over. He's been over for years! I see it as The Rock trying to go down as the greatest superstar of all time. As he said, he's beat Hogan and Austin at Wrestlemania and now he is coming to beat the current biggest star to complete his legacy.
They could do a storyline if Cena loses where he could be mentally affected by his loss to The Rock, playing on his speech where he said that nobody remembers 2nd place etc and he could go on a bit of a losing streak before turning himself around and becoming "Super Cena" again.
As much as I can't stand Cena or any of his fans (I didn't know he had any until I came here)... he already won. The second that Rock came out with wrist notes, we saw that Rock was willing to put Cena over.

For a superstar like Rock to put over a nobody like Cena... it's unbelievable. It shows that Cena has won. That he can be as untalented as he is, and still get WWE to help him out as if he was a needy child. WWE edits out boos for him. They confiscate signs for him. And now they paid Rock to try to get fans for him.

So Cena can win, and already has. Let's hope he gets epically booed Sunday. he deserves any hate that comes his way.
I'd say have a rematch so Cena can be put over, but Rocky should probably win the match at Mania. The hometown is Rocky's hometown and the main thing is people just want to see Cena lose every once in a while.
I don't see how Cena can lose actually. If he does that would be two years in a row at Mania plus he got screwed over by the guy he's facing this year when he lost last year. There are plenty of people that want to see Cena win (me being one of them) and if you know anything about WWE you know people quite often lose in their hometowns. Granted WM is a bit bigger and different than your average RAW or SD, but this has been a pretty common trend.
Although I am pulling for The Rock, I don't see WWE giving him the W. Cena will win, unfortuanately, and continue to be rammed down our throats. This is a chance, however, for WWE to turn Cena heel. I could go into detail about how to turn him, but for time sakes, I will not do that at this time. I see Cena winning, shacking The Rocks hand and then Brock Lesnar coming in and delivering a very powerful F-5 to Cena. What are your thoughts on this?

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