Cena Can't Win

well first off Cena has to win. he's puttin in work everyday. and he's the face of the WWE so it would be a hard choice to turn him heel. So why not make the Rock Heel. I mean were gonna watch anyway. Im not sayin Cena is better then the Rock, trust me, no way in hell. Im sayin you dont have your top guy jobbin to someone that cant even get his ass to raw or PPV at least once a month. I'm sorry.
You forget, John Cena is an extreme blindspot for the WWE.

He's been mostly booed for 4-5 years now, ANY other guy would have been changed up or turned heel or moved around on the card.

From the incredibly terrible ways they've tried to get people to stop booing him recently, it's clear they still do not understand the real reason Cena is booed. They do idiotic things like having legends endorse him as "gee whiz, he's such a nice guy, stop booing him!", have him "look out for" popular mid card guys like Ryder (which has almost totally ruined Ryder's push), have Kane claim that people don't "really" boo Cena, they boo themselves, and they WILL have him beat the Rock clean and have the Rock shake his hand after the match and raise his arm. They actually think these things address the reasons he is booed.

It's terrible. TERRIBLE.

No one else gets this treatment. Even Hulk freaking Hogan was turned heel once they were booing him as a face in WCW for ages. The Rock went through the exact same situation where he was a boring goody two shoes shoved down the audience's throats, and booed for it, then they did they logical thing and turned him heel to make the crowd's boos work to their advantage (and it was the path that led him to becoming a megastar) They just have a foolish blindspot where Cena is concerned, where all logic is defied.
I can see this match ending in a mess just like HOGAN V SID did at WRESTLEMANIA 8. only this time Kane being the intruder, ROCK to win by DQ, and the idea of CENA going heel will be treatened during the bout, cena wont go heel, both ROCK and CENA will jointly whoop Kanes ass at the end of this bout.
Ok, here is my idea.

First off, let's start with where we are now. Cena WILL rise above the hate and beat Kane. However, he will explain to Kane that he is not using hate to beat him. He is just going back to his roots and remembering what got him to the main event in the first place. In other words, Ruthless Aggression. When the Rock comes back, Cena doesn't try to trash talk the Rock with the "via satellite" jokes. He just comes out every week and says he is ready to beat the hell out of him at Mania. Make Cena as serious and driven as possible. Make it clear that he wants to win this match more than any match he has ever had, and bring some edge and fury back into his character.

Then, during the match itself, Cena needs to beat Rock clean, and he needs to do so in a way that makes it clear that the Rock never carried him during the match. To do this, show Cena using the five moves of doom on the Rock, but it never works. All of Cena's traditional moves fail on the Rock, and he is forced to try new moves in order to beat him. Use a sharpshooter, turn an AA into a Torture Rack, do some reversals or rollups, or keep the fight to the mat. Whatever it is, Cena needs to do something new to make a victory over the Rock seem legit rather than forced. It has to be clear that the Rock has forced Cena to perform at a level he never has before. It makes both wrestlers look good, and gives WWE the result they are looking for.
I guess if the match is booked properly, both guys can leave Wrestlemania with their heads held high. Unless they are going for the Cena heel turn at Wrestlemania, which I doubt, I see them shaking hands and holding each others arms up tl end the show, possibly after a run in and double team on some heels.
It makes zero sense for Cena to lose, and having the Rock get beat in his hometown, perhaps the same weekend he goes into the HOF .......THE CROWD COULD LITERALLY RIOT IF CENA WINS.
Though, this would spike international exposure and ratings for Raw would soar the following night.
John Cena will win. Rock is going back to make movies and Cena is WWE's poster boy. He'll definitely win and they'll have The Rock shake his hand and hug him or something after the match to kind of, "pass the torch". =/
i think wm 28 is set for john cena to become a heel everything is indicating towards one same thing that john cena will become heel at wm 28 and its also time for some change in john cena's character
BlueLightning here is correct. John Cena really can't go full on heel. However, he can really set the bar incredibly high in terms of a booed babyface. The major problem is, John Cena just can't be a bad guy. He is a pop-culture icon for younger audiences. He fills the role, and quite beautifully actually as hero for children around the world. Now don't get me wrong, I hate the character but John Cena isn't directed at me. John Cena's video package airing at Royal Rumble really helped put this into perspective for me. The older audience has their man in CM Punk, the teenagers especially have their Randy Orton and going into Mania our Attitude Era has The Rock.

Rock will, and should lose to John Cena, finally closing the book on that era of wrestling. The attitude era just is not possible anymore. Just as Hogan's era ended for Rocky, and Andre's to Hogan, John Cena will pick up the ball and keep running with it.

There will be people who aren't happy with it, but it's time, and it's necessary. Let John Cena usher in the new era, where perhaps the lines will blur even further. Let Cena be that face that you love to boo, let Orton be that heel you love to cheer, and let things go how they will.

Even though I'd rather see The Rock win, I know Cena is the best choice, and maybe it can lead to some good things.
I dont, no i CANT see Cena winning at Wrestlemania. And its not because i dont like the guy, because i honestly do. I respect the work ethic that he's shown..its just that if he wins at Mania the WWE is throwing away the easiest way to turn him heel (if that's what they're trying to do). and this is the reason why:


That video explains everything. Cena says this match means everything to him. So if he loses the match, hasn't he lost everythng? So wouldnt it be easy for him to say screw everyone if he lost everything?

I believe that after the match, the rock is gonna win and he's gonna offer cena a handshake. Cena will accept, pull him in, AA and beat the Hell out of the rock.

If Cena doesn't turn heel, then i honestly believe the WWE has lost the biggest opportunity it's had in a very long time. I honestly think it could be bigger than Hogan joining the nWo.
I cannot see Cena losing this match. No way does a guy who has wrestled a handful of matches in the past 8 years come in and beat Vince's golden boy in the main event of WrestleMania. I'd prefer to see The Rock win, but I think there's more chance of Curt Hawkins ending Undertaker's streak than there is of Cena losing to the Rock.
I've looked around this thread a bit, and from what I've seen, a lot of people think that Cena will lose, or just can't win due to multiple reasons.

I don't see how Cena will lose to be honest. I think this is an exact parallel of Wrestlemania 18, which pitted the Rock (the mainstay and face of the company at the time) against Hogan (the old face of the company who had returned, but ultimately passed the torch). Now, ten years later at WM28, I think we'll have Cena (the new face of the company) going over the Rock (the old face of the company, now passing the torch) in a long, grueling match, but getting the clean victory. I think the match will be very similar to the Rock/Hogan. I think there will be a lot of playing off the crowd, with the crowd cheering both throughout the match. But, just as Rock did ten years ago, I think Cena will get the clean victory.

Now as to why: What benefit would The Rock get from winning? He'll be gone again for who knows how long after he wraps up his program with Cena. Now, I know Cena doesn't really need the win either, but he's the one who's signed to the company. How would it have looked if Hogan beat The Rock ten years ago? The WWE builds up this guy (The Rock) just to have someone who had been with the company years ago, left for greener pastures, just to return to beat him? That would've been wrong, just as it will be wrong now.

And who cares if the crowd is behind The Rock at Wrestlemania? Re-watch WM18. The crowd was largely behind Hogan to the surprise of the WWE, but he lost anyway. Cena will beat The Rock and officially have the pass torched to him, even though he's the face of the company already. It's the changing of the guard, just as it was exactly 10 years ago.

I don't see how Cena can lose.
I don't see how Cena can lose.

I don't have an issue with any of your post because it was logical but the point is, the crowd will go nuts (in a bad way) when cena wins. thats how he loses. he will get sooo much more heat if he wins this match.

which obviously doesn't mean a whole lot to him, he'll keep on doing what he does, but still
I don't see the crowd as being any different than a normal Cena match. The only difference is that Rock is just as over as Cena, so the crowd will simply be louder. The hometown effect will also be a factor, but I still see the male teen/adult demographic rooting for Rocky while Cena holds steadfast to the kids/females. The major difference will be how vocal the split is.
This may be one of the matches that im not really too excited about, this match really doesnt mean anything, to me, its just another attempt to create Rocky vs Hogan again, but it wont happen, it was just a brilliant money making plan for WWE. But i do expect to see Cena winning, after alll, it is mania, and it is Cena, and last, Rocky never wins at mania.
I think a match like this needs to be just enjoyed.. and this thread is a possible indication as to why "the IWC" is so hated.

I don't like The Rock or Cena, this match doesn't mean much to me... but to the majority of people this is the biggest match that could be booked in today's era with both guys in their prime when it comes to physical condition.

Therefore I think we should stop over thinking it and just watch a drop down drag out fight between these two guys, where they beat each other until they no longer stand... and then Cena drapes the arm over and gets the 1.2.3. Both guys shake hands at the end, Rock passes the torch and makes his "adult fans" approve of Cena so he gets cheered.

Cena makes the company more money. Rock is now an even bigger legend and everyone goes home happy.
The whole crowd is going to be against Cena so instead of turning heel Cena will do the whole Rise above the hate and win the Rock at the End will shake his hand and everything will be lovey dovey.
The ultimate greatest thing this match did, was keep cena out of the title picture. im not another cena hater, but i dont love him either. just like to see someone else beside Cena goin for the world title at mania for the first time since 05!
The ultimate greatest thing this match did, was keep cena out of the title picture. im not another cena hater, but i dont love him either. just like to see someone else beside Cena goin for the world title at mania for the first time since 05!
Since 2005? He didn't hold the title from October 2, 2007 to September 13, 2009.

People who hate Cena (not necessarily the poster above) overrate how much he's had the title. The only difference between how Cena is booked and how Rock/Austin were booked is that unlike Austin, Cena mostly stays healthy and unlike Rock, he sticks around. Cena has held the title for about half as many days as Hogan and about one fourth as many days as Bruno.

I don't see how Cena CAN'T win. It'd be stupid, it'd shit all over the current generation if he lost. The fickle Miami fans (they're known as the biggest bandwagon fans in all of sports) will boo Cena, but it doesn't matter, that IS John Cena. That's the iconic image of Cena, being the all american good guy despite living in an era of anti-heros. It's why he's one of the best babyfaces ever. He is good regardless of what anyone, even the haters, say. BTW, the haters booing him isn't a bad thing. If it were, they would have left by now. Instead they're showing to boo him and buying "Cena sucks" shirst. Being over is being over.
I am pretty much the exact opposite as the OP on this, I don't really see how he can lose. Let's take a look.

1. The Rock is obviously not going to be staying around much, just doing guest appearances here and there, so to have the Rock win would pretty much negate the fact that Cena, like him or not (and I don't) is the face of the company and had been for quite a while.

2. Lets say Cena turns heel before then, it would be a better story and more effective for his turn in my opinion by getting the cheap win over the Rock.

3. If Cena stays face we will more than likely see the traditional passing of the torch type match where he goes over the Rock clean and the Rock recognizes it possibly saying something along the lines of he had to push Cena's buttons to make sure he was worthy of carrying the company into the future.

From a business standpoint it would be the same, arguably the biggest draw in WWE in the past several years losing to a man (legend or not) who is only doing a 'guest spot' on the biggest night of the year? Why? I would completely understand Cena losing if the Rock was actually returning to the ring on a full time schedule but he is not, is it possible? Sure its WWE anything is possible I just do not see any feasible scenario in which Cena HAS to lose or CAN'T win, but these are my opinions, take them how you will.
I think we all agree - especially the most recent posters - that there's no way Cena will lose. The only question remains, how will Cena become a face that night?

I bet Creative is thinking of someway to rehash the Hart v. Austin double switch from WM13, but in my mind, its damn near impossible to get fans in Miami to cheer Cena that night.
First off, there is no way in HELL that Cena is gonna get cheered in Miami. Vicki Guerrero has a better chance of being asked to pose for playboy than that happening. Secondly, like i said in my first post, If the WWE doesnt turn Cena heel, they are missing out one one of the biggest opportunities they've had in a long time. They really don't need Cena for the Merch anymore, ( I still know his stuff is flying off the shelves) because they have punk; the only thing that could potentially be a problem is the make a wish stuff.
Cena will never be heel, just like hogan in the 80's, Cena is this generations equivalent to that. when i was younger i loved austin, like everybody else. and i was still little and booed the bad guys, loved the good guys, then they tried to turn Steve heel by joining Mcmahon, but i still loved him, cuz nothing changed about him, and even little kids still loved heel austin, and i think the same thing would happen with Cena.
And I'm not saying he can't as in "I don't want him to win." He just can't win. No matter what. He's painted into a corner.

Let me preface with this - I'm a John Cena guy. I haven't always been - loved the white rapper gimmick, and went kinda soft on him when he won his first title. always respected him, but never fell on either side of the love or the hate machine. That's all changed in the past year-and-a-half, and I'm firmly a Cena guy. I would order a "Rise Above Hate" shirt, except I'm holding out for a better S(h)eamus shirt or a new Jericho shirt. Whatever, point is, I like the guy a great deal, especially his grace in holding himself above the unwarranted anger and sanguine venom 40% of the fans have spewed his way.

That said - he can't win with The Rock at Mania. Let's review scenarios:

1. Cena goes over clean. Now, Cena is "being forced down peoples throats" again (total BS) and "still sucks because all he did was beat an over the hill movie star."

2. Rock goes over Cena clean. "Cena sucks he lost to an over the hill movie star."

3. Cena stays face. Cena "sucks, I've Cena-nuff, blah blah blah."

4. Cena goes heel. "We saw that coming a mile away" and then the Make a Wish foundation loses its #1 personality while millions of kids - whose live event tickets cost the same as every obnoxiously smarky 22 year-old - are left without an icon, since nobody else fits the bill.

So, in this thread, I'm asking - is there any scenario in which John Cena actually comes out on top?

I'm also a Cena guy. Always have been but there's a bit of logic here. Let's take a look at Wrestlemania X8. Hulk Hogan v The Rock. That match COULD have had Hogan win but at the time The Rock was big and had a bright future in the company. At the time he could have ran the ball farther than anyone else... of course things changed and he left but he won the match in a moment of passing the torch. Cena took the torch in 2005 and never looked back. This match with The Rock should see Cena win... convincingly. Make it a hell of a match. They can tell a great story but Cena does need more edge to his character. He is going in as the heel (in this case similar to One Night Stand 06). If he doesn't win that means he's not the company guy. It is that simple. No other match in history has been this long in the making. It was signed almost a year ago so you'd expect Cena to get the payoff ultimately.... Cena will win but how he wins remains to be seen...
I'm actually questioning the whole "turning him heel" moment. Think about this, NO ONE expected Hogan to turn heel. That's why it was awesome. EVERYONE expects Cena to turn....so where is the novelty?

Think about this, EVERYONE expects Cena to turn heel, instead, he reaches out, and shakes Rock's hand. To me that's a bigger character moment than him turning heel. When at the moment even his most diehard fans thought he was going to turn, he stayed true to his character and was still the all american good guy. I think that's better for the character and a more interesting idea. Plus it's not like they can't tweak him how he is like they have been doing.

In any scenario, Cena comes out on top. A lot of you guys still think and book like it's 1960. It's not. No one believes it's a real fight. No matter what, Cena comes out looking like the face of this generation who went against the face (sorta, Rock isn't Austin) of the previous generation. If Cena wins, nobody is going to legitimately say "well he beat an over the hill movie star". If he loses, yea, it looks bad, because it looks like WWE doesn't have faith in the current group.

Whether Cena turns heel or not, there isn't a set, defined reaction. It's HOW they do it. They can keep him face or turn him heel in a way that is interesting. It just depends how. I honestly don't know how. It's uncharted territory because cena is a completely unique character (don't feed me the 'HEZ TEH HOGUNSZZ!!!', he's not, his reaction and how they manipulate the audience is completely unique). Nobody has ever went with a split reaction this way and worked both sides as much, as well, or as long as Cena.

I've never been as interested in a match as I am for Cena vs Rock. They've had a year to put this together, Rock and Cena are both pros and you know Vince and everyone else has had their opinion in on how the match should go. I have no clue how they are going to work it. Do you have Rock heel? Do you have Rock try to cheat to win? Do you have Cena have the opportunity to cheat but he doesn't? How do you work this match?
The idea that Cena can't win because he'll do it clean, as a face, same old crap, and that would be the same shoving down our throats, etc. That idea doesn't go anywhere.

See, the WWE have an extreme blind spot when it comes to Cena. He WILL win clean, and the Rock will shake his hand after the match, and it will be all lovely and golden for our hero John Cena. That's how the WWE sees Cena. Any other person who was booed like he has been would have been turned heel in the first year of it. He's been booed by most of the audience for over 5 years.

They refuse to change their view of him. He's getting the superman face booking, and they refuse to acknowledge any negative reactions. In the last few months, they finally acknowledged he is booed, and of coure brushed it off with lame, LAME attempts to get him not booed (which generally consisted of "come on, look how nice he is, don't boo him, he's so hard working!").

Even the feud with Kane, normally it would be to give his character a new edge or attitude to make him more fresh for his match with the Rock, or even to turn him heel outright, but no, it was all pointless. As usual Cena didn't change at all, he "rose above hate", stayed the same old super Cena.

In all honesty, he should win at WM, simply because if your biggest star gets beaten on the biggest stage of the year by yesterday's biggest star, that's just hurting your own product. However, he should have been turned heel, or at least, have been given a real makeover in his character to give him an edge he hasn't had in 7 years. Instead he'll make some lame jokes, brush off all of the Rock's insults with a Twitter reference or something, and respect the hell out of the Rock, and go on to win squeaky clean and continue past WM as Super Cena. That is so god damn boring.

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