Cena Can't Win

I'm thinking right now that Cena beats the Rock clean. All signs in kayfabe point towards this; Rock cost Cena the match at Mania last year, Rock turns on Cena at SS; Rock runs down Cena and his abilities all year. It's pretty obvious that WWE is pushing this whole Rise Above Hate slogan as a way to get Cena over Rock in a belieable way, and still pass the torch. I'm assuming that what this match symbolizes, the passing of the torch from one generation to the next.

The fans can either shit all over this, or sit back and enjoy the ride. Honestly, I think most of the fans that boo Cena nowadays don't do so because they hate him, they do so because it's culture. It like the show just doesn't seem right without it. It was like chanting "You Suck" at Kurt Angle, or chanting "You Screwed Bret" at Michaels even years after the Screwjob.

The Rock isn't Hogan, so I doubt this match will go the way of Hogan vs Michaels like it did in 2007.
Well with internet crowd and haters I'm damn sure he can't win, with his fans he will win anyway.

That's the only boring thing I find in Cena, No matter the feud or story, the same people cheer him and the same people boo him. No shifting at all.

So for haters, especially internet ones, what IC said is true, no matter what they will keep on hating for whatever reason that they were hating him before.

But for his fans, It can go down two ways 1) he remains face, which keeps the same people on his side 2) he turns heel, which has been overly discussed but still if it's done correctly can be interesting. His fans probably will turn on him (who knows maybe the haters become fans too) and we get the only possible change that we can get from Cena.

Either way, I'm personally gonna just watch the damn thing and try to have fun, discussion and debating over Cena is a subtle way of wasting time.
the only way cena wins if he puts on one hell of a match , then he will gain respect ,people don't hate cena ,they just boo because everyone else does , they know deep down how much he does for the company
Isn't there supposed to be a Best of Three Series? If so The Rock is likely to win at WrestleMania. All this heel turn hints won't culminate til WM28.

I see two scenerios happening. One similar to RockvsAustinWM17 where Cena can't be the Rock clean and have him finally cheat for a victory.
Second is like what arttagboy said, have Cena have the Rock beat, but the reg gets knocked out, or distracted whatever, and have The Rock win then beat the crap outta Rock.

Either way it won't matter who wins or loses because the bigger story is gonna be Cena turning heel, so I don't necessarily think Cena needs the victory.
Nope. Cena can't win. Seeing as how he's been put in this spot before, the first time when RVD Cashed in Money in the Bank at One Night Stand, Mind youthey gave it to RVD but it's cause the fans, Signs reading 'If Cena wins, We riot'. He was put into the corner again at MiTB in Chicago, Signs were hanging 'IF CENA WINS, WE RIOT' Again Cena lost the match. I see a trend here. Going into WM28 the only way for Cena to win is to lose to the Rock but the Rock helping him up and shaking his hand, telling the fans that Cena's not as bad is people think. WE all know this is a match set up so that 'The Rock' can be put over just like they did matches with the Big Show the past few years.

Cena's screwed, the end.
I believe there is one scenario to be taken into consideration that could bring some much needed cheers for Cena and also have the Rock being the idol that he had become... While I highly doubt that the WWE as well as Cena would agree to such a match I am positive that it would change quite a few fans opinion on Johnny boy.. Ok here we go... Leading up to WM28 it's gonna be the same old shit we hear from both of them, you know ripping on cena for being fruity, ripping on Rock for his name Dwayne, his role of the tooth fairy and so on and so on.. It will culminate in such a on screen hatred for each other that the only way to resolve the issues will be in a hell in a cell match.. The match will start with huge boos for Cena and Rocky chants galore.. Cena will be on the offensive first with a series of near pins and the crowd booing like you've never heard before, Rocky will then start a comeback and have a couple near falls over Cena.. After a couple of nearfalls the Rock gets pissed and tries some tactics to gain momentum... this is where wwe and cena go wrong and do not allow the action to take place, but it would put cena over on the fans... Rocky grabs a chair ala Mankinds I quit match and starts to go to work on cena, Head shots are the only way to make this possible, a few back shots then at least 3-5 head shots... Cena will definitely have to blade for the visual effects as well as the flat out pain he will endure... Rocky will have to basically drag cena back into the ring as this will take place throughout the cell and perhaps outside.. Rocky will attempt the pin and Cena will kick out.. Cena will make a small retaliation, but to no avail, Rocky is just bigger and better...Next up is going to be a rock bottom thru both announce tables and a few irish whips into the cell busting open one of the vertical walls... Rocky will then take cena into the ring and apply the STF on cena at which point you will hear the glass break and Austin comes into the cage flips off the Rock and Stuns him, helps Cena to his feet flips him off and stuns him and leaves them lying on the mat with one arm on top of each other for a double pinfall.. At some point in the match you will hear some of the holy shit chants giving cena credit for allowing someone to beat the hell out of him, He doesn't win, but he also doesn't leave and the crowd gets exactly what they want...
A truly thought provoking topic. Cena's in a pretty tight situation that could end not so well. If we're talking about outcomes that would positively affect the crowd's opinion on Cena, then it's all really left up to chance. The crowd could honestly throw a curve ball at the end of the match and cheer for both men regardless of who wins. However, the best bet would be to assume that the crowd hates Cena no matter the circumstance. It's not like Rock vs Hogan, where Hogan got the surprising cheers. This is Rock's hometown and fewer kids go to Wrestlemania. The crowd is going to be hot for Rock. WWE really needs to come up with something that could potentially get Cena over.

It is very difficult to come up with a scenario that keeps the majority happy. For me I think the best scenario would be to keep Cena a face. I think everyone jumps to the conclusion that he needs to turn heel because they're just tired of his current character. They need to repackage him in some different way, yet keep him a face. His merchandise sells well with the younger audience and WWE will likely want to milk that for all its worth. However, giving him a revamped character may change the audience's attitude towards him.

As for the build up I think Rock really needs to start making actual appearances on RAW so that this feud can actually have some substance. He needs to have some matches and him and Cena need to start physically confronting eachother more. So far we've had Cena AA the Rock and the Rock screw Cena at WM and give him a rock bottom after their tag match. The build up will be just as important as the match itself. Both men need to come off aggressive and strong. Cena needs to stop using the same schtick with Rock about him being gone for 7 years and how Cena's been out there every night putting on a show. He needs to start focusing in how he thinks he can beat the Rock. He needs to stop acknowledging how much people hate him. He needs to focus on the Rock. This gives him more room to change his character rather than being "PG Cena." The Rock simply needs to keep cutting the best promos he can and show Cena a challenge. He needs to show that he believes he can beat Cena.

And finally the match. Firstly, the Rock should not dominate Cena, nor should Cena dominate him. Both men need to have a competitive match that demonstrates their desire to win. Here we see Cena use a bigger and more unique arsenal. Possibly see him get a little cocky with his moves. Maybe steal a move or two from the Rock to show that arrogance. The Rock should give him all he has and also steal a move or two. I'm sure the Miami crowd would love the Rock's rendition of the Five Knuckle Shuffle. After putting on a "slobber knocker" of a match, Cena should win against the Rock. Right before Cena leaves, Rock turns him around looking like he's about to give him a Rock Bottom but instead extends his hand out and both men shake hands. From there, the Rock raises Cena's arm and puts him over with his hometown crowd.

That's how I see it. Cena changes his character, doesn't go "super cena" in his match, stays face, and gets a rub from Rock that may get him over with the fans. From there, if the Rock is open for more matches, both men can carry on the feud and Rock can best Cena in at least one match. However, right now as what seems to be a one match deal, I think it would be better for Cena to win. Rock's schedule is too filled for him to make constant appearances and there's a strong possibility that he'll finish up after his match with Cena after WM. If that becomes the case, then Rock winning over Cena would do little for WWE. This match is pretty huge and it's a dream match for me. WWE needs to capitalize on this potential and do something different. Hopefully this doesn't turn into another failed feud like so many other feuds before it.
I've thought the same thing more than once in the past, I've just come to expect & accept it.

I'm not a huge Cena guy, never have but I do like the guy and he has always gotten more than his fair share of hate. No matter what happens with him at WrestleMania against The Rock, no matter what direction his character takes and no matter how truthful it is that he makes a ton of money for WWE, he's going to face more than his fair share of criticism.

Is there any realistic scenario in which Cena comes out ahead in the minds of those fans who flat out despise him? Not a chance. Some of those people just flat out hate the air he breathes. If John Cena was a country, the smarky haters would petition the UN to burn every bit of vegetation and salt the land afterward so nothing could ever grow again.
I have no clue how it will go. Cena has said he wants to make it a title match.

Well why bring The Rock back, in his home town to lose?

But you can't have him as champion unless he comes back full time.
But why build him up and bring in a guy to hate on Cena just to lose?

Too many questions currently exist to predict a winner
I have no clue how it will go. Cena has said he wants to make it a title match.

Well why bring The Rock back, in his home town to lose?

But you can't have him as champion unless he comes back full time.
But why build him up and bring in a guy to hate on Cena just to lose?

Too many questions currently exist to predict a winner

Isn't it obvious? This match is symbolic of the WWE passing the torch between one generation gap to the other. The fans that were watching during the Attitude Era are getting older, and probably won't remain avid fans of the product for much longer.

It makes very little sense from both a kayfabe and business point of view to bury the current face of the company to a guy that was once the face of the company 7 years ago and who no longer entertains full time.
Isn't it obvious? This match is symbolic of the WWE passing the torch between one generation gap to the other. The fans that were watching during the Attitude Era are getting older, and probably won't remain avid fans of the product for much longer.

It makes very little sense from both a kayfabe and business point of view to bury the current face of the company to a guy that was once the face of the company 7 years ago and who no longer entertains full time.

This makes a lot of sense and in a way I feel like its a passing of the torch, even if they are only 5 years apart, I just don't want it to be this big match where we see Super Cena come back from a beating with his 5 moves of doom then have the Rock shake his hand after the match and go on about Cena earned his respect then that be the end. Maybe I'm blinded by that hope
This makes a lot of sense and in a way I feel like its a passing of the torch, even if they are only 5 years apart, I just don't want it to be this big match where we see Super Cena come back from a beating with his 5 moves of doom then have the Rock shake his hand after the match and go on about Cena earned his respect then that be the end. Maybe I'm blinded by that hope

And why would that be a bad thing? Cena getting a show of respect from the Rock after what should be a fantastic match -and both men could be considered "super", and both of them have their own "5 moves of doom"- would really sell the passing of the torch.

I'm just getting tired of the whole "Cena's turning heel" thing that the IWC seems vehement on pushing.
I think the two should have a solid match and when they're well beat up theres an interference by someone who has reason to attack The Rock, hopefully Miz or CM Punk, and hands Cena a chair and gives him the opportunity to take out Rock but he refuses and fights them and hes caught off guard by Rock, who hits the rock bottom, pins, the ref gets up, and the match is over. That way Cena can brag about doing the right thing and Rock can brag about winning. The two realize the interference and it leaves the door open to a rematch and a possible match with whoever interfered.
And why would that be a bad thing? Cena getting a show of respect from the Rock after what should be a fantastic match -and both men could be considered "super", and both of them have their own "5 moves of doom"- would really sell the passing of the torch.

I'm just getting tired of the whole "Cena's turning heel" thing that the IWC seems vehement on pushing.

I'm a total attitude era mark. I know it won't come back but I still like the guys from that era. You make fine points I just can't get over my Cena dislike. My admitting it doesn't make it better but I want The Rock to win but it makes sense to have him lose

Without sounding elitist or like a wrestling hipster I dislike Cena before he became what he was today. Even when he was a heel I was a big Kurt Angle fan and when Cena debuted and almost beat Kurt I was upset and my hatred for him started there.
I never liked Cena. Not during his heel rapper phase nor his good guy phase. What made my dislike grow to hatred was the fact that this crappy wrestler was forced so heavily upon me and that he could never lose. I think that's the reason a lot of people hate him. There have been wrestlers in the past that had corny/crappy gimmicks that I didn't like. But with those wrestlers it wasn't a big deal because they won some and lost some and then were off TV. With Cena he always won, he was always opening and closing, he is plastered over everything and the belt is always around his waist. That's why fans are so passionate in their hatred for him. They just don't like having him forced upon them so much. I think for a lot of people(at least myself) the whole reason they wanted to see a Cena vs Rock match was because Rock was someone who conquered so many odds and would be the one guy who could come in and get more cheers while whooping Cena's ass and actually beat him. I think people just want to see him lose. Having him beat Rock in his home town is only going to make the problem worse. He'd be less hated if he would just lose IMO. And will someone please explain to me how a loss to The Rock would make ANYONE look weak?
They just don't like having him forced upon them so much. I think for a lot of people(at least myself) the whole reason they wanted to see a Cena vs Rock match was because Rock was someone who conquered so many odds and would be the one guy who could come in and get more cheers while whooping Cena's ass and actually beat him. I think people just want to see him lose. Having him beat Rock in his home town is only going to make the problem worse. He'd be less hated if he would just lose IMO. And will someone please explain to me how a loss to The Rock would make ANYONE look weak?

First, if the fans hated Cena that much, and really found him to be as laborious as you describe him they simply wouldn't support him. They wouldn't buy any of his merchandise, they wouldn't buy PPV's that feature him in the main event, and they wouldn't watch the shows that give him air time... but yet the fans do all of these things A LOT, even the fans that claim to hate him soooooooo much.

Second, Cena IS the top drawing, top selling face of the company right now and has been for years. Unlike the Rock, Cena busts his ass for the fans week in and week out. It makes ZERO sense for WWE to job their top money-maker to a guy that, as of now, has no desire to return to action anytime soon. It is obvious that WWE is trying to pass the torch between Rock and Cena.
I don't understand why people still have hate for Rock. If it wasn't for him WWF wouldn've probably went under. Then people go nuts for a Lesnar to return, after the fact he left WWE hanging big time.

Anyhow I personaly don't care what happens. I'm going to actually order the PPV with an open mind so I won't feel let down.
First, if the fans hated Cena that much, and really found him to be as laborious as you describe him they simply wouldn't support him. They wouldn't buy any of his merchandise, they wouldn't buy PPV's that feature him in the main event, and they wouldn't watch the shows that give him air time... but yet the fans do all of these things A LOT, even the fans that claim to hate him soooooooo much.

I feel that way about him. So do my friends that watch wrestling. We aren't going to stop watching something because of the guy. We don't nuy his merch nor do those in attendance yelling that he sucks. The main event isn't the only match in the PPV plus he wouldn't be the only person in the match. I don't know why it's hard to believe that not everyone loves the guy and some people actually hate him. It's not all that far fetched.

Second, Cena IS the top drawing, top selling face of the company right now and has been for years. Unlike the Rock, Cena busts his ass for the fans week in and week out.

You're right he is the top drawing top selling face of the company. I never denied that. That has nothing to do with anything I mentioned. Yes Cena does bust his ass every week. It's his job and he gets paid millions to do it. Not to mention that he has an easy role. He just has to pander to the kids and say generic face things. Then when he wrestles he just has to sell a beating until it's time for his 5 moves of doom to win him every match and championships galore. The Rock already did his time and paid his dues. The Rock was one of the key players in winning the Monday Night War, which was a threat to the company that now pays Cena. Not to mention that during that time he had to come up with funny and creative promos every week on top of wrestling good matches. Back then wrestlers couldn't get away with the easy 5 moves of doom formula that's used today. If they did the company would have gone out of business. The Rock has already contributed more to the company than Cena can in his career.

It makes ZERO sense for WWE to job their top money-maker to a guy that, as of now, has no desire to return to action anytime soon. It is obvious that WWE is trying to pass the torch between Rock and Cena.

You're right. I'm not arguing the logic at all. I only said that him getting his ass kicked is a big reason why a lot people wanted to see the match in the first place. I understand that Cena is going to win. I understand that they are passing the torch. All I'm saying is that those that hate him will hate him more. Losing and showing some humility would make a lot of people hate him less. It's not like he needs this win. He's already achieved everything, he is already the top guy and that's not going to change. It's not as if he is facing an old man like Hogan vs Rock. He's going against a relatively young guy who is in great shape. But again. I know he's the top guy and that they will pass the torch when they make him win. The WWE does this often and it makes sense business wise. Not going to deny that.
I've thought the same thing more than once in the past, I've just come to expect & accept it.

I'm not a huge Cena guy, never have but I do like the guy and he has always gotten more than his fair share of hate. No matter what happens with him at WrestleMania against The Rock, no matter what direction his character takes and no matter how truthful it is that he makes a ton of money for WWE, he's going to face more than his fair share of criticism.

Is there any realistic scenario in which Cena comes out ahead in the minds of those fans who flat out despise him? Not a chance. Some of those people just flat out hate the air he breathes. If John Cena was a country, the smarky haters would petition the UN to burn every bit of vegetation and salt the land afterward so nothing could ever grow again.

That's the way I look at it too. And really what good does a Cena heel turn and The Rock winning do? Like it or not Cena moves merch and makes money. Sure Punk is currently ahead of him but it ain't like Cena completely fell off the face of the earth. So if WWE were to go in this direction two things happen, A. WWE loses a major money maker by turning him heel and B. They make the current product look weak by having one of the top guys lose to a guy who only shows up for a cup of coffee every few years to shill whatever crappy movie he's in at the moment.

And for what? To appease a group of fans who most of the fans from that era have moved on to MMA, Jersey Shore, or whatever the hell and those who do stick around are mostly the whiny smarks who piss, bitch, and moan about everything.

The day after `Mania heel turn or not the Sun will rise in the East and set in the West and the IWC Piss Bitch & Moan society will still tune in same bat time, same bat channel no matter how much they gripe.

And gripe they will. they'll aways gripe about something, anything simply for the sake of griping. Maybe they'll cry about the spot it was on the card, they'll cry about having seen it comin', they'll cry about shenanigans in the main event at `Mania, Hell they'll even cry about what color shirt Cena wore.
I feel that way about him. So do my friends that watch wrestling. We aren't going to stop watching something because of the guy. We don't nuy his merch nor do those in attendance yelling that he sucks. The main event isn't the only match in the PPV plus he wouldn't be the only person in the match. I don't know why it's hard to believe that not everyone loves the guy and some people actually hate him. It's not all that far fetched.

I've always found it to be hilarious when Cena haters make this argument that they aren't supporting Cena will turn around and pay X amount of their hard earned money just to go to a live show and boo him. That act in itself is giving support to Cena. Are you planning on buying Anti-Cena merchandise? If you do, you'll be supporting Cena.

That has nothing to do with anything I mentioned.

Yes it does. You said it baffled you how a loss to the Rock would make someone look weak, and I'm telling you that as the current face of the company losing to someone like the Rock [who does not even wrestle full time anymore] would only be detrimental to Cena.

Not to mention that he has an easy role. He just has to pander to the kids and say generic face things.

You're joking right? You think it's easy on Cena doing all of the extra interviews and special event venues that he does and STILL finds the time to be a complete professional to everyone that he meets? How laughable...

Then when he wrestles he just has to sell a beating until it's time for his 5 moves of doom to win him every match and championships galore. The Rock already did his time and paid his dues.

Congratulations. You just described the match of every face since Hulk Hogan, including the majority of the Rock's matches as well. And are trying to tell me that Cena hasn't paid his dues? Again, laughable...

The Rock was one of the key players in winning the Monday Night War, which was a threat to the company that now pays Cena. Not to mention that during that time he had to come up with funny and creative promos every week on top of wrestling good matches.

True, but I personally would give more credit to Austin, as WCW was already beginning to die once the Rock took the reigns. And Cena can be creative, just look at his time as rapper Cena; talent like that just doesn't spontaneously disappear.

Back then wrestlers couldn't get away with the easy 5 moves of doom formula that's used today. If they did the company would have gone out of business. The Rock has already contributed more to the company than Cena can in his career.

Pure redundancy at this point.

You're right. I'm not arguing the logic at all. I only said that him getting his ass kicked is a big reason why a lot people wanted to see the match in the first place. I understand that Cena is going to win. I understand that they are passing the torch. All I'm saying is that those that hate him will hate him more. Losing and showing some humility would make a lot of people hate him less. It's not like he needs this win. He's already achieved everything, he is already the top guy and that's not going to change. It's not as if he is facing an old man like Hogan vs Rock. He's going against a relatively young guy who is in great shape. But again. I know he's the top guy and that they will pass the torch when they make him win. The WWE does this often and it makes sense business wise. Not going to deny that.

Funny that you mentioned Rock vs Hogan as Rock vs Cena is pretty much the same senario. I remember how the fans booed the Rock in favor of Hogan, the same way they're going to boo Cena in favor of the Rock. Even though the Rock won that match against Hogan, would it have hurt him if he had lost? Did he really need the win? I think the outcome of that match was significant and by all means important because it symbolized the passing of the torch from Hogan to the Rock.

Rock vs Cena isn't just about passing the torch, it symbolizes the WWE moving from one era to the next. If Cena loses at Mania, what kind of message does that send? That Cena and all the other greats that will come after him are less than guys like the Rock? That the Attitude Era was the best era that the WWE has ever had, and will ever have? That the WWE is on a steady decline because they'll never be able to reach the same pinnacle that they once achieved?

The older fans that are having a hard time letting go of this nostalgia that was the Attitude Era are going to recieve a cold hard slap in the face when Cena most likely goes over the Rock clean at Mania.
I've always found it to be hilarious when Cena haters make this argument that they aren't supporting Cena will turn around and pay X amount of their hard earned money just to go to a live show and boo him. That act in itself is giving support to Cena.

Whoa! You mean to tell me that part of the money I give to the WWE when I buy the tickets goes to Cena? Shit, I guess from now on I should just stop going and having a great time because I don't like one particular wrestler. I don't think anyone is going to these shows only to boo Cena. I go because it's a fun thing to do. If Cena gets paid for it that's great for him. I don't hate the guy in real life, just his TV persona.

Are you planning on buying Anti-Cena merchandise? If you do, you'll be supporting Cena.

Wait you mean to tell me that John Cena gets money when people purchase John Cena shirts? You're blowing my mind. Also no, I don't buy any WWE merchandise other than tickets.

Yes it does. You said it baffled you how a loss to the Rock would make someone look weak, and I'm telling you that as the current face of the company losing to someone like the Rock [who does not even wrestle full time anymore] would only be detrimental to Cena.

Taker doesn't wrestle full time either. I guess all his opponents look weak. At least the Rock is in great shape. Losing to the Rock isn't that bad. He's a tremendous performer.

You're joking right? You think it's easy on Cena doing all of the extra interviews and special event venues that he does and STILL finds the time to be a complete professional to everyone that he meets? How laughable...

I think his job is easier than the Rock's was. Also the Rock still finds time in a busy schedule to entertain us.

Congratulations. You just described the match of every face since Hulk Hogan, including the majority of the Rock's matches as well. And are trying to tell me that Cena hasn't paid his dues? Again, laughable...

Not every face gets their ass kicked and then does 5 moves to win it. If they all did, then Cena wouldn't be so notorious for it would he. And I in no way am trying to tell you that Cena hasn't paid his dues. He has. I simply said the Rock has already paid his dues and doesn't owe WWE or it's fans anything. Yet still he returns.

True, but I personally would give more credit to Austin, as WCW was already beginning to die once the Rock took the reigns.

And Cena can be creative, just look at his time as rapper Cena; talent like that just doesn't spontaneously disappear.

This isn't helping you're argument at all. That gimmick was cornier than his current.

Funny that you mentioned Rock vs Hogan as Rock vs Cena is pretty much the same senario. I remember how the fans booed the Rock in favor of Hogan, the same way they're going to boo Cena in favor of the Rock. Even though the Rock won that match against Hogan, would it have hurt him if he had lost? Did he really need the win? I think the outcome of that match was significant and by all means important because it symbolized the passing of the torch from Hogan to the Rock.

I mentioned this match because I know they are the same thing. It wasn't by accident. I get that the torch was passed and that it will be passed again. How many times must I say that before you understand? However, if you look back at that match, would it honestly have hurt the Rock's career? No. Not in the slightest.

Rock vs Cena isn't just about passing the torch, it symbolizes the WWE moving from one era to the next. If Cena loses at Mania, what kind of message does that send? That Cena and all the other greats that will come after him are less than guys like the Rock?

Cena and the rest of the roster, bar Taker and HHH are less than the Rock. That's why the Rock had to come back to bring enough hype to WM 27 and 28. Everyone is already excited about WM28 and this is the only confirmed match. What's that tell you?

That the Attitude Era was the best era that the WWE has ever had, and will ever have?

It's true..

That the WWE is on a steady decline because they'll never be able to reach the same pinnacle that they once achieved?

The WWE is on a steady decline not because they can't reach the same pinnacle that they once achieved, but because they put forth no effort in storylines, character development, or in ring ability.

The older fans that are having a hard time letting go of this nostalgia that was the Attitude Era are going to recieve a cold hard slap in the face when Cena most likely goes over the Rock clean at Mania.

Yes. You are right. It will be a cold hard slap in the face.
All I know is that cena cant lose this match clean. To me, Henry had him clean just like he did orton but they didn't go through with it. I dont even see him losing but if he does it should be due to an interference and should create a long term feud. I dont want the rock to win just because he is the rock. Cena should get the best of him in a fair fight. I love rock and all but he sold out, not that it wasnt smart but its what he did. I don't think cena will turn heel because when could he turn without us totally calling it? The more I think about it, how would a cena heel turn ever work? At this point I don't think it could and I think they are capitalizing on the teasing of it. If he turns, I say at wrestlemania after the match, rock shakes his hand and congratulates him for winning but cena beats him down and still it shouldnt be an official turn because rock and cena hate eachother. Thats the only way I see him turning heel. I think he could revamp his character without turning and less people would hate him. In the end though I dont see what they could possibly do to have 100% of the fans ether cheer or boo cena. Fans these days go against the grain and cheer/boo the opposite people. Cody always gets a pop, miz gets pops, face it we just know too much and are too smart for our own good. Look at the Jericho thing. We all knew from the first promo it was him so what were they supposed to do?
I skimmed this thread so if this point has been made to death then sorry, but there is no reason, none what so ever, at all, that the rock should win cleanly over Cena. It doesn't make sense for the company at all. The Rock is facing the number one current guy on the roster. It does not matter if this was Cena or anyone else in the world. It doesn't matter what anyone thinks about Cena's wrestling or anything else. He's beaten everyone at some point. Cena is the number 1 guy in the company, that is a fact. To have him lose to the #1 guy from a decade ago, regardless of the Rock's physical abilities, is basically admitting that your product has gone entirely downhill in the past decade. That's the worst marketing for anything ever. That's like if Porsche decided to race all of their history's 911 models and the previous generations all beat the latest model year's car. What the hell is even the point of having a new one? If the Rock wins that means the WWE is admitting it's worthless.

The other point I want to make is that if what I said above is true, a Cena heel turn before mania would be terrible. It has nothing to do with kids or selling t-shirts, its just about having people leave the big show happy. It's hard to have a face vs. face feud, It can only be done with the biggest stars. Sometimes it just happens by default such as with hogan and the rock. Theres no way in hell either of them could be considered a bad guy in that match. When moments like that happen it's exciting and the crowd gets into it at tremendous levels. The thing with cena is that he has the ability to be hated and even the younger fans are a few harsh words away from turning on him. This match has been built up all year as the two most popular wrestlers of the last 10 years wrestle what should be a dream match. The problem of such a highly touted match like this is that you can't build up an event that ends in boos. Face cena will get booed by the (no help to the current angle) growing number of cena haters, but a heel cena will be booed by everyone. If John wins as a heel, all the magic of the event is ruined

One more important note: there needs to be a clean finish to this match. There is so much time and money invested to building this that anything less than a clean finish would be a huge disappointment.
Cena will WIN!!!! and that's that, you people are dreaming if you think the Rock will win!!! Why? because the Cena is the Now and FUTURE!!! of this great business we all love and criticize why to much!, if Cena loses WWE have just made the last 10 years look like a joke!! they have built Cena up for this match, idk if they know this match would happen, But it is the changing of the torch! and Cena needs this win so bad, maybe the "Haters" will believe and finally understand Cena is the man to take this company into the Future!!! Cena will win at WM 28 because he has to win, there is no other reason, he has to win!!!!!

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