Can i get out of here?

Well I would try to make a list of how many crappy posts you've made, but I think the website would crash from an overload. So instead I'll make a list of how many good one's you made

Wow, that's a short list. :wtf:
I can't believe you mother went through all that time giving birth to you either. She should have done the old "Flush it at the Prom" bit. But, here we are 12 years later. You're the big bad internet tough guy, who has yet to prove a single thing to anyone. Except for the fact that you are a totally shit poster, and that you love to talk out your ass. A LOT.
I can't believe you mother went through all that time giving birth to you either. She should have done the old "Flush it at the Prom" bit. But, here we are 12 years later. You're the big bad internet tough guy, who has yet to prove a single thing to anyone. Except for the fact that you are a totally shit poster, and that you love to talk out your ass. A LOT.

Chris Jericho sounds like he's singing out of his ass. He is an awful singer. I've seen better singing at karaoke bars. :lmao:
Chris Jericho sounds like he's singing out of his ass. He is an awful singer. I've seen better singing at karaoke bars. :lmao:

I really can't see why you don't just try and get out of here, you can always just go into The Cage when you're out; you can argue as much as you like in there and it's not against the forum rules.

I'm not actually having an argument with you now, I'm just saying; The Cage isn't against forum rules and you'd probably benefit from it.

You're prepared to give it and you've got to be prepared to take it.
^The Cage's motto.^
You're prepared to give it and you've got to be prepared to take it.

Seeing as how this seems to be the motto not only of the Cage but also of your favorite pass time, you should green rep That 90s Kid.

On a side note: It really gets my goat that douches like yourself apparently have all the time in the world to get on here and spew your typed diarrhea, and kids like noah have to creatively find ways to log on and put down 1 or 2 good posts before his crazy parents get home.

You, Mister J, suck. But I guess you're already aware of that, aren't you?
Chris Jericho sounds like he's singing out of his ass. He is an awful singer. I've seen better singing at karaoke bars. :lmao:

You're really stuck on that topic, but you don't realize that none of what you are saying bothers me. Dealt with much larger ******s then you on this site, as they could actually add 2 and 2.
You're really stuck on that topic, but you don't realize that none of what you are saying bothers me. Dealt with much larger ******s then you on this site, as they could actually add 2 and 2.

He said earlier that Fozzy weren't succesful when he's forgetting the fact that they've had lots of singles, their own DVD and 5 albums.

He's a twat.
He also said Jericho fights like a girl... didn't he win a real backstage altercation with Goldberg a few years back?
He also said Jericho fights like a girl... didn't he win a real backstage altercation with Goldberg a few years back?

Yeah I think so.

Well, the only thing that's fighting like a girl at the moment; and a very terminally ill, post-confused, prison rat girl at that; is the op.

He's quite largely the biggest toole I've seen on these forums.
Well since you have nothing interesting to say, I'm going back to posting Metallica in "your" threads. Enjoy! :)

This is the start of the "Master of Puppets" album. released in 1986 (years before you were born)
No you can't get out of here. Now shut the fuck up and leave us the fuck alone you cock sucking no talent good for nothing son of a bitch.
Well since you have nothing interesting to say, I'm going back to posting Metallica in "your" threads. Enjoy! :)

This is the start of the "Master of Puppets" album. released in 1986 (years before you were born)

There is nothing interesting to say about your posts. You just continue to post crappy Metallica songs which have nothing to do with this thread.

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