C.M. Punk cannot beat Lesnar Clean

The Man They Call WMD

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Atleast not in a believable way. I doub't he is strong enough to hit Lesnar with the GTS. I have seen him struggle with other wrestlers, he just isn't strong enough.

What about the Annaconda Vice? No one in their right mind would think Punk would be able to submit a former UFC champion, who out weighs him by 90 lbs.

Other ways? I just cant imagine Punk winning with a roll up. It's Brock F'ing Lesnar. He will not be rolled up.

What do you think? Does it undermine the best in the world feud, or even more importantly the prop known as the WWE chamionship? I think it does.
(Don't turn this into is the WWE belt a prop argument)
My question really is can Punk beat Brock clean in a believable manner?
He could submit him. GTS is unreasonable unless it was assisted, e.g. Brock on the top rope, crotch him, then move him onto shoulders. GTS from a deadlift is silly. I think Punk can reasonably beat Lesnar, though.

Wrestling traditionally ignores problems of weight classes. Otherwise Big Show would have been Undisputed Champion since 1996.
He could submit him. GTS is unreasonable unless it was assisted, e.g. Brock on the top rope, crotch him, then move him onto shoulders. GTS from a deadlift is silly. I think Punk can reasonably beat Lesnar, though.

Wrestling traditionally ignores problems of weight classes. Otherwise Big Show would have been Undisputed Champion since 1996.

Brock was a mma champion. There is no way someone who he outweights by 90 lbs and when he is much better on the mat, will be made to tap.
Has Brock Lesnar came back to compete as a Mixed Martial Artist? No, he has came back to be a professional wrestler and I'm sure even his brain has the capabilities to understand that. So if it comes to the point where he has to submit, and he does it, not only will people probably respect the guy a lot more for doing it to get someone over in a huge fashion, but he'll do it because it's business. Not Mixed Martial Arts, he doesn't need to win every fight to be considered a huge contender.

At some point somebody is going to get the better of Brock Lesnar. Whether it be Cena, Punk, The Rock, Undertaker; doesn't matter, somebody has to do it.
Punk has trouble lifting the likes of Jericho to Cena to perform the GTS.

As for the Annaconda Vice, I'd love to see Punk apply it, then Lesnar power counter it by picking Punk up, and F5'ing him out of the ring.

I cant remember if Punk went for the GTS when he faced Kane and I saw him live, its been far to long, but I don't think the match ended with that move.

I don't think Punk could cleanly beat most of the people he's faced.
CM Punk can beat Lasnar in a believable fashion. All CM Punk has to do is hit him. He will then unfold on the canvas and ball up in the fetal position.

That would be completely believable.
Lesnar is billed as not all that heavier than the likes of Cena or HHH - 10-15lbs more. He also managed to GTS Kane on several occasions so I do not see him all that much trouble doing the same to Lesnar
Simple. Punk hits Lesnar in the head repeatedly and then hits/locks in a finisher. Because it's Punk, he'll use some smart psychology, like Brock wrestling his way out of the Vise before he can apply it so Punk will do something different in his application that prevents Brosk from getting out, because that's how he rolls.

Brock's a freak, but he's still human.
Brock has been the victim of a stoppage due to strikes and tapped out in MMA. CM Punk has a good submission move and is a very good striker. Do the math.
Having seen him crumple into a ball every time he got hit, I'd buy anyone who can throw a punch or a kick beating Brock Lesnar.

Thriller seems to know the score.
As other right honourable posters have said, this isn't MMA, and weight limits don't matter - there'll be a way of booking Punk to go over Lesnar believably.

If it was a straight up scrap out by the bins, then I'd put my money on Lesnar any day, but this is WWE, the land of fairy tales and rainbows where anything is possible.
Why do people care so much about wrestling looking "believable"?

Cause, it is kind of the point. We may know it is scripted, but if it didn't look real, It'd look sloppy and therefore, shit. Like the Maria Menapause match at Wrestlemania. She obviously had no clue what she was doing, and it looked shit.
Cause, it is kind of the point. We may know it is scripted, but if it didn't look real, It'd look sloppy and therefore, shit.

Erm, no. Not looking realistic is not the same as looking sloppy. That's a silly thing to say.

Like the Maria Menapause match at Wrestlemania. She obviously had no clue what she was doing, and it looked shit.

Bad example. Menounos was actually one of the best celebrity wrestlers I've seen. She sold her ribs, looked like a celebrity who had gotten herself into a wrestling match and managed to tell a story in the process.
Erm, no. Not looking realistic is not the same as looking sloppy. That's a silly thing to say.

Bad example. Menounos was actually one of the best celebrity wrestlers I've seen. She sold her ribs, looked like a celebrity who had gotten herself into a wrestling match and managed to tell a story in the process.

Spot on, she did great. And did so on Raw when she faced Beth Phoenix that time she did.

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