Bye Bye Masterpiece

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He blew it for himself. How many times did Vince want to give Masters a push. Yet every time it was about to happen, Masters did something stupid to mess it up for himself. I liked the guy when he first appeared on Raw, but by now, does anybody even care that he was on the roster to begin with?
I totally have to agree with those that say Masters did this to himself. He hasn't improved his in-ring abilities at all since I've seen him, he hasn't updated his gimmick, he doesn't get on the mic, he doesn't try to get the fans into the match, he isn't dedicated enough to maintain that body without steroids, and apparently from that recent situation with the Undertaker he isn't willing to do his job properly. How much can you take from someone like that? If he was particularly entertaining (or over, for that matter) in any aspect, it'd be a different story, but the only thing he had going for him is that he was muscular, which they already have enough of.
I'm hoping that they release him ASAP. He hasn't done anything in months worth talking about. Sure, he's had the few Masterlock Challenges here and there, but we all know that those are just time fillers.

Chris Masters should have been released a long time ago, to be quite honest. He's just a waste of money and I'm surprised that Vince hasn't realised it yet. Expect him to be released within the next week or so.

they already released him. he wasnt that good. i say goodridance as he was a shitty wrestler. he had a great gimmic and entrance but no wrestling ability what soever
I dunno if it was a shoot back then but I remember Byte This, ECW edition. Steven Richards didn't happy when he talked about Chris Masters. He kind of bashed him. Anyone remember that?
I dunno if it was a shoot back then but I remember Byte This, ECW edition. Steven Richards didn't happy when he talked about Chris Masters. He kind of bashed him. Anyone remember that?

In Masters debut he smacked Richards in the face full force with a Polish Hammer. Accidental, but he put Stevie on the shelf for a few weeks. With his first match Masters proved that he was far to green to be on the main roster.

I couldn't care less. Just think. 18 months or so WWE had him pegged for stardome. Silly man. He was still huge without the roids.
I think he's drug issues got the best of him,because he was actually pretty good.Had he not been sent to rehab in '06 he would have been a mainevent player on RAW or SD! right now.But there was no way he could stay especially after the public humiliation of being outed in national media.He's probably headed to Japan
kind of sad because he was good in his gimmick and could have been a nice addition if he would have given it a 100%. Just imagine if he could of learned from the undertaker and cena and other big matches he was put into. Like i said he would have been a really nice additiona s a mid-upper heel. His gimmicked worked for him and it all fit except him.
Chris Master's gimmick was just a rehash of an old gimmick that the WWE did in the 1980's. The Warlord I believe the wrestler was called. He'd do the full nelson on a guy in a chair...just like the Masterlock challenge. It was exactly the same. They tried to get him experience that way, but he never got a specific wrestling style over. He was just roided up. Sad...

Can anybody name any part of Craster's offense?
:cuss2: What are you crazy? Chris Masters was one of the greatest.. blah blah blah blah.. Ha, just kidding. ITA.. Masters (Mordetski) was nothing but a body. And he may never have a job in WWE or TNA again. First off.. He won't stop the steroids, because he's far too content with being busted, and then making horrible excuses for why he pissed hot. The "Masterlock Challenge" may have been credible for a former UFC'er, or an Olympic Wrestler or something of that sort.. But Masters is in no way shape or form, the epitome of technique. Nananana... Nananana.. Hey Hey Hey.. Good riddance!
It wasn't really a big shock. We hadn't seen him on tv for a long time. He never really had any good matches. Maybe two come to mind, but the rest sucked. The only thing he had going for him was the MasterLock, which in my opinion was interesting at first, and then Vince killed it with having Lashley break it. After that I knew he was going nowhere. Maybe if he had taken the numerous chances WWE gave him he would still be here.
No way, definitely not surprised. Masters was boring, he wasn't updated, and he was going nowhere fast. I'm thinking maybe Carlito and Masters reunion in TNA, if the release request rumor is true for Carlito.
I am SO glad Chris Masters is gone, i never liked him sense he came to the WWE, his matches were boring. Until he was moved to SD! he actually had a pretty good storyline, but after he was moved to SD! he barely did anything.
The masterlock challenge (wasn't that a commercial with a gun fired at a real masterlock lock?) was so boring(raw is just a snooze fest, NEVER watch it live) I fast forwarded through all of them so I can get to the exciting "divas" matches. He won't be in TNA because they don't take every wrestler from the wwe, most CHOOSE to go there when they REQUEST their release or their contracts are done.
WWE has come to terms on the release of SmackDown Superstar Chris Masters. We wish Chris the best in all his future endeavors.

Now I feel that this is, in a way, a travesty of sorts. Before he was first given time off to get his roid problems under control, Chris Master was pushed like Umaga was when he first came in. He was big, he was strong, he was in just about every segment. And he was a winner.

Masters MArk Alert!!

!Ample opportunities!

WWE gave the go ahead for HHH to make that joke about "How to lose 30lbs of muscle in a month" thing. It was a matter of time and being how young he his....and with the way he was pushed.... mentally he couldn't hack it.
I for one am shocked that they let someone with such great charisma, in-ring talent, and fan base go....oh my i seriously couldnt type that with a straight face. Masters had 0 charisma his in-ring was average @ best(and thats saying something) + he had 4-5 different chances. For the people who say well he is more talented than guys like V & khali, the thing is their not on steriods or havent got caught. And then to the people who are like orton had many chances well....orton is alot bigger draw> Masters was easily expandable and probably wont be missed.
And without his physique he has no reason for WWE to promote him.[/QUOTE]

I agree. To me he doen't seem like anything special. Just another mucle head to be honest.
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