I have given my answer. Go find it, Lassie.

You visit my blog enough, lil bitch, that you know how it's going.

You didn't give it liar bitch, because you're a pussy.

And no one visits it. That's why Rayne and I are asking about it. You see we have to ask about old shit now because you've become the dullest little pussy this side of a geriatric pornstar.

Seriously, you'll repeat everything else you've ever said over and over again but you won't "repeat" a yes or no answer? That's the most effeminate thing you could possibly do.

And no; I used geriatric and effiminate correctly, you broken record you.
You didn't give it liar bitch, because you're a pussy.

And no one visits it. That's why Rayne and I are asking about it. You see we have to ask about old shit now because you've become the dullest little pussy this side of a geriatric pornstar.

Seriously, you'll repeat everything else you've ever said over and over again but you won't "repeat" a yes or no answer? That's the most effeminate thing you could possibly do.

And no; I used geriatric and effiminate correctly, you broken record you.

Sure, I gave you your answer. Now go fetch it, Lassie.

To respond to the rest would just further anger you, since you seem to be taking this terribly personally. By the way, continue to visit the blog and continue hoping for an update. I will get around to it when I get the chance. I do, however, appreciate that you check in to see if the updates are done. It's funny that you claim you don't, and yet, you reference it so often. Even if I didn't have access to the information about the visitors to the blog, you make it obvious that you're a loyal checker, lil bitch.
Sure, I gave you your answer. Now go fetch it, Lassie.

Shouldn't have to. You can say lil bitch a hundred times but you aren't capable of typing either a two or a three letter response. You're either the stupidest person on these forums or just a pussy when it comes to fessing up. Since everyone here has already called you stupid, I'm opting to call you a pussy.

And the fact you call me "Lassie" twice now means you're incapable of providing better insults. Get new material, Rain Man.

To respond to the rest would just further anger you, since you seem to be taking this terribly personally.

You don't anger me. You have to show balls for me to even care. I just enjoy making people look dumb, straw-boy.

But if you're getting upset I'm using them ol' mean words, I advise you to grow a pair and stop being a pussy, pussy.

By the way, continue to visit the blog and continue hoping for an update. I will get around to it when I get the chance. I do, however, appreciate that you check in to see if the updates are done. It's funny that you claim you don't, and yet, you reference it so often.

Nobody reads your blog. Nobody cares what you say because it's the most whiniest shit ever blogged. People here ask about it because they are teasing you. I know the concept is lost on you and telling you is spoiling it for the rest of us, but I'm all for alternative education for the mentally unstable.

And yes; complaining about what writers say on a wrestling site is the epitome of being mentally unstable, liar bitch.

Even if I didn't have access to the information about the visitors to the blog, you make it obvious that you're a loyal checker, lil bitch.

This makes absolutely no fucking sense, and I'm not surprised. At least you admitted that you haven't blogged after the whole Paglino thing, Sling Blade.

Now, is American money still made of paper, Elmer Fudd, or are you going to continue to type "I answered" when everybody knows you're full of shit?
Shouldn't have to. You can say lil bitch a hundred times but you aren't capable of typing either a two or a three letter response. You're either the stupidest person on these forums or just a pussy when it comes to fessing up. Since everyone here has already called you stupid, I'm opting to call you a pussy.

And the fact you call me "Lassie" twice now means you're incapable of providing better insults. Get new material, Rain Man.

You don't anger me. You have to show balls for me to even care. I just enjoy making people look dumb, straw-boy.

But if you're getting upset I'm using them ol' mean words, I advise you to grow a pair and stop being a pussy, pussy.

Nobody reads your blog. Nobody cares what you say because it's the most whiniest shit ever blogged. People here ask about it because they are teasing you. I know the concept is lost on you and telling you is spoiling it for the rest of us, but I'm all for alternative education for the mentally unstable.

And yes; complaining about what writers say on a wrestling site is the epitome of being mentally unstable, liar bitch.

This makes absolutely no fucking sense, and I'm not surprised. At least you admitted that you haven't blogged after the whole Paglino thing, Sling Blade.

Now, is American money still made of paper, Elmer Fudd, or are you going to continue to type "I answered" when everybody knows you're full of shit?

I've answered your question. Go fetch the answer, or don't go fetch it, either way, it's there. Also, I proved that I can type both "yes" and "no". There you go, lil bitch, I showed you again that I can type them. That proof makes your accusation that I cannot do that a lie.

It's cute that you think I'd be offended by a mentally ******ed lil bitch test driving insulting names in an attempt to get a reaction. The problem is, lil bitch, that I actually could not care less what you think. Really though, referring to what you do as "thinking" is giving you far too much credit.
This entire thread and liar bitch herself bares testament that there is no loving God.

Actually, I think the fact that your mother didn't abort you, as she should have, would prove that. Although, you do show the intellectual ability of an aborted fetus, so maybe she tried.
I've answered your question. Go fetch the answer, or don't go fetch it, either way, it's there. Also, I proved that I can type both "yes" and "no". There you go, lil bitch, I showed you again that I can type them. That proof makes your accusation that I cannot do that a lie.

You never cease to amaze me on how big of a vagina you have. Hope you like staying here in Prison with nothing to do but calling people lil bitches, Lois Lane.

It's cute that you think I'd be offended by a mentally ******ed lil bitch test driving insulting names in an attempt to get a reaction. The problem is, lil bitch, that I actually could not care less what you think. Really though, referring to what you do as "thinking" is giving you far too much credit.

Actually, I think the fact that your mother didn't abort you, as she should have, would prove that. Although, you do show the intellectual ability of an aborted fetus, so maybe she tried.

Oh look, another abortion joke from liar bitch. How original. Did your decomposing mother teach you that one?
Oh look, another abortion joke from liar bitch. How original. Did your decomposing mother teach you that one?

Hey, hey, hey. Thats my future ex wife you are talking about. I make sure to keep plenty of Glade scented candles around for both mood & because she is sensitive about the decomposing thing. She likes cinnamon apple the best. So show a bit of respect for the dead. ;)
Speaking of hot things-

Do you still believe straws melt in edible soup, liar bitch, or did you "answer" that one already, too?
You seem to check pretty often to see when my blog is updated, so, by your own words, you feel that you are "no one". I guess that is unanimous too now.
Did it take you 42 seconds to find my IP address?

We're waiting with great impatience for your next update. Will it be about SlyFox being a crooked administrator? Mark Madden being a fat loser? Will we see the return of "Plagarino"? STAY TUNED, WRESTLEZONE! :lmao:
It just may have to do with him telling his loyal internet followers that he has been away 'educating' his WZ captors. Lord knows the kid has so many like-minded people that flock to his blog o' truth like a shining beacon in the night. Too bad none of his fans come to his defense. Sure would be nice to meet that box he drew a face on & the deflated soccer ball with a wig. I bet they could shed some light on these pressing questions he avoids answering.
It just may have to do with him telling his loyal internet followers that he has been away 'educating' his WZ captors. Lord knows the kid has so many like-minded people that flock to his blog o' truth like a shining beacon in the night.
My loins tingle in anticipation of the next update! I'm not sure I'll be able to make it another 42 seconds.
I know Rayne. I could not sleep with all this excitement. Its like Christmas eve waiting for Santa to bring presents in the morning. Except, you know, if Santa was mentally handicapped & brought boxes of shit for everyone.
Oh look, another abortion joke from liar bitch. How original. Did your decomposing mother teach you that one?

The problem, lil bitch, is that every time you claim that I am a liar, you're actually lying. Irony can be such a bitch when you're an idiot like you. You see, no one has been able to substantiate any accusation that I have lied. You have, however, demonstrated that you're a mentally ******ed lil bitch with every post you make.
The problem, lil bitch, is that every time you claim that I am a liar, you're actually lying. Irony can be such a bitch when you're an idiot like you. You see, no one has been able to substantiate any accusation that I have lied. You have, however, demonstrated that you're a mentally ******ed lil bitch with every post you make.

I bet you were the kid at school that, when told to shut up, they replied, "Shut don't go up."

And yes, you're a liar. You've proven this time and time again, paper money. We're to the point that it's not even questionable.
I bet you were the kid at school that, when told to shut up, they replied, "Shut don't go up."

And yes, you're a liar. You've proven this time and time again, paper money. We're to the point that it's not even questionable.

How and where did I lie, lil bitch? You make this claim, but gave not proven it.
How and where did I lie, lil bitch? You make this claim, but gave not proven it.

Your mom forgot to make your lunch, so I left you a sandwich. Its inside the tupperware in the fridge. Before I sealed it I did, however, fart on it just to seal in the freshness. Thats for leaving your lego blocks on the stairs after lying about picking them up. She hurt her foot & said next time you are grounded to the basement for a week. You really should apologize to her for lying.
Nah, he just made a new word is all. He tends to do that. He sees it as not making an error, but as a favor for sharing his vocabulary with the lesser world.
You mean to tell me I need proof? This coming from the guy who gives none?

Oh god, you're such a tool. This thread is proof.

And what the fuck is "gave not proven it", Webster?

Actually, I have proven everything that I have been challenged on. Why don't you offer tangible and factual proof to the contrary if you'd like to claim otherwise?

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