I feel like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day. The same things, over & over, damn near verbatim. Its like he is a brain damaged deaf parrot.
I feel like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day. The same things, over & over, damn near verbatim. Its like he is a brain damaged deaf parrot.

That would make the "BooHoo lil bitch crew" dumber than a "brain damaged parrot". You ok with that?

The problem, you see, is that I have started threads and they've been hijacked and made to be about me by the "BooHoo lil bitch crew". The crew bitches and complains about me "repeating" things, but that's the funny thing about the truth, it never changes. Then, the ignorance and irony of the crew takes over because they repeat what I say because they think that by repeating that which an intelligent person says, it will make the crew look intelligent. The problem is that any idiot can use a quote or copy words, but to know what they mean is the true test. The "BooHoo lil bitch crew" fails the test regularly.
You really have to stop mumbling. We cant understand you with your thumb in your mouth like that. Wait...Thats not a thumb is it....
You really have to stop mumbling. We cant understand you with your thumb in your mouth like that. Wait...Thats not a thumb is it....

Now you resort to stealing jokes from movies meant for children? Even at that, I wonder how long it took the respite workers to explain the joke to you.

By the way, it's "can't", not "cant" and "That's" not "Thats". It would seem even your auto-correct is ******ed.
No. I don't care because you're about as useful as tits on a bull and right about as smart as that other aborted fetus of an account. I don't care because I have told the truth and proven things factually, where you have not. I don't care because that is what old echo cunt pays your respite workers to pretend to do. While I do write my internet off as a charitable donation for the work I have been doing with you and the other mentally ******ed member accounts in the "BooHoo lil bitch crew", it's not nearly enough to make me give a shit about you or what you think, lil bitch.
You've proven that you've proven about proving caring, by responding about proving your proof. It's general knowledge, and if you'd go back and read the thread you'll see I've already proved it proofily.
Now you resort to stealing jokes from movies meant for children? Even at that, I wonder how long it took the respite workers to explain the joke to you.

By the way, it's "can't", not "cant" and "That's" not "Thats". It would seem even your auto-correct is ******ed.

People have been telling others to stop mumbling far before Depp portrayed Wonka. Considering you are young I understand how you fail to understand things that did take place before you were born.

I really dont care if you are irritated at my lack of apostrophe usage. I type without the use of auto-correct yet people still understand what I say. Considering the multiple glaring mistake you make, I assume you fail to use the thing because you feel superior? Too bad they dont make auto-correct for people. That is a function you could benefit from instead of continually making a fool of yourself.
You've proven that you've proven about proving caring, by responding about proving your proof. It's general knowledge, and if you'd go back and read the thread you'll see I've already proved it proofily.

The best/saddest part is that there is a less than 5% chance that you actually wrote like that on purpose.
People have been telling others to stop mumbling far before Depp portrayed Wonka. Considering you are young I understand how you fail to understand things that did take place before you were born.

I really dont care if you are irritated at my lack of apostrophe usage. I type without the use of auto-correct yet people still understand what I say. Too bad they dont make auto-correct for people. That is a function you could benefit from instead of continually making a fool of yourself.

Sure, lil bitch. If you didn't already have a pattern of copying others in an attempt to seem intelligent, then maybe, just maybe, your little story might hold up.

As for your failure in English, it doesn't irritate me so much as prove my point that you are mentally ******ed.

Let my sarcastic response to the last part Oh no, a mentally ******ed ass hat with the intellect of a bag of hair thinks I am a fool, whatever will I do? ......Sarcasm ends.... Oh, I know what I'll do.....I will continue to be better than you at everything, including grammar, logic and proving my point with facts.
Well Sally, you have done none of those things. I do like your definition of facts though. What part of the world do you hail from?
Well Sally, you have done none of those things. I do like your definition of facts though. What part of the world do you hail from?

You've clearly never been out of your fantasy land if you don't realize that I have not lied here and have a far better grasp, than you, of the English language and logic.

By the way, the correct structure would have been "Well, Sally,...". I guess apostrophes and commas are too hard for you to type and understand.
Again. Dont care. Dont. Dont. Dont care. I do care, however, about your mom. Have not seen her today. How is she? Still dead?

I realize that you love to avoid questions. Is this a coping mechanism you use to escape the harsh reality of life? C'mon, kid- where you from?
Again. Dont care. Dont. Dont. Dont care. I do care, however, about your mom. Have not seen her today. How is she? Still dead?

I realize that you love to avoid questions. Is this a coping mechanism you use to escape the harsh reality of life? C'mon, kid- where you from?

I'm from this far off place you've never heard of...REALITY. Get the respite workers to look it up for you as it is a joyous place.
Again. Dont care. Dont. Dont. Dont care. I do care, however, about your mom. Have not seen her today. How is she? Still dead?

I realize that you love to avoid questions. Is this a coping mechanism you use to escape the harsh reality of life? C'mon, kid- where you from?

It is really funny how much you care about grammar and English when the respite workers catch a typo from me. All of a sudden, when it becomes obvious just how useless you are in English, you "don't care". It's obvious you do care, but you're just too fucking stupid to actually know how to properly use apostrophes and commas, and you've been told to handle your stupidity by claiming not to care.
We already know its in Canada, so where? Dont need an address, just curious of the region.

By the way, that would be "it's" not "its". I am from reality, and you are from a fantasy land where you aren't actually as dumb as a bag of hair. Actually, that's an insult to the bag of hair. You're actually as dumb as a bag of a bald man's hair. See if you and the respite workers can figure that one out, lil bitch.
By the way, that would be "it's" not "its". I am from reality, and you are from a fantasy land where you aren't actually as dumb as a bag of hair. Actually, that's an insult to the bag of hair. You're actually as dumb as a bag of a bald man's hair. See if you and the respite workers can figure that one out, lil bitch.

So now I am dumb but not dumb? If he is bald then he has no hair & I guess that again means I am not dumb. Cannot even keep up with your own insults & make sense now can you? I know this is hard, but shit man.

I know how to use them, just would prefer not to waste the keystrokes of simple little things on you. If your father was more apt to save on energy like that regarding his simple little things, we would not have to have this conversation. Quit re-directing. Where in Canada?
So now I am dumb but not dumb? Cannot even keep up with your own insults now can you? I know this is hard, but shit man.

I know how to use them, just would prefer not to waste the keystrokes of simple little things on you. If your father was more apt to save on energy like that regarding his simple little things, we would not have to have this conversation. Quit re-directing. Where in Canada?

You want to save on keystrokes so you don't punctuate properly, but you do go and edit my posts, make your edit bold, and repeat the exact same post twice? I'm sure in your world that makes sense, but here in reality it makes you look like a lying ass hat.
You want to save on keystrokes so you don't punctuate properly, but you do go and edit my posts,

That wasnt your post I edited- twas mine. Liar.

make your edit bold

I bolded a part of your post to point out how it made no sense, I edited nothing of yours.

and repeat the exact same post twice? I'm sure in your world that makes sense, but here in reality it makes you look like a lying ass hat.

How is mistakenly hitting post 2x while attempting to use the clipboard make me a liar? You are showing to be quite unclear on the true definitions of words again.

I answered your question.

Show me where the location of Reality is on a map George the Geographer. Is that a strange province of Canada?
I'm pretty sure it's a part of Canada remote enough that opening your email takes 42 seconds. Those kind of load times suggest that they don't have the broadband up there.
I'm pretty sure it's a part of Canada remote enough that opening your email takes 42 seconds. Those kind of load times suggest that they don't have the broadband up there.

He avoids the question because he knows Canada is correct & is likely scared to provide any clues because he is not sure why I ask.
That wasnt your post I edited- twas mine. Liar.

I bolded a part of your post to point out how it made no sense, I edited nothing of yours.

How is mistakenly hitting post 2x while attempting to use the clipboard make me a liar? You are showing to be quite unclear on the true definitions of words again.

Show me where the location of Reality is on a map George the Geographer. Is that a strange province of Canada?

Sure, lil bitch. It's not like my posts and name haven't been edited before, right? :rolleyes:

If you meant to post it twice, or if you had no issue with your mistake, then why did you go back and change it? Also, wouldn't this disprove your story about "saving keystrokes"?
He avoids the question because he knows Canada is correct & is likely scared to provide any clues because he is not sure why I ask.

What would I be scared of, lil bitch? Do you think you'd have the nuts to show up at my house or something? Don't worry, lil bitch, I wouldn't hurt you. It's against my beliefs to shit kick anyone who life has clearly beaten up enough. Again, I am from this place called Reality which is so far removed from you that you'll never make it here.

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