Turns out lil bitch kid can't spell "have". The joy.

Actually, given that "g" and "h" are next to each other, it was obviously a simple typo. I thought you'd understand simple, but maybe that is too complicated for you. I know, your hero has made a typo, but don't worry " BooHoo lil bitch crew", I'm still far better, smarter and better looking than all of you, so continue your worship of me.
Actually, I have proven everything that I have been challenged on. Why don't you offer tangible and factual proof to the contrary if you'd like to claim otherwise?


You've been buried by you're own hypocritical dirt. To keep this façade up after thinking American money was made of paper, a lust of words is a thing, anyone ever cared about Paglino, straws melt in soup, and "gave not proven it" is even a thing is futile. You went the entire thread on false allegations and claimed it was proof. You'll never see another WZ section again because you can't let go of this silly childish belief that everyone is wrong but you. You had over 200 non-spam posts and decided to fuck it all up because Paglino plagiarized, as if anyone actually cared.

But keep doing what you're doing to provide entertainment for those of us that own a dictionary. If you think Prison is so fun that you must act like a complete idiot then there was no hope for you in the other Sections anyways.

Please, continue this charade. Eventually you'll leave for good and some of us may look back at the Prisoners that made us laugh, and we'll remember that time some guy started a blog that said he had IP addresses and whatnot from Slyfox and it took him 46 seconds.

You suck now dance some more, monkey.
Forty-TWO seconds. If he's going to make the effort to time how long it takes him to access his e-mail, we at least owe it to him to get that time right.

You've been buried by you're own hypocritical dirt. To keep this façade up after thinking American money was made of paper, a lust of words is a thing, anyone ever cared about Paglino, straws melt in soup, and "gave not proven it" is even a thing is futile. You went the entire thread on false allegations and claimed it was proof. You'll never see another WZ section again because you can't let go of this silly childish belief that everyone is wrong but you. You had over 200 non-spam posts and decided to fuck it all up because Paglino plagiarized, as if anyone actually cared.

But keep doing what you're doing to provide entertainment for those of us that own a dictionary. If you think Prison is so fun that you must act like a complete idiot then there was no hope for you in the other Sections anyways.

Please, continue this charade. Eventually you'll leave for good and some of us may look back at the Prisoners that made us laugh, and we'll remember that time some guy started a blog that said he had IP addresses and whatnot from Slyfox and it took him 46 seconds.

You suck now dance some more, monkey.

If you offer no tangible, factual proof, then what you are claiming about me is untrue. I have offered proof, you have not.
Oh shit, 42. And it was over 300 post counts. Better get that in before liar bitch orgasms.

You can't even be original with names you call people. Clearly, you use "bitch" because I do. The difference is that when I call you a bitch, it's because you are a bitch, and you do it because you want to copy me. You use "liar" because you clearly hear that as the name people have called you so often, you now think it's "cool". Again, the difference is quite ironic because you are the actual liar calling someone else a liar.
If you offer no tangible, factual proof, then what you are claiming about me is untrue. I have offered proof, you have not.

Stop calling the kettle black, hypocrite. I've asked you to provide proof and all you ever said was "I'm right and you're wrong".

Let's play a game. Answer these following questions. If you answer them with something that's not entire bullshit, then I will give you "factual proof" (factual proof is a phrase that doesn't need the other word, dipshit. If it's proof then it will be factual.):

1. Do plastic straws melt in soup you and I can both enjoy?

2. Does the United States Federal Reserve print money on paper?

3. If you think Batista looks gay, then how can you back that up without sounding like a clear-cut homophobe?

4. Are you banned right now while you are reading this?

There. 4 questions. Even for you that should be simple to understand and answer. Give me 4 answers and then I will show you how you're a liar in a way you yourself can't refute it.
You can't even be original with names you call people. Clearly, you use "bitch" because I do. The difference is that when I call you a bitch, it's because you are a bitch, and you do it because you want to copy me. You use "liar" because you clearly hear that as the name people have called you so often, you now think it's "cool". Again, the difference is quite ironic because you are the actual liar calling someone else a liar.

You're so creative. That's all I have to say on that. Green for you.
I'm still far better, smarter and better looking than all of you, so continue your worship of me.

Well someone sure is conceited... The fact you just could not help yourself from including 'better looking' to that sentence proves just how sad you are little man.

Holy shit.... I just figured out who you remind me of:


....also, you used 'worship' wrong. Pretty sure you meant 'ridicule'. That fits better for the subject matter.
You can't even be original with names you call people. Clearly, you use "bitch" because I do. The difference is that when I call you a bitch, it's because you are a bitch, and you do it because you want to copy me.
At this point I will remind you that I called you a "little bitch" twice before a single usage of your adaptation "lil bitch" can be found.

Carry on.
LBK spouting nonsense always makes me smile. But whatever happened to trying to help him overcome his problems?

BTW, Doug, it's invincible, not invinsible. Just thought I'd point that out.
Stop calling the kettle black, hypocrite. I've asked you to provide proof and all you ever said was "I'm right and you're wrong".

Let's play a game. Answer these following questions. If you answer them with something that's not entire bullshit, then I will give you "factual proof" (factual proof is a phrase that doesn't need the other word, dipshit. If it's proof then it will be factual.):

1. Do plastic straws melt in soup you and I can both enjoy?

2. Does the United States Federal Reserve print money on paper?

3. If you think Batista looks gay, then how can you back that up without sounding like a clear-cut homophobe?

4. Are you banned right now while you are reading this?

There. 4 questions. Even for you that should be simple to understand and answer. Give me 4 answers and then I will show you how you're a liar in a way you yourself can't refute it.

I have answered all those questions already. If you'd like to read the answers, go fetch them, Lassie.
At this point all you two are doing is feeding somebody with delusions. Kindly ignore this piece of crap and he'll leave.

I don't know who the other one is you are writing about when you say "you two", but I do agree that the person with the multiple accounts making up the "BooHoo lil bitch crew" is a piece of crap. I go times where I ignore these accounts, but the funny thing is that those accounts continue to talk about me.
At this point I will remind you that I called you a "little bitch" twice before a single usage of your adaptation "lil bitch" can be found.

Carry on.

I'm sure that you can prove that, right, lil bitch? In doing so, I am sure that you can prove that no posts have been altered? Oh wait, you can't, so carry on. It is funny, no hilarious, that you went back and counted how many times you wrote "little bitch" in an attempt to prove something that you cannot factually prove. You see, the fact that the "crew" has written that they have changed my name and posts, it's impossible to prove what has and has not been altered.
I've already proven it. The answers are there if you just go look, it's not my fault if ******ed respite worker lil bitch, etc.
I've already proven that you're the one who's lying about proving that you're proving facts, so of course you don't care.
Are we really going back to the multiple account theory? What is funnier: One WZ poster with multiple account personality disorder, or the ignorant kid who argues with each individual account even though he thinks they are one person?

This kid is far more delusional than we thought. He is even starting to believe his own trolling nonsense.
At first I thought liar bitch's deflection was entertaining, but now that she's beaten a dead horse back to life I realize I was in error for ever arguing with a girl who has dementia praecox.
At first I thought liar bitch's deflection was entertaining, but now that she's beaten a dead horse back to life I realize I was in error for ever arguing with a girl who has dementia praecox.

Wait a second. You telling me she has a cock? :suspic: No wonder our lil ladyboy is so moody.

Seriously though, dick jokes aside. There is more wrong with this kid than first imagined. He would be a psych professors wet dream for a research study paper.
I've already proven that you're the one who's lying about proving that you're proving facts, so of course you don't care.

No. I don't care because you're about as useful as tits on a bull and right about as smart as that other aborted fetus of an account. I don't care because I have told the truth and proven things factually, where you have not. I don't care because that is what old echo cunt pays your respite workers to pretend to do. While I do write my internet off as a charitable donation for the work I have been doing with you and the other mentally ******ed member accounts in the "BooHoo lil bitch crew", it's not nearly enough to make me give a shit about you or what you think, lil bitch.
Wait a second. You telling me she has a cock? :suspic: No wonder our lil ladyboy is so moody.

Seriously though, dick jokes aside. There is more wrong with this kid than first imagined. He would be a psych professors wet dream for a research study paper.

Look I know you're mentally ******ed, but it would be "professor's" not "professors". Oh, and, lil bitch, just taking what is said about you and trying to attribute it to others doesn't mean it's true.

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