Nah, I'm good with the way I spelled it. Since it isn't really a word, I'll happily spell it the way I'd like. There you go, I invented a word for you.

As for the rest of your BS, facts are facts and I have proven with facts repeatedly that the " BooHoo lil bitch crew" is wrong. My intelligence, and the crew's lack of, allows me to conclude that you're mentally ******ed. As for "out of context" that came up because a sentence was taken from the middle of a paragraph and there was no information or quote showing what came before it. That was proven. Do you really want me to continue to internet bitch slap you, or are you humiliated enough yet? Oh shit, who am I're too fucking stupid to know when you're wrong, so you have no idea how humiliated you really should be by now, lil bitch.

Misspelling a word is just that. Spelling something wrong does not make it a new word.

Unfortunately I have to give you a failing grade on your mid-term. You failed to use the space provided & your response to the questions were incorrect. You receive the grade of 'H'. There, I had to invent a grade for your ignorance.

"Facts are facts & I have proven with facts repeatedly"?..... Um what? You have given no facts whatsoever. To anything. Other than your mom is dead, but I already knew that. #poltergeistblowjob

As far as the context situation, we proved you quite wrong already, remember? That magical little arrow which takes you to the context you sought?....

Now you can continue to be a little internet bitch, or you can man up & answer the questions.
I think we hurt his feelings, because he left before he could tell us his answers....

Was it the dead mom thing? Why dont you want her to be happy doing something she likes doing? That is not being a very supportive son. Now I know what she means when she says she wished she had a pet rabbit instead of a son. You should apologize to her.
Misspelling a word is just that. Spelling something wrong does not make it a new word.

Unfortunately I have to give you a failing grade on your mid-term. You failed to use the space provided & your response to the questions were incorrect. You receive the grade of 'H'. There, I had to invent a grade for your ignorance.

"Facts are facts & I have proven with facts repeatedly"?..... Um what? You have given no facts whatsoever. To anything. Other than your mom is dead, but I already knew that. #poltergeistblowjob

As far as the context situation, we proved you quite wrong already, remember? That magical little arrow which takes you to the context you sought?....

Now you can continue to be a little internet bitch, or you can man up & answer the questions.

Ummm, that is your opinion. Since it was never a real word, all I did was invent a new variation of the word, and thus, we'll say I invented a new word.

Your " magical little arrow" took it to the post that shows that the sentence was taken from the middle of a paragraph and didn't alter that nothing was said about what came before it. That, by definition, is out of context.
Ummm, that is your opinion. Since it was never a real word, all I did was invent a new variation of the word, and thus, we'll say I invented a new word.

Your " magical little arrow" took it to the post that shows that the sentence was taken from the middle of a paragraph and didn't alter that nothing was said about what came before it. That, by definition, is out of context.

"We'll" is a contraction for "we will".... Really does not apply here because 'we' are not doing shit. No one is agreeing with you. So 'you' can say that you invented something, but again you would be mistaken.

My statement is in line with millions of people who know that spelling a word wrong does not make it a new word. Furthermore, Huzzah! is a word. It is an exclaimation. Used mainly as an interjection to express joy. Now tell me Captain Asshat, are you arguing that the fine folks at Merriam-Webster are wrong? If you can read this post you can read a dictionary, so I would suggest doing so. Maybe then you would not sound like such an idiot.

As for the second part of that trash you call a comment, you are wrong yet again. The arrow takes you to the post in which the sentence came from, showing the whole post & all posts in the thread before & after it. 100% accurate for supplying the context of said statement due to the fact it shows the setting & circumstances regarding the quote. That, by definition, is context.

Any more brain teasers shithead?
"We'll" is a contraction for "we will".... Really does not apply here because 'we' are not doing shit. No one is agreeing with you. So 'you' can say that you invented something, but again you would be mistaken.

My statement is in line with millions of people who know that spelling a word wrong does not make it a new word. Furthermore, Huzzah! is a word. It is an exclaimation. Used mainly as an interjection to express joy. Now tell me Captain Asshat, are you arguing that the fine folks at Merriam-Webster are wrong? If you can read this post you can read a dictionary, so I would suggest doing so. Maybe then you would not sound like such an idiot.

As for the second part of that trash you call a comment, you are wrong yet again. The arrow takes you to the post in which the sentence came from, showing the whole post & all posts in the thread before & after it. 100% accurate for supplying the context of said statement due to the fact it shows the setting & circumstances regarding the quote. That, by definition, is context.

Any more brain teasers shithead?

No, "we will say" is appropriate and grammatically correct. I am using what is called the "royal we".

As for " Huzzah" or as we can also use the word I made up, it is actually called an "interjection" not an "exclalmation" (which, as you spelled it, isn't a word). It isn't "used as an interjection" it is an interjection. As I stated, it is not an actually word, and as such I will continue to spell it the way I invented, mainly because it seems to bother you to be wrong.
If that was true, then surely you can Quote it back to me.

I mean, if you can't just say "Yes" or "No" again.

Yes, I did already answer it. No, I won't metaphorically wipe your ass like your mother and respite workers have to actually do. If you want the answer again, go find it, lil bitch. It's out there.
Yes, I did already answer it. No, I won't metaphorically wipe your ass like your mother and respite workers have to actually do. If you want the answer again, go find it, lil bitch. It's out there.

Incapable of saying yes or no? Should have known.

Yes, I did already answer it. No, I won't metaphorically wipe your ass like your mother and respite workers have to actually do. If you want the answer again, go find it, lil bitch. It's out there.

You replied to nightmare's (and therefore, part of mine) questions accordingly:

Nah, I'm good with the way I spelled it. Since it isn't really a word, I'll happily spell it the way I'd like. There you go, I invented a word for you.

As for the rest of your BS, facts are facts and I have proven with facts repeatedly that the " BooHoo lil bitch crew" is wrong. My intelligence, and the crew's lack of, allows me to conclude that you're mentally ******ed. As for "out of context" that came up because a sentence was taken from the middle of a paragraph and there was no information or quote showing what came before it. That was proven. Do you really want me to continue to internet bitch slap you, or are you humiliated enough yet? Oh shit, who am I're too fucking stupid to know when you're wrong, so you have no idea how humiliated you really should be by now, lil bitch.

Nowhere in this did you answer my question. Now, liar bitch, stop being a pussy and answer yes or no.
With your unique use of grammar, it's mystifying as to why your blog never took off. You'd think people would want to read about your continuing battle for truth in professional wrestling.

How's that going, anyhow?
No, "we will say" is appropriate and grammatically correct. I am using what is called the "royal we".

I know what you meant by saying 'we will' dumbass & the 'royal we' of earth are still not agreeing that spelling a word incorrectly makes it a new word. That just points out how silly you are for thinking so. If I put "Bakon" on a list of ingredients, will the chef congratulate me for the new word or will he just assume I am an idiot & kick me out of the kitchen?

As for " Huzzah" or as we can also use the word I made up, it is actually called an "interjection" not an "exclalmation" (which, as you spelled it, isn't a word). It isn't "used as an interjection" it is an interjection. As I stated, it is not an actually word, and as such I will continue to spell it the way I invented, mainly because it seems to bother you to be wrong.

Well look at that, in my post I spelled the word with an extra " i ". I guess even the smartest folks make minor mistakes once in a while & can admit them. Hell, your doctor said "It's a boy!" when you popped out, when he clearly meant "It's a bitch!". Mistakes do happen. Although you downright refuse to ever admit you are wrong about anything, even when it is blatantly obvious.

Whats funny is that in your attempt to sound smarter than me, you couldnt even spell the motherfucking word correctly considering you spelled the word with two letter L's. If you are going to try to correct someone, at least have the smarts to use the word right.

Now, since you have a hard on for this topic. Please feel free to write the Oxford English Dictionary & tell them a lil bitch kid thinks their definition of Huzzah! is incorrect. Considering they have been around since the late 1800's & have world-renowned philologists & English professors who created & edit the damn thing- I trust their word over yours.

In plain broken down simple English -interjections are a group of all possible exclamations, but the reverse is not true because not all exclamations are interjections. You keeping up here champ? Huzzah! is an exclamation because it is generally shouted for effect (hence the use of the exclamation point), it is also an interjection due to the fact that it can be used as a one word stand alone sentence.

Now please do tell me how exclamations & or interjections "are not actually words"? This should be a good one. Where did you get your doctorate again? Because I wasnt aware Chuck-E-Cheese was an accredited university.

We have clearly learned you have no fucking clue what the actual answers to our questions are. Even after giving you the answers you still cannot admit you are wrong. You are just a troll. A terribly unfunny troll with no creativity. I really hope you were born sterile & are unable to reproduce, because the thought of you raising another human should not be allowed. The last thing we need is more lying, whiny, little prick kids who have no common sense & a superiority complex.
I know what you meant by saying 'we will' dumbass & the 'royal we' of earth are still not agreeing that spelling a word incorrectly makes it a new word. That just points out how silly you are for thinking so. If I put "Bakon" on a list of ingredients, will the chef congratulate me for the new word or will he just assume I am an idiot & kick me out of the kitchen?

Well look at that, in my post I spelled the word with an extra " i ". I guess even the smartest folks make minor mistakes once in a while & can admit them. Hell, your doctor said "It's a boy!" when you popped out, when he clearly meant "It's a bitch!". Mistakes do happen. Although you downright refuse to ever admit you are wrong about anything, even when it is blatantly obvious.

Whats funny is that in your attempt to sound smarter than me, you couldnt even spell the motherfucking word correctly considering you spelled the word with two letter L's. If you are going to try to correct someone, at least have the smarts to use the word right.

Now, since you have a hard on for this topic. Please feel free to write the Oxford English Dictionary & tell them a lil bitch kid thinks their definition of Huzzah! is incorrect. Considering they have been around since the late 1800's & have world-renowned philologists & English professors who created & edit the damn thing- I trust their word over yours.

In plain broken down simple English -interjections are a group of all possible exclamations, but the reverse is not true because not all exclamations are interjections. You keeping up here champ? Huzzah! is an exclamation because it is generally shouted for effect (hence the use of the exclamation point), it is also an interjection due to the fact that it can be used as a one word stand alone sentence.

Now please do tell me how exclamations & or interjections "are not actually words"? This should be a good one. Where did you get your doctorate again? Because I wasnt aware Chuck-E-Cheese was an accredited university.

We have clearly learned you have no fucking clue what the actual answers to our questions are. Even after giving you the answers you still cannot admit you are wrong. You are just a troll. A terribly unfunny troll with no creativity. I really hope you were born sterile & are unable to reproduce, because the thought of you raising another human should not be allowed. The last thing we need is more lying, whiny, little prick kids who have no common sense & a superiority complex.

You are literally too stupid to be alive? Are you actually some lame, moron computer virus?

"Interjections" are a part of speech, often marked by an exclamation mark, which is a punctuation mark. "Exclamations" are not a part of speech.

As for the word I invented, no, you're wrong. Even the word as you spell it is, well, not a real word. Only an idiot would be arguing that there is a right or wrong way of spelling something that isn't a real word. So, are you making it unanimous?
You replied to nightmare's (and therefore, part of mine) questions accordingly:

Nowhere in this did you answer my question. Now, liar bitch, stop being a pussy and answer yes or no.

Sure I did. You just haven't looked hard enough. Keep going, lil bitch. The answer is there.
Sure I did. You just haven't looked hard enough. Keep going, lil bitch. The answer is there.
Incapable of saying yes or no? Should have known.


I just used the words "yes" and "no" correctly, so claiming that I am "incapable" of using them is a bold faced lie written by you, lil bitch. Now, actually, you erroneously used the term "saying" when you should have written "using", since you can't know what I have said or not said since this is all typing and reading, both of which are facets at which you have proven yourself to be perpetually inept. As for my answer to your question, it's in here, you just have to look for it.
Sure I did. You just haven't looked hard enough. Keep going, lil bitch. The answer is there.

It's funny how you can repeat yourself on everything else but your answer.

Speaking of questions that haven't been answered at all, how's your blog doing?
You are literally too stupid to be alive?

Not sure if thats a question or you are again showing your cunning use of that Cracker-Jack English degree.

I see you added "literally too stupid _____" to your repetitive insult list. Good to know we are helping you grow as a person.

Now, me & your mom got you something. She wanted to get you a subscription to Highlights Magazine, but I told her you would just scribble on it & not actually read them. So we decided on this:


If you dont like the color we can take it back & get the Hello Kitty one that you wanted last year. I just dont think that one is safe enough. This one has extra padding. Remember when you fell off the porch trying to eat that butterfly? You mom was so worried there would be permanent damage. But her flower bed turned out to be just fine after all.
It's funny how you can repeat yourself on everything else but your answer.

Speaking of questions that haven't been answered at all, how's your blog doing?

I have given my answer. Go find it, Lassie.

You visit my blog enough, lil bitch, that you know how it's going.
I dunno, the truth seems overrated. No one seems interested in reading about it on your blog.

You seem to check pretty often to see when my blog is updated, so, by your own words, you feel that you are "no one". I guess that is unanimous too now.

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