No one. Sparky is saying that if you change the state of the soup, so that it is no longer boiling, you can then eat the soup. It would then no longer be "boiling soup", but "soup which was once boiling".

How are you guys not seeing through this and ignoring it?
I love how this turned into a clusterfuck of a debate when it was originally just an insult.

Talk about turning a paper money hill into a mountain, right LBK?
You used the word "stretch" wrong, according to Fudd Blog Bitch's Dictionary For Liars.

Just downloaded it. It repeats words a lot.
Eh, God bless him. You can catch him out looking up information and presenting it as prior knowledge, and he comes back with "well, you're not smart!" It's going to be sad when he kills himself someday.

BTW LBK, new research suggests you're at a 28x increased rate of suicide compared to the population average. :/

Let's add "catch" to the list of concepts the mentally ******ed lil bitch doesn't understand. If you "caught" me, then you would have had to have seen or proven me doing something, which you haven't done. You have stated a theory, but given your diminished mental capacity, that doesn't mean much at all.
Let's add "catch" to the list of concepts the mentally ******ed lil bitch doesn't understand. If you "caught" me, then you would have had to have seen or proven me doing something, which you haven't done. You have stated a theory, but given your diminished mental capacity, that doesn't mean much at all.

Maybe he has "inside sources," or whatever verbage was used, and got your information and was able to see that you did look it up. Only he doesn't have to prove it. Oh, and he never used the word hack. :shrug:
He should provide us Links or GTFO. He has not proven anything besides his own ignorance. Simple as that.

Now I am sure his reply will tell me I used the word 'links' wrong also....
He should provide us Links or GTFO. He has not proven anything besides his own ignorance. Simple as that.

Now I am sure his reply will tell me I used the word 'links' wrong also....

Actually you used the word "his" wrong. I see no signs of a penis or any other sign of manhood in LBK
Actually you used the word "his" wrong. I see no signs of a penis or any other sign of manhood in LBK

Given LBK's proclivity for having to get the last word in and constant repetition of the same point, the possibility of it being a woman are extremely high.
We may be peeling back more layers to his story here folks.

For all we know he very well could be a eunuch who lost his balls in a horrible soup related accident.
He should provide us Links or GTFO. He has not proven anything besides his own ignorance. Simple as that.

Now I am sure his reply will tell me I used the word 'links' wrong also....

You see, lil bitch, that is simply a lie. I have proven you and the "BooHoo lil bitch crew" of accounts wrong repeatedly. You're seriously just too fucking stupid to know it.
You used 'lie' wrong. Which is strange considering you are so good at skating around truth.

So, how bout them links that prove us wrong? There sure are plenty of topics to choose here -so lets get crackin'. Got people to see, paper money to spend & all these melted straws ruining my tortilla soup cuz you are wasting time. Lets go keyboard warrior, show us what you got.
You used 'lie' wrong. Which is strange considering you are so good at skating around truth.

So, how bout them links that prove us wrong? There sure are plenty of topics to choose here -so lets get crackin'. Got people to see, paper money to spend & all these melted straws ruining my tortilla soup cuz you are wasting time. Lets go keyboard warrior, show us what you got.

Oh, lil bitch, go back, have your respite workers read this thread and others to you, and there is your proof. Hazaaaah!! It's magic!!!
Hazaaaah!! It's magic!!!

First off you misspelled the underlined exclamation. The correct spelling is: HUZZAH! Furthermore, you used 'magic' wrong. The use of buttons to scroll through & review a thread is not magic.

Oh, lil bitch, go back, have your respite workers read this thread and others to you, and there is your proof.

Well I decided to go back & look what I found...

I don't need to provide sources. You wouldn't understand them anyway.


Now to me that looks like you, in fact, did not provide said sources.

Now. Pretend that we are as dense as you are. Please provide us links to the exact places here where you claim to have 'proved' anyone wrong on the following subjects. If you are unable to do so, please provide us the links to the educational material\web sites you claim to use that proves your answers are correct. Here is a simple template you can fill in with your crayons.

American dollars are made of what material?

The ability to use a straw when eating soup served at non lethal temperature:

Who claims that the use of the dictionary & or scientific facts are not reputable and reliable sources for determining the validity of a dispute?

What standardized testing was used to conclude that we are '******ed' & who administered said exam?

How can a sentence be 'taken out of context' when providing the full & exact conversation provides said context of the statement?

Specifically where can we find others who agree with your thoughts on general intelligence & vocabulary?
First off you misspelled the underlined exclamation. The correct spelling is: HUZZAH! Furthermore, you used 'magic' wrong. The use of buttons to scroll through & review a thread is not magic.

Well I decided to go back & look what I found...


Now to me that looks like you, in fact, did not provide said sources.

Now. Pretend that we are as dense as you are. Please provide us links to the exact places here where you claim to have 'proved' anyone wrong on the following subjects. If you are unable to do so, please provide us the links to the educational material\web sites you claim to use that proves your answers are correct. Here is a simple template you can fill in with your crayons.

American dollars are made of what material?

The ability to use a straw when eating soup served at non lethal temperature:

Who claims that the use of the dictionary & or scientific facts are not reputable and reliable sources for determining the validity of a dispute?

What standardized testing was used to conclude that we are '******ed' & who administered said exam?

How can a sentence be 'taken out of context' when providing the full & exact conversation provides said context of the statement?

Specifically where can we find others who agree with your thoughts on general intelligence & vocabulary?

Nah, I'm good with the way I spelled it. Since it isn't really a word, I'll happily spell it the way I'd like. There you go, I invented a word for you.

As for the rest of your BS, facts are facts and I have proven with facts repeatedly that the " BooHoo lil bitch crew" is wrong. My intelligence, and the crew's lack of, allows me to conclude that you're mentally ******ed. As for "out of context" that came up because a sentence was taken from the middle of a paragraph and there was no information or quote showing what came before it. That was proven. Do you really want me to continue to internet bitch slap you, or are you humiliated enough yet? Oh shit, who am I're too fucking stupid to know when you're wrong, so you have no idea how humiliated you really should be by now, lil bitch.
Not gonna answer mine or his questions are ya?

Oh who am I kidding. You'll say you did even when you didn't, and proceed to use the several basic insults you have on standby.

A soiled napkin has more depth than you.

What question, lil bitch?

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