Sure, lil bitch. It's not like my posts and name haven't been edited before, right? :rolleyes:

If you meant to post it twice, or if you had no issue with your mistake, then why did you go back and change it? Also, wouldn't this disprove your story about "saving keystrokes"?

Do I need to speak slower? Should I type with extra spaces to reflect that speech pattern?

W H E R E - I N - C A N A D A ?

Jesus, no wonder your mother is dead. She probably killed herself because she had to ask 30 times what you want for breakfast & all you would respond with is "Liar, bitch & respite worker"
I'm pretty sure it's a part of Canada remote enough that opening your email takes 42 seconds. Those kind of load times suggest that they don't have the broadband up there.

You know that every time this account defends one of the others it just hurts the credibility, right?
What would I be scared of, lil bitch? Do you think you'd have the nuts to show up at my house or something? Don't worry, lil bitch, I wouldn't hurt you. It's against my beliefs to shit kick anyone who life has clearly beaten up enough.


You know that every time this account defends one of the others it just hurts the credibility, right?

The fact you are hung up on this conspiracy theory of one man, multiple accounts is just proving the obvious mental issues you have. But please continue. You are painting quite a nice picture of what you are actually like.
Do I need to speak slower? Should I type with extra spaces to reflect that speech pattern?

W H E R E I N C A N A D A ?

I'm not sure if you need to "speak" slower, but since you clearly don't understand what is written, I'll bet you don't understand when you talk to yourself either, so it probably would help you.

I am from a place that is far from your fantasy land, lil bitch. It's called the Real World. Maybe the respite workers can determine whether seeing pictures would be detrimental to you, and then decide whether or not they should show pictures to you.
Do I need to speak slower? Should I type with extra spaces to reflect that speech pattern?

W H E R E - I N - C A N A D A ?

Jesus, no wonder your mother is dead. She probably killed herself because she had to ask 30 times what you want for breakfast & all you would respond with is "Liar, bitch & respite worker"

It's funny when you make yourself laugh thinking of something to add and then look even more ******ed when you edit your post.
You know that when you respond separately to different accounts which you claim are the same person, you look batshit crazy, right?

I'd ask you to go into your email to show us your proof, but 42 seconds is an absolutely insane amount of load time. Are you using Compuserve or Prodigy?
You know that when you respond separately to different accounts which you claim are the same person, you look batshit crazy, right?

I'd ask you to go into your email to show us your proof, but 42 seconds is an absolutely insane amount of load time. Are you using Compuserve or Prodigy?

I'm just trying to help you from getting confused; God knows how easily that can happen, and I don't want to be seen as picking on the mentally ******ed, so I just play along with your charade.
It's funny when you make yourself laugh thinking of something to add and then look even more ******ed when you edit your post.

So sorry I decided to space the words out after seeing it looked like one big word & figured you would not understand. The other part was already there. I see you are finally catching up on how to delete part of a quote though. Just because I admitted to a mistake earlier, does not mean you have to fabricate something in an attempt to make a 'point'. We all know you have a superiority complex along with a few other social & psychological issues.
So again, where in Canada? Why are you so determined to avoid the question? Are we finally getting to you & that is why you show more & more of your defense mechanisms? If you had any sort of higher education you would see how blatantly obvious your behavior is.
I wouldn't make that much of a fuss over it. I did inadvertently make fun of your Aspergers previously, and turnabout is fair play.

Which is general knowledge that I've already proven if your respite workers would read the thread again to you.
So again, where in Canada? Why are you so determined to avoid the question? Are we finally getting to you & that is why you show more & more of your defense mechanisms? If you had any sort of higher education you would see how blatantly obvious your behavior is.

Who said I was from Canada? The answer is out there, Lassie. Go fetch it.
So sorry I decided to space the words out after seeing it looked like one big word & figured you would not understand. The other part was already there. I see you are finally catching up on how to delete part of a quote though. Just because I admitted to a mistake earlier, does not mean you have to fabricate something in an attempt to make a 'point'. We all know you have a superiority complex along with a few other social & psychological issues.

No, actually you added a whole other "paragraph" (a term I use very loosely) to the end where you referenced my dead mother. Why must you lie? Is it to save face, well, with yourself, since anyone else with half a brain would have no respect for you already?
Sadly, this guy isn't much worse than some of the morons who aren't thrown in prison yet. They just haven't done anything to get put in here.
Who said I was from Canada?

Your blog is a dead giveaway, madam. We all figured that out already long ago.

No, actually you added a whole other "paragraph" (a term I use very loosely) to the end where you referenced my dead mother. Why must you lie? Is it to save face, well, with yourself, since anyone else with half a brain would have no respect for you already?

I dont need to lie like you are compelled to. Why must you attempt to fabricate something to further prove how sad you are? If that truly was the case then you would not have shut up about it & logged off last night just when you finally had something to consider a 'win'. I dont care if you accept the answer, its my fault for offering it considering I knew your likely reaction. Being the wonder-kid that you claim to be I assume you are familiar with the term\book "If you give a mouse a cookie..." ?

The thing is this. By you acting the way you do, this has given the world a true view of how you actually behave in 'reality'. You are a sad & un-creative Canadian kid who gets flustered & riled up easily. That is why you hold on to the same insults & choose to repeat them until you come up with something you find witty or one of us gives you a jumping off point. You have delusional thoughts & are likely prone to believe conspiracy theories. The lack of real friends is apparent by your anti-social behavior & superiority complex. It causes you to isolate from others due to you feeling like you are 'smarter' than everyone. Thats why you love the internet platform for communication. You can say what you want & log off when others start give you shit for being a lying pussy unable to back up your statements. You have probably bounced from forum to forum because of this attitude.

When no-one rallied to your cause here @ WZ you finally had enough & went on a mission to 'prove the truth to the world' that has failed & you cant stand it because we are much smarter & more creative than you. Now you continually come back here after being isolated to the prison because you are a glutton for punishment. When presented with facts to prove your ideas\thoughts are wrong you re-direct to something you have limited knowledge on & consider that small feat a 'win', all the while knowing that you were wrong & chose to avoid the actual topic. Hence why you avoid questions & respond with lies. You have a valid knowledge of home health care due to either personal need (likely from your Aspergers) , a family member uses the service or someone close to you works in the field.

You see, we know all this not because we know you in the real world. We know all this by your behavior here & reactions to our responses. In thinking you are so intelligent by avoiding the actual answers to questions- you are giving people far more insight to the real questions. Why does lil bitch act the way he does?

So please, take the time to respond to this by using any combination of your insult vocabulary, add in a hint of sarcasm and a dash of denial. It suits you considering we all have come to expect your cookie cutter predictability & child like responses.
Your blog is a dead giveaway, madam. We all figured that out already long ago.

I dont need to lie like you are compelled to. Why must you attempt to fabricate something to further prove how sad you are? If that truly was the case then you would not have shut up about it & logged off last night just when you finally had something to consider a 'win'. I dont care if you accept the answer, its my fault for offering it considering I knew your likely reaction. Being the wonder-kid that you claim to be I assume you are familiar with the term\book "If you give a mouse a cookie..." ?

The thing is this. By you acting the way you do, this has given the world a true view of how you actually behave in 'reality'. You are a sad & un-creative Canadian kid who gets flustered & riled up easily. That is why you hold on to the same insults & choose to repeat them until you come up with something you find witty or one of us gives you a jumping off point. You have delusional thoughts & are likely prone to believe conspiracy theories. The lack of real friends is apparent by your anti-social behavior & superiority complex. It causes you to isolate from others due to you feeling like you are 'smarter' than everyone. Thats why you love the internet platform for communication. You can say what you want & log off when others start give you shit for being a lying pussy unable to back up your statements. You have probably bounced from forum to forum because of this attitude.

When no-one rallied to your cause here @ WZ you finally had enough & went on a mission to 'prove the truth to the world' that has failed & you cant stand it because we are much smarter & more creative than you. Now you continually come back here after being isolated to the prison because you are a glutton for punishment. When presented with facts to prove your ideas\thoughts are wrong you re-direct to something you have limited knowledge on & consider that small feat a 'win', all the while knowing that you were wrong & chose to avoid the actual topic. Hence why you avoid questions & respond with lies. You have a valid knowledge of home health care due to either personal need (likely from your Aspergers) , a family member uses the service or someone close to you works in the field.

You see, we know all this not because we know you in the real world. We know all this by your behavior here & reactions to our responses. In thinking you are so intelligent by avoiding the actual answers to questions- you are giving people far more insight to the real questions. Why does lil bitch act the way he does?

So please, take the time to respond to this by using any combination of your insult vocabulary, add in a hint of sarcasm and a dash of denial. It suits you considering we all have come to expect your cookie cutter predictability & child like responses.

Wow, lil bitch, you actually seem to have convinced yourself that you're not full of shit. You may actually be certifiable as well as mentally ******ed.
Try not to waste time explaining that to him, Rayne. He will just say you are copying him & he already proved it. We are beyond running in circles at this point.
^^^Now THAT is the definition of irony.

No, it's the truth. I know you don't know what that is, but you don't know what so many things are, and this doesn't seem like a good one for you to start on, so go ahead and go back to figuring out how to twiddle your thumbs without hurting yourself.
You're so fucking stupid you'd get lost if you tried to run in a circle.

I know you have shit for brains, but..

Do you have a new habit of walking around with Wonder Woman underoos on your head? Because lately, when you open your mouth, you look more like an asshole everyday.
Objectivists always have such a hard time with the subjective nature of truth being dependent on the frame of reference of the observer. :(

It's true. You can look it up in The Secret Teachings of Ayn Rand.
None of you have proof of that, even if you cited credible sources.

I however have lots of proof. It's in here somewhere. Go fetch.

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