Bullshit about Movies

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You have been added on BD my good friend.

Yeah I used to post on the forum semi-regularly a few years back but then they changed the entire format of their message board and I still don't like the new design/template they've given it. Great forum though, lot of really knowledgeable film buffs on there.

Yeah, I check their reviews on a daily basis, been reading that site for shit, like six years or so now, I remember first reading a review of Saw when it was still playing at the indie festivals before it ever even got a wide release and being amped to see it.

But enough of my love for B-D. Seen any good films recently?
But enough of my love for B-D. Seen any good films recently?

I'll update my movie log within the next couple of days, but since my last log I think Observe and Report and Dead Poets Society were the only two movies I've seen that I hadn't already seen before hand, of course... both of those were good. In fact, I'm pretty sure I got Observe and Report just based off your recommendation and I have to say... I think it's my favorite comedy of 2009. I absolutely loved it. Oh, and of course as I said in the Murfish thread.... Southland Tales, and I fucking adored that.

But other than that, I have a lot of shit I have sitting there waiting to be watched, like Rise: Blood Hunter, The Crimson Rivers, Brotherhood of the Wolf, and the prequel to Ichi. I'll watch them all sometime this week I'm sure.
I adore Dead Poets Society. Gets a poetry nerd like me all hot and bothered, another of my many many favorite films. Few movies get to me like that one does.
So I think I might have a new nominee for worst film ever---Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation. It just makes no sense whatsoever, people are licking things, dancing, shaking, making robot noises, crossdressing, it makes no fucking sense. There's a conspiracy about how they might have killed JFK or something and Matthew McConaughey is a robot or something and he imprisons his girlfriend with a bomb in her brain? It just makes no fucking sense.

So fucking awful that I can't help but hysterically laugh. So...so...bad.
So I really want to see Jim Sheridan's new film Brothers, especially after seeing the trailers all day. Great director, and with Natalie Portman, Jake Gylenhaal, and Tobey Maguire involved (three of my favorite current younger actors in Hollywood) it looks fantastic. JMT, this on your radar?


Fuck I love Natalie Portman. I want to marry her and have a bunch of insanely beautiful children with her.
So I really want to see Jim Sheridan's new film Brothers, especially after seeing the trailers all day. Great director, and with Natalie Portman, Jake Gylenhaal, and Tobey Maguire involved (three of my favorite current younger actors in Hollywood) it looks fantastic. JMT, this on your radar?


Fuck I love Natalie Portman. I want to marry her and have a bunch of insanely beautiful children with her.

Now it is. Just checked out the trailer and that shit looks awesome. And look... it even has Clifton Collins, Jr. in it.

I wish they could have came up with a better name for it though. It has to be the 15th movie called Brothers.
Oh shit, it does? I fucking love Clifton Collins Jr.

"I need you like I need an ASSHOLE on my el-bow!"

Fuck YouTube for not having that scene.
The Saw films gore makes me laugh. It isn't disturbing in the least bit. You watch a film like Irreversible where there's hardly any violence but when it happens it's more disturbing than every Saw combined.
Brothers...too bad it's a remake, and too bad for Jim Sheridan that director of the original was the uber-talented Susanne Bier, probably the second best female director working today (behind Claire Denis).
τδιγλε;1498376 said:
Brothers...too bad it's a remake, and too bad for Jim Sheridan that director of the original was the uber-talented Susanne Bier, probably the second best female director working today (behind Claire Denis).

A remake, really? Well shit, now I've just lost some hope. Susanne Bier, didn't she direct Things We Lost in the Fire? I was incredibly disappointed by that film.

Seen the original?
I agree with X, the Saw films have really been lacking since the second one. They seriously lost there edge when they brought in all the gore. It was much better when it was built on suspense. Dont get me wrong I enjoy the Saw movies but they arent nearly what they were or could have been. They need to die after 7 is finished.

I really wanna see The Orphan. Ive heard nothing but good things and it has me pretty intrigued.

Hey JMT and X, since you both seem to like CLifton Collins have either of you seen Boondock Saints 2? If so what did you think?
A remake, really? Well shit, now I've just lost some hope. Susanne Bier, didn't she direct Things We Lost in the Fire? I was incredibly disappointed by that film.

Seen the original?

Yeah, Things We Lost In The Fire wasn't that good. Brothers was decent, but After The Wedding was flat-out amazing, although people seem to either love it or hate it, so take what I say with a grain of salt.
I agree with X, the Saw films have really been lacking since the second one. They seriously lost there edge when they brought in all the gore. It was much better when it was built on suspense. Dont get me wrong I enjoy the Saw movies but they arent nearly what they were or could have been. They need to die after 7 is finished.

I really wanna see The Orphan. Ive heard nothing but good things and it has me pretty intrigued.

Hey JMT and X, since you both seem to like CLifton Collins have either of you seen Boondock Saints 2? If so what did you think?

yeah, orphan was great you should rent it and watch, it has a crazy twist.

idk why saw is going to be on its 7th. your right it SHOULD stop, but as long

as they keep making them each year, i will continue to watch haha.
Things We Lost in the Fire wasn't a bad film or anything, but I expected so much more out of the premise of the film and two great actors like Berry and Del Toro. Just felt like such a bland film.

I'll have to check out the original I suppose, the remake has my attention though, that's for sure.

And no Jon, I haven't seen Boondock Saints 2, and I doubt I will. I fucking despise the first film and the hack piece of shit director of them, Troy Duffy, who should be sucking dick for crack in an alleyway considering how he treats people. I heard it was better than the first if that means anything though. Pretty easy to be better than the laughable first one, with fucking Willem Dafoe crossdressing and listening to opera music when he's at crime scenes. That film was hilarious for all the wrong reasons. I should go list that in the Worst Movies Ever thread.
τδιγλε;1498376 said:
Brothers...too bad it's a remake, and too bad for Jim Sheridan that director of the original was the uber-talented Susanne Bier, probably the second best female director working today (behind Claire Denis).

Yeah, but Sheridan is damn talented himself. I loved My Left Foot and In the Name of the Father.

And I'll have to check out that After the Wedding film. Looks good. I'll avoid her Brothers picture though so it won't ruin the Sheridan version for me.

Hey JMT and X, since you both seem to like CLifton Collins have either of you seen Boondock Saints 2? If so what did you think?

X and I actually both hate Boondock Saints.
lol X, I agree that Troy Duffy is an incrdible dousche bag but I liked the original Boondock Siants quiet a bit. I mean its no classic but if your in the mood for some mindless violence it fuckin delivers. Ive been trying to get my hands on the new one but no luck. Its times like these that I hate living in the fucking midwest.

Jobber Bob I will rent that shit as soon as I got some cash money, and im right there with you. As long as theres a new Saw every year I will be watching them. Just a little piece of my heart breaks everytime I do so.
It made no sense in Things We Lost in the Fire that Benicio del Toro would start withdrawal after just one day of use. That was another great performance gone to waste because of stupidity.

That entire movie sucked though. Boring nonsense, where Halle Berry overacted every damn scene.
Wow, for some reason im kind of surprised by that but then again it is either a love it or a hate it film with no in between really. No biggie just wanted to hear some thoughts on it.
I just watched that Brothers trailer again and I cannot believe how beautiful Natalie Portman is. I've never found her attractive, at all, but she is drop dead gorgeous in that film.

However, I must say... Tobey McGuire could end up ruining this for me. I loved the guy in Wonder Boys, and he was good in Pleasantville too, but he's been shit in nearly everything else he's done lately. And I just don't think this kind of role suits him.

I would have cast Joseph Gordon-Levitt, personally. Or if you want a money maker, but a guy who can still act his ass off... Justin Timberlake.
You see now JMT? I've been in love with Natalie Portman for like five years now, ever since I spent a weekend watching Garden State and Closer. She's my number one celebrity crush without a doubt, pretty much the perfect woman, and an amazing actress as well. I fucking adore her.

And I'm shocked at how good of an actor Timberlake is. He was shockingly good in Black Snake Moan.
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