Bullshit about Movies

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That's just your hardon for Chinatown speaking.

So TDigs I saw in the Movie Log thread you didn't like Trick R' Treat? I was going to watch it tomorrow, I've heard very good things about it.
That's just your hardon for Chinatown speaking.

So TDigs I saw in the Movie Log thread you didn't like Trick R' Treat? I was going to watch it tomorrow, I've heard very good things about it.

I thought it was all right. There's one scene that's effin' awesome, but, we can discuss that after you have seen it.
I've come to the conclusion that TDigs and myself have the deadliest signatures on here.
All right, here's the deal: we were supposed to have a movie LD a while back, but, that never came to fruition. To celebrate Halloween, I plan on having three LDs for three different horror films next week (all times are EST, or EDT, whichever one is after daylight savings time):

Tuesday 10/27 at Midnight (so, late Monday night).

Wednesday 10/28 at 8:30 PM

Thursday 10/29 at 11:15 PM

I will have the selected movies up sometime tonight. If you wish to participate, I will send you rapidshare links through PM or MSN if you do not have the films (or only one or two of them).
I watched Saw 2 the other day. Meh it was Okay. Hardly a horror, more just a kill people in as many sick ways as possible. Ive seen better.
That sounds fantastic TDigs, keep me informed man.

I assume that one of them must be the original Halloween...I mean, come on.

Don't anger Michael.
That sounds fantastic TDigs, keep me informed man.

I assume that one of them must be the original Halloween...I mean, come on.

Don't anger Michael.

If you want to do that for the final night, that's fine.

The other two movies will be Gore Verbinski's Ring re-make and Peter Jackson's Brain Dead, or, as it was known here in the US, Dead Alive.
Awesome, I'd be down for both. Especially Dead Alive. I fucking love Dead Alive.

I'll have to make some custard in preparation.
I had to decide between Waltz with Bashir and Crank 2.

Crank 2 won because I want to have a bit of fun tonight.
Oh how I wish you could TDigs. Let's keep that to PM unless it's a film in the public domain or some other "legal" form of watching the film. Otherwise it's likely frowned upon. Sly is a square.

Keep it to PMs for now. Why do you ask?

It would be easier to get more people in the LDs by posting the links. But, I'll send out invite PMs with the links in them...that will work just as well.
I absolutely didnt comprehend the ending or Martyrs. Could one of the movie snobs please explain it, for an uncultured swine such as myself
I absolutely didnt comprehend the ending or Martyrs. Could one of the movie snobs please explain it, for an uncultured swine such as myself

The protagonist of the film actually did crossover into the heavenly realm that that cult (or whatever it was) wanted to know about, but she lied about it to the leader of the cult (i.e., she told her she saw nothing) so that no more women would have to endure what she and her childhood friend had to. Ultimately, then, she herself became a martyr. xfearbefore may have another interpretation, but, I think this is the most straightforward answer.
Hahaha. Well now thats awesome. Yea, that makes sense. Likely wouldve helped if I had actually watched the movie, and not like y'know, just read the plot synopsis. TO be fair, the synopsis was extremely detailed.

Thanks for the help. Many appologies that i cant be here for the scary movie LDs. We should really try to get screenings in LDs like that going though, I think its a real cool idea.
Yeah if you ever get the chance when you get back, Martyrs is definitely worth a watch. One of the best horror films of this decade I think it's safe to say. The ending sealed it's greatness to me.

I'm contemplating what to watch tonight. Either Spoorloos, Evil Dead 2, Cemetery Man, or Battle Royale. Not sure what to go with.
I probably wont, I dont really get down with gore, to be honest. I dig subtlety.

Speaking of, FUCK YOU for ever writing the words "aftermath" on this forum. I just HAD to look up what that was.....

seriously man. What on EARTH would posses a person....
I probably wont, I dont really get down with gore, to be honest. I dig subtlety.

Speaking of, FUCK YOU for ever writing the words "aftermath" on this forum. I just HAD to look up what that was.....

seriously man. What on EARTH would posses a person....

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Hahahahaha oh man you looked up Nacho Cerda's Aftermath?! Yeah, I recommend you NEVER watch that film if you don't like gore. But for a diehard horror fan like myself, after all the hype I heard of the film, I had to watch it. After watching that film nothing offends me anymore, the most brutal gore is like "Meh" to me at this point.

Oh man...hilarious.
After learning about it, I was pretty much left dumbfounded as to why someone would make that film, and who the shit wold ever enjoy it. Like that isnt...scray...its just...fucking strange. Strange isnt really the word....
It's disturbing. Which can be better than scary. Strange film, yeah, but it's kind of considered among the upper echelon of fucked-up disturbing movies, so I had to see it. It's like a badge of honor after you watch it.
Watching We Were Soldiers...About to go look up this Aftermath business though...
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