Bullshit about Movies

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It's about a man and a wave. I thought about it while seeing after math tsunami pics and thinking about The Big Wave. He tries to reconcile his mistakes and live his last days happy, but realizes that he can't and goes back to his job after quiting and eats lunch on the docks as the wave comes in. It's about futility. I think I need to flesh out the ideas.

Make it about an old, African-American janitor. Also, have Otis Redding's Sittin' On The Dock Of The Bay playing. That would be so bad ass.
I watched Employee of the Month (the one with Damon and Applegate) on IFC the other day. It wasn't particulary good, but I did love the 92352352398 plot twists at the end. It made me laugh.

Also, The Stepfather looks pretty good, might go see it Friday.
tdiglÉric Rohmer;1413461 said:
Oh, shit, I promised Marquis I'd watch a movie called Sin Nombre...I'll check out that bad boy tonight.

Very good film TDigs, you'll like it. Reminded me alot of City of God. Probably the best film I've seen released this year (outside of my personal favorite District 9)

Also, The Stepfather looks pretty good, might go see it Friday.

The original is a B-Movie horror classic, used to love it as a kid. Terry O'Quinn was one creepy motherfucker in that movie, and the opening scene is a classic.

Terry O'Quinn is the man.
Has anyone here ever seen the movie called Sex Drive?

I watched it last night on Netflix. It was very fucking funny. I suggest it for all!
I just got back from Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs. It was hilarious, and weird.

I've rented Chasing Amy and the first disc of Neon Genesis Evangelion.
tdiglÉric Rohmer;1413461 said:
Oh, shit, I promised Marquis I'd watch a movie called Sin Nombre...I'll check out that bad boy tonight.

Watch it! It's fucking great.

I watched it a couple of weeks ago and it was by far the best movie I have seen this year (I haven't watched District 9 yet).

If you speak Spanish then it makes it a little bit more enjoyable to watch because you don't have to waste much time reading the subtitles...but there are words that most wouldn't understand (hell, I'm Spanish and speak it and at times I was like "What the hell did he/she just say."


Can anyone tell me how that one girl (Casper's girlfriend) dies when the Salvatrucha gang is in the cemetary? Does Smiley (I think that was the leader's name} end up shooting her or something else happens? I went to the bathroom and missed that part.

I put in the spoiler tags since Tdigle hasn't watched it and I didn't want to tell him what happens to that girl even though it's kind of obvious.
Can anyone tell me how that one girl (Casper's girlfriend) dies when the Salvatrucha gang is in the cemetary? Does Smiley (I think that was the leader's name} end up shooting her or something else happens? I went to the bathroom and missed that part.

I put in the spoiler tags since Tdigle hasn't watched it and I didn't want to tell him what happens to that girl even though it's kind of obvious.
Lil' Mago tries to rape her, she attempts to fight him off, during the pushing and shoving she falls on the ground and hits her head on a rock, killing her.
Lil' Mago tries to rape her, she attempts to fight him off, during the pushing and shoving she falls on the ground and hits her head on a rock, killing her.

Damn, what a horrible way to die. You know what the real sad/fucked up thing about the movie is? The fact that a lot of the stuff on the movie is the way things are in real life.
Watched Pan's Labyrinth earlier, one of the most beautiful and simultaneously disturbing films I've seen in quite some time. Reminded me of a mixture of Spanish folklore and Hemingway's For Whom the Bell Tolls. Amazing acting, perfect score, brilliant design of the creatures, simply a marvelous film. These are the kinds of films Del Toro needs to continue making, we don't need another Hellboy. Masterpiece.

Now I'm watching Wild Strawberries, haven't seen it in a while. Possibly Ingmar Bergman's best work. Any fans of Bergman?
Crank: High Voltage was a ridiculously good film. I am an extreme tight ass when it comes to politically incorrect entertainment, as most of what shocks and offends today is just, frankly, pure shit. But, I'll pull a Potter Stewart here, and say that I know good politically incorrect entertainment when I see it, and Crank: High Voltage is most definitely good politically incorrect entertainment.
I just got done watching They Live (on VHS!) which everyone knows has Roddy Piper in it. Everyone also knows that throughout most of the movie, there is braindead action. But the movie also had a lot of intelligent aspects to it, or mindfuck moments, you could say.

Where could I get a pair of these glasses?

[youtube]<object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/MyjM96Axw_g&hl=en&fs=1&rel=0"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/MyjM96Axw_g&hl=en&fs=1&rel=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object>[/youtube]​

I simply cannot get the above scene out of my head, as it is a haunting sequence. With all the theories of a "ruling class," and the various secret societies that lurk in our midst, one cannot help but wonder if we are all being bred to buy, eat, and procreate so as to keep the truth of society from us.

Haunting, especially when the guy turns around at 2:48 and looks at Piper...
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Fuck yeah Harry, They Live is one of my favorite movies, I used to rock a They Live signature banner actually, I'll have to break that out again pretty soon.

Classic, classic movie. One of Carpenter's very best.
I've always enjoyed mindfuck movies...some of my other favorites include the obvious choices: The Matrix and Fight Club...however, two of the most underrated mindfuck flicks are Memento and The Machinist.

Christian Bale is a very talented and devoted actor, as evidenced in his performance in The Machinist. He lost a ton of weight to play the role of a factory worker who has not slept at all for a whole year. Imagine that...a whole fucking year? I thought I was an insomniac...but yeah check it out X, you might approve...

Also, another Carpenter classic: The Thing. Best...horror...movie....ever.
I've seen all of those movie Heck, ha, love them all. Memento is a personal favorite, so brilliant.

Carpenter is one of my favorite directors ever, the original Halloween is my favorite movie ever (except for Blue Velvet). I actually was just watching The Thing a few days ago.
Anyone seen Inglerious Basterds or whatever name its called? Seeing it tonight & it has a five & a half star rating from the reviews. Anyone think it deserved that title?
Anyone seen Inglerious Basterds or whatever name its called? Seeing it tonight & it has a five & a half star rating from the reviews. Anyone think it deserved that title?

It was really, really good. I loved it. But then again, I love Quentin Tarrantino.

The movie will drag a bit in places, but that's the director's style. He is really dialogue heavy in his movies, and so he needs to drag some scenes out to make enough time. However, since I find Tarrantino to be one of the best dialogue writers of this cut of writers and directors, I don't mind at all.

Oh, and if you don't like gratuitous violence, you're going to be pissed.
I have to say, that movie was epic. I will say this is one of the better ones of the year, ranking as high as District Nine. I can't wait for "Law Abiding Citizen." A man has his family killed where the criminials have an alibi. Then the victim becomes the hunter, takes the prisoners & kills them, thus starting his ravenous war on society. If you don't mind Jamie Foxx, its goen to be pretty ohkay.
tdiglÉric Rohmer;1419525 said:
Crank: High Voltage was a ridiculously good film. I am an extreme tight ass when it comes to politically incorrect entertainment, as most of what shocks and offends today is just, frankly, pure shit. But, I'll pull a Potter Stewart here, and say that I know good politically incorrect entertainment when I see it, and Crank: High Voltage is most definitely good politically incorrect entertainment.

I've been meaning to rent that. I enjoyed Crank. That movie is just plain old fun.
I love the fact that he falls out of an airplane without a parachute, and there's a sequel. Awesome. The first one was great for what it was supposed to be, which is an action film version of a video game (complete with "power-ups" and everything). The sequel I'm sure is just as much fun, but I'm lazy, so I haven't gotten around to seeing it yet. I'm sure I'll enjoy it when I do though.

Murf, thoughts on last week's It's Always Sunny?
It was good. The D&B was a bit much, but otherwise it was very good.

"The fake money keeps moving, thus creating a self-sustaining economy. Wait a second..."

"I don't know how the American economy works, much less a self sustaining one!!!"
I laughed my ass off at several points in the show. Like the crab bit. "Crabs is sewage-proof!" had me laughing hardcore. Great episode I thought, many great moments.
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