Bourne to fly...and be creatively destroyed

Bourne went from ECW to RAW. Bang, that's a huge push in and of itself, at least in my opinion. Is creative going to put him in a feud with Orton? Nope. Like others in this thread have said, he is exactly where he is supposed to be (and exactly where Vince wants him). Chavo will put over Bourne and he will move onto a fued with Masters, Carlito, or Miz. He'll most likely stay mid-card for the majority of his time in WWE.

As a side note, I feel it's my civic duty to say that Bourne does absolutely nothing for me. Nothing. Maybe I just need to see a few moves that every "high flyer" in history hasn't performed on a regular basis. Maybe I need to hear a decent promo or two. Or maybe it's not Bourne's fault at all, but him simply conforming to the WWE style of working.
i'm actually suprised they have not found a tag team partner for bourne. they need tag teams and have nothing for bourne, its win win. teaming him up with someone like kofi would be the latest of over high flying tag teams that the crowd can get behind based on pure in ring ( london kendrick, london kidman etc,)
I remember around last year's draft (or the '09 draft, I may have forgotten), Bourne had tag matches with Mysterio. Words could not describe the awesome. It was the first time I saw/heard about Bourne, and boy did he leave me a really good first impression. I honestly thought he would become a main mid-carder, or even a part of the high-card with Mysterio. Hate me, but I thought Evan Bourne would be the next RVD, in-ring wise.

... But ever since his injury, he hasn't been putting on amazing matches that he once did (or at least from my perspective.) I guess it's why he has not received a push. It's either that, or WWE's notoriously ignores exceptional athletes (Shelton Benjamin and Swagger who are only mid-cards, for example.)
Evan Bourne is one of those guys on the roster that has something unique in his moveset, over with the crowd, people pay attention during his matches & can always be counted on for making great entertainment... yet he has no "defined role" on the rosters & creative do not know how to book him correctly. So, the best way you handle someone of this nature is to put them on the good roster with great workers to see how he fairs. Give him something very, very menial that seems to be losing interest or doesn't have much to it considering fan memories & test him out. This is what his involvement with the Chavswoggle feud is doing for him.

Once he has passed the test, slowly move him up the rankings of the roster until he reaches a point where he is ready to become a set player of a division. As of now, Evan Bourne can be a great addition to the midcard title hunt whom could put on some great matches with the likes of Kofi & is a viable contender to take on Jerishow for the Tag Titles with someone else currently not doing anything.

It is not a case of creative destroying Bourne, but Bourne not being a professional wrestler whom fits the mould nicely of any division for a full-time endeavour. Creative aren't as stupid as people make them out to be & will slowly etch him into the main scene.
A man the size of Evan Bourne is never going to be a main eventer, or even an upper midcarder overnight. This burying of him, which has consisted of him only winning matches by the way, will allow him to segway quite nicely into normal matches with lower card heels like Chavo. When Bourne was in ECW he was over, but he had done everything he was ever going to do there. When he came to Raw, he gave Orton a decent run for his money, then nobody gave a shit. His biggest pop on Raw was when he came to save Hornswoggle, so to be honest, Bourne is in as strong a position as he has ever been right now. I expect a feud with someone like Carlito to follow, or him to join a tag team.

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