Bill Lesnar is BACK!

*SSC enters a room full of haters*

*SSC takes the mic in an extremely emotional state*

*The crowd is silenced by the raw anticipation of the moment*

*While holding back tears, SSC can only manage to get one line off*

"Remember the HYPE"

*SSC breaks down in the middle of the ring, the women, children and Shawn Michael fans begin to sob along side him, this is more emotional that a John Cena promo*

*SSC makes his way back up the ramp, stops and turns to the crowd, and in a last ditch effort attempts to say one more thing, but is again overcome with emotion. The crowd stands in unison and begins to chant something......

Fuck Brock Lesnar clap clap clap....... Fuck Brock Lesnar clap clap clap.....

*SSC realizes he's been set up*

*Admiral Akbar appears in a ghostly form and mouths the words "It's A Trap"*

*SSC turns around only to be ambushed by Stinger and his band of WZ hooligans*

A savage beat down takes place

*SSC begins to drown in an ocean of chair shots. Stinger pulls a sledgehammer out to finish the job......*


*Stinger just laughs at SSC as he is now drowning in a pool of his own blood*

With a sick grin on his face Stinger has just one thing left to say.....

"You've Been STUNG!!!!"
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Smooth Sexual Chocolate again.
Get a spell check on your computer like I do because I am not a good speller.

I want Bill Lenser back! Because every wrestling fan deserve a second chance not other people that just do sick things.

Did you honestly just tell someone to get spell check? When did you get this, because I recall you spelling "Alcohol Poisoning" wrong yesterday. I mean really? How do you spell alcohol wrong??

It is kind of funny that 2 of the biggest supporters of bringing Bill back are the 2 that people seem to rip into the most..:shrug:

But as for Bill.. There was no "Hype" I did a little background check. That site he claimed he was a "Legend" on, he got banned the day he signed up. There was no great posts, no great threads. Got banned for his gimmick within one day. That info came from the site admin himself.
Did you honestly just tell someone to get spell check? When did you get this, because I recall you spelling "Alcohol Poisoning" wrong yesterday. I mean really? How do you spell alcohol wrong??

It is kind of funny that 2 of the biggest supporters of bringing Bill back are the 2 that people seem to rip into the most..:shrug:

But as for Bill.. There was no "Hype" I did a little background check. That site he claimed he was a "Legend" on, he got banned the day he signed up. There was no great posts, no great threads. Got banned for his gimmick within one day. That info came from the site admin himself.

LOPforums? Where there is apparently some fake Stinger?
Let him fucking back!

I will help teach him how to be gud poster and upstanding forum citizen. No lyin.

Bill Lesnar's spirit will live forever. Memories of Bill Lesnar are all Spaceman Spif have left now. Spaceman Spif is sad.
Let him back. Then ban him again. That way you can have the fun all over again.

That's not really fun Hamler is it after all he will have low standers.

But this will be.
1. Get him to make a load of rubbish post
2. Rep him up really high
3. Then Ban him
4. Make a forum about him telling how bad he was and let him see.

With these four simple steps we could cause him into a mental break down or better kill himself.
That's not really fun Hamler is it after all he will have low standers.

But this will be.
1. Get him to make a load of rubbish post
2. Rep him up really high
3. Then Ban him
4. Make a forum about him telling how bad he was and let him see.

With these four simple steps we could cause him into a mental break down or better kill himself.

Hey you guyz, this Bill Lesnar is a pretty cool guy. He speaks in the third person and doesn't afraid of anything, eh?
What was it you said once?

Something like "Either you're gonna be really big or you're gonna be banned."

You still believe it?
I think you should let him back and then put him in prison. But without any chance of ever getting out. But never banning him. That way when we get bored we can see him there. And we would get to witness CSAOF vs. Bill Lesnar.

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