Bill Lesnar just said TNA SUCKS

Wade Barrett's in-ring work is overrated. Definately not on the level of a WWE main-eventer, he needs to incorporate more signature moves into his arsenal. The only two moves I can remember him doing is the Wastelands and the Scrapbuster.
Bill lesnar also thinks he needs to be less robotic. theres something about him, maybe its that harsh british accent that puts Bill Lesnar off
WWE was completely justified in not signing up Desmond Wolfe. They passed him up on medical grounds IIRC, coincidentally the same reason he's been on the sidelines for months.

WWE passed on him due to his nagging shoulder injury. He's been out in TNA due to supposed concussion problems, coincidentally the same thing that could have cost Anderson his career. Perhaps TNA should also be more focused on the protection of thier money-makers also.
WWE was completely justified in not signing up Desmond Wolfe. They passed him up on medical grounds IIRC, coincidentally the same reason he's been on the sidelines for months.

Bill lesnar didnt have a clue about that, however he would still be a great addition. Imagine the matches he would put on with Bryan, US GOLD on the line, he would get so much heat. Fuck Bill Lesnar can dream
Doug Williams calling Fortune a bunch of 'tossers' which is british for gays, god this company sucks.

'Tossers' is not British for gay - it's British for Wankers (one of Desmond Wolfe's fave terms) or Serial *********ers if Bill Lesnar doesn't understand that term either.
fair enough, caught Bill lesnar out there. Bill lesnars mistake

explain why when Flair made his debut he came out backstage first instead of the live crowd? why didnt TNA surprise the audience when Mickie made her 1st appearance instead they shoot her getting out backstage in her car. Bill lesnar thinks even you know how dumb that is

seeing as though Bill lesnar is here he may aswell post this


Bill lesnar said that's what happens when you sit back and perform in one arena week i n week out.

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