Biggest disappointment in WWE history...

The creation of the match ppv's in general were great disappointments. I rather see the hell in the cell once a year maybe in October but not more than one on the same show. Same with the elimination chamber.
See, this is what pisses me off... When people go around blaming WWE for doing their best with something that they couldn't. The WCW Invasion angle was great, it really was, and if you think other wise then you're ******ed... and if you think that the other workers were the reason it "failed" then why not do some research. Flair, Hogan, Goldberg, Sting, Nash, and Hall at the end of WCW's reign weren't signed to WCW. They were signed to AOL. Therefore, until their AOL contracts ended, they couldn't go to the WWE or any other network. This is why WWE had to use what they had to get where they needed, and from that perspective, it worked.

I mean seriously, if seeing Stone Cold join WCW after all of the hate and torment that WCW gave him in the 90s wasn't a shocker, then I don't know what possibly could've been more shocking. Besides, as we would later see with the nWo and Goldberg, had they come over to WWE, they wouldn't have stood a chance. Except maybe Hogan.

Everyone has their own opinion, if you felt the Invasion angle was great, then it was great for you and WWE pleased at least one of their fans, there is no reason to name call over opinions it makes your argument look weak and uncredible. Many WWE stars involved with the angle have went on record saying it was an awful angle. I don't feel that it was the worst thing WWE has ever put on television, I just felt it was a disappointment, and if you would have taken the time to read my post, I stated that I felt WWE rushed it. I know majority of the major names were signed with AOL, that being said WWE should have waited I would say until later that year. They could have easily carried such a huge angle into Mania if they would have had the star power of Hogan, Flair, Goldberg and some of those guys. As far as Austin joining WCW, I felt IMO it was a desperate move. Austin was a mid-card talent in WCW, the casual fan probably didn't even know he worked for them. I do think if Bishoff would have been the leader of WCW and they played off the history between the two it would have went over way better. The NWO angle is what catapulted WCW past WWF in the rating war to have Hogan, Hall and Nash involved in the angle saying they were finally going to put Vince out of business would have been great. There may have been fans out there that wanted to see The Rock vs. Booker T. and Taker vs. DDP in their WWF vs. WCW scenarios. I think most fans would have much rather seen Austin vs. Goldberg or Hogan, Taker and Kane vs. The Outsiders, The Rock vs. Flair or Vince vs. Bishoff. I also felt ECW had no business being involved in the angle neither, once again two promotions taking on one did nothing for me but make WWE look far more superior, because it took two companies to take them on and they still couldn't get the job done. WCW had WWE against the wall for a good bit of time in the late 90s and I felt the Invasion angle should have been represented as an even playing field. I know Vince would have never did it, but I also felt that WWE should have been the heel group and WCW should have been the faces. If you look all the bigger names in WWE were heels at the time Austin, Angle, Big Show and The Rock could have easily been turned for the purpose of the angle. WWE was basically the big bullies who bought the competition, Vince was the evil boss who had just monopolized the wrestling business, yet he was potrayed as the good guy who was a victim of a bunch of guys trying to keep their jobs. See where none of this makes sense?
I would have to think moving to the PG Era has to be the biggest let down in WWE history. I wonder why if the WWE is such a huge drawing company why can't they move Raw to a more understanding Channel. Now that there is two programs. Why not make Raw Monday night and make it pg-13 and leave smackdown as a pg program. Smackdown the would need separate PPV's . Personally I don't really watch smackdown, it has gotten so weak there is no point. WZ site offers the results and has the video of the key points.
well they couldnt seperate the shows like that with a pg13 and a pg for many reasons. One is i think that creates a divided audience and then what do you do at ppvs? I no we all remember those terrible smackdown ppvs when they used to split up the imo would create 2 completely different programs in a sense. but for the sake of argument if they were to do that i think smackdown should be rated tv-ma bc they need all of the help they can get lol.
The WCW invasion was an entertaining brought a ton of new guys and created the roster split which goes on today...Nexus wasnt a bust either...Barrett is a future world champion....Daniel Bryan is MITB and a future champ...Slater and Gabriel were a slightly successful tag team and both have decent futures....Otunga might have one as well...the biggest disappointment that cmes to mind is explanation needed
Triple H vs. Randy Orton, 25th Anniversary of WrestleMania.

My god this match was bad, and it came on the heels of one of the greatest storylines and buildups in WrestleMania history. Going into the show, I was looking forward to this match more than HBK and Taker. I expected it to be a knock down, drag out brawl with some amazing false finishes, run ins, and no holds barred action. Instead, we got two guys wrestling a 24-minute Raw match, with an incredibly boring ending that was the epitome of all anticlimaxes. The feud was dead in the water after that despite Orton winning the title a month later. I don't even care that Triple H won; I just wish he had won after an amazing match that we would remember forever, and one that made Orton look a hell of a lot better.
The creation of the match ppv's in general were great disappointments. I rather see the hell in the cell once a year maybe in October but not more than one on the same show. Same with the elimination chamber.


Also the Randy Orton vs Triple H match after their amazing feud a few years ago, I can't remember exactly what WrestleMania it was at but I'm sure you all remember the feud I'm talking about. It was great! It actually had me wanting to pay to see that match alone which doesn't happen very often, but when they finally got into the ring it was a huge let down. Everyone was expecting both of them to go into that match looking for blood and we got a very basic, very halfassed match that I wouldn't even bother sitting through if it came on for RAW for free.

Also the Randy Orton vs Triple H match after their amazing feud a few years ago, I can't remember exactly what WrestleMania it was at but I'm sure you all remember the feud I'm talking about. It was great! It actually had me wanting to pay to see that match alone which doesn't happen very often, but when they finally got into the ring it was a huge let down. Everyone was expecting both of them to go into that match looking for blood and we got a very basic, very halfassed match that I wouldn't even bother sitting through if it came on for RAW for free.

Holy shit yes, the dude beat up your father in law, brother in law, and then beat up your wife in front of you, and then they go into the match and wrestle each other, pretty much within the rules at that. Pretty sure if all that stuff happened to me I would not try to put a guy in a chin lock for 5 minutes, I would try to fucking kill him.
Owen Hart, Eddie Guerrero, Chris Benoit, Umaga.

All good to great workers, all had tons of potentially great years and matches ahead of them, all taken away from us by the buisness, in one fashion or another (wether it by way of stunt, enviornment, drugs, or combinations thereof)...Al seem to be situations that werent necessary, and situations that could have been adverted, were they properly addressed.

Disappointing those performers, and fathers, were taken from us and their loved ones.
In terms of matches, Edge vs. Chris Jericho at Wrestlemania 26. The storyline was great but the match I didn't think was anything special. Same goes with Triple H vs. Randy Orton at Wrestlemania 25.
In terms of people, I thought Mr. Kennedy was going to be a future star in WWE. He had the look, the mic skills and wasn't a bad wrestler. I suppose he was too injury prone and the situation with Randy Orton didn't help him out.

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