Biggest disappointment in WWE history...

Along with the WCW/ECW invasion storyline, I would have to go with the resurrecting of ECW to the SyFy channel. Everyone knew as soon as they saw the Zombie coming out that ECW being reanimated turned into a joke. A bad science experiment. One Nigh Stand in 2005 and 2006 were both great shows. I had hope that ECW having its own brand would have some great matches with the likes of Jerry Lynn, James Storm, Mike Awesome, Masota Tanaka, RVD, and others. Instead we get Batista and the Big Show and Raw and Bobby Lashley as ECW champion. Horrible show from start to finish and ECW was truly dead afterward.

Brock Lesnar leaving the WWE early was a shock to me. I wish he would have stuck around a few more years, but I can't blame him for leaving. Wrestling wasn't in his blood. I didn't expect much out of his match with Goldberg at WM 20, but it didn't expect both guys to phone it in and suck the life out of the place.
First off i just want to clear up that anyone that thinks tomorrow night is gonna be a disappointment then you're in for a disappointment. This is the best build to a ppv in recent memory and with how ratings and buys have been lately Vince knows he has to hit a home run with this one. Also Punk is NOT Leaving!!! maybe for a little bit to get GLADD off of the WWE back but thats it.

That being said.

The biggest disappointment in WWE history was the "rebuilding" to the Nexus where Cena was "fired" yet never was off TV for even one week! They had an opportunity to build some younger guys up that really had potential and they dropped the ball on them. Even with the New Nexus/Corre they dropped the ball on that too. But with every disappointment comes a good happening and that will take place tomorrow night when Wade Barrett wins the MITB for smackdown and goes on his way to solidifying his spot in the main event picture on WWE programming for years to come.
Undertaker vs Triple H at Wrestlemania. It had MEGA hype, had everyone guessing who would win and had 2 of the best in there. But when it came to the match it was just sssssslllllloooooowwwwww. It was a highlights only match. No real action of wrestling.
oh thats an easy question! By far the worst "let down" in wrestling history for me was Hornswogle being named Vince's son!

That was a shit end to what could have been a great angle (the original plan for Kennedy would have been awesome) all we got was Hornswogle on tv more which he shouldn't have even been there in the first place

That ranks up there with a big disappointment. I thought having Kennedy or even HHH (which they even joked about) would've been better. Hornswogle is a waste of WWE time and effort.

Others on my list are:
The Spirit Squad-the idea that they allowed the 5 of them tag team FOR the titles held by the unstoppable Kane and Show; only to allow them to beat them.

The Lesner/Goldberg match only for it could've been handled so much better than it was. But since both were leaving, there was no rhyme or reason in the train wreck.

How the Diva's locker room turned from wrestlers (Lita, Trish) to models (Kelly Kelly, Maryse). Right now, it's more a bathroom break than any interest.

Finally, having Degeneration X defeat Jeri-Show for the belts, only to lose them shortly after...then split up Jeri-Show!! Who was thinking of this crap. They had great matches, but WWE lost track of great tag teams and personally, I feel Jeri-Show would've stood out as one of the better ones.
Quite off topic but has connections. Not my biggest disappointment but WWE's recent disappointment is Wade Barrett. Without a doubt I expected to at least see him as either WWE or World Heavyweight Champion by now after his run with the Nexus. Instead, he is made to be leader of one of the worst stables in WWE history, The Corre who were basically created to make Ezekial Jackson look stronger. Barrett needs to win the Smackdown Mitb match this Sunday or his career will continue to turn into a laughing stock.
I agree with things like Nexus, Goldberg/Lesnar etc, but for me, the biggest disappointment happened at Wrestlemania XXV and that is the "Retirement" of JBL. It was handled, in mine and possibly many others eyes as very sudden and altogether quite surprising. I mean, he lost his I.C Title to Rey Mysterio in 21 Seconds, but after the match, JBL grabs the Mic & says "I Quit". We then, apart from one episode of Raw, never saw JBL again. I know he wanted to go and do other things, but at least there could've been some kind of send off. This always disappointed me.
Obviously, you didn't understand the point of this match. It needed to happen. Regardless of Bret's health, Vince's age, whatever -- it was necessary. It wasn't trash, and to say so is ridiculous. They threw a bone to older fans, and there's nothing wrong with that. It didn't take up much time, and anything that could have taken its place wouldn't have been worth that time anyhow.

I'm going with the Invasion angle, especially Austin's involvement. Thinking Steve Austin could be hated by the entire fanbase was insane. Also, with WCW having nothing but washed-up bums, and Booker T, it was bound to stink.
Oh, I got it the point, alright. And I agree it was necessary. And I was well aware prior to the match that Bret's health isn't what it used to be. But apparently it was even worse than they let on.

But I still was incredibly disappointed by the match. It didn't take up much time? It felt like an hour to me. And I would have much preferred Bret and Vince bitch-slapping each other for a while than the entire Hart clan just stomping on Vince. And come on, Bret, it's Wrestlemania. Don't wrestle in your street clothes!

So anyway, this is but one guy's opinion: Bret vs Vince was trash. And whatever low expectations one could have on this, it was worse. It was worse than Cole vs Lawler.
Yokozuna going over Undertaker in the casket match at Royal Rumble '94. They built that feud for months, prior to Survivor Series, even. 'Taker wanted time off, and that's why he didn't win, but the way he lost was ridiculous. He had the match won, then one by one, every heel on the entire roster came out to help Yoko beat him down and ultimately have Bam Bam lie on top of the casket so it could be locked. None of them had any involvement with 'Taker at the time. There were no feuds, there was no heat between him and the other participants, just unbelievably shitty and inexplicable booking.

As a kid watching that live, when it was all but guaranteed that Yoko was going to lose, watching that unfold was disheartening and probably the first time that my ability to mark was broken. It was like finding out that there was no Santa Claus. Bret and 'Taker were basically 1A and 1B on the favorites list, and I didn't even give a shit about Bret co-winning the Rumble by that point.
The invasion angle, Hogan not ever putting anyone over, Hogan shitting all over bret hart at mania 9, in the mid '00s when Austin was hurt, Taker was hurt, and HHH was holding raw randsom Rock decides to leave, effectively fucking everyone in the ass.

Yea, those are all more disapointing than Nexus. I mean shit with Nexus you had guys that nobody knew taking over the show. It's not at all the same thing as guys from the most well known company in the world, very well known guys, coming to your show, the number 2 show, and powerbombing your head guy off a stage through a table.
I remember the whole time the Higher power angle was going on, I kept saying to myself, please don't let the HP be Vince, please let them come up with something creative. It was such a good storyline. And then they of course revealed the HP to be Vince and it was just such a letdown, even though I kind of braced myself for the fact that it was going to be VKM
I remember the whole time the Higher power angle was going on, I kept saying to myself, please don't let the HP be Vince, please let them come up with something creative. It was such a good storyline. And then they of course revealed the HP to be Vince and it was just such a letdown, even though I kind of braced myself for the fact that it was going to be VKM

Are you serious? That's what made it so great. The fact that Vince McMahon put his entire company and even his family through utter hell for months on end all so he could take The World Title off the man he hated most on the entire planet Steve Austin. It REALLY helped sell the hatred he had for him at the time in storyline.
That the "entertainment" or lack their of is more important than the actual wrestling. I think their needs to be more of a balance.

Workers get less screen time. We get the same fueds over and over again. Everyone and I mean Everyone grabs the mic and cuts promos. Some people aren't made for the mic, but they are great workers. Those are people that you put on tag teams. Jeri-Show anyone??? Big Show is funny at times but he isn't great on the mic.

Which leads me to #2 tag teams. It is sad to see that the Uso's seem to be the only legit tag team right now. Well Kane and Big Show, but they just stuck them together.

Divas...They wouldn't bother me if their were more legit wrestlers. Nattie anyone????

That Superstars and NXT are nothing more than recap shows for Raw and Smackdown. Yes I watch every pro wrestling program that can be watched. I always have.

JR being fired.

If you were only talking about disappointing moments. I would have to go with the Invasion story.
Undertaker vs Triple H at Wrestlemania. It had MEGA hype, had everyone guessing who would win and had 2 of the best in there. But when it came to the match it was just sssssslllllloooooowwwwww. It was a highlights only match. No real action of wrestling.
Okay, I know this is an opinionated thread, but I can't even begin to wrap my head around this. It was a slow match because they were SELLING DAMAGE. These are 2 old guys doing BRUTAL things to each other. Taker sold the hell out of everything to the point where I had people I know, people who are smartened up, texted me if I think Taker is really hurt. The point of a match isn't to do a million moves, it's to tell a story and get the audience emotionally involved; which it did. You have Orton in your avatar thingy, he works a pretty methodical pace too.

If HHH vs Undertaker is the thing that dissappoints you most, out of everything WWE has done, then you are blessed.
Are you serious? That's what made it so great. The fact that Vince McMahon put his entire company and even his family through utter hell for months on end all so he could take The World Title off the man he hated most on the entire planet Steve Austin. It REALLY helped sell the hatred he had for him at the time in storyline.

See and in my opinion this is what made it boring and unoriginal. I think most of the fans knew it was going to be Mcmahon, but everyone hoped it would be someone else and something original.

Also I don't buy your premis, so he basically tortured his daughter to get to Austin, when at that time Austin could care less what happened to Stephanie
See and in my opinion this is what made it boring and unoriginal. I think most of the fans knew it was going to be Mcmahon, but everyone hoped it would be someone else and something original.

Also I don't buy your premis, so he basically tortured his daughter to get to Austin, when at that time Austin could care less what happened to Stephanie
Don't try to make sense of the attitude era. Seriously, ever go back and watch those shows? If the characters weren't so entertaining, it'd be bordering on TNA type of nonsensical bullshit. It'd be like, promo, match that goes 3 minutes then a run in, another run in, swerve, promo, promo, match that goes 3 minutes then a run in, swerve, promo, serve on the promo, match, run in, swerve. Just ridiculous. Throw 5 near nipple slips in there and a bunch of cussing and you have it.
The most disappointing things for me were out of their control. The most recent and by far most disappointing thing was the death of Randy Savage. He was the guy that really made me a fan, and I had always hoped to see him come back in some way shape or form. Savage could damned near have gotten as deafening and long an ovation has Hogan's epic ovation was.

As far as things the WWE/WWF has actively done: Not pushing Curt Hennig more. Seriously, Bret Hart, & Shawn Michaels were the face of the "new generation" era, and Perfect was every bit their equal, on the mic, in the ring, and behind the scenes too. I know injuries played a big role in that, but even so, they had the chance to make him the face, and they didn't take it. Perfect (challenger) vs Hitman (Champ) for the world title would have been epic, and then again a year or so later, Perfect(champ) vs HBK (challenger) would have been just as good. Clean matches, both of them leaving it all in the ring, really really disappointing.
In my opinion, the biggest disappointment in WWE history is the year 2007, but after Wrestlemania, and all the way until Jericho's "Save_Us" return. That year was terrible, Benoit's death, Cena, HHH, Taker, and Edge all took time off due to injuries. RVD left the company, I think Booker T did too during that year. Then the worst thing that disappointed all wrestling fans, was the Benoit incident.
Biggest disappointment was the creation of the Hell In a Cell PPV, after they did away with blood, and over the top violence. What is the point of hyping up a super dangerous and violent match when the worst thing anyone does is hit the other guy in the back with a chair. I completely sunk when Michael Cole made the call during the Orton/Cena match........... "A SUPLEX.....INSIDE HELL IN A CELL!!!!!!" Like a suplex is just more dangerous when a giant cage is around the ring. Please do away with the PPV theme if you have no intention of doing any blood or anything overly violent. You are ruining the legacy of a great gimmick match.
Biggest disappointment? WWE from 2009 thru 7/20/11. The WWE creative team has been so sloppy it's ridiculous. They've blown HUGE opportunities to build up big stars, only to bury their pushes.

But my biggest disappointment..isn't really a disappointment more like a tragedy. Edge being forced to retire. Plain and simple. Losing Edge really hurt the WWE. I know people will say he is nothing but a transitional champion but that's fine. He is CREDIBLE. A credible transitional champion is fantastic. Edge and Alberto could have had an AMAZING feud. Can you imagine if Edge was still the champ (and still wrestling) and Del Rio won and cashed in on "the ultimate opportunist"!? I could see Edge's eyes pop out of his head like he did when he went for the spear and got the crazed look. But anyways yeah those are my most disappointing moments.

Oh yeah that and WCW being bought. When competition was around creative was FORCED to be creative and there was always a chance of someone jumping ship legitimately. Now WWE would literally have to have their superstars dress up as telletubbies and talk in a fairy voice for their ratings to slip down towards TNA's. Honestly a 2 hr Vince promo would draw higher ratings.
I'm going to back Y2J on this one, and say it's erasing Benoit from the record books.

What he did outside of the ring, should not have to do with what he did inside. It was in the past already, so why go back in time and remove it all? Many people in the records have been accused of shit that's pretty horrible, yet they remain. Not seeing Benoit on the "50 greatest superstars of all time" DVD was a travesty.
I'm not sure if its the biggest dissapoitment in WWE History, but I was extremlely dissapointed with Alberto Del Rio winning the first ever 40-an royal rumble. He was no-where ready to be in a world championship match at Wrestlemania, and while it was a decent match, he didn't deserve to win it
There are a few huge disappointments in my opinion, but I will do my top three.

1) WCW Invasion
This is single handedly the biggest disappointment in wrestling history. Ever since the days of WWF and Jim Crockett Promotions fans dreamed of the day the two promotions would cross paths. I remember as a kid PWI and some of the other wrestling magzines would run an issue almost annually centered around dream match scenarios between the two companies. In 2001 it finally happened, Vince McMahon now owned both companies, every major star in the wrestling business was now under one umbrella. Then the "Invasion" happened, and the biggest star we got from WCW was either DDP or Booker T. Instead of Flair, Hogan, Goldberg, Sting, Hall or Nash we got names like Sean O'Haire, Chuck Palumbo, Shane Helms and Lance Storm representing WCW. After all the dust settled WCW and ECW were destroyed by WWE with Booker T. vs. The Rock being the biggest program between the two. If only WWE would have been patient and held out Bishoff, Flair, Hogan, Hall, Nash, Goldberg and Scott Steiner would have all been avaliable for a full fledged "Invasion."

2) ECW
I for one loved the One Night Stand PPVs, I thought it was a good way to relive some of what I loved about ECW. The matches were great, the talent for the most part recieved due respect and maybe another year or two of these events would have been just fine. Unfortunately, these PPVs did so well that WWE decided to make ECW it's own brand. Had it been booked a little better I think the concept could have worked, but this was not the case. The "Originals" aside from RVD became nohing more than jobbers to future stars and guys who never amounted to anything (anybody remember Kevin Thorne and Mike Knox?). Should I even mention December to Dismember?

3) Nexus
I got excited when this angle started. These guys came out of nowhere and started laying a path of destruction. I mean look at their hit list: Cena, Taker, Jericho, Big Show, Edge, Mr. McMahon the biggest names on the roster, all got their asses handed to them by this new young rebellious faction. I thought the concept was awesome, I felt that Darren Young didn't fit in, but aside from that these guys looked great to start off. Then Summer Slam happened. If this angle was ever going to get over, they needed to win at Summer Slam last year. Then they could have had Cena and his crew fight back and beat them at Survivor Series if nothing else, but they needed to win at Summer Slam. If they did lose it needed to be by DQ in my opinion. Getting beat clean made them look weak and beatable. I think Barrett needed a title run, Gabriel and Slater needed the tag belts long before they got them, and Sheffield or Otunga could have got the IC title to make it really look like a hostile takeover. I think getting rid of Young and Tarver was good and adding McGillicutty and Harris, while I think Skip Sheffield getting injured was a huge blow to the faction. I think if the group would have stuck around as a major force, Brodus Clay would have been a nice addition as well.

There are a ton of other disappointments on my list as well. I have a list of stars a mile long. I thought Chris Harris (Braden Walker) was a big disappointment to a lot of hardcore fans. This guy was a part of the biggest tag team in TNA's short history when he signed, and had put on some five star matches with James Storm against every team on TNA's roster. I agree with many in the fact the Goldberg/Lesnar match was a mess and booked pretty awful as well. Turning Austin heel should have been executed a lot better than what it was. Hogan's return and his short title run was a huge disappointment. I think this Raw GM deal is a huge one as well, being that it has been going on for over a year and still no reveal as to who is behind it. One a lot of people forget too is The Rock's last match. The Rock N' Sock Connection vs. Evolution at Mania 20. I always felt that if Rock was going to put any of those guys over it should have been him and Orton on the undercard, and Orton beat him clean. I know there are a lot of Orton haters on these boards, but for Orton's character at the time and for what they wanted to do with him, this would have been huge.
I'm going to mention one that hasn't been used. Daniel Bryan being fired. That knocked the nexus angle down a peg. Because the best part of the first attack was daniel bryan kicking cena in the head saying i'm better than you. I thought finally someone is going to declare the truth, that their are better wrestlers than cena. And plus after daniel bryan left you were left with one really talented wrestler (not barret, you can figure it out) instead of two and a bunch of rookies. They couldn't do anything but surround and attack.

Another that i don't think anyone else will mention is shawn michaels losing to austin for the title. At that time I was a huge michaels mark and loved the whole dx thing(and yes it was better than the dx with the outlaws and xpac). I was watching wm and then i saw a stone cold stunner and a fast count by mike tyson. I was furious. I liked austin and all but I was still pissed. And then i was even more disapointed when he came back as a commisioner(cause that meant he wouldn't wrestle anymore.) And I wasn't apart of the iwc at that time, (if their even was one) so I didn't know he had a jacked up back.
There are a few huge disappointments in my opinion, but I will do my top three.

1) WCW Invasion
This is single handedly the biggest disappointment in wrestling history. Ever since the days of WWF and Jim Crockett Promotions fans dreamed of the day the two promotions would cross paths. I remember as a kid PWI and some of the other wrestling magzines would run an issue almost annually centered around dream match scenarios between the two companies. In 2001 it finally happened, Vince McMahon now owned both companies, every major star in the wrestling business was now under one umbrella. Then the "Invasion" happened, and the biggest star we got from WCW was either DDP or Booker T. Instead of Flair, Hogan, Goldberg, Sting, Hall or Nash we got names like Sean O'Haire, Chuck Palumbo, Shane Helms and Lance Storm representing WCW. After all the dust settled WCW and ECW were destroyed by WWE with Booker T. vs. The Rock being the biggest program between the two. If only WWE would have been patient and held out Bishoff, Flair, Hogan, Hall, Nash, Goldberg and Scott Steiner would have all been avaliable for a full fledged "Invasion."

See, this is what pisses me off... When people go around blaming WWE for doing their best with something that they couldn't. The WCW Invasion angle was great, it really was, and if you think other wise then you're ******ed... and if you think that the other workers were the reason it "failed" then why not do some research. Flair, Hogan, Goldberg, Sting, Nash, and Hall at the end of WCW's reign weren't signed to WCW. They were signed to AOL. Therefore, until their AOL contracts ended, they couldn't go to the WWE or any other network. This is why WWE had to use what they had to get where they needed, and from that perspective, it worked.

I mean seriously, if seeing Stone Cold join WCW after all of the hate and torment that WCW gave him in the 90s wasn't a shocker, then I don't know what possibly could've been more shocking. Besides, as we would later see with the nWo and Goldberg, had they come over to WWE, they wouldn't have stood a chance. Except maybe Hogan.
The Invasion angle is universally loathed not just by the fans, but by the workers themselves. Austin is on record saying it was mishandled. All the WWE booked was WCW guys getting repeatedly squashed so they would look weak. Look at Summerslam that year, the Alliance didn't win a single match with the exception of a meaningless 6man tag and RVD, and the booking continued like that until Survivor Series when the angles was so dead they ended it and abruptly turned Austin back face. They did not do their best with it. It was a Vince McMahon ego stroke to show that he won the wrestling war and he buried all the WCW guys who just needed a job. That is also the reason the the big stars stayed out of it. Goldberg, Nash, Hogan etc. aren't so stupid as to not think that Vince would have tried to bury them as well, so they waited out the angle. They didn't need to work anyway they had guaranteed contracts. They were not AOL contracts either they were Time Warner who merged with AOL. They also could have worked anywhere they wanted. They had guaranteed money coming in that the company owed to them. They could have signed another contract easily, they did not have non compete clauses. I think you just spout off random shit half the time.

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