Biggest disappointment of the first half of 2010

Yea.. I would agree with the MITB rule.. I havent watched SD in some time now, and thats mainly because the last couple times I watched, it was very boring, and there hasnt been any changes mentioned so I havent watched it lately... I do like Hornswoggle though, and wish He was back on Monday night Raw
I would agree with people who said the biggest dissapointment this first half of 2010 (by far for me) is Bret Hart. His comeback was supposed to be something big and would benefit the company. But he was awful!! and what annoyed me most is when he won US champion. Miz quote (really? really? oh really?) and taking it from miz also annoyed me. At mic level he is as good as Chris Jericho when he arrived (jericho edges for using ass-clowns lol and miz can't) even though not near at a technical level, which the US champion helps develop. Him having his family reunion on beating McMahon also annoyed me.

The only thing I enjoyed in Bret is the way he was pulled off TV. Nice way to be used for Nexus.
I've got a few. Danielson's release was a major disappointment for me, and took a good young wrestler away. Batista's retirement was a joke for me, just because it wasn't a retirement match. The biggest one though, would be Swagger winning MiTB and cashing it on the first SD!. Christian, Kane, Kingston, and MVP all deserved a win more than Swagger. The cash-in was stupid, and seemed a bit rushed.
I think I have two major disappointments outside of the ones already said, Danielson's release is up there but these are the main two I would put out:

Firstly, Rey Mysterio.

Since last year, he's been on a downward spiral, but since the turn of the year, I have heavily lost a lot of respect for him as a superstar. While I have no doubt over his skills and being involved in some of the best matches, the person himself is one I truly despise. In the space of 7 months, he has been in three World Title Matches, screwed over CM Punk, annoyed me personally at a Smackdown taping, injured the Undertaker and won the World Title. This just adds to things of why he seems like such a political problem in the Smackdown locker room, a show which is usually full of the selfless members of the locker. But all I've seen this year is Rey winning matches he doesn't deserve, getting big calls that he somehow bitched his way into, and becoming a liability around other superstars, affecting them via injury or screwing their momentum by other means ala Punk and Ziggler.

This is the guy who currently stands as World Champion because of Undertaker being injured...didn't Vince forget that Mysterio actually injured him in the first place? Simply put, Rey Mysterio this year and thoroughly proven why he is such a dislikeable superstar who is only liked for merchandising, he can't even hold a candle to John Cena, while I may not be the biggest Cena fan that is.

The other disappointment for me, PPVs in general

Now this isn't a bash on match cards or lack of an output on what they do, but it's more to do with the names and the way the shows are being built. I mean we just had Fatal Fourway, which only had two matches confirmed the week before it was being shown, not to mention the concept once again being around a match type which is used almost as frequently as they had the match type on the show, while the PPV was a success in my opinion, just the concept about it was weak. Another one is Money in the Bank, while we sit two days away from it being on our screens, I just think the whole concept has been screwed around, not to mention that they're overkilling the MITB concept with two matches, leading to THREE MITB HOLDERS in this year alone! Genius idea to actually follow the kids voting for it as a PPV concept. The sudden call to drop Backlash and put Extreme Rules in its place...really? Didn't work for me at all.

I have some hope the second half of the year will improve on this starting with Summerslam, Night of Champions, Bragging Rights and Survivor Series (thank you Vince for keeping it). While I'm not looking forward to Hell in a Cell and TLC overkill, there's at least four solid PPVs that won't screw up at least which I'm glad to see WWE do. But while it's natural to accept change as WWE have done, I wouldn't necessarily say that the changes they have chosen were the best ones, especially with the match themed concept, they have really gone overkill!

But that would be my two biggest disappointments out of the norm really.
I think I have two major disappointments outside of the ones already said, Danielson's release is up there but these are the main two I would put out:

Firstly, Rey Mysterio.

Since last year, he's been on a downward spiral, but since the turn of the year, I have heavily lost a lot of respect for him as a superstar. While I have no doubt over his skills and being involved in some of the best matches, the person himself is one I truly despise. In the space of 7 months, he has been in three World Title Matches, screwed over CM Punk, annoyed me personally at a Smackdown taping, injured the Undertaker and won the World Title. This just adds to things of why he seems like such a political problem in the Smackdown locker room, a show which is usually full of the selfless members of the locker. But all I've seen this year is Rey winning matches he doesn't deserve, getting big calls that he somehow bitched his way into, and becoming a liability around other superstars, affecting them via injury or screwing their momentum by other means ala Punk and Ziggler.

This is the guy who currently stands as World Champion because of Undertaker being injured...didn't Vince forget that Mysterio actually injured him in the first place? Simply put, Rey Mysterio this year and thoroughly proven why he is such a dislikeable superstar who is only liked for merchandising, he can't even hold a candle to John Cena, while I may not be the biggest Cena that is.

Rey's dislikable??? With who, people on the internet???

Because amongst those in the business, he's among the most-respected.

He screwed Ziggler and Punk's momentum, how???

If the WWE really wanted Ziggler to beat Rey for the I-C Title, he would have. Say, if Rey supposedly refused to job to Ziggler, he would've at least beat Morrison for the belt after he beat Rey.

As for him ruining Punk' momentum. It was Punk's idea to lose his feud with Rey in the 1st place.

Yeah, Undertaker was probably gonna win the World Heavyweight Title at Fatal 4 Way had he not gotten injured. The WWE's not gonna punish someone for accidentally injuring someone.

Injuries happen all the time. That's why before every WWE Show and every DVD they show a PSA telling people not to try this at home. Because people get injured.

If Rey shouldn't have won the World Title because he injured the Undertaker, than C.M. Punk shouldn't have gotten all the titles he's had because he injured Rey Mysterio and Mike Knox doing the GTS.

As for him only being in the WWE because he's a big merchandise seller. I guess him being one of the best in-ring and most respected talents in the WWE had nothing to do with it, either.

Rey's not as big a merchandise seller as John Cena? Wow, that's a revelation.
Rey's dislikable??? With who, people on the internet???

Because amongst those in the business, he's among the most-respected.

He screwed Ziggler and Punk's momentum, how???

If the WWE really wanted Ziggler to beat Rey for the I-C Title, he would have. Say, if Rey supposedly refused to job to Ziggler, he would've at least beat Morrison for the belt after he beat Rey.

As for him ruining Punk' momentum. It was Punk's idea to lose his feud with Rey in the 1st place.

Yeah, Undertaker was probably gonna win the World Heavyweight Title at Fatal 4 Way had he not gotten injured. The WWE's not gonna punish someone for accidentally injuring someone.

Injuries happen all the time. That's why before every WWE Show and every DVD they show a PSA telling people not to try this at home. Because people get injured.

If Rey shouldn't have won the World Title because he injured the Undertaker, than C.M. Punk shouldn't have gotten all the titles he's had because he injured Rey Mysterio and Mike Knox doing the GTS.

As for him only being in the WWE because he's a big merchandise seller. I guess him being one of the best in-ring and most respected talents in the WWE had nothing to do with it, either.

Rey's not as big a merchandise seller as John Cena? Wow, that's a revelation.

So're trying to justify why I should like Mysterio? I gave my reasons and nothing anyone will say to me will justify any means for me to sudden hit 180 on my views regarding Mysterio. My friendship circle have shared the same views somewhat but it's just laughable that you think that providing excuses is enough for me to change my justified reasons for thinking he's been one of my disappointments for this year.

I have already stated my reasons regarding Mysterio and I don't have to justify my opinion to you or to anyone else, just because you like Mysterio doesn't mean I have to. Doesn't change the fact that he has been nothing but a disappointment to me for this year. Now before this suddenly changes into a thread regarding Mysterio, let's spare the people that and keep focused on the question at hand. I stated what my disappointments were for this year, what are yours?
The biggest dissappointment for me is John Morrison. JoMo was destined for the Main Event scene, but he ended up stalling. Everybody thought he could be the WWE Champ, but he didn't pull it off. He's looking better right now, so there might be hope yet... Maybe at the end of the year he won't be a dissappointment.
I have enjoyed a lot of these answers people so a big thank you for all your input, especially the ones that mentioned Bret Hart returning and Rey winning during most of his feud with Punk as they had slipped my mind.

The biggest dissappointment for me is John Morrison. JoMo was destined for the Main Event scene, but he ended up stalling. Everybody thought he could be the WWE Champ, but he didn't pull it off. He's looking better right now, so there might be hope yet... Maybe at the end of the year he won't be a dissappointment.

I agree with what you're saying man and i'ld like to expand it and mention The Miz. Although Morrison was facing world champs like Jeff Hardy and Punk on SD! television, The Miz wasn't exactly doing nothing himself. I just feel that the way they were both being booked during the back-end of '09, I would have hoped they would be doing more than what they currently are. The real kick in the teeth is WM 26. Miz was US champ and they best they could do was throw them in a 4 minute tag opener? Miz couldn't have had Swagger's spot/win. Same with Kofi not defending the IC title at WM 26 either. So I guess in a nutshell, my disappointing aspect was the lack of midcard title defences at Wrestlemania. I know this isn't a new occurrence (bar 9 second squashes at WM 25), but I thought with two strong miscard champs like Kofi and Miz, we could have seen at least one title defence.
I think the biggest dissappointment of 2010 so far would have to be Jack Swagger getting a HUGE he went from jobber (he lost to Santino) to World Champion. Yes WWE needs young, fresh talent but JACK THWAGGER??? Uncalled for.

Sure, Swagger has decent in-ring skills but you can't take him seriously with his lisp, which just makes him even more annoying.

I would have to agree with you there SESmember,, Swagger was totally a disappointment because of the way it happen.. There is better guys on SD that can put on a better match that could even be a better Champion, Now Dont get me wrong, Im glad they are giving a young talent a push, But he would have made a better Champ if he actually had to fight for the belt to start with..

My biggest disappointment would have to be Swagger winning the title. He went from jobbing the weeks leading up to Wrestlemania, winning MitB, becoming a champion a few weeks later. That really upset me.

I'm just going to answer to all three of you. How in the fuck is Jack Swagger the biggest disappointment of 2010? If anything, you assclowns should say that MITB was disappointing, not Swagger winning it. If anything, him winning has been a success. He went from doing barely anything, to winning the briefcase, and winning the fucking World Heavyweight Championship. He will have been in the Main Event (for SmackDown) for a 4th straight PPV. I'd say that is a pretty big fucking success. So if you morons want a disappointment, say MITB booking, not Swagger.

For me, I'll say the Punk/Mysterio feud was a rousing load of disappointment for me. I thought it was a waste of 4 months build. Are we that mindless that feuds can't go for a long time with a great ending payoff? Punk could have easily been given a couple of controversial PPV wins, and the payoff at Summerslam would have been just as effective, if not better.
Bryan Danielson release
that was pure bullshit, I mean, for choking someone with a tie?!? While only a few years ago, cena choked Umaga with the ropes?!?

Shawn Michaels Retirement
as it isnt a disapointment, since he had been getting old, and on a loose schedule, there isn't alot to miss, to be honest

and finally
The injuries
so many people have been out/not wrestling because of injuries, like Triple H, Undertaker, Randy Orton, CM Punk, Injuries Disspaoint me alot
Danielson's release would be the top of my list for all of the reasons that have already been given. The reasons that were already given pretty much cover it for me too. It makes me wonder how the Nexus angle would be going if he hadn't been pink slipped.

I think Batista hitting the bricks after finally becoming an interesting heel would count as well. One thing that always disappointed me about that whole business was the finish of the Cena/Batista Last Man Standing match at Extreme Rules. Having the two of them fight a solid match and then ending it with the duct tape finish was unsatisfying. I understand the psychology behind it but that doesn't make it any less disappointing.

The lack of a solid authority figure on Raw has been a disappointment for me. The guest host concept has been failing as it went from mildly interesting people that often tried hard to surreal comedy sketches that are painful to watch. Raw really needed a GM and Bret Hart wasn't able to run with it as a lot of us hoped. Raw could have benefited from a strong authority figure instead of the revolving door of guest hosts that couldn't sustain any sort of angle.
I think Daniel's release was one of the most disappointing. Cena becoming Champ again is another one. I can't stand him as Champion.

On Smackdown's end, I'm pretty disappointed with the SES's masked member. It's getting old and stupid and I have no idea what's going on there. Sometimes he doesn't appear for, like, 2 weeks and then he's back to run in, get beat up, and leave.

Bret Hart leaving as GM after 3 weeks was pretty disappointing too!
Hey Yo!

Im going to go with something a little recent. Seriously biggets disappointment so far has to go to Randy Orton vs Edge feud, it started off so well and then it just became stale, boring and pointless.

For the potential and the current run Randy Orton has been on lately, it been a pretty lacklustre feud to say the least and i just expect alot and i mean alot more from these two. If your not going to do a feud between two guys who have headlined wrestlemania properly then why the fuck waste it.

That's just an honest man's opinion, i strongly believe thses guys could have given us something much more memorable, the only thing that has come out of this feud, is the EPIC rko Evan Bourne received.
Id say the biggest dissapointment is a three-way tie.

1. Danielson's release. It severly damaged the Nexus angle. They couldnt have wrote him off any worse. To say he felt remorse for his role and decided not to come back was lame as hell. I presonally dont think Bryan will come back.

2. Bret Hart's return. Considering all the shit thats gone down between Bret, Vince, and HBK That could have been one of the biggest storylines of all time. But WWE screwed it up so bad, it didnt even help improve ratings.Their match at Wrestlemania 26 was Mania's worst match ever.

3. Jack Swagger's title reign. Its been said many times about Jack going from jobber to Santino to World Chmp in less than a month. His title reign was horrible losing nearly every non title match he had. Even Great Khali made a better champion. They should have gone with Christian at WM. To see Christian runthrough Edge to cash in MITB on Jericho would have been EPIC! And the feud between those 3 would have been better. But as luck would have it it was Jack-ass Thwagger. :(:mad::flush:
Mine was definitely Jack Swagger getting the WHC. The funny thing is is my biggest surprise was him winning MITB. I was glad he won MITB. All they had to do was build him up slower and I'd have been happy. But no. He went from jobbing to Santino to WHC in a month. That's so stupid. After winning MITB they could've easily had him hold on to the briefcase while beating better and better guys every week. It would've given him credibility and believability in holding the title than longer than...oh say...1 match like he should've. If he can't beat Santino how can he beat ANYONE? It's such a shame too, cuz I like him in the main event picture but how he got there made his first title reign a joke and I never liked it.
I'm not going to look through 4 pages of the same answers, so I'm going to hope to God that someone mentioned the Monday night wars that never happened. Even if we're speaking only of WWE's disappointments this still has enough effect on them to warrant my answer.

This was supposed to be it. The thing that smarks, marks, critics and cynics alike were clamoring for ever since the start of the decade. A rebirth if you will, not only of the WWE but of professional wrestling as we knew it. The landscape was changing, the pieces were falling into place and I'm sure somewhere stars were aligning. Of course there were skeptics; sometimes things seem too good to be true. Yet still, a majority of fans were glued to their televisions early this year to see what kind of product a competition-fueled company could produce.

Flash forward to mid July. The company that was supposed to reignite the wrestling wars and jump start the new golden age of wrestling now features a crop of faces who's relevancy in their primes could be questioned. Not to completely knock TNA or ECW, but come on people. ECW couldn't do enough to survive on it's own when people cared about it. While a still very vocal and annoying group of ECW loyalists still survive today, many of their original fans have moved on. Stuff like this is supposed to improve the scarred terrain of professional wrestling? Doubt it son, I doubt it. Throw in a failed move to compete directly with wrestling's most popular weekly program and you can almost hear the sound of shattered dreams echoing throughout the half filled TNA house shows.

I'm not going to sit here and pretend that I don't think TNA is mostly terrible, because I do. Not that they don't have their moments or amazing performers, but that they continue to fail when given great chances to succeed. I cannot for the life of me understand how someone can disagree that TNA reeks of late WCW right now. The last thing you want people to be reminded of in wrestling is late WCW. Terrible story telling, horrid writing and booking are all sings that something isn't going as planned. I wanted so badly for peoples expectations to be met. I very much wanted for the WWE to be pressured into giving us exceptional match making and writing. I feel like the WWE lived up to some of that and the product has been better than average for the first half of this year, TNA has become the little brother who has eaten the last of the Cinnamon Toast Crunch after you've already taken out the bowl, spoon and milk. Thanks a lot TNA, now I have to eat Corn Flakes.

If failing to deliver on such a promise isn't the biggest disappointment of the year, then I'm not sure what it would take to break a wrestling's fan's heart.
Edge/Randy Orton feud is the biggest let down I have seen on WWE programming. This feud had the potential to be pretty awesome, with the roots going back to their tag team in Rated RKO. Plus, when Edge came out and speared Orton on the draft show, I marked out. I was really thinking this was gonna be an epic feud, but it turned out really flat imo.

Another huge let down was Swagger's title run. It was worse than Punk's first reign I felt. He hardly ever went over, and he was constantly losing on SD week in and week out. Not to mention he was pretty bad at cutting promos.
To me the biggest disappointment from my own perspective was the release of Bryan Danielson. He seemed to be a major force of what ended up being the Nexus. I really have my mind turning on what that stable would have been like if Danielson didn't get fired and was able to stay in the group. It would have made the storyline that much better and would have given us more than just Barrett in a leadership like position.

It was also a shitty, and idiotic reason to let go a young prospect of the company. He got fired for being too violent because he choked out Justin Roberts with his tie? Whatever, i'm sure we've seen worse things from this company even after it went PG like Cena choking Orton as well as other more violent acts. But somehow Danielson choking Roberts is the most violent, evil act ever seen on television.

It was a dumb move, and I hope they rehire him after his 90 days no compete clause is over, but the Nexus storyline could have been so much better with Bryan involved. I still to this day think it's one of the worst reasons to let a wrestler go. The other being when Matt Hardy got let go cause he was cheated on and they thought he was to dangerous to stay in the locker room.
Batista leaving. He had a GREAT heel gimmick and then decided to quit 'cause he wanted to fulfill his "acting career". He was in a great feud with John Cena. They could have Batista vs Let's say...Sheamus for the title and Sheamus one, then Cena would come out and attack Batista. (Of course Cena would be face) Then continue the feud without a title.

Another one would be Bryan Danielson's release. Why would anyone want to fire such good potential? He was trained by a great wrestler himself, Shawn Michaels. I bet he has good mic skills. (Does he? I didn't really watch the first season of NXT.) He could have been in the top by now. But, Danielson is coming back after the 90 day suspension, so he could be in a feud with the Nexus, since they "kicked" him out.
Half of the posts in this thread could qualify for the biggest disappointment of the first half of 2010.

Swagger's title reign wasn't a disappointment. So what if he won MITB and cashed it in a "heelish" manner. Edge did it in 2006 and his title reign lasted of all three weeks. Swagger's lasted a couple of months so I think he's fine. The Nexus angle has been doing quite well without Danielson. It would be a disappointment if it totally flopped without him but it hasn't.

Batista leaving is my only disappointment just because WWE waited too long to turn him heel. He was great on the mic and decent in his matches against Cena. I was waiting for a heel Batista vs. face HHH feud down the road. Hopefully in the next few years he can come back but with his past injuries and his new ventures, I doubt it.
1) Danielson Release - It's been stated all throughout this thread.

2) CM Punk not getting a win against Rey in their feud when it counted. There could have been a great storyline w/ Rey joining SES and being miserable while Punk owned the stage, yet we all know there is no way in hell (sarcasm) that Rey can lose!

It's a damn shame because that could have been amazing.

Sidenote: I don't see how ANYONE can say HBK's retirement is a disappointment. That was a great career and we watched it end in another spectacular 5 star (in my opinion) classic. I will miss Shawn, being that he's my favorite wrestler, but am no where near disappointed at how it all played out. In the last year, we saw an epic battle at WM 25 that stole the show against Taker, DX reforming - winning the titles and some great fights, a Hart/HBK hug and end to the whole screw job, and a WM main event that lived up to it's hype. What an amazing year to go out on. There is no shame and no disappointment.

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