Biggest surprise of the first half of 2010

The Nexus invading Raw would have to be my surprise so far this year. Nobody saw this coming, let alone the feud that followed and that will now be a huge part of Summer Slam. To a degree, every Nexus member has an important role, but Wade Barrett is just gold so far and I'm really impressed by the work he's done to take this group up into headlining Summer Slam to face Team Cena.
I'm actually going to say the booking right now is the biggest surprise. Look at it this way, Normally the biggest storylines are about/over the top championship of whatever show the storyline is taking place on. But right now thaty's not the case. Until last sunday the biggest angle on Smackdown's closest association to the World Heavyweight Championship was Kane interrogating/intimidating the number 1 contender to it. Sure, this is no longer the case now that Kane is WHC, but the fact remained that the show'd biggest angle was Kane's search for the guy who put 'Taker in a coma.

And Raw? Well, Raw is Nexus. Ever since their invasion of Raw where Wade Barrett and his cronies went from "Who are these guys?" to "Who's going to beat the shit out of these guys" the show has been built around them and their feud with Cena. The world heaveweight champion has run from these guys, made a deal with them and heels and faces alike have united to fight them. i.e. the Raw locker room is more concerned about dealing with these bastards than enhancing their own careers by becoming WWE champion.

So yeah, the booking being centered around 8 guys who aren't in the championship picture is a pretty big surprise to me.
Nexus, for sure. But my personal highlight and pleasant surprise from the first half of 2010 has been Randy Orton's successful face turn. I love that WWE couldn't deny the reaction he kept getting, and it's great that they haven't changed his character. The kids have their babyface in Cena, and now the older crowd has the tweener badass face in Orton. Awesome.
The Nexus invasion angle at RAW was just amazing in my opinion, and yet, no one ever guessed it would happen. They just stormed the ring and then just left, and then it kept happening, and happening, and happening, until we're where we are today. I don't really think it could have been done any better, because people hate them now. I really can't describe it any more.
My biggest shocker of 2010 would have to be the Nexus invading Raw. I don't believe anybody saw this coming and how brutally they attacked Raw was shocking. It gave that episode of Raw what it needed excitement. Some episodes of Raw before that were boring and seemed like the same thing was happening with the Nexus attack Raw keeps me tuning back in to see what will happen each week.

The Nexus was shocking know one can deny that so for me the biggest shocker in 2010 so far would definately be the Nexus attack on Raw. It might not be big for some people but to me it was something i never seen coming.

Nexus Invading RAW - Yo have to admit that NO ONE saw this coming and that already made it great, but it's somehow been getting better. They've cost Cena the Title twice, gotten a CLEAN PINFAILL over him, caused mass destruction on RAW and NXT, and have brought interest back to RAW.

UnderTaker Vegetative State/Kane's Search/Kane's Second World Title - This has been GREAT. Kane's just been in the zone as of late, and look where it's gotten him after all his years of jobbing and putting people over, his second World Title reign. I don't think anybody's really noticed it, but Rey Mysterio may have saved Kane's career. If Rey hadn't injured Taker, we wouldn't be seeing this and Kane most likely wouldn't be champion.

Batista Leaving WWE - This really just speaks for itself. I mean, who would've thought that Batista would be gone from the WWE before someone like Primo?

WWE Elevating New Superstars - In the past 6-7 months we've seen so many new stars created. From Sheamus to Swagger to Nexus and so on, we've seen people like Cena, HHH, Jericho, Edge, and more have put these young guys over and given them a chance in this company and have made them a success.


Nothing Suprising At All

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