Biggest disappointment in WWE history...

The 1-2-3 Killam

Mid-Card Championship Winner
I don't mean to be a debbie downer, but I can't help but feel I'm going to be let down by the end of tomorrow's Money in the Bank PPV. The CM Punk drama of the past month is by far the best thing to happen to the WWE in many years, not just from an angle standpoint, but from the internal workings of the company as well. Everybody is reportedly in an uproar backstage, and people are talking like crazy. The guys are motivated, pissed, and ready to put on a great show...which is good. Except that WWE almost always manages to find a way to squash something awesome. Whether it's because they have to have complete control of a situation, or because the writers and people in charge just don't know how to properly wrap up a's bound to disappoint.

I'm still keeping my mind open to the possibilities, but it did get me thinking... What is the moment that will forever stick in your mind as the most disappointing thing the WWE has done? It could be an angle, a feud, or a decision made by the WWE brass. Anything that was built up to be great, and then ended up being a huge letdown.
you might be right!!!! lasts year during summerslam it looked like nexus was going to be HUGE like NWO huge and we were in for a new era of wrestling but that one night at summerslam just killed the nexus off!!! hopefully the moron booking got there act together !!!!!
Orton winning 7 world titles in 4 years. The guy should only have a few world titles, not 8 total reigns. He is no where near the level of Austin, The Rock, and Hogan.

you might be right!!!! lasts year during summerslam it looked like nexus was going to be HUGE like NWO huge and we were in for a new era of wrestling but that one night at summerslam just killed the nexus off!!! hopefully the moron booking got there act together !!!!!

Nexus didn't have the star power to be NWO huge. I always thought Jericho should had been the original leader.
=and we were in for a new era of wrestling...

My apologies for bursting your bubble, but you may have been the only one thinking that.

By far one of the most disappointing things the WWE has ever done was Brock Lesnar vs. Bill Goldberg at WrestleMania 20. Some people enjoy making the arguement that it was their "last match", but I don't remember Shawn Michaels last match being that poor. I don't remember Ric Flair's being that poor. Hell, Stone Cold's final match against The Rock was pretty good but Lesnar and Goldberg just stunk Madison Square Garden up.

Randy Orton vs. HHH will always life in infamy for being a great feud with a great build-up, but being a God awful match-up. Also, it was in WCW, but Hogan vs. Warrior at Halloween Havoc '98. Again, it lives in infamy for making people want to puke.
I'm probably going to have to say my biggest personal disappointment was most certainly Lesnar vs. Goldberg. As a youngster, I was anticipating a real clash of the titans, pretty much from the time they encountered each other at Survivor Series. By the time the Rumble had rolled around, it certainly did not take a rocket scientist to figure out that Lesnar was facing Goldberg. This was a massive match heading into the show, one of the marquee battles you could say. I was psyched for it and with Lesnar being portrayed as unstable, Goldberg was a beast and with Austin in the centre. I simply could not wait. And actually happened.

The match blew chunks. It was a terrible outing and incredibly dull. At the time I had no idea that either man was leaving (I'm pretty certain I could barely use the internet and the basics of Word and PowerPoint). I was so incredibly let down by what I hoped would be a bloody, raging battle of vicious, heavy blows. Instead it was a dull, slow, plodding match where Austin did nothing and it was almost a giant middle finger to me as a fan, particularly after I found out that both men were leaving. Not only disappointed, but offended to a degree.
Mike "The Kid" Killam;3267347 said:
What is the moment that will forever stick in your mind as the most disappointing thing the WWE has done?

Having Randy Savage "retire" after losing his match to Ultimate Warrior. Yeah, he got Elizabeth back that night but he didn't wrestle again for months and it was truly disappointing to see him at the announcer's table, calling matches with that constipated-sounding voice while growing a gut and looking old and tired.

I never understood whose idea it was to keep him out of action so long. Sure, we know that contractually stipulated retirement matches rarely result in the wrestler actually retiring, but this one went on so long I wondered whether Randy didn't want to wrestle anymore, or whether WWE decided to keep him out of the ring. If so, why?

The effects of the layoff showed, even when Savage returned to the ring for an occasional match. He still had the bloated stomach and just never again looked as good in the ring.

Then, the final insult: He leaves WWE to join WCW. After a short layoff, he surprisingly shows up there with a flat stomach and a renewed work ethic, although he never wrestled as well as he had been before his "retirement."

Why did it happen? Does anyone know? It remains one of my most disappointing memories, especially now that he's gone.
It is entirely possible that you are right.

I could see it happening. Cena squishes Punk like a bug. The end. Orton pins Christian for the 19th time with the RKO. 2-time champion Sheamus wins Money in the bank on Smackdown and on RAW Miz wins it for the second year in a row.

The next night at RAW everything is back to normal, Punk is gone and soon forgotten, and nothing in the landscape of the WWE has notably changed.

That would be the worst case scenario for what could happen tomorrow.

Do I think this will happen? No, I don't. I actually dare being optimistic and that this show will shake up the WWE in more ways than one. Am I sure it won't happen? Nope.
For me, the most recent dispointment was Summerslam 2010. The Nexus angle was white hot, leading up to the PPV everyone was hoping for something big, Triple H, Vince McMahon etc to be revealed as the behind true leader of the Nexus. Hell, there was even hope that Cena might turn heel and join the Nexus. But most were met with disapointment when Cena done the Superman gig.

Now i have absolutely nothing against John Cena, but i was quite let down by that last year. I have a bad feeling that at tomorrows ppv, John Cena will retain the WWE Championship and CM Punk will leave WWE.

Now this storyline is the best thing in wrestling since the Nexus invasion, and i just want something to happen with it!, (Punk wins, Punk remains with WWE, Punk & Vince join forces, Triple H returns and feuds with Punk going into Summerslam, Cena turns heel) ANYTHING!
Every 'Invasion' angle after WCW folded.

The actual Invasion angle, started well and then WWF guys were jumping ship to join them and the home grown guys were getting squashed.

The nWo, the faction that changed the wrestling landscape lasted less time than the Corre!

Scott Steiner and Bill Goldberg, two guys who were immensely over with fans became disappointments... I'm sorry, if they were over in WCW with their terrible end of days creative then no-one will ever persuade me that it wasn't the WWF that messed up their tenures.
I agree with what your feeling about MITB. If Punk actually leaves, this will all be worthless. He's got more heat than anyone in recent memory. For him to just leave would make the WWE look terrible.

Ill give you four huge disapointment's. Three specific and one general.

1. The Gobblygooker. As a little kid I couldn't wait to find out what was going to be in the egg. I was sure that it was going to be a great new wrestler. Instead we got a guy in a chicken costume. I was 7 years old and felt ripped off. I can't imagine what older fans thought.

2. Vince as the higher power. The higher power angle was amazing. Someone was powerful enough to side with the Undertaker and run wild over the WWE. Everyone was wondering who it could be. Many people thought it was going to be Jake the Snake, or some other great dark character. Vince being the guy who was doing all of this to himself was just stupid.

3. The whole Sting/Undertaker 2/21/2011 thing. We all knew it was going to be Taker in the end, but everyone thought that Sting was finally coming to the WWE after that first promo aired. I think about 300 posts were made about it in the first night. I don't know if I've ever seen so many wrestling fans excited about something we thought would never happen. Don't forget that the sports writer for the Daily News, I think, reported two days later Sting had signed a one year deal with the company. Taker just didn't need a buildup like that. He's come back at least 10 times in his career and was only off TV a couple months before. Just a total letdown.

4. In general I hate it when mystery partners or opponents turn out to be guys already on the roster. There is nothing worse than hyping a mystery wrestler and a guy who we see every week come out. I remember when Edge got hurt and Jericho said he had a mystery partner to share the belts with. Turned out to be the Big Show instead of a fresh face.

P.S. I'd probably go with number 3 as my biggest dissapointment.
The RAW GM situation, this has spanned out so long that even the fans DON'T care about the storyline anymore. Pretty sad considering how hot the angle started.
Their has been a few disapointments over the years but look at the bigger picture they lead to something awesome.

Like Savages retirement, sure he had to take time off, hense the angle, he got Liz back and RETURNED in a hot feud with Jake, Pretty awesome in hindsight, and his announcing he was pretty good on the mic.

The guy above who said Sting/Undertaker 21/2/2011, fans ALLOWED themselves to be drawn into and got carried away by the Sting deal, neither WWE nor Sting let their name out and it was pretty obvious Undertaker would be returning for WrestleMania.

As I said above personally I'm narked by the GM angle, it's went on so long I couldn't careless if it turned out to be Austin/Rock or whoever the GM angle has been pimped out so long and it's became surplus.
Posted by The Dragon Saga
By far one of the most disappointing things the WWE has ever done was Brock Lesnar vs. Bill Goldberg at WrestleMania 20. ... Lesnar and Goldberg just stunk Madison Square Garden up.

Hogan vs. Warrior at Halloween Havoc '98. Again, it lives in infamy for making people want to puke.
Excellent picks. I just wanted to die watching Goldberg-Lesnar. Such a train wreck.

Hogan vs. Warrior at Halloween Havoc - maybe disappointment is not the right word. I mean, come on, did anyone expect a classic? In fact I expected it to be a complete stinker. I wasn't disappointed. My expectations were fulfilled and then some... :p


Another huge disappointment that comes to mind was Bret hart vs Vince McMahon at Wrestlemania. You know you're in trouble if Vince is the more agile athlete in the match. This was just such a sad sight to behold. Bret barely moved in that "match." Absolute trash.
A lot of this current angle depends on Punk. If he is legitimately leaving their isn't much the WWE can do after MITB. So if Punk leaves, I am expecting Cena or Vince to screw him out of the title.

Biggest disappointment had to be the NWO in the WWE.
I don't understand why people thought that Lesnar vs Goldberg would have been good because neither of them can carry a wrestling match. I knew when they announced it that it was going to be a shitfest.

As far as disappointments go first it was how they handled Nexus. Just a horrible way to book a stable that was destined to get over. I would also say not turning Cena heel years ago. Right now Cena would be HUGE if he would have turned a few years ago. It's what the Rock needed to go to the next level and it's why Cena is stuck and so hated now.

Why did it happen? Does anyone know? It remains one of my most disappointing memories, especially now that he's gone.

Vince was going with his "new" generation and thought that Savage was too old generation. So he had him do commentating but Savage still wanted to go in the ring. I have no idea WTF Vince was thinking because Savage would have fit right in and could have gone with ANY of the younger guys.

But Savage got a call from Bischoff and he left the WWE without really letting Vince on that he was leaving. Which was a big reason why Vince held the grudge.
i agree with the people who say the nexus angle was the biggest dissapoitment in wwe history. however i dont think this sunday will be a letdown because what if cm punk wins the title and on his way up the ramp mr. mccmahon walks down and meets him they shake hands and punk stays. or if colt cabanna and luke gallows help him win then all three get signed and cena stays then little kids and real wrestling fans are happy
Mike "The Kid" Killam;3267347 said:
I don't mean to be a debbie downer, but I can't help but feel I'm going to be let down by the end of tomorrow's Money in the Bank PPV. The CM Punk drama of the past month is by far the best thing to happen to the WWE in many years, not just from an angle standpoint, but from the internal workings of the company as well. Everybody is reportedly in an uproar backstage, and people are talking like crazy. The guys are motivated, pissed, and ready to put on a great show...which is good. Except that WWE almost always manages to find a way to squash something awesome. Whether it's because they have to have complete control of a situation, or because the writers and people in charge just don't know how to properly wrap up a's bound to disappoint.

I'm still keeping my mind open to the possibilities, but it did get me thinking... What is the moment that will forever stick in your mind as the most disappointing thing the WWE has done? It could be an angle, a feud, or a decision made by the WWE brass. Anything that was built up to be great, and then ended up being a huge letdown.

I am a little worried about it as well. As far as letdowns in the past...hmmmm.. I want to say the inVasion angle, as I feel they should have waited until they had more top tier WCW stars, but looking back, at least it kept me watching every week.

I'll have to say the treatment of the Nexus. When it started a little over a year ago, it was insanely hot. People actually started watching. Then they had them job to Cena at Summerslam and they never were the same again. Now they're just background characters.

The womens division. The ENTIRE thing.
In a perfect world, Lesnar and Goldberg should of been better but Jimmy Korderas has said on the radio show he does that they pretty much mailed it in before the match cause Lesnar didn't want to screw up his NFL dreams by getting injured and Goldberg was ready to get the hell out of there and has said he never really liked it there anyway. But that was a huge disappointment.

Vince had a bigger plan for Savage as being the voice of the WWE and had long term plans to have JR, King, and Savage as the announce team and let Savage do one shot deals. He was in need of pushing new faces and felt Savage would be better served in that role, Savage wasn't ready for it, so he left, very disappointing.

As for MITB.......the only thing that can make it a disappointment is if Cena/Punk have a straight forward, Attitude Adjustment, 1-2-3....Cena wins and holds the title above his head as we go to black. Other than that, its hard to say that anyone winning the MITB is disappointing (unless its Bourne, Swagger, or Slater) just because it is a clear beginning of an angle and it is unfair to judge an angle until it has concluded...(see Nexus...started AMAZING ended HORRIBLY)
The biggest disappointment in the history of the WWE/WWF was Tom McGee. In the early days of Hulkamania, Vince was already looking around for the "next best thing" and he thought he had it in Tom McGee, who had the bodybuilder look that Vince favored early on, but was also a skilled gymnast who would have been a hybrid of the muscle man and the highflyers that you see today. Early staff members privately will tell you about Vince running around backstage almost creaming himself hollering at the top of his lungs "I've found my new champion; I've found my new champion!!" Vince brought him in and pushed him to the moon for a few months; of course, he was an absolute dud. The two names WWE staffers absolutely refused to mention backstage were Randy Savage and Tom McGee, as both would bring down immediate wrath from Vince.
Another huge disappointment that comes to mind was Bret hart vs Vince McMahon at Wrestlemania. You know you're in trouble if Vince is the more agile athlete in the match. This was just such a sad sight to behold. Bret barely moved in that "match." Absolute trash.

Obviously, you didn't understand the point of this match. It needed to happen. Regardless of Bret's health, Vince's age, whatever -- it was necessary. It wasn't trash, and to say so is ridiculous. They threw a bone to older fans, and there's nothing wrong with that. It didn't take up much time, and anything that could have taken its place wouldn't have been worth that time anyhow.

I'm going with the Invasion angle, especially Austin's involvement. Thinking Steve Austin could be hated by the entire fanbase was insane. Also, with WCW having nothing but washed-up bums, and Booker T, it was bound to stink.
I've been watching wrestling for 17 years and the disappointing moment in my opinion was Summer Slam 2010 where Nexus lost. The only highlight of that entire match was the return of Daniel Bryan. With the momentum that was on the side of Nexus they should have dismantled team WWE. If it was up to me i thought Nexus should have won the match without having anyone of their team eliminated. When Nexus first formed and destroyed the Raw set i was in total shock. I haven't been that surprised with something that the WWE did in along time. Nexus was a force that took out the chairmen Vince McMahon and then they got brutally destroyed at Summer Slam? Doesn't make an ounce of sense. If WWE was smarter Nexus could have been huge and could have still been going today. Not this New Nexus bullshit. I truly think the Nexus could of been as big as the NWO if book right. Yes I agree that Chris Jericho could have been the leader and if Cena turned heel and stayed with Nexus....thats alot of star power right there. I also would of had Daniel Bryan turn on team WWE at Summer Slam and cost them the match and then rejoin Nexus because of the fact that he was fired. There are a lot of people that follow him because of his past in other organizations. That could of added some more start power. I also thought that Wade was amazing on the mic. His promos were so smooth. It just perfectly flowed out of his mouth. Nexus could of been something really big that could of had lots of longevity but WWE managed to fuck that up as well.
A lot of this current angle depends on Punk. If he is legitimately leaving their isn't much the WWE can do after MITB. So if Punk leaves, I am expecting Cena or Vince to screw him out of the title.

I wouldn't see Cena or Vince doing it. But when the Raw MITB winner walks out of Chicago with the belt, don't be mad.

The biggest disappointment for me definitely had to be Nexus. It was in position to be the best thing we've had in years and then at Summerslam it all fell apart...
By far one of the most disappointing things the WWE has ever done was Brock Lesnar vs. Bill Goldberg at WrestleMania 20. Some people enjoy making the arguement that it was their "last match", but I don't remember Shawn Michaels last match being that poor. I don't remember Ric Flair's being that poor. Hell, Stone Cold's final match against The Rock was pretty good but Lesnar and Goldberg just stunk Madison Square Garden up.

Definitely, I really believe it was like that since Lesnar and Goldberg were both leaving but that was ridiculous and just a let down. They were just having a staredown for most of the match with the fans screaming out their feelings. The only thing right about that match was the aftermath, both of them getting the Stone Cold stunner.

Another disappointed has to be the Nexus did we ever figure out what was the bigger picture? and the so called 'New Nexus' was a even bigger disappointed. Surprised that they even got compared to NWO where close.

The divas division to me is a disappointment and I feel bad for the divas since it's not their fault they are not used right. They have some decent woman wrestlers here but WWE problem is they don't know how to use them...WWE really have issue's with knowing how to use some WWE wrestlers all together.

Another disappointed. The Mary Henry pushes, everytime he gets a push it seems like it will be a let down, I remember back in 2005? I think and he made a shocking return where he beat up Batista and was formed with MNM, he was just dominated and then what happened???.....

Then it was 2009 where he came to WWE Raw and the fans turned him good I think and then nothing with that push was ever done.

So I'm just waiting to see where this 2011 push is heading.....
oh thats an easy question! By far the worst "let down" in wrestling history for me was Hornswogle being named Vince's son!

That was a shit end to what could have been a great angle (the original plan for Kennedy would have been awesome) all we got was Hornswogle on tv more which he shouldn't have even been there in the first place

Match wise i think the biggest disappointment was Lesner-Goldberg which has already been mentioned
Owen Hart. He wasn't a stuntman, he attempted to perform a stunt with inappropriate equipment and lost his life. WWE's biggest disappointment to me...
For me, definitely Nexus would be the most disappointing. For an angle to start off really hot, then made to look like complete idiotic goofballs is disappointing in of itself. Plus, their original intention was to fight WWE and the system. It went from that, to trying to feud with John Cena. Nexus was a huge and complete failure that could've had so much success.

As far as MITB, I don't see anything revolutionary happening. With how WWE has conditioned me, I actually see Cena defeating Punk and things going back to normal, then Punk winning and one of the MITB winners cashing in their clause. If WWE can have an angle where Cena is fired, and not miss one week of TV, then they are capable to just having Cena beat Punk and ending this awesome angle full stop with disappointment.

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